Lost Kingdoms & Dragons


Feb 5, 2017
This an RP I am curving at the moment. This is the plot I have in mind, and below the plot you can find all the basic information about me and the way I roleplay.

Lost Kingdom (Plot)

In a kingdom long forgotten, hidden from the rest of the world, the last remnants of its inhabitants still linger—furry dragons who once ruled the skies. Their kingdom, now lost to time, has no female dragons left, and for ages, none have ever found their way to this forsaken land. The dragons' once-thriving civilization has faded into myth, leaving only the male dragons behind, yearning for the future of their race.

But today, everything changes.

A human girl, carefree and innocent, was playing a simple game of hide and seek with her boyfriend. She thought she had found the perfect hiding spot—a cave that seemed safe at first glance. But curiosity led her deeper than she intended, and soon, she found herself lost in an ancient passageway, slipping through to a land no human had ever seen. The once-lost kingdom of dragons.

Her journey begins as one of desperation, trying to find a way out of the strange land. But it isn't long before the dragons discover her. They see in her something their kingdom has long desired—a female. For them, her capture means the survival of their race, as the ancient tradition dictates that any female found must serve as the means to restore their numbers.

But one dragon—perhaps two—takes pity on her. He knows the old ways cannot bring them salvation. Forcing her to breed, to live a life of captivity, isn't the way forward. And so, he aids her, guiding her through perilous lands, shielding her from his own kin, even though he understands their desperation.

As they journey together, something begins to change. This dragon, who had only sought to protect her, finds himself drawn to the human girl. He can't ignore the stirrings of something deeper, more primal within him. Despite her fragility and the impossibility of what he feels, he grows to care for her—more than he ever thought possible.

But he keeps his distance, struggling against urges he knows he must control. She is so small, so delicate, compared to his powerful, towering form. Mating with her seems unthinkable—impossible. And yet, as time passes, the tension between them grows stronger, undeniable.

Then, one night, under the open sky, his instincts take over. He claims her, unable to resist the pull any longer.

From here, their story could unfold in countless directions. Perhaps they continue their escape together, evading the dragons who hunt her. Or maybe darker paths await—capture, betrayal, or even the slow unraveling of their growing connection. Either way, their fates are bound together in this lost kingdom, where the past lingers, and the future hangs in the balance.​

Hey everyone! This is Christine!
Finally, back, I'm going to make my permanent RP request 'call'!
Please take your time and read it below. And let's try not to ask me things that I have already listed below.
PM me if you have questions/concerns or are interested in RP!

My F-list.

Basic stuff

Don't hold back; just say so! Communication is the key!


No, sorry! Indeed I have done some taboo and disturb roleplays. Yet, a family is a family. And even in the roleplay, it should stay that way.
Toilet sports and SCAT: A big No, no!
Vore and Gore: Let's just keep it out of the roleplay.
Rape: I don't mind if things turn really wild or rough. Force can be okay.
Cheating partners in the role play.
My character is 18+ to 29. I don't play younger; I don't like to play older.

Sorry in advance. For the long post. Yet, take your time and read it!


Here is my F_LIST.
I am open to suggestions!
We can add Kinks and be naughty and playful.
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