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Mx Female Exploiting Divinities Flaw (High fantasy/Femdom/Dark Themes wanted))


Sep 14, 2024
Welcome to my very first request thread, I'll get started with some details about myself as a writer and then move on to several ideas for plots I have thought up. By all means if you have an idea that fits the character within don't hesitate to share I love getting other people's take on the world and characters therein.

What you can expect from me
-My schedule is pretty straight forward and I will likely be able to respond once or sometimes twice a day on weekdays where my weekends are a little less regular. I tend to be busy on the weekends and will not manage a response but will usually try if I have a free hour or so.
-My grammar is far from perfect and would not expect anyone else to be perfect either, I do my best to at least have my responses flow and make sense and it's all I ask of my partner as well.
-Post lengths will vary based on the current scene, back and forth conversation posts may be shorter but I try to manage at least a few paragraphs especially if my partner is doing the same. If my post is a little short all you need to do is mention it and I will always try my best to get more detail without just sending word soup to add length.
-I am very much a story over smut writer, I do enjoy naughty scenes but never at the expense of the plotline or story's progression. Smut must make sense in the situation or I will simply get board of writing nothing but sexual charged scenes. I likely will try to keep a ratio of 70/30 story to smut if I can and my writing partner is enjoying the plot enough to stick around.
-I will not ghost you and would ask the same, if you are board and want to end the roleplay I will understand and likely thank you for sharing the time you had with me while wishing you luck finding your next story to write, we are all adults here.
-I am more than open to OOC chatting as long as things do not become to personal, I am very laid back and easy going but some topics I just do not like to chat about. That being said if one of those topics is brought up I will just let you know I'm not comfortable chatting about it OOC but will not simply write you off as a partner for speaking about it unless my concerns fall on deaf ears and it is brought up continuously. I believe open and honest communication is key to developing a good story and even friendship on these mediums.

What I expect from a partner
-Be honest about you desires in the story or plot, if you would like to include something or would like to exclude something I have shown interest in just say so I will not bite I promise.
-No one line posts, I get if the scene we are writing is a lot of questions and back and forth conversation the posts might be smaller, we can always add a note at the end of a response that says something along the lines of (short post for quickening conversation and exposition) and I will respect that OOC note and roll with it.
-Grammar isn't too much of a worry to me as long as I can understand your characters actions and speech, the use of BB to color character speech I have found is a great tool especially when having NPC characters involved in a scene to denote different voices. No requirements past is being easy to understand.
-Lastly, just have fun with it and if the fun fades let me know, I am not here to steal anyone's time but share in the fun of creating a story. Never feel obligated to respond to my posts if the spark is gone so to speak.

Now with that out of the way I can get to the fun part, explaining what I'm looking for and hopefully inspiring someone to jump in and create a fantastical epic story of adventure, fantasy politics, drama, dark romance, and possibly even some conquest with me. I like to put emphasis on character growth both emotionally and in ability, skill, and overall strength throughout a journey.

MC and setting
I am hoping to find someone that would like to play withing the world of Alteria, a beautiful world of magical beasts and people navigating the eternal strife caused by the outside forces of morally ambiguous Divinities, Demons, and mortals alike. It is a world all of it's own created over years by my friends and I that I recently decided I wanted to share with other like minded writers and creatives. For this request I am looking to specifically play the young temple hand run away to live a more exciting life of a monster hunter. Rathius believes himself nothing more than a weak demi-divinity whom was not graced with great power like most of his kin around Alteria, in truth he has much potential locked away within him just waiting to be discovered with the help of another. (world description and character kinks and limits in Flist links above. Alteria profile is still a work in progress, perhaps our story will inspire a new "time period of note")

Potential plot ideas
-The living weapon - YC has some person goal that requires a champion to acomplish, claiming a throne stolen from you by a younger brother. Maybe YC is just hedonistic and see's someone with the potential to allow them to take whatever they want through force. Could just be that YC wants the world to recognize they deserve greater respect and uses the demi-divine to accomplish those goals. Over all the theme would be journeying together as YC uses whatever means they wish to corrupt the would be hero into their loyal champion, replacing his hero complex with a never dwindling desire to serve his new Master. Prefer a slow burn with lots of manipulation as his views are twisted over time to match that of YC's. Specifics can always be discussed if you are interested.

-Saving Alteria in Your own way - Perhaps your character has met the Emperor Larius and sees the ressemblense of this hunter and that tyranical ruler, he cannot be brought to him in the sad state he is now but could be dragged into the darkness and made someone the ruler would accept in return for a place on his court to aid in the destruction of the Deities and Demons that threaten there home of Alteria with their selfish wars and disputes. (I would be playing both Rathius and his absenty father Larius Mefedrix)

Wanted Criminal - YC has committed a crime leaving them wanted in several kingdoms. While traveling you come across MC's campsite, telling him whatever you can think of to help keep you safe the two begin to travel together. (Maybe YC is evil, maybe they were framed and want help clearing their name, lots of options here.)

That is all for now, I know it's not perfect but what can I say, it's my first attempt at a request thread. I will likely be updating and modifying it in the future to add more characters and plotlines but for now this is what was on my mind.
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