Mx Any Scratching the Itch

Mar 29, 2019
Hey there!

This is going to be a rather new interest of mine, as it has been something I’ve been interested in for quite some time now, so I thought no better way to scratch that itch than by posting a thread about it! Which brings me to what I’m looking for. Usually, I almost exclusively played as male characters opposite female characters, but I would like to expand my search to play opposite a few other characters. I’d like to play a male character still, however, against one of the following characters:
  1. Dominant Female
  2. Futa (Prefer dominant, but more than happy to play against submissive)
  3. Femboy (Prefer submissive, but more than happy to play against dominant)
I write in third person past tense, and can dish out multiple paragraphs, and needless to say, I'm hoping for a slow burn, a story that can last for a bit. Of course there's smut, but I also want a story. I play either through PM's or discord (feel free to ask for my tag). I'm not too uptight about you being a perfect fit, but I do appreciate people who want the same things as me.

So what themes am I looking for? Quite a few themes, so I’ll include some, but I’m quite open to a lot more. If you don’t see something, simply ask about it!
  1. D/s dynamics
  2. Corruption
  3. Various positions
  4. Aftercare
  5. Fantasy/Modern/Post apocalyptic
  6. Most themes would be fine by me, honestly.
Anything that relates to the above themes is always a 'yes please!' for me, so if you had an idea that has to do with these themes, please feel free to suggest what you had in mind, and I will be more than happy to go through your plot, and brainstorm something from scratch.

General pairings i'm always happy to play:
  1. Father x Daughter
  2. Cousins
  3. Teacher x student
  4. Neighbors
  5. Boss x employee
  6. Pretty much anything that qualifies as a 'generic' pairing.
If you didn't have any specific ideas however, I have a few concepts that will hopefully tickle your fancy.

Coming home is always an exciting time. Catching up with family and friends, observing what has changed, and what hasn’t. It’s always a fun time to make it home, and enjoy being able to just relax in a familiar environment.

But what if a major change takes place, one that demands your attention? What if your best friend has suddenly started showing interest in you, and tells you that you’ve been missing the signs all along? In fact, now that you think about it, you’ve always been wondering how come they never dated anyone else? And now that your best friend is in front of you, you also start noticing something else. They are indeed incredibly attractive! It seems that your best friend has been eager to act on their attraction to you, all along.

This role is usually for MxF or MxFem characters, and can be played as a darker plot, or a more lighthearted one. Feel free to ask more!

Starting a new job is oftentimes both stressful, and exciting! New opportunities, new relationships, and all the buzz that comes with a new career. Of course, nothing is ever perfect, but it’s always a great feeling when the interview process goes smoothly, and you feel like you are really wanted in your new job. Apparently, there’s a high turnover rate in employees there, and they’re looking for someone who would be wanting to commit to a long contract, and you step in to meet their need.

Except that your boss is being an absolute monster, for seemingly no reason. You’re always asked to do chores for her, and she’s always looking over your shoulder to check your work, and she seems to pull you in for bizarre, useless meetings at the drop of a hat, you name it. At some point, enough is enough however, and you decide to do something about it. You enter your boss’ office, to confront her on why she’s making you do all this work, and you discover that she has wanted you specifically, and that she has been testing the waters to see how obedient you are, and that it’s about time that she actually took some further liberties with you.

This plot is usually for MxF or MxFu pairings, and is usually darker, but can be a bit more lighthearted if preferred!

Both plots mentioned above are open to changes if you would prefer, but if none of this appeals to you, and you have a plot in mind that is in any way similar to the above mentioned themes, please, suggest away. If you would like to come up with a plot together from scratch, again, just reach out.

When it comes to kinks and limits, I'm open to most things, but I do prefer to avoid the usuals. The usual being watersports/scat/vore/gore/snuff/underage (below site rules). I'm open to negotiations so to speak, so ask away and the worst I can say is no!

That’s about it, but thank you for reading, and I hope to get to plotting with some of you very soon!
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