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It’s a bird, it’s a plane!(Looking for a specific hero/thief and officer plot!)


May 25, 2024
Hello again, BMR! With my recent luck at finding all of my story itches, I am seeking one more to fill my plate!

This is just a plot bunny that I haven’t been able to stop thinking about despite how in love I am with my current partners and our characters! (💖 🌻)


Now, before you get excited, let me just preface some things!

- Literate writers only please! I need the words to keep my brain juices flowing(lol). All I'm asking is 3-5 paragraphs, fairly meaty, with emotion and the like.

- PM or Discord is fine(With a preference for Discord. I get direct notifications that way!)

- Not many limits! Bathroom play is a hard stop. Noncon is not a fond topic but I don't mind alluding to it!

- Activity level isn't too important for me! I work 8am - 4:30 pm daily(EST) and have a life outside of writing. So if I'm not here, I don't expect you to be here always either! I do however love OOC chatter because I'm a sucker for playlists/visuals/mood boards. Just try not to ghost me, k? :)

- I would love at least a post a day just to keep my muse juicy(lol), but I understand real life and I understand this is a hobby!

I think that about sums it! Onto the plot!

For starters, yes, MC would be the thief/super villain. I am looking for YC to be the detective/officer assigned to capture her and bring her town. No pun intended, I would love for this to be a game a ‘Cat and Mouse’, with your character catching her frequently but either being outsmarted or willingly letting her go.

They would of course fight, flirt, all of the fun stuff when they come face to face. But there’s a kicker.

Outside of the ‘costume’, I would love it if he fell for her everyday persona as well but he didn’t correlate the two. Of course, she’s aware, but she’s not toying with him in a toxic sense. There’s genuine love and care there, from both personas.

I’d love to bring in other characters like villains and such that she can save him from or the other way around! There’s plenty of wiggle room but this is just my base! If you’d like for him to be a hero by night, that works too! Maybe their personas fall in love and their daily life personas are in love as well! I am so open!

Anyways, hope we can write soon! Happy hunting!
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