Fx Male From breakout starlet to...cumbucket?


Mar 18, 2024
Hi! If you've read this thread before, then you probably already have a decent idea of the kinds of roles I like. I just wanted to make a separate post for a new one I've been wanting to do for a bit. I'll obviously integrate this into my other post in a few days. Anyway, here's a new role:

Anushae Babar Gill is as close to a rags to riches story as you can get. Growing up as a poor Christian girl in the famously tolerant Pakistan, it wasn't like she had a lot of prospects. The only one she really had was to get a degree and see if that led to anything. Maybe she could get married to someone rich? That was about it. Well, she was terrible at anything to do with studies and the odds of someone rich in Pakistan marrying a Christian were...low. She didn't have much going for her. Honestly, all she really had was that a few of her friends liked her singing voice. Not much to be happy about, but it was something.

Well, she just so happened to post a reel of her singing online, not really expecting much of anything. Things moved almost too fast after that. A producer reached out to her, and a few months later, her song was debuting on Coke Studio Pakistan. It was miraculous enough already, and she couldn't have hoped for more. Yet, she had luck that would make Fortuna jealous. Her song blew up. It set Pakistan and the countries around it on fire, until it even managed to rank number 3 on Spotify. In the entire world. Two years later, and it has almost 800 million views. Needless to say, her life changed instantly. She became a sensation overnight, and everyone was just waiting for her next song.

Her next song came and...it just didn't pop. It still had a few million views, but what was that compared to what she had before. Her concerts still sold out, and people still invited her to big events all over the world but...her star was waning a little bit. Hell, these days she could even walk down the street without causing a stampede (though, she did still get recognized now and then). Was she just a one hit wonder? She couldn't help but ask herself that. Yet, what was the other option? Being in the industry proper...well, it was a den of backstabbing and perversion. She didn't want any part of it.

So, she decided to just...quietly plug away at her music career, hoping the next thing would get her back up the mountain she'd fallen from. Well, that is until a certain 'agency' reached out to her, offering to manage everything for her, they were big fans after all.

It was the biggest mistake she'd ever made.


Thanks for reading this far! This is a bit of a different type of role, and I'd really love to flesh it out from here. I think there are a lot of options to play it out in a lot of different directions. Heck, I'm not even married to the agency idea. Exploring a stalker or obsessed fan could be just as interesting. If this prompt sounded interesting, do reach out and let's discuss this!

Put the name of one of her songs in your opening message so I know you read all of this (not Pasoori!).
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