Mx Female Who Stained the forum with these Plots and Pairings?


ɴeoɴ Dreαмѕ
Welcoming Committee
Jan 8, 2020

Hello! This is going to be my request thread where I keep pretty much everything I am generally looking for in a roleplay and less about the specific cravings of the day, and I intend to be working on it for a while so apologies if it seems a little bare bones for now. Firstly, a few things you should know about me and what I'm looking for to get you started.

I am only looking for one maaaaybe two partners max right now as it's all I will have time for, so I may weigh my options. Those looking for a quick fix would be best served looking elsewhere!​
  • I will only Roleplay on threads. Not looking for PM, Discord or anything else of the sort, sorry. I know they aren't for everybody but it's what I would like and I don't plan to change it so being upfront seems to be the best course of action here
  • All characters will be 18+. There won't be any DD/lg in the roleplay. BDSM would be preferred in some capacity. My favourite pairings would usually be one supernatural character and one human, or two humans and I am okay playing the supernatural or the human.
  • OOC chat is more than welcome as long. I do believe we can still be friendly and have fun writing together and any questions or desires about the RP are always welcomed
  • I am not looking to play a submissive or a switch in any of my plots, only a Dominant male character, human or otherwise, the only exception being MxM plots where I would want to play the submissive
  • Please don't control my character much without asking. If we are walking towards a car with a clear destination and you're driving, I don't mind you assuming my character gets in the passenger seat and buckles up but I don't want words in my mouth, feelings or more complicated actions I did not write attributed to me If you shoot me a quick PM asking if you can do something though, answer is almost always going to be yes!
  • If you for any reason aren't feeling up to posting, need a break to clear your mind or anything of the sort just let me know, I'm not going to be upset or disappointed but I would like to be kept somewhat in the loop. Things happen, sometimes our muses abandon us even just for a specific RP and that's okay, it will happen to me too!
  • When it comes to face claims, I only will accept artwork.

+ / -
Orgasm control
Aphrodisiacs/drugs (not narcotics)
Large insertions

In general, I am a really big fan of the supernatural x human pairings or even supernatural x supernatural as well as just two people and a fun situation. I prefer them in the modern day setting though I'm not adverse to a little fantasy or even some sci fi, and my characters tend to be on the larger side. I like a larger male against a smaller female for sure! Age differences are also a big thing for me, I almost always play the older character so if you're looking for me to play younger then you better have a good idea to go with it.​

Pairings will be above the line.
Plots will be below the line.

<⇆ means I would be willing to reverse the roles

Vampire x Human ⇆
A good old classic, many ideas can work with this including just a fateful meeting in a dark alley. Maybe the human isn't really human at all but doesn't know it, perhaps something about her appearance brings back memories and my vampire just has to take her for his own, maybe he isn't so bad after all or maybe he's an asshole who takes what he wants and when he wants it. How about that girl that has just been kicked out moving into an abandoned home for the night that already has somebody staying there…? I am not looking for hunter x vampire on either side.
Demon x Human ⇆
A pairing that could work in either order. I could play a demon summoned by a completely unprepared summoner in way over her head, or I could play an experienced summoner who wishes to bind a demon for his own purposes. I'm sure nothing kinky will happen, no tentacles, no demonic powers of lust and torment, no flaming dungeon with horny imps flying around on their tiny wings with huge...pitchforks. None of that. However, no succubi or incubi please, I want something different for this!
Master x Pet
Do I need to write a blurb for this one? Oh okaaaay...maybe an auction? Maybe a contract? I think I would prefer a bet, or an arrangement for money, a rich man taking advantage of a poor girl who has nowhere else to turn, desperate for money and accommodation. Can he win her over? Does he even care? How does she feel about being kept in a cage while he sleeps in the bed just meters away? Who even knows?
Sadist x Victim
A few scenarios I'd like to try out! One is a catfishing idea, impressionable teen virgin is lured away by a seemingly nice stranger on the internet only to find herself in the clutches of an older man who has sinister plans for her. Another favourite is a burglar breaking into the home of a man she really shouldn't cross. A foolish thing to do, because now that she is there, she's never leaving. She probably broke something important or we really need an excuse to break her? And what happens if it is entirely consensual...but the wrong girl is kidnapped after a lot of obscene online flirting?
Teacher x Student
I know I am meant to write something here to make you want to write this but what do you want from me? 18+, want to get ahead in the first year of college? Your character better be bringing more than an apple and a smile. Ideal for uppity students that need teaching a lesson, blackmail options everywhere!
Bounty Hunter x Criminal ⇆
They can run, they can even hide, but they can't possibly imagine how much their ass is wanted. I imagine some fun games of cat and mouse with this one, a rivalry, even a meeting in a bar the night before the bounty is picked up. (THAT was the person I am looking for, they are worth how much?) But what happens when they turn out to be innocent? Can they prove it? Will the bounty hunter help?
Supernatural x Supernatural
This one is less specific than Vampires and Demons, but all kinds of supernatural beings and monsters/monster girls make for fun pairings! Ghosts, genies, wizards and witches, try me out, see what we can come up with!
Bodyguard x Heiress
Because guarding it is all that will happen with that body. Honest. Her parents made the right choice when he was hired. Probably just some fun fluff, maybe some conflict can be drawn up with a crazy stalker!
Master x Maid
No, not that kind of master, get your mind out of the gutter! Actually...okay, that kind of master but not to start! What happens when the millionaire hires a new maid, and they grow closer? Will it just be pure lust, taking advantage of his servants money struggles with an indecent proposal (I know, the movie, I have not seen it) or will they just get closer organically, stolen glances turn to flirting, which turns to something more? There's only one way to find out.
Your Pairings
Feel free to come to me with pairings of your own. I favour supernatural pairings but that isn't all I am interested in, and we don't know how much I'll enjoy it until I'm actively thinking about it. The worst I can do is say no, the best is you hit on something I didn't even know I wanted to write.


The Time Capsule
Such a risky thing to do, and yet every time she thought about it, it made her heart race. When most people saw her they would say she was shy, she never had a date, she focused on her studies, she was a rare sight indeed at parties. Known only by her roommate and the few friends she had made, nobody looking at her would have been able to tell what dark fantasies she had, particularly about being controlled, being used and having no control over it. Then she'd stumbled across the idea of a time capsule, something she had learned of when reading the stories that excited her. It was a simple concept; take a USB memory stick and load it with everything. Images of her ID, her driver's license, her address and her cellphone number, all of her contact information. With those there would be pictures ranging from fully clothed on her first day of college to completely nude in various poses, legs spread and her arousal clearly visible in the mirror. With that, a video of her rubbing herself, fingers dancing as she looked into the camera, moaning, panting, edging for over ten minutes before it ended abruptly. The last item was another video, where she said her name and age clearly, then stated that whomever found this had her consent to blackmail her with it. All of this saved onto one drive which she had then wrapped in plastic to protect it from the elements.

She'd gone on to leave this on campus, finding a place nobody is meant to look. It was never intended that anybody would actually find it, she wasn't crazy, she knew the danger she would be in if they did, and after a week she was getting scared. She knew it was out there and as exciting as it was, as thrilling as it had been to think about when she was alone at night she knew she needed to go get it back. In the morning, she would go retrieve it and everything would be okay.

Except it wasn't there...and then the email came.

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