Aʟʟ Is Fᴀɪʀ ɪɴ Lᴏᴠᴇ ᴀɴᴅ Wᴀʀ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* { Zᴇᴘʜʏʀᴀ x VᴀɴɪᴛʏFᴀɪʀ }


༝ ᔆᵘᵍᵃʳ˒ ᴵ'ᵛᵉ ᵈᵉᵛᵉˡᵒᵖᵉᵈ ᵃ ᵗᵃˢᵗᵉ ᶠᵒʳ ʸᵒᵘ ༝
Aug 30, 2024

「❝ℑ 𝔴𝔞𝔫𝔱 𝔱𝔬 𝔡𝔯𝔬𝔴𝔫 𝔦𝔫 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔡𝔢𝔰𝔦𝔯𝔢
𝔓𝔲𝔰𝔥 𝔪𝔢 𝔲𝔫𝔡𝔢𝔯, 𝔪𝔞𝔨𝔢 𝔪𝔢 𝔰𝔲𝔣𝔣𝔢𝔯.


etal parts and gears lay strewn about the city square, the remnants of a great, hulking beast of steel. The steam that once spewed from its cylinders had dissipated into the air as it powered down, defeated at last. The whirring of its engines ceased, a deafening clanking sound as it collapsed onto the cobblestone, the force of its weight leaving cracks in the earth beneath them. The manmade monster had resembled a warthog of sorts, giant ivory tusks and pointed hooves large enough to take out a small building. The creature had wreaked havoc across the center, stampeding through crowds and fixtures alike as it decimated all in its path. Many would starve or find themselves homeless thanks to the food stalls and houses it had destroyed, ensuring that the townsfolk would be scraping by and rebuilding for months to come. Yet worst of all were the innumerable lives that had been lost, the streets coated in the blood of innocents as mothers clutched their limp children to their chests and husbands mourned over the bodies of their wives.

Everywhere she looked she saw death and destruction, the people stricken by despair. The wails of hopeless souls tortured her ears, her heart breaking for them with every strangled sob that ripped through their throats. Some others were already starting to pick up the pieces, good Samaritans running around as they sought to provide aid to the wounded and quell the flames leftover from the aftermath of a hard-won battle.

All things considered, Violet had come out of that fight far less the worse for wear than she'd anticipated. Stumbling backward, she fell onto her bottom, her breathing ragged and strained as she clutched at her chest. An abundance of smoke in the air burned her eyes and lungs, each painful inhalation of breath sending her into another coughing fit. The dark purple bruises along her side ached from the movement, sweat beading along her brow as she turned her head to look around. Her hands still shook, entirely numb from the cold bite of frost that sank deep into her skin, nothing but puddles of water left behind from her ice crystals. A cut above her temple had blood matting her hair to the side of her head, while another gash in her shoulder appeared much deeper. With the adrenaline crash came the pain, searing and sharp. She ground her teeth together, her pale silver eyes searching for her twin.

"Caleb?" The young woman called out for him, a note of desperation in her voice. Had they lost each other in the midst of the battle? She began to sit up, struggling to raise herself to her feet as she tried to remind herself to stay calm, to not immediately assume the worst had befallen him. "Where are—"

A hand gripped her arm, that iron grasp yanking her upwards and forcing her to stand once more. Wincing, Violet tilted her head back to lock eyes with the cold, unreadable helmet of an enforcer. Her heart sank into her stomach, panic seeping into her features as her body tensed up. Had she done something wrong? What would possess a guard to seize her at a time like this? Her pupils darted around, finally spotting her brother in the crowd. He was being restrained in the same fashion, and though she was relieved to know that he was alive, she couldn't help but cry out when she was jerked forward, dragged along like some uncooperative dog on a leash.

"Unhand me!" She cried, struggling against the metal restraints placed upon her wrists. "I have to go to him! Please, you can't do this!"

In the end, her pleas fell on deaf ears. The guard smacked her across the face with the hilt of his sword, the force of his swing prompting her to spit blood onto the pathway beneath their feet. The Ash Lord who'd fought alongside them was nowhere to be seen, and the two found themselves without any allies to defend them. In no time at all they were separated, pushed into different holding cells while they awaited their verdict at the hands of the ruling class. It wouldn't be for another few hours until the bars of her cage swung open and she was ushered along once more, but this time she was treated with much more care.

Violet had been given quick medical treatment for her wounds, a linen bandage tied around her shoulder and a cup of herbal tea to help soothe the pain. Eventually, she was uncuffed and brought into the most lavish room she'd ever seen. It appeared to be an office of sorts, but all of the furniture was more expensive than anything she'd ever owned in her life. Polished hardwood flooring creaked underneath her dirty boots, oil lamps lighting up the room with their orange glow. A man sat illuminated at a desk in the back of the room, his suit threaded with the finest silk in the city. His workspace was littered with baubles and bottles of luxurious liquor, the sound of wine sloshing around in a glass as he poured one out for himself reaching her ears. She was nervous and withdrawn, though she reminded herself to stand straight, recognizing that she was in the presence of a nobleman.

The door opened and shut once more as another figure entered the room. Her brother was led inside shortly after her, directed to stand next to her where they would both be facing the desk. Reaching for him, she took hold of his hand, silent worry plastered across her features. Violet had never been adept at hiding her emotions on her face, and the concern she felt for him now had her busted lips pulling into a frown. But she didn't have time to assess the damages, for her attention was taken away when the mysterious man cleared his throat, commanding the twins' focus.

"I'm sure you're both wondering why you've been brought here. We'll get to that part, but please, take a seat." The man gestured to the leather couch behind them, his voice gravelly and coarse from a lifetime of smoking cigars. Hesitantly, she took a seat, still holding onto her sibling's hand if he sat down beside her. She could use the comfort.

After drinking deeply from his glass, the man introduced himself. "My name is Sir Ambrose Hargreaves, an ambassador for the prime minister. I've been told your names are Caleb and Violet Blackwell, is that right?" She nodded gingerly, confirming his question. "Wonderful. You know, the things you two did out there for the city today could go down in history. I've never seen such a gripping display of heroism in all my years working with young upstarts just like yourselves. You've taken the whole town by storm."

Violet could hardly contain her shock at being addressed in such a way, having expected a scolding or worse thanks to their earlier reception. What had brought about such a drastic change? She slipped her hand out of Caleb's, placing them in her lap as she leaned forward just so. "You flatter us, sir..." She bowed her head somewhat, strands of her wavy black hair falling into her face. "But we weren't trying to be heroes. We did what had to be done, and we couldn't save everyone..." Her eyes lowered to the floor, shame and guilt crossing her features. In fact, she knew that in many ways, this was all her fault. Not the beast breaking through the Ash Wall, but the fact that her and her twin had ended up here in the first place. If she hadn't begged him to take her to the marketplace today, if she'd only stayed in the hideout and let him do his job elsewhere, they wouldn't be in this situation. Caleb never would have had to jump to her defense and reveal himself in the process, and neither of them would've gotten hurt.

"Nonsense. The people of this district will be singing your praises for years to come, mark my words." His words carried warmth, but his smile was too thin, not quite convincing. "Now what if I offered the two of you the opportunity to keep protecting our fair city? Why, with your talents, Mister Blackwell, you could find yourself among the ranks of the illustrious Ash Lords yourself." Violet's gaze flickered over to her brother, gauging his reaction to that bombshell of a statement. Surely he couldn't mean that he wanted to recruit them into the upper level of the military? They were both still so young, largely inexperienced in combat and untrained in the ways of a soldier. To go from being mere paupers to veritable nobles themselves was a leap too great for her mind to comprehend.

Ambrose gestured to her, that thin smile tightening at the corners. "And the lady, of course, would be your Handmaiden. Now, we do have to keep up certain appearances here, you see. The people aren't so willing to accept a Lord without a bride, and we'd hate to have to separate such a loving family. You understand what I'm getting at, of course. Miss Violet here should fill that role nicely, wouldn't you agree?"

The aforementioned woman nearly keeled over right then and there. Did I hear that right? She thought, her face flushing from the suddenness of it all. Her, a bride? To her own brother? Her fingers tightened as they clutched at her roughspun skirts, feeling her heartbeat racing as it pounded up against her ribcage. She knew better than to speak her dissent— not only as a woman, but as a commoner, to boot.

Their host lit a cigar as he let the silence fill out the room, an awkward, almost palpable sort of tension in the air. He puffed on it between sips, the smell of the smoke nearly causing Violet to scrunch up her face in disgust. Of course, she had a functioning sense of self-preservation, and as such she did her best to maintain a straight face. Now she didn't even dare to look at Caleb, her reddened ears a sure sign of her discomfort. Ambrose's hazel-eyed gaze passed over her to land upon her twin once more, something dark underneath his amiable act. "What do you say, Mister Blackwell? I assure you, your acceptance of such an esteemed role promises a great many benefits, not the least of which would be an elevation in status."

As if dangling a carrot on a stick in front of them, the ambassador leaned back in his chair, observing the young pair before him. There was merely the illusion of a choice, for in reality, no such choice existed. Something in the hard edges of his gaze, in the crow's feet that stretched from his eyes and dipped to meet that simpering smile spelled it out for them clearly. They could not refuse. Not if they wanted to survive to live another day.

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<< Caleb >>
“There is nothing out there, nothing is something, too"

Caleb was still standing, silent and unwavering as the ambassador made his proposal to them. He stood there with a busted lip, a bloody, broken nose as well as multiple bruises, cuts and wounds. All of those were crossed over with either bandages or some sort of white plaster. His right shoulder was hurting like hell and he knew that a good night's sleep would be off the table for at least two days. But that was the least of their problems, now they had one of the most powerful people in the city offering them an opportunity, at least that's how his words sounded like.

As he swallowed, Caleb avoided staring into the hardened look of the man's eyes and his head tilted to his side for a small glance at his sister. She didn't have to say a word, her reddened ears were speaking volumes. The quick bow she gave was rather confused than courteous, but she had always been the well mannered half. When he sat down next to Violet, Caleb took a small breath and grabbed the hand of his sister out of her lap, holding it tightly between his palm. An uncanny feeling arose inside of him, but he needed to display strength, even if that was the last thing on his mind. The jug of water they gave him in the nursery was barely enough to keep him standing for much longer anyway.
In an attempt to get rid of the dry rasp in his voice, he cleared his throat and answered in a slightly shaky, even unsure tone.

"The title of an Ash Lord is surely impressive, I can't deny that, but…" He was cut off instantly by the Ambassador, who flicked away the ash of his cigar into the blue glass tray on his maple wood table.

"Do I hear doubts in your voice, Mr. Blackwell? What possible concern can a young man like you with such powers have? Don't be foolish now! You made the right decision by using your abilities to stop the machinery from killing even more people, you can make another good decision by accepting our generous offer. I saw it right from this very balcony, it was a real spectacle." The man smiled and looked straight ahead at Caleb, he went as far as folding his hands and putting his cigar away.

"Look outside the window behind me, Mr. Blackwell and tell us what you see. Isn't it misery? Poverty? Murder? Do you really think you can go back and pretend none of this ever happened?" Sir Ambrose laughed in an absurd way, as if he was amused by Caleb's polite declination.

Caleb's face went pale for a moment, because deep down he knew the Ambassador was right. They couldn't go back and steal their way through to life. Everyone would recognize them even more after what had just happened. He braced himself and sat up straight again. There was only one way out of this situation and they knew it. She knew it, he could feel it lingering in the air. It was the reason she couldn't look at him in the first place.

"I'll accept your offer, sir." Caleb stood out of his seat, his face lacking all expression. Under normal circumstances, he would've never made such a decision without consulting with Violet first, but Mr. Ambrose seemed like an influential man, his words weren't meant as mere suggestions. Caleb had no idea who he was exactly, but he knew that the high society of Ashborough was powerful.

"As expected…you will not regret this, Mr. Blackwell. And you, Ms. Blackwell, will be a worthy handmaiden. Many people have been waiting for this day to come, the prophecy is fulfilling itself…now, you will be escorted to the Lord's quarter, an exquisite house, right up near Ravensfield Park. Mrs. Kerrington will instruct both of you for the ceremony tomorrow morning, as we do need to hurry with the proceedings…shall we?" Mr. Ambrose motioned to the guards and told them to accompany Ashborough's new hope to their quarters. Caleb had no idea what would expect them, but this was the only option they had.

"The ceremony will be tomorrow?!" He asked, confused by everything the Ambassador had just told them.

"Yes, yes, it will be tomorrow in the afternoon! You don't have to worry about a thing, everything will be taken care of, that is a personal promise! But I strongly advise you to get some much needed rest and freshen up at your new quarters, tomorrow will be a long day for the both of you." He pointed them towards the guards and they walked away in silence. The halls were nearly empty, their footsteps echoed through them. They haven't looked at each other even once since he made the decision for them. What if this was their death sentence?

Caleb let go of Violet's hand and the guards escorted them out the grand building. Everything happened so fast, none of them stood a chance of arguing against anything that happened to them and neither did they have the energy or clarity to do so. They were greeted with warm and friendly faces as they were walking through the streets of the High Wall, where life seemed mostly normal, as if the attack was nothing but a nuisance to these rich people. There were no beggars on the street, everyone was dressed nicely and formal. Caleb was left in awe at the looks of the buildings. No holes in the brick walls, no militia patrolling through the district and everything felt so oddly safe that it almost scared him.

After another turn to the left, they could see Ravensfield Park and right next to it an estate. The area was fenced off with spiked steel, like spears stuck into the ground and a huge entrance with some mystical statue in the far distance. Every hundred feet or so, there were two guards stationed underneath the shadows of the tree avenue that led to the mansion itself. The statue in the distance turned out to be a giant man, and the massive structure was placed right in front of the entrance doors. The guards knocked on the door with the round golden knob attached to it and waited. Slowly, the door opened and a dolled up woman greeted them with excitement. "Please, come inside, we have awaited you for a long time!"

The chirping of the woman was slightly annoying, and she was most likely double their age and had dark wrinkles under her eyes. She looked almost macabre, but Caleb didn't want to insult her, perhaps this was Mrs. Kerrington.

"You go first." He told his sister and almost shoved her inside. The entrance hall was grandiose, a bright chandelier was hanging down the middle. The floor was made of a hard material, some shining stone, almost mirroring his reflection. Several paintings with red and gold frames were on the walls, depicting landscapes, two women fighting a strange creature and many other paintings were of a similar kind. The house smelled of nothing, there was a comfortable cold in the air. Despite the hot weather outside, it wasn't warm inside at all. Who was this woman? And what was she doing inside the Lords quarters?

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「❝ℑ 𝔴𝔞𝔫𝔱 𝔱𝔬 𝔡𝔯𝔬𝔴𝔫 𝔦𝔫 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔡𝔢𝔰𝔦𝔯𝔢
𝔓𝔲𝔰𝔥 𝔪𝔢 𝔲𝔫𝔡𝔢𝔯, 𝔪𝔞𝔨𝔢 𝔪𝔢 𝔰𝔲𝔣𝔣𝔢𝔯.


Caleb had sealed their fate with one simple sentence, but she knew that his hands were tied just as hers were. There was no going back on the decision, but there was no avoiding it, either. She tightened her grip on his hand slightly, shaking as the ambassador addressed her once more. 'You'll be a worthy handmaiden', he'd said. Truthfully, she didn't really know what being an Ash Lord or a handmaiden even meant. Whatever it was, it was foreign to her, and entirely nerve-wracking. She'd heard stories of warriors and their dutiful brides, strong, stoic men who wielded great power and even greater control over their maidens. Were she and her brother truly to take on such impossible roles?

Still, she nodded her head politely, standing up next to him with another bow. She heard his exclamation about the ceremony from beside her, and she shared in his bewilderment, but she held her tongue out of respect. She needed more time to process all of this, but she was expected to be ready for an induction in less than a day? Still avoiding her brother's gaze, Violet followed along after him when he released her hand, keeping her head down throughout the walk.

Well, that is until they made it into the Upper City. Her eyes grew wide as she marveled at the impressive, spiraling architecture and the cleanness of the streets. There was no trash or riff-raff among them, the people of this district donning suits and dresses of luxurious make. It made her feel wildly out of place in what were essentially rags that she wore, a dirtied white blouse and torn brown skirt some of her only clothing. Even her shoes were shoddily made out of tanned hide, little more than wrappings around her feet to protect them from the broken glass and rubble that adorned the Lower City's streets. She looked on in wonder at the nobles and their displays of wealth, finding herself growing a tad jealous that they could live such carefree lives. Envy was an ugly thing, one that she did her best to suppress as she looked away, gazing ahead at Caleb's back.

Upon their arrival at Ravensfield Park, the young woman's eyes fell upon the Lord's Quarter as it loomed over them, tall and imposing. As a little girl, Violet could only ever dream of living in such an opulent manor. Even the brothel, while having been four walls and a roof at the very least, was still given to poverty and disrepair. The twins had slept in the cellar beneath those creaky old floorboards where they could hear the squeaking and banging of beds above. She could remember sneaking a few sips of the cheap wine they kept in stock down there to 'encourage' their patrons into spending more time and money on their services, at one time being severely reprimanded for it when she was caught. Nowadays, they tended to sleep wherever they could find a spare bit of floor— in abandoned buildings or back alleys full of rats and teeming with roaches.

When the door opened, she stiffened slightly, straightening her back in the presence of the noblewoman that greeted them. She seemed friendly in that same way that Sir Ambrose had, that was to say, artificially. However, Violet wanted to believe that she was genuinely on their side, eager to help them prepare for an event that neither of them had ever even heard of before tonight.

As the lady beckoned them inside and she felt her twin push her forward, she turned to shoot an annoyed glare at him, begrudgingly taking the lead after his insistence. Who ever said that they didn't still have their moments of sibling rivalry? Letting out a soft sigh, she followed the other woman as the doors closed behind them, her eyes taking in the grandness of the interior hall. She had to remind herself to be careful lest she accidentally break one of the expensive vases that were probably worth more than her own life. Still, those large paintings captivated her, her eyes roaming over them as they crossed the threshold and headed for another room. Such history depicted on these walls, art an eternal reflection of the human soul. Not that she was any sort of aficionado, but she'd learned to appreciate the finer things in life, if only ever from a distance.

They went up the staircase and entered into what appeared to be a large bedroom, the four-poster canopy bed in the back pushed up against a large triangular window with sheer curtains. Evening light filtered across the floorboards, the darkening skies prompting their hostess to strike a match and light the candles that stood on the hardwood nightstand. Then she turned to them with a smile, striding over to stand closer to them.

"This will be your new living quarters from now on. Isn't it darling? But, please, if you have any requests don't hesitate to let me know. We want this space to be perfect for you." She gestured around her, clearing her throat lightly as she seemed to remember something. "Right, my name is Mrs. Kerrington, and I'll be your advisor. Come, come."

Beckoning them over to the huge walk-in wardrobe, she began to inspect them for a moment. She pursed her lips, her face turning a bit sour as she acknowledged their state of dress. Mrs. Kerrington pinched the fabric of Violet's long hewn skirt, holding it up for a minute. "Well... I suppose I've seen worse..." Her hands brushed over Caleb's shirt, singling out any loose threads or buttons with a click of her tongue. The older woman turned on her heel, dismissing that thought as she began to dig through the trunks and racks that lined the walls, searching for something. Violet glanced up at her brother uncertainly, standing with her hands folded in front of her.

"We'll need to get you measured and fitted for some properly tailored clothing in time, but this will have to do for now." She pulled out a few garments of varying sizes, dresses and skirts for Violet and button-down shirts and vests with trousers for Caleb. Placing her selections into their arms, she put a hand on each of their backs and directed them towards the adjoining bathroom. "I must insist you freshen up first, what with your... Present state." Their advisor ushered them inside, her hand still gripping the ornate doorknob as she lingered in the frame. "I mean no offense, of course, and am greatly appreciative of your heroic efforts, indeed; but we cannot continue with our practice until you're presentable. Do hurry now, before the day is out."

After that brief order, Mrs. Kerrington closed the door behind them, leaving them alone together in the washroom. The floors were tiled and spotless, a deep basin of a sink off to their side and a toilet beside that. However, what really caught her attention was the large porcelain tub at the opposite end of the room, its depths already filled with lightly steaming water as though it had been prepared for them in advance. She briefly glanced at herself in the mirror, becoming privy to her own dirtied, bloodied visage. A chance to clean herself up would be nice, and yet...

Violet flushed, locking eyes with her twin brother nervously. "Why did she send us both in here?" She mumbled, shaking her head as she examined the fancy soaps and shampoos lining the edge of the tub. The water smelled particularly pleasant, as though infused with lavender oils. The intention was for them to bathe together, that much was clear... But Violet hesitated, her hands clutching at her skirts as she stood by the door sheepishly. They hadn't done such a thing since they were kids. It went without saying that a lot had changed since then.

"A-alright... Caleb, you can go first. I won't look." She turned around, facing the wall respectfully as she waited for him to act. In the meantime she was occupied with no shortage of anxious thoughts, her heart still racing as though the battle had never ended. They were safe, for now, but how long until that might change again? Life as they knew it would never go back to the way it used to be, which seemed like a good thing, and she truly hoped it was. But there was that nagging little voice in the back of her head that had its own fair share of doubts, a voice she tried to silence by talking to him instead.

"I'm sorry, brother. It's my fault you got hurt trying to protect me..." Violet's voice was tinged with remorse, her silver eyes downcast to the floor. "I never meant for something like this to happen. But... I'll do my best to be your handmaiden, if that is what's expected of me. If it means not losing you, I'll do anything it takes, so..."

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He exhaled a deep breath of relief after Mrs. Kerrington closed the door ever so swiftly. While he agreed with Violet, there was no point he could make to ease the situation. This washing room alone was more spacious than most homes in the old town, he thought to himself and kept marveling about the spotless floors, the perfectly cut stone bricks inside the walls that insulated the warmth and kept the heat inside. He found himself in agreement that they could use a bath, and partially grateful for having some much needed time alone with his sister, he turned around as she voiced her unnecessary apology.

Caleb looked at her with an expression of uttermost care in his eyes, and not even the bloody cuts and bruises extinguished the tender prettiness she still carried. Without saying another word, he wrapped his arms around her, his body shook and trembled as he embraced her. Cupping her head from behind, he pressed her deeply against his chest, as if she still needed his protection at this very moment.

"I'm sorry, sister…I failed you when the guards came. Hearing you scream was terrible," he whispered against her temple.

"I'll never leave, I promise. We'll be fine." Caleb let go of her and changed his tone immediately. They had to prepare for the ceremony now. This was the only break they were granted and he wanted to make use of the privacy they had.

"But I won't go in first, we will both get in there. And I don't care if you look or not, you have seen me that way before. How else are we going to get through the ceremony tomorrow?"

He tried his best appealing to her reason, her ability to plan ahead. Caleb undressed himself right in front of her and shrugged.

"Fine, I'll go in first," he said and rolled his eyes in a joking manner. Anything to lighten up her mood again.

"Besides, my shoulder hurts like hell and you're the only one who can help me." Caleb nearly tumbled into the tub, and a small amount of water swept over the edge of the smooth tub. He breathed through a surge of pain while sitting down, the warm water soaked the bandages wrapped around his wounds. Caleb only waited for her to join him and stared at the rounded ceiling, steam ran down his cheeks, like drops of rainy pearls against a window glass and he closed his eyes for a moment, leaning back against the walls of the tub.

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「❝ℑ 𝔴𝔞𝔫𝔱 𝔱𝔬 𝔡𝔯𝔬𝔴𝔫 𝔦𝔫 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔡𝔢𝔰𝔦𝔯𝔢
𝔓𝔲𝔰𝔥 𝔪𝔢 𝔲𝔫𝔡𝔢𝔯, 𝔪𝔞𝔨𝔢 𝔪𝔢 𝔰𝔲𝔣𝔣𝔢𝔯.


As Caleb moved to approach her Violet gave a start, surprised that he was coming to embrace her. The hands that came to caress her back and head were firm but gentle, a familiar grip that she could get lost in if she wasn't careful. Her eyes closed as she wrapped her arms around him in return, burying her face in his solid chest. There was almost the urge to cry into him like she would when they were younger, her tears staining his shirt even as he did his best to soothe her like the good brother that he was. But she had to be strong for him, too. She suppressed that feeling, instead focusing on breathing in his scent, that aroma which lingered on his skin never failing to calm her. Listening to his steady heartbeat, she could remind herself that they were still alive and still together. That was enough for her.

Once he pulled away she gazed into his eyes and nodded, looking up at him in that moment like he was her whole world. His comforting words were just what she needed to hear. Though, her expression soon turned bashful when he insisted that she join him in the water. She chewed on her lower lip nervously, knowing that he had a point, but that didn't make it any easier.

"But—" Violet froze when he began to strip down right in front of her without a care. A surprised squeak left her lips as she quickly covered her eyes, her entire face glowing red like a fireplace full of embers. "C-Caleb! That's improper!" Her voice quavered as she chided him, the young woman before him as innocent as she was oblivious. Sucking in a breath, she refused to open her eyes again until she heard him get in the water, the lower half of his body blocked by the tub and submerged from view. Still, she could see his chest and the injuries that littered his skin, the sight of them causing her to temporarily forget her embarrassment as she was overcome by concern instead.

He appealed to her more caring nature, the idea that he was in pain not one that she could just simply ignore. "A-alright, alright... But I do care if you look, so, you'd better not!"

Relenting finally, Violet glowered at him until he made some kind of an attempt to look away or close his eyes. Sheepishly, she peeled off her top first, folding it and setting it neatly on top of the counter. Her skirt was next, fingers hooking around delicate white undergarments as she let those fall around her ankles as well. Now completely bared, she did her best to cover herself until she was able to climb into the bath as well, lowering herself so that the water blurred her feminine bits. She dipped her head underneath the surface only to come back up a moment later, inky black hair clinging to her face and neck.

Breathing in the lavender fumes, his twin sister soon let out a sigh that sounded like a mix of relief and exasperation. The bath was spacious, allowing the two of them plenty of room away from each other, but she decided to inch closer to him and close the distance. It was obvious that she was still blushing, even if she wanted to pretend that was only the heat of the water causing her skin to flush.

"Geez... What did you need help with?" Violet huffed, putting on a show of indignation yet worrying for him as she always did nonetheless. Her fingertips ghosted along his back as they grazed his skin, searching for that spot which he sought to have pressure applied to. "Right here?" With a hand perched on each of his shoulders, she tested his sensitivity by pressing down gently, her eyelids half-lidded as she observed his reaction, trying to be careful so as not to hurt him on accident.

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Caleb didn't look at her bare skin, just as he promised. He only dared a gaze at his sister when he heard the membrane of the tub as she emerged into it. Violet's face was painted in red, and her embarrassment was undeniable. To spare her, he turned around as she put her hands on his shoulders, her fingertips applied a firm pressure and traveled down his back bones.

"Now, you're being improper," he teased, then nudged her blindly with his right elbow, accidentally hitting a soft spot on her chest. For a moment, he forgot that they weren't the kids fooling around in a bathtub anymore and put his arms in front of himself.

"Yes, just stay right there," he hissed out, refusing to let her know that she was almost killing him on the inside. After a few strokes, some of the tension stored up finally left his body. His back was easing up little by little and he could sit with an almost straight spine again. Violet had graceful hands and Caleb would have enjoyed her massage far longer than he liked to admit, but they didn't have much time left before they had to see Mrs. Kerrington again.

"We should talk about tomorrow," he said. Regret voiced over his pursed lips, and he was speaking more quietly, almost reserved. Caleb was usually more straightforward and wore his heart on his sleeve, but this time it was different. She wasn't just somebody, she was his sister. His own flesh and blood would be his bride. Those thoughts confused him more than anything else, and he wasn't ready to think through the consequences. The haunting words of the Ambassador were still in his mind.

"I only agreed because I wanted to protect you. I didn't know that the ceremony would be this early…but I'm glad that it's you, Violet." He lifted his head and gently swiped her hands off his shoulders, slowly turning around to his sister. Her long hair was stuck to the side of her fairly defined cheeks, his jaw muscles contracted and he swallowed his nervousness down as his eyes flicked across her face. Swiftly, he tucked the loose branches of black hair behind her ears and placed his hands on her shoulders.

Caleb gave his sister a quick, reaffirming kiss on her flamboyant cheekbones and got out of the bath, grabbed a towel and silently handed it over to her. Tomorrow, everything would be different. He will be declared as Ash Lord, and she will be made his handmaiden, his bride and before he thought it out even further, he shook his head and put those thoughts to rest. He was already anxious enough, but wasn't allowing himself to show any sign of weakness in front of Violet.

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「❝ℑ 𝔴𝔞𝔫𝔱 𝔱𝔬 𝔡𝔯𝔬𝔴𝔫 𝔦𝔫 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔡𝔢𝔰𝔦𝔯𝔢
𝔓𝔲𝔰𝔥 𝔪𝔢 𝔲𝔫𝔡𝔢𝔯, 𝔪𝔞𝔨𝔢 𝔪𝔢 𝔰𝔲𝔣𝔣𝔢𝔯.


Violet rolled her eyes at her brother's teasing, though the sentiment was short-lived. When she felt his elbow collide with her breasts she jumped, making a small splash in the water around them. Glaring daggers at him, it took everything in her to bite her tongue and hold herself back from digging her nails into his shoulders instead.

Not one to hold a grudge, however, she only sighed and complied with his desires, her delicate fingers pressing into his shoulder blades as she massaged that sore spot, diligently working out the knot under his skin. There was something about it that felt quite intimate, particularly due to their nakedness and their ages. If she'd been giving him a massage any other time it would just be normal, but they were in a private bath together and were now expected to act like husband and wife... She blushed slightly, realizing that that was exactly what they were doing without meaning to.

"I suppose we should..." She agreed rather hesitantly, her fingers lingering on his back, raptly watching the transparent beads that slid down his skin until they melded with the surface of the water below. Below... The area below his waist was obscured, but she found her eyes lingering there as if she might catch a glance of something taboo, something forbidden. Now her own thoughts were driving her crazy. Shaking her head, she looked up at Caleb when he turned to her, her breath catching in her throat when she felt his fingers dance across her temple to tuck inky tendrils of hair behind her ear. It was wrong to shudder so sinfully at her brother's touch, she knew, and she was shamefaced for it.

"Thank you for always thinking of me, brother. I'm glad, too." Violet's voice was sweeter than sugar, a soft smile lighting up her features when her twin grabbed her shoulders and planted a kiss on her cheek. She let out a breathless giggle, bringing a hand up to rub the spot he'd kissed as though she was trying to wipe it off. "Gosh, you still treat me like a child sometimes, though." With a click of her tongue, she turned away as he exited the bath, finishing up her own routine. After she'd rubbed the dirt and dried blood off of her skin and lathered her hair with shampoo, she took the offered towel and carefully eased her way out of the tub. She held the towel in front of herself the whole time, using it to cover her body as much as she could while drying off.

Then her eyes landed upon the clothes that Mrs. Kerrington had provided them with. She sifted through the choices, holding them up with varying expressions of interest and distaste. "Still, this doesn't mean things have to change between us. Maybe in public, but you'll always be my crybaby brother." A smirk as she referred to how he was when they were toddlers. Waiting until he was looking away, the young woman finally dropped her towel once she was done with it and changed into her new outfit. It was a pristine white blouse with a purple ribbon tying the collar together, accompanied by a long black skirt that sagged slightly below the knees. A pair of black flats completed the ensemble. Violet wrung the excess water out of her hair and then dragged a hairbrush through it, swiftly detangling any leftover knots. When that was done she turned towards the door, placing her hands on her hips as she mentally prepared herself for what was awaiting them outside.

Gingerly, she turned the knob and was greeted with none other than Mrs. Kerrington again, the woman smiling widely at the two of them as she held a silver platter with a kettle and tea cakes arranged neatly upon it.

"Ah, there you two are. Oh, and look at you! Such a beautiful young couple; you'll make such adorable children."

Violet felt herself turn red again, making an attempt to dispel the woman's assumptions as politely as possible. "I-It's not like that between us, ma'am, we've never..."

The lady laughed, a high-pitched, almost shrill sort of sound as she waved a hand. "Oh, worry not, you'll have plenty of time for that later. Besides, you could've fooled me. From the way you were talking in there you certainly seemed like lovers." It troubled Violet greatly to know she'd been listening in on their conversation the whole time, discomfort clear on her face. "Well, that's neither here nor there. Come, let's have some tea. You must be hungry after all that action earlier, yes?"

Some food certainly did sound tempting, now that she thought about it. Ignoring the rumble of her stomach, Violet followed after the advisor with her brother. She took them down the stairs again and into a different room— this one seemed like a parlor of sorts. There was a large hardwood desk and a chair pushed up against the posterior wall while a smaller table sat off to the corner. That table was surrounded by a velvet loveseat and a wooden chair that had been pulled up across from it. Mrs. Kerrington led the pair over to the tea table and placed the platter down upon it, beckoning for them to sit.

Chewing her bottom lip, Violet lowered herself onto the loveseat while their advisor sat in the chair. She poured them each a cup of the steaming hot tea, pushing the tray closer to them and encouraging them to partake. "Thank you." Dipping her head respectfully, the young woman lifted the porcelain to her lips and blew on the liquid inside gently. As she did so she crossed her legs, leaning back against he plush material of the couch. Never before in her life had she been subject to such comfort, wholly unused to being pampered or accommodated. It felt nice, but she wondered for how long it might last...

"Now then, we'll be going through the basics tonight and then we'll do a quick repeat tomorrow morning before the ceremony begins. Mister Blackwell, you will be crowned Lord Blackwell. And Miss Blackwell, you will be his handmaiden. As Sir Ambrose probably already told you, there are certain ways you'll be expected to act when you're together. You'll want to be chaste and proper, but still show your dedication to one another. You should be on his arm at all times, Violet, except for when you're entertaining other guests. Now, Caleb, as for you"

As she continued to speak, Violet found herself struggling to take mental notes of everything, her lips parting as she stuffed another tea cake between them. It was hard to concentrate because of how hungry and tired she was, so she secretly hoped that Caleb was paying attention, otherwise they were in for quite a disastrous event.

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"Crybaby brother?!" Caleb gasped, and was ready to get back at her with another snarky remark, but before he could do that, Violet had already opened the door and no other than Mrs. Kerrington was standing in the doorway. Fortunately, Caleb had already pulled into a pair of fine linen pants, brown colored, and was given a white shirt with silver buttons. The arms were a bit too long, but these pieces of clothes, which included some robust leather boots, were of great quality. Simply putting it on made him feel like he was already part of their world. In a weird way, he liked the change, even welcomed it after these past few years.

But the wishful thinking in his head was bursted by the supposed compliment they received from Mrs. Kerrington. A couple? Children? Multiple ones? Lovers? Caleb was fuming at her insinuation, angry at Mrs. Kerrington, for she was so comfortable eavesdropping on them. But simultaneously, Caleb was even more embarrassed that he let her words take vivid manifestation inside his mind. But Violet was right, things wouldn't change between them. Before he had any more time to ponder, they were already sitting down in the parlor room, drinking a warm cup of tea. He took a sip, way too eagerly and the first taste of herbs burned his tongue.

The wooden chair was uncomfortable, and it creaked with every inch he moved. His elbows rested on the wooden desk, but he immediately removed them after Mrs. Kerrington directed her attention to him, away from Violet, who sat opposite of him in a soft cushioned seat. As she spoke, Caleb lifted his head, his eyes widened at her words and he couldn't help but look at how distracted Violet was eating her cake.

"You will be an Ash Lord, the most honorable of all titles, equal to the nobles of our lands. As such, the both of you will have certain responsibilities, but yours will be worthy of most attention, young man!"

Mrs. Kerrington was not a bit less suggestive than Mr. Ambrose had been and she spoke fast, memorizing all of her mentions would be impossible, but he tried.

"The ceremony will begin tomorrow in the afternoon, the preparations are taking us all a bit longer than we anticipated, but it will be a glorious event! The people of Ashborough will love you, and it is your job to keep them in love with you, for all of our sakes," she sighed and continued. "Then your training will begin, our precious city needs you outside the walls. Mr. Ambrose has not disclosed those details with me, but I suppose he will tell you all about it after the ceremony. As part of the ritual, the handmaiden will walk behind the Ash Lord, and will only stand next to him on the altar, where your sister will be made your bride. Our people need hope, and what can inspire hope more than such a lovely couple as you?"

"But we are not a-...," Caleb's objection was shut down instantaneously and Mrs. Kerrington carried on, but her demeanor changed into a sudden earnestness, an almost sinister grin, the same kind as Mr. Ambrose faintly had, curved around her lips.

"None of that is important, young man! What's important is that you two publicly display your love for each other, make it believable or else there will be severe consequences for the both of you! I suppose I made myself clear now…the ceremony itself won't take long, a priest will be there to further instruct you, so the only thing you need to worry about is that the both of you are well rested, you need to be presentable. And now, I have to excuse myself from your presence, Lord and Lady Blackwell. I urge you to leave this room in less than ten minutes. The servants will start cleaning soon. Your bedroom is upstairs, take the big staircase with the white banister, you really can't miss it. Have a good night."

She snapped with her fingers at a nearby servant and rushed out of the room. The door fell close heavily, an unassuming silence lay heavy on each of the siblings, like the milky evening fog over the grass in the gardens. Caleb let everything sink into him, then he emptied the cup of tea and paced back and forth around the table, his arms were steadily crossed and his head tucked in between his neck. But no matter how hard he thought of a solution to get them out of this situation, there was not a single option where they both escaped alive.

"Come on, let us go upstairs now, I don't like it down here." Caleb took his sister's hand again, he clutched it with intent, and he pulled her out of the chair and they hurried up the spiraling staircase. The upper floor was just as pompously decorated as the main floor, paintings, a red satin carpet reaching from one end to the other and golden candleholders on the furniture. There were two rooms on the left and right side of the hallway, but one big door at the other end stood wide open, like a personal invitation to both of them.

After Caleb closed the door to their new sleeping place, he observed the grandeur of the bedroom. Eight people could live inside of here, he thought to himself. And much like the rest of the house, this room looked similar. And besides the large bed, which was its own separate area, closed off by white curtains attached to four posts raking out of each corner of the light brownish frame, this room was filled with all sorts of furniture. Two small tables with a chair each, writing papers, bottles of ink next to it, three closets with enough space for a lifetime of clothes and a tiny washing room. The bed was placed parallel to the door, and on the right wall next to it, a huge window with a view across the sanctuary gardens. A gazebo with an old well could be seen from the inside, but everything else behind was already covered in a blueish night light.

"I'll sleep on the left side," he uttered without hesitation. He always slept closest to the door, taking cautionary measures became as elemental as breathing. For the past few years, they always had to sleep with one eye open, and Caleb was often awake half the night because he thought he had heard a strange noise. But after a while, he realized that it was his own cautiousness causing him to be startled by the tiniest of noises during their sleep.

Too tired to take a closer look into each closet, Caleb unclothed himself until nothing but a pair of shorts were on him. Not being the most careful with his hands after everything that had happened, he almost ripped the bed curtains off while he opened them. Falling inside the mattress was worth it all, and he exhaled deeply into the cold pillow.

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「❝ℑ 𝔴𝔞𝔫𝔱 𝔱𝔬 𝔡𝔯𝔬𝔴𝔫 𝔦𝔫 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔡𝔢𝔰𝔦𝔯𝔢
𝔓𝔲𝔰𝔥 𝔪𝔢 𝔲𝔫𝔡𝔢𝔯, 𝔪𝔞𝔨𝔢 𝔪𝔢 𝔰𝔲𝔣𝔣𝔢𝔯.


Outside the walls. That statement of Mrs. Kerrington's stuck out to Violet, giving her pause as she held the teacup in midair, suspended inches from her lips. No one knew what exactly was outside of the walls— well, no one other than the Ash Lords and all the soldiers and prisoners who had never returned. Normal people were not permitted to cross them, and indeed, no one sane of mind would ever try. The stories about the outside world and its history were aplenty, many warped and faded by time until they were littered with lies and inconsistencies. While nobody knew for certain what was truth and what was a falsehood, there was one thing that the young Lady Blackwell knew. Hours earlier, they'd witnessed their first glimpse of what lie beyond, exposed to just one of the creatures that inhabited the wastelands surrounding Ashborough. The existence of more like it made a knot form in the pit of her stomach, her fingers tightening around the porcelain handle of her cup.

Caleb's voice cut through the woman's ravings, stirring Violet from her unpleasant reverie. Again with the whole 'couple' thing... She dipped her chin, hiding her face behind her mug as she took a long, uncomfortable sip. Was it really necessary for them to act like lovers? She knew that Ash Lords and their brides were practically a cultural icon at this point, a status symbol of their power and devotion. But surely it was unheard of for them to force twins or even siblings together in matrimonial union. As the advisor excused herself, the raven-haired girl stared into the golden liquid of her cup, watching the ripples that broke the surface tension inside of it. They, too, had created ripples in society with their exploits today.

She looked up, watching her brother pace anxiously, sympathizing with him. In silence, she ate the rest of her cakes and drained her tea, hungry enough for a feast with how malnourished they often were. As soon as she'd set her silverware down she was clasped by the hand and taken from her seat, pulled along after her impatient twin.
"A-alright..." She supposed they didn't have much longer to sit around in there, anyhow. As he guided her up the stairs and onto the second floor, she did her best not to stumble in her pursuit, tired and injured as she was. The estate was breathtaking, but all she could think about was melting into a comfortable bed and letting sleep take her at last.

When she heard him claim his spot, Violet nodded, aware of his reasons for doing so. "You should actually try to get some sleep, Cal." She yawned, kicking her shoes off as she sat on the edge of the king-sized bed, her bottom sinking into the plushness of the mattress. Her muscles ached, wrists sore from being handcuffed and skin littered in fresh, sensitive bruises. "I think we'll be safe tonight. Not that I know for sure, but hey, at least we finally have a door that locks." Being in an actual room was in itself a miracle. "And no rats or roaches to be seen." That was a blessing.

She changed out of her blouse and skirt into a long, flowing nightgown, the fabric dyed purple and appearing gossamer. It felt good to be clean and comfortable before bed, and for a moment she wondered if this was all merely a dream. To test it, she pinched herself, and found that she was still standing in the lavish room unchanged. It truly was a novelty.

Violet climbed into the bed next to him, though she was much more graceful about it. She tucked her legs in under the thick blankets and turned onto her side to face her brother, her silver eyes meeting that matching pair of his. While she had told him to get some sleep, and she herself was exhausted, the events of the day kept running through her mind and were making it nearly impossible for her to actually close her eyes and drift off. She kept worrying about tomorrow and how this new dynamic might irreversibly alter their relationship with one other after all.

"What do you think is going to happen to us?" She whispered, her eyes searching his face as if he somehow held the answers to all her queries. Resting her cheek on her arm, she reached her other hand out and laid it gently over his. "I'm scared to go out there. Beyond the barrier, I mean. I... I don't want to know what it is that took our father from us." It was a topic they seldom ever talked about, but she was vividly reminded of it now. She couldn't remember anything about their parents, but they'd heard everything that had happened from Madam Pennworth when they used to live in the brothel. In those days she'd intimidated them with the story, using their own mother and father's deaths to bring the rowdy children into line. Her fingers squeezed his, seeking warmth and comfort in his touch. "We'll be okay, won't we?"

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「❝There is nothing out there, but nothing is something, too.❞」​

For reasons beyond his own understanding, Caleb observed his sister for the first time since they defeated that monstrous machine. The gown she was wearing was filmy, and he didn't look away this time. Although the words of Mrs. Kerrington deeply embedded in the back of his mind as Violet spoke to him, he realized that his sister's thoughts were circling around similarly. Vividly, he looked back into her eyes, her touch was one of consolation and warmth, almost like she knew exactly what to say to him. But there was something else inside those silver eyes, she was riddled with questions and he was saddened that he couldn't give her the answers she sought for.

He sighed, and clasped the warm hand laying on top of his. Caleb didn't know what would happen to them, what lay outside the walls that shielded them for two decades. But he knew that it would be difficult, nothing was freely given and something was simply not sitting right with him. First there was the Ambassador, who seemed more dangerous than anyone else he had ever met in his life. Then Mrs. Kerrington, who babbled to no end about them as a couple and all sorts of ceremonial matters.

"Vi," he whispered back. "I don't know what's going to happen to us, besides that we will get married tomorrow…you know what that means, right?" His tone was one of sorrow, as if he was robbing her of something precious, but marriage was sacrilegious and all eyes would be set on them for a very long time. Caleb inched a bit closer to her.

"Let's not talk about what happened to father, we don't know the whole truth and we will never find out. Madam Pennyworth told us all kinds of crap. Truth is, we never had a father, and not much of a mother either." A dry response was all he could muster. It was the only way to avoid the uncomfortableness of a topic they seldom spoke about. Ever since a young age, they had been on their own. Not that any of them required pity, it wouldn't have helped them anyway, but they truly only had the other person to rely on. Violet was like a calm summer breeze, although her hair was nightly, her smile carried affection and her eyes benevolence.

"But we'll be okay." A faint smile came over his thin, pursed lips. He caressed her smooth cheek with the back of his hand, then wandered down the side of her arm. She had bruises and wounds all over. "We will be okay, Vi...sleep now." He softly repeated, like a lullaby, a mantra spoken out loud to put her at ease. Without saying anything else, he slowly turned around to face the side of the door again. While his sister had been right, they had locks now, he didn't feel much safer by any means. A closed door felt more like a trap, but all of his bones were aching and Caleb was too tired to open it.
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