Transformed into a hucow (nsfw)


Mar 30, 2020
MC was working as a farmhand milking the cows. One day he found an open packet of biscuits on a bench in the barn where the cows were kept. The package was mostly gone, it said something starting with 'Bee...' .
Anyway he felt hungry and ate one. Then he went to work and after all was done he had another one. Next day he ate some more, when his boss came in "You didn't eat those did you?" He said when MC just bit a piece of the last one. "Hummm, sorry,... yes, I did." MC responded.
"Oh, you stupid...,that's Beefcake Venom,let's go to see the vet quick" The boss said angrily and pushed MC in the car. "The vet?" MC asked with a sheepish look.

So this is how it started...
MC is kept for observation and testing at the vet. After a week his boss is told MC has transformed into a hucow. He needs to be milked and restrained as he is also very horny, the boss is told. They need to come over and pick him up
When they arrived to pick up Moe as he was called by the vet's staff, they found him being quite happy.

Looking for someone to play a farmhand(s) maybe the boss.
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