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Mx F or NB May the Depths of our Taboo Know No Limits


Sep 20, 2024
...well, within reason. There are site rules to abide by!

So, let's see here, introductions... I suspect this first iteration will be pretty babbly, though hopefully not entirely incoherent. I'll refine it as I spend more time on this site, and welcome any feedback!

I suppose it makes sense to start with the obvious: I'm looking for RPs where I play a male character against a female / nonbinary character. While I've noticed some fodder on here about whether or not IRL gender matters, I will say it does to me. I'm sorry to those of whom I won't get to write with because of this silly and arguably close-minded preference.

With that out of the way, I'll share a bit about myself before delving into specific interests.
  • I'm a male, residing in the western portion of the US (that's PST).
  • I have been writing erotically on and off for something in the range of 15-20 years, with 10-15 of those being more serious writing (like what seems to happen around here). It's all been fairly on and off, and I post this thread as I return from a rather lengthy hiatus from writing. Sidenote: apologies for any rust that early writing partners on here are subject to.
  • I work full time, and my job has varying levels of demand. As a result, I'll have varying levels of availability. My intention is to write with partners on at least a weekly basis. Any delays longer than that and I will do my best to give a heads up. Aspirationally, I'd love to post daily (and even back and forth within a day), but that won't always be possible. As to whether I can post in the mornings, afternoons, or evenings, is all beholden to my work schedule on any given day.
  • In the past, my post lengths have varied and are often somewhat matched (and tailored) to my writing partner's. At a minimum, you can expect a substantial paragraph that meaningfully moves the plot forward; at a maximum, you can expect many detailed paragraphs in excess of 1,000 words. More often than not I'd say I'm in between there.
  • While not a stickler for grammar (mine isn't perfect), I do expect those I write with to write coherently. Punctuation is our friend and proofreading can help us avoid mistakes that might change the meaning of an important sentence.
  • I'm not really a fantasy writer. I've tried doing historical and sci-fi and fantastical stories in the past and I tend to flounder about. The sort of slice-of-life, more or less realistic stories are my sweet spot; I can even extend that to near-future or closely-resembling alternate realities with a good story idea.
  • I know this is an erotic roleplaying site, and while I do love erotic writing, I also need at least some story with my smut. It doesn't need to be a ton, but there at least needs to be some element of motivation as to why our characters are partaking in such taboo acts as they are. Bonus points to partners that like to plot and plan and create backstory.
Hopefully that all wasn't too off-putting, as now we're onto the fun stuff! I'm going to keep this all fairly simple for now, but will update and add more details as I wade deeper into both this site and my return to writing.

  • I love incest. My favorites are just below, but I'll take any suggestion on an incest pairing into consideration.
    • Father / daughter
    • Mother / son
    • Siblings
    • Cousins
  • Anything in the realm of "societal no-no's", such as:
    • Therapist / subject
    • Teacher / student
    • Long-time family friends
    • Any sort of mentor / mentee relationship turned erotic
  • Beyond these, I'm always open to suggestions. I find a lot of taboo is derived from backstory and motivation, so even if our characters are perfect strangers or in an otherwise non-interesting relationship, with the proper plotting we can always introduce an element of taboo. That is to say, if you have an idea that doesn't conform to the pairings above but feels taboo, I'd love to hear it.
Please note, some of these are admittedly dark, so reader beware. This is also an incomplete list (I'll work on getting a more complete F-list up). If you're into something that isn't listed here, and isn't in my limits, feel free to ask about it -- I'm very open minded. Likewise, I don't need all of these in a roleplay, so if you like some but not all, let me know and we'll avoid what you don't like!
  • Incest (obviously)
  • Age play and age gaps
    • I'm happy to play with any ages ranging from the lower limit of site rules up to 50's / 60's.
  • Messy sex and excessive cum
  • Orgasm control, denial, and torture (e.g., overstimulation)
  • Light to heavy bondage
  • Impact play
  • Power dynamics, formalized as a D/s dynamic or informally written into relationships
  • Consent, dubious consent, and non-consent
  • Physical and emotional violence and abuse
  • Water sports
  • All things anal and oral, giving and receiving
  • Toys
  • Romance
  • Pubic hair
I can't say I have a whole lot of these. Obviously, site rules always apply. I've mentioned some things I dislike above in terms of partners and settings, but as far as actual kinks go, well... do your worst. You'll have a hard time finding things I won't try.

So, I think that's about it for now. If you read this and feel as though I've missed any important information, please let me know and I'll make updates. Otherwise, I'm looking forward to hearing from and writing with like-minded partners around here.
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