Academy for Prestige: The Master and His Maid [Zephyra x Lockdown]


There are no pacts between Lions & Men
Apr 29, 2020

War swept the lands in conflict never before seen in this fantastical world. The war to end all wars, as some called it. The conflict spanned for a decade and lay ruin to several kingdoms and dynasties along the way. So many lives lost which all started from a King's assassination attempt.

But now. The tides were turning, and now was the hour for victory. The Kingdom of Sparda had drove it's neighbor, Beleth, back into the ladder's sovereign lands. Beleth's allies were surrendering in droves so they had no choice but to face Sparda, and Allied, forces alone. It was the battle of Nimfort as it would later be called. A valley in Beleth where a weapon manufacturing facility was nestled in. Except these weapons were sentient.

Living weapons known as Berserkers held the line and massacred the incoming Allied offense. They were terrifying creatures capable of tapping into a power far above what should've been normal for a human. But that was it. They were no longer human. The ladies who had the misfortune of being experimented with serums and drugs and turned into brainwashed super soldiers who were now dying for an Empire they had no allegiance to. To protect their sisters in stasis within the facility so then these weapons may be used to make final stands in other parts of the Empire which hadn't fallen yet. Losing this facility would be a fatal blow for the Empire.

The battlefield was painted in crimson from both sides. Still, just like the war the tide of battle was turning in favor of the Allies. Just when it looked like the battle would soon be won. The agonizing cries and screams filled the air when a Berserker was feasting upon the glory of a just recently slain soldier. She had abandoned her weapon and seemingly her humanity. Sporting more animalistic features she blitzed the incoming soldiers. It was like a switch flipped. Her chipped red armor was given a fresh new paint job with the delicious scarlet nectar which coursed through the soldier’s veins. It was like a buffet for her with each warrior she slew. Gone was the humanity within as her handler drove her to her limits. He had pressed the nuclear button sending her into a state of madness and self-destruction.

A captain noticed his soldiers falling like flies and charged forward to handle the rampaging Berserker. But his might was no match for a being no longer chained to the limitations of her mortal vessel. She was fury incarnate and they were but food to fuel her in her campaign of carnage.

The lieutenant of the squadron fumbled for a magical sphere in his bag before placing his palm on it. When it glowed purple he spoke to it. “We need backup!

What’s the situation?” the ball shimmered with each word spoken.

Our Captain is down. I repeat squadron three's captain is down. The Berserker has lost control! We need the cavalry!” Fear dripped with each and every word that escaped the lieutenant's lips as he saw his captain torn to shreds before his very eyes. The remaining soldiers meant for support abandoned post and retreated before they could even have the chance to face the Berserker's wrath.

There was silence for sometime before the magical sphere shimmered once again, “Acknowledged. Support incoming.

The lieutenant failed to realize he was all alone with the Berserker while requesting aid from the backlines. She had set her sights on him now since he was the only source of fresh and delicious rose-hemoglobin. He backed away slowly as if her optics worked only on moving objects and if he moved slow enough she might mistake him as a petrified statue.

But alas, she came to reap his life just like she had done to his captain. The soldier tripped on a stone and fell. The maw of death opened wide and was about to sever his ties to the mortal realm until a massive projectile landed right in front of the Berserker last second.

When the dust settled the shimmering ivory armor with azure trims blinded the lieutenant as the sun's rays shined off of the metal plates. The warrior brandished a massive shield with it being pierced by the Berserk's strike meant for the lieutenant. The warrior clenched his Earth-shattering gauntlet and sucker punched the Berserker into the nearby boulder with the might of Gaia behind his punch.

The warrior turned to look at the lieutenant just as his shield and gauntlet disappeared into steam. He extended a hand for the man to take along with a set of reassuring words, "Everything is going to be alright now. Are you hurt?" one blue and the other gold set of glowing eyes hid behind a helmet blinked as he asked.

The lieutenant took the offered hand to get up. “I'm fine but we need to get out of here. The cavalry is on their way.” He informed his savior to evacuate with him.

The warrior looked over his shoulder when he heard the signs of the Berserker recovering from his attack, “I am the cavalry” he informed the lieutenant before facing the Berserker.

"A-are you mad!? How can you face that monster alone? She'll tear you to shreds." The lieutenant tried to speak some sense.

The warrior summoned a mini whirlpool in front of him before reaching inside and retrieving ice in the shape of a katana. The ice cracked before shattering into a million pieces revealing a finely crafted katana with lightning symbols running along the blade. "A true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him but because he loves what is behind him." He simply explained before gesturing with his head for the lieutenant to leave, "Now go."

Seeing as though the Berserker was now up and the warrior was steadfast in his ambitions. The lieutenant heeded his advice and ran before it was too late. Tetsuya needed to get into the facility. This war had taken his mother and brother. He would not let it take his sister too. When he found Pandora he would have many stories to regale to her. Just like when they were kids. Just so he can soothe her into a sweet slumber instead of leaving her with the memories of experimentation to plague her mind with nightmares.

But first. He needed to put a stop to the Berserker impeding his progress from going into the facility and finding her. "Here me miss!" He took the courtesy to address the Berserker as fellow human instead of the beast many see her as. "I do not blame you for your actions but that does not mean I can permit further blood shed. You will be stopped. Here and now."

Then at the behest of haste itself. Tetsuya covered ground with blinding speed thanks to the enchanted katana with lightning tracing after him. He clashed with the Berserker. His blade crossed a dozen times in a second with her claws before he was able to slice her skin exposed by her chipped armor. But to his dismay she healed away his scratch as if it were trivial.

They moved at incredible speeds. Unable to be seen completely with the naked eyes. But she was in a league of her own. His sword was getting pushed to the limits as the trail of lightning with each strike he imposed on her was dwarfed by the damage she had done to him. Little by little she nipped away pieces of his armor. He couldn't contend with her speed. Then she finally nocked off his helmet.

It fell onto the ground in a dramatic fashion a few meters away. Revealing his pristine face unblemished by war. Long strands of ivory hair fell out and were only kept back by a finely woven hair tie. It was the Prince of Sparda, Tetsuya Charybdis Tempest. His heterochromatic eyes glowed as he got a better look at the Berserker. "Impossible." he said under his breath. "I-I see no weaknesses." He said in a perplexed fashion before performing evasive maneuvers.

Tetsuya brandished his blade with one hand while summoning another weapon from his whirlpool. When the ice shattered a bo staff appeared. He struck the staff into the ground before it extended a couple of meters and shot him into the sky. Granting him space from the speedster as he took to the heavens.

His katana and bo staff disappeared into steam and he summoned a bow and arrow. The twilight bow coupled with the draupnir arrow made for a deadly combination. As soon as he let go of the arrow it began to divide. Splitting into three, then nine. twenty-seven, and so on. Until a miniature cloud of arrows blotted out the sun and fell towards the Berserker as if massive company of archers had shot all at once.

Thankfully he had bought enough time to use his trump card. After distancing himself in the air and firing a volley of arrows. Tetsuya finished the incantations of his most powerful spell. Upon landing he stood up to his full stature with his fist pressed into his palm firmly in front of his chest. He yelled, "Whirlpool of War!"

The cracks in the Earth began to bleed Adam's wine. Water gushed forth and soon began to swirl sucking in everything nearby to the epicenter which happened to be right where Tetsuya was standing. Running was already difficult in water but with a strong current it would at least level out the speed difference. Then a sharp pain nipped at the Berserker's ankle. Then another, and another. Like shark fins, blades from all sorts of weapons began to poke out from the water and firefly swam in the direction of the whirlpool turning them into dangerous torpedoes ready to puncture the hull of anything in their path.

"You won round one, miss. But now you're in my domain." He brandished a spear and claymore as they drifted passed him to arm himself. "So round two will be mine for the taking!" he spoke with invigoration before leaping at his opponent with the spirit of a warrior to not give up on his ideals. He needed to find his sister and he won't let anyone stand in his way.

「❝𝔚𝔥𝔢𝔫 𝔡𝔞𝔯𝔨𝔫𝔢𝔰𝔰 𝔠𝔬𝔪𝔢𝔰
ℑ'𝔩𝔩 𝔩𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔫𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔥 𝔰𝔱𝔞𝔯𝔰.❞」


𝔗he Berserker was an unstoppable, uncontrollable force of nature. She was beauty and power, rage and equanimity, monstrosity and man, demure and brazen. But even more than all of that, she was in equal parts the victim and the malefactor. Her memories extended only so far as her blade's reach, a life of war and strife all she'd ever known. The taste of copper and ash lingered on her lips, deep magenta eyes reflecting fire and brimstone everywhere she looked. The surrounding area had become a mass grave, upturned bodies staring vacantly into the darkening sky above as though searching for heaven itself among the clouds. But she knew that none who had thrown their lives away for such a merciless cause would ever make it to those pearly gates.

Blood dripped from her jaws, her hands and claws thoroughly coated in that most beguiling of scarlet hues. Strands of warm blonde hair, too, were tinged with red, spatters of it decorating her skin and armor like a lover's trail of kisses. She dared not think of whom each stain belonged to, of how many soldiers she'd run through in her blinding blitz across the battlefield. Her body was a weapon, sharpened and honed to a deadly edge, a catalyst for a tyrant king's delusions of grandeur. But her mind was a feeble, turbulent thing, intrinsically bound to the one who sought to control her into doing their bidding. Those that she fought under did not see her as a comrade, nor even a person at all. Beleth saw her as a pawn, a tool to be used to its fullest extent and swiftly discarded once broken.

The man who called himself her handler, Commander Anselm, had no qualms about utterly destroying her if it might ensure a victory.

"Onward, Mio." His voice was without emotion, wholly lacking in humanity. "Do not let the enemy break through our defenses."

Defiance was not an option. The psychic link they shared was a means with which to erase her autonomy, a powerfully cruel implement in the right (or wrong) hands. She was a war machine and nothing more, and she whirred to life at her master's call, her fangs and claws elongating into needle-like points. An enemy captain tried to rush her, his golden spear coated in the blood of many she'd fought alongside, but he, too, would fall at her hands. Before he could stab her she leapt into the air and landed on the weapon's shaft, snarling as she jumped him. Her own great sword was forgotten behind her, lying hilt up where it had been stuck into the earth.

Mio's claws tore through armor and flesh alike, emitting a horrifying screeching sound as they rend his breastplate in two. The captain begged for mercy in his last moments, but the beastkin girl was too far gone to heed his pleas. Her mouth opened wide before she bit through his exposed, vulnerable throat, tearing out a chunk of soft, dripping tissue. The flesh she spat out, but the blood she savored, the flash of a pink tongue gliding across glistening lips and fangs to collect her prize.

From her peripherals she could sense another target, could hear the tremble in his voice as he spoke into his glowing sphere. It would not save him. She crawled over the captain's corpse, a low, guttural growl rising in her throat. Vicious pink eyes glowed in the heat of combat, the whisker-like markings that stretched along her cheeks cutting deep lines into porcelain skin. The lieutenant had noticed her, and in his hurry to get away he stumbled. Prey prime for the taking. In moments she was upon him, animalistic and wild. Ears flattened and teeth bared, the Berserker prepared to snuff out the light in his eyes and devour his very soul.

But she never made it that far. Something obstructed her path, but was it man or divine? She had time enough only to brace herself for the impact before his armored fist slammed into her plate mail, her body sent flying from the contact. Her back collided with a rogue boulder, cracks forming in her crimson armor. It had taken enough of a beating already, and she knew it wouldn't hold out much longer. Spitting out her own blood, Mio's eyes fell upon the warrior, his identity obscured behind a full suit of shining armor. If he was the golden sun, she was the red moon, and the moment they clashed was the heralding of an eclipse. Her body shook as she willed it to move, crouching on all fours as blackened claws found purchase in the soil beneath her. This was no regular warrior, and their encounter was no accident. Only one thing remained to be seen...

What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?

His words could not reach her in her bestial state. Commander Anselm clenched his fist, tightening his hold over her, the mental shackles which bound her squeezing the life from her body. He was overloading the Berserker, pushing her past her limits and then some. All she could do was fling herself at him with reckless abandon, a savage war cry splitting her lips. She fell upon him, her claws like daggers that drew sparks from his blade, the pair locked into a fatal tango that would surely ruin them. There was beauty in their synchronization, a certain effortlessness in the way that they wove together, giving and receiving blows in kind. The warrior's sword dug into her flesh, the pain an agonizing burn, but a fleeting one. Her regeneration kicked in and closed up the wound in seconds. Still, it angered her immensely, her talons flying to strike at his face.

The helmet that he wore clattered at their feet, his newly-revealed visage giving the girl momentary pause. She recognized him to be Prince Tetsuya of Sparda, one of the last remaining of his bloodline. To engage in one-on-one combat with the future sovereign of Beleth's enemy nation... Were she to defeat him, the war would essentially be won. Perhaps her commander would finally release her once her sentence had been served, and she would be free to live as she pleased, a forgotten war hero wandering without purpose or direction.

Only, Mio knew that she was no hero. She could see it in the prince's mismatched eyes as they reflected her heaving, bloodied form. Her role was the harbinger of death, the pale horse of the apocalypse. Tonight, she would collect her dues.

"Come, craven prince!" The Berserker roared, her eyes flashing as she watched him ascend. "I shall introduce you to your maker."

As the arrows rained down from above, she uprooted her fallen great sword, swinging it in an arc and knocking them every which way. They flew into enemies and allies alike, sparing none in their path. When the prince came crashing down to the earth, Mio pursued him, chucking her blade in his direction. Yet it only managed to be ensnared into the whirlpool of his creation, disappearing beneath the waves that flooded the battleground. She let out a cry of pain, the myriad of weapons swirling in the vortex stabbing into her. Her armor had reached its limit— at once it broke apart, crimson steel torn to shreds and repurposed as debris for the prince's attack. Now she was left in her bloodied white gambeson and vermillion leggings, an unarmored soldier exposed to the elements.

Knowing that she could not survive if her body was ripped apart so thoroughly, Mio acted quickly. Her mana swirled around her, coalescing in the form of earthen magic. A pillar of stone shot up from under her feet and raised the lacerated Berserker above the tides. Yet the waters were extremely strong, their force equal to a hundred tsunamis, and they began to erode at the rock she summoned with unimaginable speed. She did not know for how long her power could withstand his.

The warrior leapt onto her platform and she growled at him, deflecting his would-be attack. There was barely enough room for the both of them atop the pillar, and so she endeavored to push him off and into his own deadly waters, her claws straining against his steel. Their strength was nearly on par with one another, her teeth clenching as she pushed with all her might against him while he held his ground.

"Give up, son of Tempest! Your men have fallen and your kingdom is in ruins. Surrender and I may grant you a swift death, or continue to flounder and be crushed like a bug under my thumb." Her words were not her own, borne of the malice and fear that pumped through her veins, a desire to end the conflict once and for all.

Before she could overpower him and throw him into the whirlpool, the rock holding them up began to crumble. Mio jumped away at once, another pillar erupting from the ground to catch her. As she stood upon it she summoned earthen projectiles at her back, a row of pointed stalactites that sought to skewer the white-haired warrior before her. All it took was a flick of her wrist to send them soaring into him, her bristly tail swishing as they whizzed past her, the breeze they created disturbing the cropped locks of hair that framed her delicate yet murderous features. She would have him, one way or another.

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