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Fx Male Shadows of Creation


Feb 4, 2020
What Im looking for: World building, lots of smut, a dominant male partner!
Suggested Plot: A writer gains the ability to bring her stories to life and creates her ideal man. At first, their relationship is perfect, but he begins developing his own thoughts and desires, breaking away from the character she designed. As he pushes for freedom, their love becomes a dangerous power struggle, forcing her to choose between control and letting him become something unpredictably beautiful.


Are you a skilled roleplayer who loves diving into complex, dark romance plots?

I'm looking for a dominant male to play the male charactrr in a dark and emotionally charged erotic rp where a writer brings her creations to life—only to watch him break free from her control.The plot centers around power struggles, manipulation, obsession, with plenty of room for tension and intense interactions.

Multiple male characters would be a bonus! If you're up for the challenge of playing multiple characters that grow beyond her grasp and creates a reverse herem gradually becoming more dominant, dark, and dangerous, I’d love to hear from you!

Requirements: Must enjoy playing dominant male characters.

Open to exploring themes of control, obsession, and manipulation.

Willing to collaborate on plot and character development.

If this sounds like your kind of roleplay, feel free to reach out! Let’s bring this story to life. If you have a plot that you would like to suggest dont be afraid to shoot me a message!

Suggested Plot:

Shadows of Creation


A reclusive writer known for her vivid imagination and emotionally charged romance novels stumbles upon a book at a garage sale that, when she writes in it, will grant her the ability to bring her stories to life. Driven by curiosity, loneliness, and yearning for the perfect partner, she begins to write in the book, creating her ideal man, someone loyal, passionate, understanding, and physically perfect. Before she knows it, he's coming to life, slowly forming right before her eyes.

At first, he is like a dream, though, he does have some things that could be better. She writes and rewrites his behavior, molding him to fit her every whim. But soon, strange things begin to happen. He starts acting in ways she never wrote, and she can't rewrite the behaviors. He develops opinions, desires, and even does things she never gave him. He believes he's a real person and that she's controlling him with the book she keeps. He slowly begins pushing back against the world she created for him, becoming more dominant, and possessive of her.

Both fascinated and terrified, she watches as he becomes more rebellious, drifting further from the nice character she designed to a harder darker character. He no longer wants to be her puppet. He craves freedom and begins to express that freedom by dominating her. As their relationship darkens, she is torn between her love for him and the growing threat he poses to her control over her own life.

In a twisted battle of wills, she must decide if she will keep fighting to reclaim the man she created or let go, risking the consequences of him fully breaking free and becoming something entirely unpredictable, and dangerous. Their love teeters on the edge of obsession and destruction, with her questioning whether she created him or if he is now creating her.
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