Mx Female Episodic long-term stories


Dec 2, 2018
First I want to clarify, that I don't mind at all if these stories have 0 smut in them. I also don't mind some of them have something light (like kissing), or something smuttier. Mainly, I am looking to write hopefully well enough thought out stories that we both enjoy. I also only write with females. Another thing that this absolutely requires, is someone who has the time and energy to keep it long-term. Commitment. At least so that we finish a single story. These stories won't be too long, but if there is enough interest, can continue them. What does the title mean?

It means that we have a setting/theme (scifi, fantasy, a mixture can be almost anything), we make fitting characters to that setting, come up with a beginning for a plot and then play it out. But! I would base the stories to some things that I will not reveal. Some of them will be easy to find out if you just google about them, but where's the fun in that? Some of the things you might find by searching, but not necessarily the very thing I have in mind.

So my role would partially be to GM in the beginning, to set the stage so to speak, and then play different kinds of characters through out the story. And here's the fun part: We can improvise on how things turn out, instead of me just writing out what happens no matter what your decisions. I usually like to try and find matching images for what I have in mind, sometimes some music as well.

Let's say we start with something scifi. We finish that, and afterwards we can do a completely new story in a realm of fantasy for example if there is interest. Instead of me writing out a description telling you paragraphs about the world and setting, I will write out some brief descriptions here. If something raises your interest, contact me and at least tell me what kind of thoughts the selected description raised in you and what possible ideas you might have. And do let me know if you want there to be smut or not and the level of it. Here are some descriptions (will update as things/ideas come to mind):

"Since the time of The Fall, our race has been haunted by what we, in our reckless pursuit of hedonistic indulgence, gave birth to. Though our dreams once overturned worlds, and quenched suns, we are now but fitful shadows, clinging to the edge of existence. All the stars in the sky cannot blot out the hateful glare of the Red Moon's Eye. The birthing place of The Great Enemy pulses with all the malice of a daemon that is dreaming, casting it's shadow over all we have ever done, and all we ever shall."

"She couldn't help who she was. Despite that, her deepest wish was, that we not be consumed by hatred. I remember her gathering us around a pyre and teaching us: 'The righteous believe they are strong. Just. But in their contempt of the enemy, they fall easily to my will. Remember the power in your own mind and free will, and let no one... angel, demon, nor man, take it away from you.' she said. That stuck with me the most. We are prisoners of our own minds. We just need to find the key to open the door. And I have an idea where to look."

"It used to be when an old love ended, and a new one began, my friends would say: 'You look SO much happier now.'. I'd smile and agree... and then I'd go back to my hab and... say your name. Just to feel it on my lips again. Like.... summoning a ghost. We met in unspoken agreement. Your name for me was the one who had hurt you, my name for you was the one who had wounded me. We played the part for each other. Through you, I told the one who had wounded me, ALL the little things I never got the chance to. Cooked all the meals I never got to share... told all the jokes I never got to tell... laughed all the laughs. I through you to them, and you to yours through me. Then, one day you called me by my real name, and we never looked back."
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