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Fx Male kitten's cravings (corruption / older dominant male / age gaps / total power exchange)


Sep 18, 2024
Welcome to my cravings!

This will be a work in progress. Sorry if it's too bare bones right now.

Want to know more about my style and preferences? Check out my profile.

MC is in her second year of university. She's been a straight A's student during her first year, but her focus on her academics has caused a rather dull social life. She's a pretty girl, but still hasn't had any success with the guys. The guys her age were either intimidated by her looks and achievements or just too boorish and immature for her liking. She'd been on a few dates but none of them materialized into a relationship. The frustration got the best of her during summer break when all of her friends had plans with their boyfriends. Out of desperation she created a profile on one of these dating apps using a lot of her real pictures, but almost every guy on there just wanted one thing - sex. And though she craved it too sometimes, her family's conditioning told her to save herself until she got married.

There was one guy that caught her attention though. He was different from the rest. He seemed interested in knowing her, he made her laugh and he made her open up and share things about herself. One day during a casual conversation, he mentioned that he wrote erotica. Being an avid reader herself, that piqued her interest and she asked if she could read some of his writings. He told her he's never shared them with anyone, but he would share some if she told him what she was wearing. She told them that she was in pajamas and a t-shirt, nothing fancy. She rolled her eyes expecting him to ask for pictures, but he just replied with a few paragraphs of his erotica. It was a short text about a woman exposing herself in a dark deserted alley for a man. Her heart beat rose as she read it and her hand found it's way into her pajamas, feeling the moistness in her panties.

She asked him if she could read more and he replied with a few more paragraphs and the message "Feeling excited? Before you read further, I want you to strip naked, slide two fingers into your pussy, and rub your clit with the palm of your hand while you're reading." Her heart skipped a beat. There was no way he could check if she did what he asked, yet she found herself called to follow his instructions. The text that followed detailed some more scenes where the woman exposed herself and degraded herself for the man's entertainment. She asked for more of the story, which was provided with more instructions leading her to an orgasm. The following weeks YC gave more instructions and tasks to MC to do, never asking for any proof that she did them. But she still did them and YC knew that she did, he could read her like an open book.

Soon summer break was over and MC was back at university. Her last class on the first day was social sciences and the new professor lectured about family structures and relationship hierarchies. Being the academic she was, MC participated enthusiastically, challenging some of the more 'traditional' concepts the professor spoke about. When the lecture was over the professor asked MC to join him in his office to continue the discussions which MC happily obliged. Once in his office, the professor asked MC to take a seat which she did promptly. He offered her some coffee which she politely declined, and he took his seat behind his desk. He started talking about their discussion from earlier, but mid way remarked that he forgot to make his coffee and asked her to pour him a cup from the flask at the other end of his office. MC walked over, poured him a glass and walked back to hand it to him while he was reiterating his point about every relationship dynamic needing a dominant and submissive partner. Just as MC started to counter him, he took a sip of his coffee, grimaced and lifted a finger to cut her off. It needs two sugars he said, and MC promptly fetched and added two sugars to his cup.

Before MC could resume her rebuttal, the professor called her out for being a feminist parrot and how he knew she was a submissive craving for a dominant to lead her, but her feminist conditioning made her put on this show of being independent and prudish. No wonder she didn't have a boyfriend. MC is shocked at such allegations and demands a justification and the professor reveals that he is YC and he recognized MC in the first row of the class the moment he walked in. He pointed out how she's followed each and every one of his instructions since they entered his office and how she's been doing sexual tasks for him the last few weeks. MC denies everything and storms out of YC's office. Only to later receive an email with instructions on how to dress for his next class later in the week.

There are a few different ways I can think of playing this one out but I'm craving corruption and mental dominance in all of them.
  • YC continues to corrupt MC by controlling her appearance and behavior in his class and making her do degrading / humiliating tasks until she accepts her place with him.
  • YC continues to corrupt MC outside of university, introducing her to his fellow kinksters and liberating her true desires through total power exchange.
It can also be a combination of both with YC first breaking her until she accepts her place and then liberating her by making her submit herself completely to him.

MC is a young girl who's moved to a new city for work. She comes from a small town and is rather modest and reserved. She doesn't know a lot of people yet and is still finding her way around the city and trying to settle in during these first few weeks. She takes the same train every morning from home to her work and it's becoming a comforting routine for her.

One day she feels a presence right behind her while she's standing near the doors to get off at the next stop. The train is quite empty on this part of the line and she is surprised that someone was standing so close behind her, but she's too timid to do or say anything. Soon she feels something grazing her thigh, it lingers there for a moment and then slowly rises up towards her ass. Her body freezes and her heart rate quickens as she realizes what was happening, but she stays still, letting the stranger's hand creep up towards her ass. Suddenly there's a beeping sound and the doors open, and she realizes that the train's reached her stop. She gets out and quietly walks to her work with her eyes fixed right in front of her, not daring to look back at the stranger who dared to touch her so inappropriately in public. Her mind is in a frenzy as she wonders why she liked it so much. She calms down by the time she reaches work and blocks out the memory as she gets busy with work.

The next day as she's standing by the door waiting for her stop, she feels that looming presence behind her again. Then the hand grazes her thighs and creeps towards her ass, this time lingering over her ass for a few moments before the familiar beep and sliding of the doors brings her mind back to reality. She doesn't react or confront the stranger today either and the next day finds herself waiting for the stranger's touch. This slowly becomes a routine, with the strangers hand getting bolder each day and soon enough she's waiting at the door a few stops before she has to get down.

Then one day as she's getting off the train, she feels a hand grab her arm and pull her away. She quietly follows, trying to catch a glimpse of the stranger, while her heart thumps uncontrollably at the thought of where this was going to lead to.

There are a few different ways I can think of playing this one out but I'm craving corruption and mental dominance in all of them.
  • YC takes her to his place, testing and pushing her boundaries of submission each day, training her to be his slave/pet and eventually getting her to move in with him, quit her job and live to serve him and his desires.
  • YC works at the same office / building as MC and slowly corrupts her into becoming his office slut/bimbo, controlling her appearance and making her do things at work for his entertainment and pleasure.
  • YC convinces MC to meet him after work in public places, conditions her to expose herself more and more and starts using her as his fucktoy/cumdump.
If you're into playing multiple characters, YC could also rent/whore MC out to his friends/colleagues/strangers.

Coming soon.

Coming soon.

Coming soon.
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