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Fx Any Saiya's Safe and Cozy RP Search


Grand Duchess of Cuteness
Dec 22, 2020

Hello Saiya here in the SFW part of the site! I've been procrastinating (As I tend to) making this thread. For me my love of RPs extends to all different kinds and given the nature of this site, it's only natural that there has a tendency for many RP pitches to go into NSFW territory or have that 'twist' to it. That said, I am the type who enjoys purely SFW content as well and for most of my RPing experience it has been focused around that sort of content! While my regular thread itself has plenty of topics that can still work very easily for SFW scenarios (to some extent they were all designed with that as a possibility with anything beyond that not being naturally an inevitable direction to go) there are still some scenarios that I would enjoy but likely seperated from the typical site shenanigans.

Naturally it also opens up for different partners as well given there isn't that component to it that for me I'm more willing to extend out my list for different types of partners (IC meaning really, nothing stops me from doing an RP with someone based off their gender or what they identify outside their character) where 'filth' or even romance isn't a nessisary outcome within the RP itself. So... give a peek! Hopefully if you wanted something SFW it might spurn you to contact me and any plots that I do have here might even hold some interest being kept more uniquely to this sections for whatever reason. ^^

Things to Consider
  1. I prefer posts with decent grammar (I'm not perfect either) ideally leaning 2-5 Paragraphs (200+ words) in length (though more is nice too!). 3rd person only. I prefer to RP through PMs though I'm less picky and am willing to do threads with SFW threads (I'm not as shy)
  2. Romance wise I very much lean F x M. While I won't absolutely deny any other pairing, I'd say at least as far as RPs if its not that I'll probably lean away from any sort of romantic connection.
  3. Using a FC (Picture) I will only use drawn/anime art. Thinking of making a seperate album leaning away from the more 'anime' style (I'm a sucker for semi-realistic drawn artstyle) though its more about finding and being that album up. I feel really awkward using someone's real appearance no matter the type of RP. I just ask for your character you describe them.
  4. Fandoms are more listed as a basis for a world/setting/idea. I WILL NOT play characters from some cannon series. Use it as a basis for ideas to create a new world, or if using a series its applied in a more "AU" (Alternate Universe) setting.
  5. Don't expect me to be consistent. Sometimes I can respond multiple times a day, other times it might be long gaps of days or even a week in response. I will try to give a heads up but I might vanish from time to time. Feel free to poke me if its been a while. I'm generally willing to pick up RPs if some time has passed if you show interest, or if it isn't jiving anymore I'd likely be up for starting a new one with you.
  6. While SFW, I'm still open to the aspect of Dark themes as well. Naturally they dont NEED to be involved but it is an option that we can discuss and fine tune to fit however best fits both our tastes. Basically despite being more "SFW" leaning I'm still very open to more Mature ideas as well.
Some general preferences I have. I'm rather open on interests though I'll highlight my leanings though don't be afraid to pitch stuff. I'm not usually one for Sci-fi but you throw the right setting it can draw me into it. Genres can always be combined (and likely its best if they are in many cases for a good long term RP). Feel free to use some Fandoms I like for an inspiration of a basis for some RP world as well. I do lean a little more to fantasy settings but I am very much open to modern!

Sci-fi (Harder pitch but open to discussing)

DM - Player (DnD, Pathfinder, Ect. Myself as Player)
Slice of Life (Usually Paired with something else)
School (Lesser though open to it in the right setup)

Avatar: The Last Airbender
Black Clover
Code Geass
Cowboy Beebop
D. Grey man
Dragon Ball
Fairy Tail
Fate Series (Zero, UBW, Heaven's Feel, ect.)
Fruit's Basket
Gravity Falls
Finial Fantasy
Full Metal Alchemist
Lord of the Rings
Lovecraft (Call of Cthulu)
My Hero Academia
One Piece
One Punch Man
Rurouni Kenshin
Seven Deadly Sins
Star Wars (Knight of the Old Republic Era)
Soul Eater
Tokyo Ghoul
Tales of... (Symphonia, Abyss, Vesperia)
Tawawa on Monday
Warhammer Fantasy (Very Casual)
Yona of the Dawn

Plots are just very basic run downs of ideas that I try and make a little unique. There is plenty of room for changes or adjustments! If you got any good ideas you think I might like to add feel free to suggest them! If you like an idea and have your own idea with it, feel free to suggest away!

FCs or Characters listed are more just suggested characters I like for the pairings. Don't feel as if you are limited to just the character(s) listed as potential FC I might use. I have my Main RT where all the ideas are meant to be at least compatable with a purely SFW sort of setup you can use. Otherwise I'll have specific plots added here meant to be fixated away the 'typical' plots this site is known for.

(Warning: NSFW links (marked) and slightly suggest images)

Yeah... I have ideas that fit... but for the sake of actually having this thread actually being posted at least at some point I'm going to not have any specifics here... maybe just rough 'ideas' of what I'll put here as more solidified ideas. You can skim my other RT thread (obviously avoiding the NSFW portions) for plot ideas that can all work.

DND styled Adventure - Generic though planning to have a bit more concepts for it.
FATE series (Servant/Master) - Original characters... I love the series a lot but I don't like it diving into the romance or the sort topic wise.

My Witchly Job

Setting: Low Fantasy Modern) - Slice of Life - Supernatural - Comedy? - Action?
Being a witch is a job few can understand. No really... most don't even know we exist. To think there was a time we would be hunted down all because there happened to be a few bad apples in our group. Now a day it's just a few of the crazies who seem to really worry about us, and the few that play up being witches but don't really practice. It can be a little weird out there.

Anyways, its our job to ensure any supernatural disturbances are kept on a leash. We handle stray spirits, the rare supernatural creature. Nothing too big really a lot of those spooky things aren't around like they use to be. A little boring... though I still enjoy my work! If its not taking care of those little things its often spending time making potions or other magical goods for those who need them. Not something I make too many of... I'm usually more of a delivery girl for the older witches... boring... I know... though I'll admit its always fun flying around on my broom!

Well... I've been dwadling long enough now... I'll see you later!


I know... silly intro for the RP. Basically a nice little witch themed RP with MC being a young witch. It's left rather open ended as far as what we can do though I figure its got a good bit of slice of life in it. As far as your character goes, it could be a fellow witch that the two manage to bump into each other while doing work, or perhaps even just an outsider who stumbles onto it. I'm seeing possibility for some comedy mixed in, in light doses or making it just a bit more goofy over-all if it fits the feel for both of us.

I'm also open to making it more actiony if we want to add a little battle or other stakes in as well. Not something I saw by default but if we want that extra spice it is a possible option to mix into the fray.

The Hero's Apprentice
Setting: High Fantasy - Adventure - Slice of Life
The great evil had been defeated and it's onto a new era! The land itself has returned to a peaceful era for now. While dangers still exist, the constant dread that once filled the mortal races no longer threatens to engulf the world. Order once more is restored and people are able to carry on with their lives. Everything ended happily ever after. least for now. In the end dangers still exist and more importantly peace as much as we like it isn't something you can ensure is everlasting. While the heroes might have achieved their goal and evil has been put down, in the end their own existance is limited by time and eventually they will return to dust... maybe it be a few decades or perhaps even for the long lived even centuries might pass. It's important to keep the peace and for the next generation to be ready that new heroes can rise up. Even if the era remains peaceful those who grow up learning to fight can live on and pass their knowledge on keeping the next generation after them ready for what is next.


((I know, the most not obvious RP maybe slightly based vaguely off the idea of Frieren))

Basically a Hero and Apprentice(s) scenario. In a way meant to be a little more light hearted though there can very much be danger and challenges along the way. The general idea being a younger generation rising up to learn from the older, whether to be a resilent knight or a skill mage. Whatever it might be, the hero sees their potential to lead the new age on being important to teach them to stand for themselves. Perhaps one day they will tactical a challenge and make a name for themselves?

My album of SFW characters! Some are clearly duplicates of the same character, but there should be a decent selection of unique ones in there! Hoping to get another album with more 'realistic' drawn art diverting away from the anime style as well though for now I just have my current Anime one.

-->> Character Album <<--

In Closing

(I had to use the gif, it felt too perfect)​

So.... if you feel like RPing and wanted something away from the usual sexual content and diving more into... well many different types of roleplaying where even the idea of romance might not even be a factor feel free to message me! It took me a while to make this thread mostly since I had my main RT which was meant to be generally more open ended, but it felt like most of my request did dive into the more sexual so it felt like it would be good to have a thread here to help nudge towards RPs that don't dive into that realm. Even more so it's a place to put ideas eventually that to me sexual content or even romance is just not topics I feel I want to explore with the idea which makes it better placed in an area where that sort of concept is from the start made to be more offlimits.

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