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Mx Any Pick Your Poison | Fandom / Original | PM or Thread


♚ too good of a girl ♚
Apr 6, 2020

Hello, Blue Moon. I'm Bejeweled, and this is my new roleplay search. If you want to plot, please PM me!​

  • I reply roughly once per week, though this could be more or less depending on my real-life workload. Please be okay with waiting a few days for posts.
  • Writing onsite is highly preferable to me. I'm open to either thread or PM with no preference.
  • Here is my F-List; please at least give it a look. Nothing stinks more than thinking you've got a great plot pitch and then bam, there's one of your limits. I promise to always respect your no's, as well.
  • Friendly chit-chat is always welcome, but I'm really not here to cyber or chat about sex unrelated to our roleplay characters.
  • I'm open to smut-heavy or story-heavy, but some kind of plot is necessary. Gimme the story and the spice!
  • As for pairings, I prefer MxF, but I am open to others for canon/canon pairings in fandoms only, and they will likely be much more story than smut.
  • An arranged marriage where the characters are vastly different in some way — age, species, social status, etc. Medieval fantasy preferred, but also open to something modern or semi-modern involving a commoner marrying into royalty.
  • A smattering of survivors amidst an apocalypse (zombies, natural disasters, cosmic/meteorites) struggle to navigate their new world.
  • Pairing a human (or humanoid, like an elf or a halfling) up with any kind of monster: orc/ogre, minotaur, lamia, demon/tiefling, vampire, alien, sea monster... The options are endless, as long as they're sentient and can communicate!
  • Anything set within a strict religion or a religious cult. I'm equally interested in exploring those still within and those trying to escape, so a larger cast would be wonderful with this.
  • Stereotypical pairings (bad boy/good girl, older brother's best friend, boss/employee, etc.) with well-written, flawed, interesting characters. Let's build this together and see how cliche (and how good) we can get.
  • Incest that makes sense and isn't just "they want to fuck each other". I'm thinking survival scenarios, some kind of twisted horror situation maybe... Something interesting.
  • Any realistic historical plots. I'm well-versed in many eras and areas, so if this is something you're interested in, let me know what timelines you prefer.
  • A PR relationship-turned-real relationship between two superstars. (Think Taylor Swift & Travis Kelce, but set up at the start.)
  • A medieval-fantasy, D&D-inspired adventure starring two unlikely, unprepared heroes (and perhaps a larger party) who have to solve a problem way bigger than themselves.
  • Taking the plot of basically any movie (rom-coms and horror movies work great for this) and making it our own with OCs. (Craving this with The Breakfast Club, The Conjuring series, Life As We Know It, She's the Man, The Purge, World War Z, etc.)
  • Harry Potter: Canon x Canon, OC x OC. Open to Trio, Marauders, Founders, Legacy, Next Gen... Really, open to anything. I'll play pretty much any canon/canon pairing, so toss 'em at me. For OCs, I'd love some kind of original Triwizard Tournament plot.
  • Hunger Games: Gale x Katniss, OC x OC. For OCs, I'm looking for tributes or victors, though we'd have to work out a "no main characters die" ending.
  • Star Wars: Ben x Rey, Carth x Revan, Han x Leia, Finn x Poe, OC x OC. For OCs, I tend to stray away from Force users; instead, I prefer playing and playing against more minor league characters.
  • Pokemon: OC x OC. I'd prefer earlier generations over later ones, but I'm also familiar with spinoffs like Ranger, Mystery Dungeon, and Snap. Potentially open to canons, but it'd take a good plot.
  • Baldur's Gate III: Tav x Companion. I'll play either side, and I'll play or play against any companion.
  • Old Cartoons: I grew up in the 90s-early 2000s, so anything that was on Nick, Cartoon Network, or Disney would be right up my alley, aged up appropriately of course. Also includes Disney movies.

If anything caught your eye, please do message me! I'd love to hear from you.​
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