Mx Male Choosing Between Family or Love~ (Modern, Supernatural)

Feb 10, 2024
Trigger Warnings: Graphic abuse, past sexual violence, past self-harm, Homophobia
All characters are (18)+
Tags: Modern, Romance, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Supernatural Elements, Fluff

I also want to add that I don't want to establish a permanent 'bottom/sub' or 'top/dom'. I want our character's to naturally be whatever is needed at the time.

I would really like my RP partners to write somewhere between 3-6 paragraphs, or 300+ words. I also prefer writing in 3rd person. No offense to anyone who identifies or enjoys 1st or otherwise, I just get extremely confused when trying to write or read in that POV.


Your character grew up being raised by their oldest sibling (you can choose if it's a brother or sister). Dad was out of the picture because of his gambling issues, while Mom simply left. Not wanting to risk being separated from each other, the siblings hid the fact that they had no parents and lived on the streets with only each other to depend on. Until MC appeared. Being the same age as YC's older sibling, the two met in school and bonded quickly.

At first YC loathed mine, hating to share their family with another but as time passed their feelings changed. Hate to admiration, Friendship to love. With MC's help (they had mysterious connections and money) the siblings managed to get an apartment of their own and even forge documents helping them stay together without the need of adult guardians. Time passed and now YC is 21 and back home from college. He kept his feelings secret- having noticed MC's interest in YC's sibling, and not wanting to intrude stepped back.

However, now that YC is back, he just found out that their sibling found out about MC's feelings and cut ties with them, out of disgust. Will YC side with their Sibling or their childhood Crush?
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