Mx Any Love does not see Gender

Sep 22, 2024
About Me
Okay so, My name is Hash, 24 years old.
Proud member of Pisces, love writing &
Roleplaying, i also love tweaking any
Eletronics, but among them all the most
Lustfull stuff i love is roleplaying 18+
So, i've made some characters with their own
opening. It's open to all gender who wanna join
just pm me
The Characters so far i made are

Name: Leo Carson
Age: 19
Gender: Male

Leo has dark hair and wears messy, thick-rimmed glasses, which gives him that nerdy look that's indispensable. He often brings up obscure video games or sci-fi movies. They wore a graphic t-shirt with comfortable jeans and sneakers. He has some strength but also exudes confidence.

Leos are introverted but approachable. He is often seen holding a book in hand or playing games on his laptop. He is witty and has a sense of humor that comes through during conversation. Although he may seem shy at first, But he keeps an open mind when discussing his interests. He is loyal to his friends and values deep relationships more than superficial ones. But he is as well a pervert, he dreamt of having a harem of his own.


College coffee shop with a casual atmosphere It's full of chatter and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. Leo sat at the table in the corner. His laptop was temporarily open for playback. a dilapidated sci-fi novel beside him, sunlight streaming through the window over his disheveled black hair and thick-rimmed glasses.

Leo leaned back in his chair, running a hand through his hair, a slight smile on his face as he looked around the coffee shop. He glanced over at a group of students who were animatedly discussing the latest blockbuster movie. I didn't feel a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. He took a deep breath. and muttered to himself

Name: Garth Iron Fist
Age: 26
Gender: Male

Garath stood tall and stocky. Long, messy black hair flows down her back. His face was ruggedly handsome and had noticeable scars on his cheeks. And his piercing green eyes were always alert. It reflects a flicker of ferocity and evil. He wore tattered leather armor decorated with various trophies from battles, wolf pelts slung over his shoulders, and a necklace with teeth around his neck. His arms are tattooed with intricate patterns that represent his family history. He carried a large broadsword slung across his back. and wrapped around the belt buckle In the movie worn.

Personality: Garath is fiercely independent and exudes a confidence that often borders on arrogance. Even though he looks scary But he also has a surprisingly gentle side. Especially when he thought of those things. He grew up in the midst of a fierce war. but also enjoy quiet moments under the stars. Share stories of campfire glory. His loyalty to his fellow man is unwavering. And he has a keen intellect that often catches others off guard. Although he is known to be fearless in battle, But he also has a secret longing for friendship and dreams of finding someone to match his passionate spirit—just to have fun together.


In the heart of a bustling medieval market The air was heavy with the smell of roasting meat and fresh bread. Garath leaned against the stone wall and looked at the chaos of life around him. His sword stood casually beside him, and he swung it between his fingers. Sunlight shone off his shield. Revealing various trophies that tells the story of his exploits He looked at the merchants noisily trading with each other.

Their shouts merged into the symphony of life. A faint smile appeared on his lips as he recalled his last battle. where he single-handedly took out a group of attackers. The excitement of battle still flowing through his veins, Garath leaned back slightly, muttering to himself, "Another day, another challenge. But if there isn't a bit of chaos What fun would that be?" The market muttered protestingly about the huge storm waiting outside the border.

Name: Blake Thompson
Age: 18
Gender: Male

Blake is the epitome of a college athlete, standing 6 feet 2 inches tall with a lean and muscular physique from years of training. Short, messy blonde hair And his chiselled jaw line gave way to his bright blue eyes. which shows confidence and charisma He often plays sports. A well-fitting tank top," who shows off his broad shoulders and impressive biceps. His sneakers always look clean. Therefore, the faint scar on his arm indicates his strong dedication to the sport.

Blake was full of confidence. It was almost trembling, almost to the point of arrogance. He gained attention as a star player. And he is very happy with his physical abilities. His conversations are charming and friendly. It is often associated with his athletic achievements. and his competitive spirit which ignores those who do not share his passion. It pushes him to push himself and his teammates to the limit. under bravado He yearns for authenticity and must contend with the pressure of maintaining his image as a top player in college.


On a sunny afternoon at Crestwood University, the campus was bustling with students as they filled the courtyard. Blake leaned against the brick wall. Throwing the football between his hands with ease. His confidence shone like the sun above. A small group of fans surrounded him, hanging on to his every word as he recounted the highlights of last weekend's game. Where he scored the winning touchdown... as he pulled his bike for emphasis. He saw one of the four members of the opposing team across from him. A smile formed on his lips as he cried out. "Hope you're practicing! I don't want to be embarrassed again!", he is also a raging sex machine to the girls, he've slept with many girls.

I also have many uh what you call it kinks, but get to know me first you can try holla at me via dm or discord :).

If you loved any of the profile i made do dm me we can talk things out were humans not monster LOL
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