The usurper


Jun 3, 2016
It has been a few years since I posted a request thread here, much of the intervening time I hadn't been on at all. Now I'm back I had been surveying the male requests but didn't manage to find anything that attracted my interest, hence me deciding to plunge back in with a thread of my own. I did wonder if the lack of connection of ideas would be an indication that my own requests wouldn't be of interest. I tend to like scenarios that could happen for real, a slice of life story if you like, My ideas for a role play are:

My character Adele is mid 30s and has been married to her husband Steve for 9 years and been together for 12. They love each other but have fallen into that trap of being complacent, almost in a rut. They don't have children, though they had always assumed they would someday.

Now this is where your character comes in. You enter Steve's life initially through some every day occurrence such as:

  • a new boss or work colleague
  • a new neighbour
  • a shared hobby/ sport
  • a long-lost relative
  • a tradesman he is using to do some work either at our house or his office
  • a friend of a friend

I like the idea that Steve is sorry for you after hearing your situation (we can decide what) and wants to be kind and helpful. It could be instead that YC is an Alpha male, the kind of man Steve wished he could be and finds himself drawn to. I prefer the first option, simply beacuase Alpha males are commonplace on here.

Once YC sees/ meets me, he decides he wants me for himself. Not just a one night stand but for his life partner. From there he plots and plans at how this might be acheived...

I'm open to how YC looks, his age etc. though i prefer older men to young. I don't do underage ever.

Finally I like to play on here via PMs, using third person past tense. I prefer keeping an OOC thread going alongside our story to ask questions, check ideas etc. I'm open to the odd picture as part of the narrative.

I'd love to hear from you with your thoughts for your character.

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