Mx Any Royal Sibling Incest


the truest switch of them all
Aug 1, 2022
Looking for RPs again!


Two royals are born to a queen of a plentiful kingdom, and before long, they grow into fearsome commanders. The older is ardent like an eternal flame, while the other is frigid as tempered steel. Two weights in perfect equilibrium, an inextricable union.

A deep love has ever coursed between them, though it stays not merely a sibling's love. As they mature, sweet affection is twisted by an ever-growing desire that should be reserved for only lovers. While one, in pain, vows not to succumb to these abnormal passions, the older swears to pursue their heart just the same, threatening to unravel the deep-rooted bond between them. Their relationship grows strained and distant, but the crown royal's longing only intensifies.

Not much time passes ere the court announces the younger sibling's imminent wedding to another domain's heir. Intransigent and driven by senseless passion, the hot-headed crown royal turns what was once a sweet love into a wild and reckless chase. When this obsession crests—one’s ice unable to quell the other’s fire—the crown royal resolves to bind their sibling to them in body and heart, ready to stop at nothing.


I'm looking to play a male character, preferably the older sibling. I don't mind what gender you choose for yours. This could play in a fictitious historical, or even a fantasy setting. I write in third-person, past tense. At least one reply a week, often more. No one-liners, please. Please send me a writing sample; it doesn't have to be long. I will return the favor! I'm fine with threads, PMs or Discord. I might be open to other media.

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