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Mx Male The Non-Con Library

Feb 7, 2024
Although I am mainly looking for Consensual RPs in my main Request Thread, this Thread is for exploring that Non-Con itch in more realistic settings and a search thread for my Male Subs against Dominant Men. I know I know, plenty of these to go around but I have roleplayed a decent amount of Dominant Men myself, and am craving some classic Non-Con. Non-Con to Con is something we can also build up long-term!

I write in Third POV with multiple paragraphs, with no set word count or limit. I also enjoy brainstorming and OOC chat. The vibes I want are dark realism, where the reactions of the supporting characters carry weight and importance - for example in a kidnapping scenario, what are the relatives of the victim doing to find them? What happens when they’re reunited? I love this type of external drama and tension surrounding the main pairing and the consequences of the psychological/physical damage done to the sub being explored too. I do like to roleplay the ‘aftermath’ of a rescue and focus on Hurt/Comfort between couples who aren’t the main pairing, so if you are up for roleplaying say, a brother or friend in the platonic sense too I think that can add different dimensions to the roleplay and cast. We could even roleplay the intitial Non-Con pairing, then move on to a much more consensual relationship between the same traumatised sub and another character- this has also been a craving of mine.

With preferences, I do roleplay my sub characters as appearing masculine enough to be considered Males, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be feminine - on the contrary, I adore roleplaying ‘pretty boys’, I’m just a bit picky about the Femboy role (I know it’s confusing but bear with lol). I still want my characters to be recognisably male, even when crossdressing etc (especially when crossdressing). I just don’t see the point in ‘feminising’ them if they just look like women is my thoughts on the whole thing 🤷🏻‍♀️ As for the Dominant Men, I prefer them to be ‘lean’ not overly bulky if they’re fit. I hope that helps with any image or description references.

Pairing Ideas

• Serial Killer x Victim *
• Kidnapper x Victim *
• Roman Emperor x Pleasure Slave *
• Father x Son
• Tribesman x Stranded Castaway


• Permanent Injuries/Damage
• Medical Play
• Bloodplay
• Whipping/Flogging
• Weapons
• Bondage
• Gags
• Blindfolds
• Mpreg (& the trauma of carrying your captor’s baby)
• Oral Fixation
• Electrical Stimulation
• Anal Play/Fisting/Fingering
• Crossdressing
• Bathroom Control
• Body hair
• Conditioning
• Physical Affection - hand holding, cuddling, soft touches combined with the more aggressive behaviour makes the sub’s confusion & terror heighten
• Combination of Praise & Humiliation - I find the switch up realistic, and prefer when a couple has some level of affection towards each other, whether it be Stockholm syndrome or something else which tethers and bonds them together. Having a Dom who’s only cold and hard 24/7 doesn’t do it for me, even in the most brutal of RPs. I honestly love when a Dom is just obsessed with a sub and has to have them & fixates

If you want to discuss other kinks and scenarios or pairings, please DM me! Happy to discuss whatever you bring to the table.
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