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Virgin, Feminine Elf Prince needs older Elf/Man to learn from.

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Aug 28, 2010
Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory
Aithin is a beautiful, feminine Elven Prince of the Wood, much reminiscent of a younger Legolas (from Lord of the Rings). He has golden, flowing hair down to his mid-back, a fair complexion, full red lips, and a soft, delicate figure. He is a glowing, innocent youth, completely devoid of all sexual knowledge. The young elf seems almost untouchable, like a young god. He appears to be around 16/17 in human years, while he is about 700 years old in elven years (still a youth to them)

A great pair for him would be either an adult Elf or Man, a newcomer to the Lathlaeril Wood. Must be a dominant character, yet gentle and willing to teach Aithin the meaning of sexuality in a kind way. Aithin will react strangely at first, but he will crave more eventually, as he has never ever felt as wonderful as his partner will make him feel.
How about an RP with some sort of adventure theme? I want to play a foreign human warrior who kidnaps your ass. :D Or something along those lines. We can discuss it.
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