Mx Female A broodmother and an empire (Hyper+multi breasts, vaginas, wombs, BDSM, romance)


Feb 3, 2022
Slovakia, Europe
Good morning, afternoon, evening

The plot: a loose collection of polities, connected by a language and a culture, enters a several year period of destructive civil war. The least probable winner, a small city state, surprisingly emerges as the conqueror and unifier of the realm. Your character is the youngest female heir of the dynasty that ruled for 5 000 years and discover that in order to save the realm from extinction you have to become a broodmother with hundreds of breasts and dozens of wombs and vaginas. Emphasis on the words "have to".

This roleplay is primarily created for females (biological, non-transitioned) above the age of 25 with extensive roleplay experience, a very long kink and fetish list, few to no limits, an ability to express all her ideas in English, a capability to repeatedly respond with several paragraphs of descriptive text and patience to build up a rich world in a highly detailed way.

Limits: underage, calling me "daddy" and violence against women that you or me did not agree upon.

If this got you interested in any way, please feel free to DM me or respond under at your leisure. All eligible will certainly get a response. Looking forward to hearing from you. Cheers.
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