Fx Male 🔺FORBIDDEN AMBITIONS♾️🔺 [Dark Themes, Drama, Taboo, Thriller]


Queen Vee
Sep 18, 2024
"I love you, but I can't f-cking stomach you."

(Aesthetic inspiration...)


Welcome to my thread of intrigues, drama, morally ambiguous characters and wicked storylines.

As of right now, I'm only looking for one particular story. However, if you have something similar rolled up your sleeves, feel free to reach out! :)

Are you in? Well, have a seat!

  • third person or first person view, past tense, a good sense for grammar, proper paragraph breaks and correct punctuation.

  • 300-600+ words per post on average, can go over/under at any time, heavy emphasis on quality over quantity

  • intricate storylines, drama, romance, taboo relationships (yes, those ones are included) and all that other jazz.

  • 80/20 story:smut ratio (see my F-List for likes/maybes/hard no's)

  • lots of world building (including realistic faceclaims, no drawn art or AI for this one, sorry)

  • a plethora of side characters

  • ooc friendly (not flirty!)

  • pinterest boards, selected songs and general aesthetics (haven't figured out BB code yet, otherwise this would look much fancier…)

Specifically a skilled writer who's able to write a charming, intelligent and equally ruthless brother (YC) against an older/younger sister.

The background story is purposely barebones, as I love the world building aspect and want someone to collaborate and create something compelling with me.

<< (Regency era plot) >>

"Sir Creighton, a letter from your sister arrived." Harold, the family's butler, handed him a thick beige envelope, sealed by a red wax imprint of his sister's ring.

"Thank you, Harold. On another note, when are our guests scheduled for arrival?" Nathaniel asked, smoking a pipe and enjoying a glass of rum in his plump brown leather chair.

"With all due respect, Sir, you are talking about your future wife and her family," he smiled cautiously at the young Bachelor.

"You've misunderstood me, Harold. I know they are coming, but I'm not concerned about them, I merely expect her to dress well, so that she's somewhat presentable for this dreadful night. I hope she doesn't sing as good as she looks," he .

"I must beg for your pardon, Sir, but she's-" Nathaniel intervened abruptly and waved his finger.

"Harold, I did not ask for your unsolicited opinion on that matter and I'll pay you double your salary if you stop trying to convince me in order to change my opinion about my future wife. Who sent you this time? Was it my dear mother or was it the old fogey downstairs?" A skeptic frown was thrown towards Harold, who folded his hands, expressing his concerns with an exhausted sigh.

"Very well, Sir. I'm officially resigning from my persuasion," he added. "Your guests, including your future wife and her family, are scheduled for arrival in about half an hour. Lady Creighton already called twice for you."

"Tell her that I will be downstairs soon enough." Nathaniel dismissed Harold and broke the seal of the envelope, unfolding the letter inside. Harold left him to his own devices and was shaking continuously with his head on the way down the hall. The letter contained his oldest sister's best wishes and congratulations, she wouldn't be able to attend the ceremony tomorrow due to unforeseen circumstances. She didn't extrapolate said circumstances, but Nathaniel was indifferent towards the whole ceremony. The ceremony was part of the act, the marriage was only on paper, the only legal route to his financial freedom. Granted, she was well-bred, it was only her questionable choice of clothes he took issues with.

Begrudgingly, he sauntered down the wooden stairs, his hand sliding along the curved banisters, wearing a chic brown suit jacket, a white woven linen shirt underneath with few small decorations, a pair of dark colored pants and boots . A look in the mirror was all he needed, the tailor did an excellent job. "Let's get this over with," he mumbled under his breath and entered the kitchen area, where his mother was ordering around the maids and servants with final instructions for the night. He came up from behind and startled her a little.

"Oh! You scared me half to death!" She gasped and continued her tyranny.

"Don't be so crude, mother, I was coming downstairs only for you," he justified himself.

"Stop the nonsensical talk and don't count me for a fool. If you could, you would be abstaining in your room for the whole evening, drowning in your pity," she scoffed.

"Where is father?" He took a glass of wine and sipped from it, contemplating if getting drunk was worth the risk.

"He's returning from his trip to Rocesterbury, he didn't make any promises regarding times and such, so it will be your job to welcome everybody." Her gleeful smile was met with a sarcastic grin.

"I need more wine then," he cried in a joking manner. But before he could drink any more, his mother snatched the glass of wine from his hand.

"Are you out of your mind?! Go and sit next to the pianoforte, prepare your little speech instead of drinking like a fool from the gutters, and get out of my sight!" She yelled and shooed him away.

"Sadly, I haven't lost my mind yet, bearing this charade would be much easier If I did." He went on without another word, his mother was furious, she could not understand him. Forced to wait around, Nathaniel sat down on one of the many couches surrounding the black piano in the grand living room and observed the oil paintings on the wall. He needed wine, desperately and urgently.

  • too many time paradoxes → characters can't partake in five different conversations at the same time. Pretty simple, right?

  • trying to push my boundaries. I will respect yours and won't cross them. Ever. Pinky promise. I expect the same courtesy and common decency.

  • pestering for responses. I try to respond daily, but won't always succeed. Longer absences will be communicated.

  • low effort messages will be either kindly declined or, at worst, fully ignored. One liners are included, obviously.

  • blurring the lines between ooc/oc. My characters aren't me, they're fictional works of creativity and imagination.
  • This includes self-inserts, especially in first person. Ugh, yuck, begone!

Vibe check:

If any of these fancy you, there's a high chance we'll get along just fine.

  • HBO series (The Wire, Succession, Oz, GoT S1-4)
  • classic literature (Jane Austen, Brontë sisters, Makepeace-Thackeray, Dostoevsky, Tolstoi, Tolkien, Mervyn Peake, de Laclos, Steinbeck, etc)
  • Movies like Heat, Collateral, Sense & Sensibility, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Bourne Identity, Casablanca, Training Day, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Tenet, Interstellar, Burton's Batman, Parasite, The Hidden Face, Out of the Furnace, American Beauty and many more…

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  • Modern setting

  • FxM pairing

  • Complex and mature themes [Power Struggle, Forbidden Love, Revenge, Despair, Drug Abuse, etc]

Forbidden Ambitions:

The Bazen family's rise to the top began back in the days when America was made of steel and iron. Today, they're on top of the upper echelons of society and the family business conglomerate is as influential as ever.

Splendid charity events, lavish penthouse parties and attending business school was not too difficult for Deva Bazen, who's now the staff director at the family company, alongside her brother (YC), who fills an equally important position in the company.

Deva is as tough as nails when it comes to the business. No wonder, she was born for it, groomed and trained from an early age by their father. It was only a matter of time until one of the two siblings was announced as the next CEO…

However, they didn't agree on all the methods used by their father and wanted to bring vital changes to the company. More often than not, this is the main reason they clash against each other and board meetings often end abruptly in a shouting match.

Soon after, their father collapses and falls into a coma. The doctors are unsure when he'll wake up again, or if he ever wakes up again, which leaves the rest of the family in chaos and shambles. The dirt of the past will be painfully brought forth and secrets just wait to be revealed, but who will end up with more skeletons in their closet?

To make things even worse, their father's last will does not include them in the company, and the board members and shareholders are now in charge of all major decisions. The hungry sharks taste blood, and they want nothing more than to boot the Bazen offspring out of the company.

With this final predicament, the siblings are left with a choice; one they're not too fond of at first, one that forces them to put their differences aside and work together again. Deva discovers new facets of her brother and begins to see him in a new light, one that fascinates and pulls her in like a magnet…

Will they succeed and reclaim what is rightfully theirs, revenge those who have wronged them or will they fall victims to the flames of a burning desire?

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Your mischievous cup of tea? Great!

Please give me a detailed PM with a writing sample, your age and a few additional ideas. A "hey wanna rp?" won't cut it...sorry, not sorry.

While this may sound overall harsh, I'm super easy to talk with and messages with effort and thought always get a response from me...

Until then,

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