Lorroakan's Wayward Apprentice
Some game spoilers ahead!
Hello dear writers, I want to write a story set in the the 'verse of Baldur's Gate 3, either using a female tiefling Tav to pair with Rolan, or a set of OCs parallel to the plot of the game. This can be a one off series of vignettes taking place in the Grove, at Last Light, in Baldur's Gate proper... or a longer, drawn out story if my partner and I would like.
Now onto the meat of things!
My general concept is Tav made the initially unpleasant acquaintance of Lorroakan's apprentice when she visited the Grove. The wizard's nature is bristly and arrogant, especially toward the slinky rogue (or warlock, or sorcerer...) whose methods he deems lacking in real talent. However, he is awfully handsome. Over the course of Tav's adventures she runs into Rolan repeatedly, where the pair begin to develop a begrudging attraction to one another.
Whatever the scenario becomes, I really want to focus on Rolan's arrogant walls being brought down. Additional kinks of interest are teasing, seduction, sexual frustration, love/hate, light domme, praise kink, tail play, impromptu bondage.... and more. Bonus points if your Rolan/OC is inexperienced or has a bratty streak.
Finally, please skim my kinks and preferences for compatibility. I work best with a writer who can give me 2+ detailed paragraphs at least a few times a week, though my availability is pretty open now for more rapid fire posting. I also need communication. Be it friendly chatter over Discord or sticking to business only, I want to know what your desires are both for story and smut alike! So don't hesitate to share. In fact, I encourage it.
Ta! <3

Some game spoilers ahead!
Hello dear writers, I want to write a story set in the the 'verse of Baldur's Gate 3, either using a female tiefling Tav to pair with Rolan, or a set of OCs parallel to the plot of the game. This can be a one off series of vignettes taking place in the Grove, at Last Light, in Baldur's Gate proper... or a longer, drawn out story if my partner and I would like.
Now onto the meat of things!
My general concept is Tav made the initially unpleasant acquaintance of Lorroakan's apprentice when she visited the Grove. The wizard's nature is bristly and arrogant, especially toward the slinky rogue (or warlock, or sorcerer...) whose methods he deems lacking in real talent. However, he is awfully handsome. Over the course of Tav's adventures she runs into Rolan repeatedly, where the pair begin to develop a begrudging attraction to one another.
Whatever the scenario becomes, I really want to focus on Rolan's arrogant walls being brought down. Additional kinks of interest are teasing, seduction, sexual frustration, love/hate, light domme, praise kink, tail play, impromptu bondage.... and more. Bonus points if your Rolan/OC is inexperienced or has a bratty streak.
- After an arduous battle, things take a heated turn. The pair can't keep their hands off one another as their goading and biting remarks end up being foreplay
- Post Grove or Last Light resolution, Tav and Rolan stumble into each other during a drunken night of celebration. Despite their differences, they decide to make it a memorable one. Now what if anything they remember the morning after is yet to be seen...
- Grumpy and insecure from being bested by his cruel master yet again, Rolan tries to initiate with an attempt at frustrated dominance. This leads to sensual power play, some much needed hurt/comfort and affirmations. Maybe even a plot of revenge?
- Tav catches Rolan off guard with the intention to wipe the haughty look off his face for all those ceaseless scathing criticisms and lack of appreciation...and ends up making him exceedingly grateful. Then Tav discovers he responds very well to praise...
Ta! <3