
bruise fiend
Mar 20, 2023

Jay Hamada
28 | 5ft 9in

Gang Affiliated
'Owned' by Kouei Moriguchi, Leader of the Mori Gang.

The silence was palpable.

Jay was sat in the corner of his boss's office, splayed out in a studded leather chair. Kouei had expensive taste whenever it could be spared, at least for himself and his own headquarters.

The boss was sat in front of a lacquered wooden desk, polished and reflective. A couple of guns were sprawled over the surface, alongside miscellaneous papers, cash, cigars, one which he was smoking on absentmindedly. Four other armed members were posted nearby, acting as meat shields. They stood silent unless spoken to. But Jay could taste their nerves. The way everyone kept glancing at their clocks, readjusting their ties, checking their guns. Demise was on its way.

"You think they'll pull something?"

He'd mutter around his cigar, puffs of smoke leaving his lips as ashes dropped onto the table. He was leant over, fingers laced as he ruminated.

Kouhei was analytical, anxious, but naive. Naive enough to believe that this meeting would go anywhere but South. But Jay was indifferent, knowing. Everyone was a backstabber, in for it for themselves. Kouhei was just the same.

Jay was already irritated, mottled in bruises, with a black eye that was almost done healing, but showed in the hallow of his eye. His hands were wrapped, and there were bandages strewn about his body. Kouhei had sent him into the ring the other night, a rigged match as always. And it was no coincidence that a few members of the Kurotana gang were spotted hanging around, placing bets of their own. Hah. Kouhei had what was coming to him, and Jay would be forced to suffer the consequences thanks to his allegiance.

"Too late for that now, huh? Already on their way. Probably taking the elevator up as we speak."

He yawned, shifting in his chair to crack his knuckles and stretch. It still hurt to take deep breaths. His opponent had gone for the ribs, and didn't hold back.

Kouhei said nothing. Instead, he let out another heavy breath, sitting back in his chair with one last glance at the time. And like clockwork, there was a knock at the door.

Everyone tensed, except for Jay, who instead narrowed his eyes and focused intently on the door handle. He sat up straight, adjusted his black tie. Rolled up his white button down's sleeves. He wanted to see these snake bastards with his own eyes, up close and personal. Not snickering on the sidelines, watching Jay getting pummeled.

"Let them in." Kouhei muttered, taking a quick shot of rum he had sat in front of him. One he'd made Jay fetch earlier. He was already dusted in a light sheen of sweat despite his efforts. The Kurotana's rarely ever played nicely, or fairly for that matter. But with the promising plan of an allegiance on the horizon, he'd take the chance. He needed the capital, bodies if he wanted to expand his operations outside of this shit hole of a city. He hoped this would be the answer.

The knob twisted, and with a creak, the door swung open slowly.
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