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Sisters (A Tale of Forbidden Lust) MsBloom + OceaniaBlues


Jul 24, 2020
Northern Europe
Jennifer Jay Blake

Jennifer Blake had just finished an early morning session at the gym, nothing much really, just a few sets of 25 reps on the chest press, the same on the bench press and the leg press after which she had spent some time with free weights. She stood naked in front of the full body mirror and nodded approvingly to herself. She was not built like other women. Not only was she unusually tall (5'10) with a muscular though not exaggerated body but the major difference between her and most other women was the, almost fully erect, 11" cock protruding from her body. No; she was not a man in the process of transitioning to become a woman. She was a woman, had been assigned such at birth but then during puberty as her breasts had begun to grow so had other parts of her body, parts that were not supposed to grow and soon she had a penis instead of a vulva. No one understood how and it was never talked about in the family.

Except when her parents talked about corrective surgery which Jennifer did not want. So at 16 she ran away never to look back other than to establish and maintain contact with her 14 years younger sister Daisy. She couldn't really explain why because her sister had only just had her second birthday when Jennifer spoke to her parents for the last time ever.

The two sisters had maintained contact through emails and text messages mostly but they had also met occasionally for lunch and talked about almost anything except for their parents. It was because of that Daisy had called Jennifer the moment she found out their parents had died in a car crash. Daisy had been 16 by then and Jay had just had a few more days as 20something. Jennifer had at the time been away working, making her first non-porn movie, but had rushed back to the small town she had spent her first 16 years in to take care of her sister.

After she had been awarded custody of her sister (as the closest living relative) she had moved her sister back to her home in North Redondo and assumed the role of parent as much as she could. It wasn't always easy because there were things a parent had to say no to that a sister would perhaps have said yes to but all in all the two enjoyed each other's company. Daisy got good grades and life was as normal as it could be for an adult entertainer (in the shemale sub-genre) and film student and her, almost adult, younger sister.

She grabbed the towel and went into the showers where she carefully washed her body after first masturbating, shooting a sizeable load against the tiled wall. Working out always made her sexually aroused and it had happened on more than one occasion that she had picked up some random woman or man after a session and fucked them. This morning she had no such luck and barely time for it either as she had a full day of meetings ahead of her, and then she also had plans to have lunch with Daisy for her 33rd birthday. It was unbelievable really how time had flown. Daisy was now married, had been married for almost 13 years and had a 12 year old daughter.

After she dressed, charcoal chinos and a black t-shirt over boxer briefs and a sportsbra, she stuffed her gym clothes into the bag and was just about to leave the gym when her phone rang. It was Daisy.
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Daisy Piper Blak, 33

Daisy was very tired. Day by day she was completely devastated. She could not accept this at all. Her parents died when she was only 16 years old. Her older sister was quite distant from her, although Daisy had a very good relationship with her. She is the one who raised Daisy like a guardian. A few years later, after completing her studies, Daisy found a life partner of her choice and married him. A year later they had a daughter. Everything was going well. The husband and wife were in love and the apple of their eye was their only daughter Fiona . Fiona loved her father dearly as well as her mother though she sometimes missed her great aunt Jay . Sometimes she asked Daisy about her great aunt. She wanted to meet her but that was not always possible due to their distance.

So they were a happy family. But suddenly one day Daisy realized that her husband was indulging in extramarital affairs. She immediately faced him. But what Daisy didn't realize was that her husband had laid hands on her for the first time and since then it wasn't an isolated incident. She saw her man often returning home late at night after drinking. In other words, Daisy was being beaten. She even saw lipstick stains on her husband's shirt. Although Daisy herself was a very beautiful woman. Any man would feel an intense desire to have her. It is not her husband who does not desire her. But since he works in a corporate place, he is constantly exposed to many women. From there, Daisy thinks he may have been involved in some extravagance. However, at one point this argument reached to extremes and her husband's torture went beyond the limit. It has already been said that Daisy has no parents. Her only guardian is her elder sister Jennifer. So she decided to tell Jennifer about it. It works as you think. After fighting with herself for a while, she dialed her elder sister's phone number. She burst into tears and told everything to her elder sister .
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Jennifer Jay Blake

Jay put her headset into her ears and connected it to her phone via Bluetooth and finished dressing (a black leather jacket and ankle high boots) as she listened to her sister's rant about how the man she had married and stayed married to for so long had been treating her. Having for a few short years been Daisy's legal guardian, her parent (for all intents and purposes), she had never really developed any sisterly emotions towards Daisy even if Fiona did call her Aunt Jay. Instead she tended to think of Daisy as her daughter and for some reason Daisy had often called her Dad rather than Mom, or by her name. Never in public though. It had been a very private relationship twist between the two of them.

After Daisy had met Aiden and fallen in love she had moved out of Jennifer's apartment in North Redondo to the other side of Los Angeles County, to San Bernadino where Aiden Piper worked the two had not met as often as Jay would have wanted to, even if it did allow her to pursue her career in the adult entertainment industry more openly than during the years when she had been Daisy's legal guardian. She had now begun to make the transition from performer to producer, though she still did the occasional scene in front of the camera, mostly so-called audition videos where she mostly auditioned young men who wanted to make it in the gay side of the industry or at least in the so-called shemale/trans side of it.

Even now, in her mid 40s she was still active in the industry, running her own production company that focused on fetish and trans content, but had also started another production company that had nothing to do with the adult entertainment industry but actually focused on making low budget independent films, something she had been doing since her college days where she had studied film making. At first porn had been nothing more than a meal ticket, then a hobby she could make a living from while her non-porn films had been her main focus. Somewhere along the way that had changed and her more serious films had dropped into the background, a hobby (one she didn't even make much money from). That was all about to change now though, now that she had the money to properly finance them.

As she got into her yellow miata she interrupted Daisy's sobbing rant about her asshole husband, his affairs with other women and his abusive behaviour towards her to tell her to pack a small bag for herself and Fiona.
"I'll be there in an hour, give or take," she said and pulled out of the parking lot outside her favourite gym.
Daisy Piper Blake, 33

Daisy was relieved to hear her dad's voice . Yes , it might sound a little strange , but for Daisy it meant a lot . She was barely an adult when she lost both her parents in an accident . She desparately needed someone to guide her, protect her in every steps of life, that's when her big sister Jennifer steeped forward and took all her responsibilties. As the younger daughter she was very fond of her father's heroic duties & responsibilities towards the family . She often used to think how tough a man's job is- to balance between his work & family . She practically hero worshipped her father . When her older sister stepped up as her parent and legal guardian she never thought she would be able to see such traits in her big sister . Daisy really looked up to Jay and within a few months Jay replaced her dad from her mind and occupied her whole heart by her fatherly duties & responsibilities towards Daisy .

And so, their relationship had developed, and – at one point – Daisy had sarcastically called her older sister 'Dad' when she had forbidden her to go out one evening. Strangely, that had sounded quite right to both, and over the following months, whenever Daisy needed someone strong in her life – a father figure – she had begun to call her sister 'Dad' and probably Jay knew that Daisy needed her to assume a certain role.

Though Daisy knew Jay had never seemed to be overly happy with her relationships with boys and when she got pregnant right after the marriage, she had detected a strange disappointment in her sister .

Their marriage had never been that great, but they had made it work, Daisy had made it work. Mostly for Fiona's sake, their 12-years-old daughter. She had had dreams of becoming a teacher, or maybe even a pediatrician. Daisy shook her head. Those stupid ideas she had had when she was younger. Young and naïve. So naïve that she had fallen in love with Aiden and married him at 20. Working part-time as a server at Christy's was the only thing she had done during the last 10 years, the rest of the time she had spent keeping the house tidy, her daughter Fiona happy and her husband fed. Aiden worked at the local Ford dealership, their relationship had never been eye to eye, but at the beginning, Aiden had at least been more attentive.

After keeping the phone Daisy sighed heavily as she looked at her bruised left eye in the mirror of her bathroom. Aiden was responsible for the bruising, had gone out after he had hit Daisy. To calm down, to cool off. Of course, he had been sorry afterwards, but sometimes he just could not help it, if Daisy got on his nerves. Something that had seemed to have become a thing during the last months.

She splashed some water on her face and carefully wiped it off with a towel . She then quickly got ready because she didn't want to make Jennifer wait for them . She knew her 'dad' was already furious. She then woke up Fiona and made her ready for the outing . "Let's go ! We are going to meet your aunt Jay"---she said to Fiona with a sweet smile to hide her pain, making sure Fiona didn't know a single thing about what just happened . After a couple of hours they were there, in the most popular restaurant Del Bistro and Daisy took out her phone to inform Jennifer about their arrival on time -" Dad, we are here !"
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