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Fx Male Fallen Star: Superheroine non-con


Apr 11, 2020

Thanks for showing an interesting in my RP. You're in the On-Site Version of this thread. If you prefer Discord, check out The Discord Version instead!

Okay, let's get my usual disclaimers out of the way here. First, I use art for faceclaims (in a similar style to the DC animated films, in this case). I don't require you to have a FC, but if you wish to, I would appreciate it if you did the same. Please do not use real people as FCs or ask me to, as it makes me uneasy. Also, while I appreciate and respect everyone who might still be learning English, I would like a partner who is fluent and can write at roughly the same level as this post.

Now, onto the premise. In this RP, I will play the superheroine Novastar, and most other characters in the RP. You, meanwhile, will play two characters, a pair of small time criminals.

The Premise:

Once upon a time, Pinnacle City was a metropolis that was practically exploding with nearly unchecked criminal activity. The police were overburdened and underfunded by a corrupt city government that was in the pockets of all the major organized crime families. For a pair of common meth-making thugs like YCs, it was a pretty sweet gig. Work was plentiful, and the cops seldom got in the way. But that all changed on the day she arrived.


Faster than a speeding bullet, invulnerable, and strong enough to pitch semitrucks like javelins, Novastar was a curvaceous and drop-dead gorgeous 16-year-old redhead who was granted extraordinary powers due to a freak exposure to cosmic radiation years prior. And she decided to take it upon herself to clean up Pinnacle City. And with her extraordinary powers and shoddy, homemade outfit, she did just that. She brought the crime families down one by one, and repeatedly put YCs out of the job - and sometimes even in jail! Eventually, a new class of criminal would emerge, The Supervillain.

Over the next ten years YCs find themselves working for various supervillains, but time and time again, too many times to count, in fact, Novastar shows up takes their boss down, leaving them either in prison or on the streets.

Every dog has it's day, however.

During a battle with one of her villains in a processing plant, Novastar is briefly weakened when she is exposed to a rare crystalline compound found deep in the Earth's mantle, called "Exothite". It's known for its unique ability to destabilize certain forms of high-energy radiation, like the cosmic rays or stellar energy that she derives her powers from. In it's raw form, however, it can only temporarily weaken her, and so she is able to ultimately still defeat the villain. YCs, however, are able to recover a sample of Exothite and evade the police. They then use their advanced understanding of chemistry from their years refining meth to not only duplicate the substance, but strengthen it so that it not only weakens her, but removes her powers entirely, for potentially days. Knowing they're probably too slow to use it given her superspeed, YCs offer it to one of Novastar's villains, who promises YCs will be rewarded if it works.

And it does. Surprising her completely, the villain manages to use it to successfully defeat and capture her. True to their word, the villain offers YCs whatever you desire, within reason. Certainly, they could ask for enough cash to live it up for the next decade. They could ask for a privileged position within the villain's organization. They could ask for so many things that would turn their lives around completely. But for the past ten years, they've been humiliated and ruined by the achingly hot superheroine that is now at their mercy, and so, being the short-sighted drug dealers they are, they instead ask to have their way with the now depowered Novastar, which the villain grants.

The Summation:

And so that's the basic idea of the RP!

I do want to do a little setup before getting to the action. Don't worry - it won't be too long, it's a short-term RP after all. But I want to establish a little history between them before jumping into the erotic scene at the end. These posts would mainly be:

The Beginning: Ten years ago when Novastar debuts. She upends YCs lives for the first time, destroying the crime family they've been reliably employed by for years. Should only take us a three or four posts.

The Middle: Taking place roughly five years later. Shows YCs working for a supervillain, trying to get by in an increasingly insane city, only to again be humiliated and turned over to the cops. We'll maybe mention several more times of them being captured or humiliated over the years. A couple of posts, probably.

The End: Taking place in the present, and is the main part of the RP. YCs are once again out of prison and working to help a villain destroy the processing plant when Novastar shows up. The events I describe happen - you notice her being weakened by the Exothite, take a sample before the battle is concluded, and flee. Everything then proceeds roughly as I outlined in the premise! The reason I want to do it like that is to give YCs a laundry list of grievances that they can remind Novastar (who likely barely even remembers YC's faces) of as they "punish" her.

Limits and Kinks:

My Limits:
Gore (although a little bleeding is okay)
Expansion/body morphing stuff
Macro/micro stuff
Really obscure/out there kinks in general

Double penetration (both oral/vaginal and anal/vaginal)
Mentally breaking
Ass Worship
Thigh Worship
Breast Worship
Thigh jobs
Hot dogging/ass jobs
Mating press

That's pretty much everything! If you have questions or concerns, feel free to PM me about it or ask for my discord so we can discuss things further!
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