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what kinds of things make a thread unreadable for you?


make me squirm
Mar 9, 2020
of course, no hate to how anyone sets up their threads. just curious, is all!

after seeing a few posts about small fonts, etc. i wanted to throw this up to see what people's aesthetic / content deal-breakers are for request threads.

is the default size the smallest you can read? are you okay with size 12 but not any smaller?

does it matter if someone types lowercase ooc but has proper grammar / spelling ic?

do you like when people are casual, or would you prefer a more formal, professional kind of request thread setup? does a bunch of nos make you stop reading, or do you like when people are clear about their boundaries?

does using pictures sway you, or make you click out? how about art / anime / ai imagery? colors?

gimme all the thoughts! c:
Really dark color fonts. I use the dark mode for the forum because light mode really hurts my eyes, so darker color fonts are straight-up unreadable for me.

If I have to highlight the text to be able to read it, I'm probably out of there before I even try.
Really dark color fonts.
If it's anything more than a title or sidenote, most colourful text is going to hurt my eyes. Blue shades are hard to make out on the default blue theme that 99% of people use, and become literally indistinguishable when I have my red light filter on. Conversely, the contrast between red and blue makes it tiring to look at for a long time; purple on blue triggers a headache almost instantly.

Green and yellow are generally fine for me, however. Still, I wouldn't recommend using coloured text for anything other than titles, links, highlights and (e.g. NSFW) warnings.

after seeing a few posts about small fonts, etc.
My post was probably among them, haha. I guess my advice for font size is the same as for colours: if it's more than a single line, stick to the default.
i don't type ooc with capitals; it's just something i've gotten used to doing. i dunno why, exactly, but it just doesn't feel right when i use capitals. but i don't hold that kind of stuff against people - use capitols, use lowercase, whatever. as long as your ic posts include proper grammar and shit, be my guest, do what you wanna do. and if someone wont write with me on the simple basis that i don't capitalize my ooc banter, that's not my problem <33

as for text size, i don't care as long as it isn't mega small. size 12 (or 3) is fine for me to read perfectly, and i'm blind as heck. i understand not everyone is like that, though, so i'll always work off what my partner would prefer. if they want default, they get default, simple as that. if they're okay with more aesthetically pleasing coding for our replies, i'm down for that, too. i'm chill as fuck.

professional or chill is fine, either way - to be honest i don't usually message people, i happen to receive a lot of messages instead looking for stories. so i don't have a lot of experience with browsing and being the first one to initiate contact. i do find that if things are too.. 'boring' that i will start reading the thread from the bottom to the top, which i think is just a silly way for my brain to try and stay interested in the content i'm browsing. that doesn't usually happen unless there's a lot of information all in my face, though.

i'm a visual person, so i love pictures! but if you can describe something well enough, i won't need pictures, so i'm on the fence for that. include them, don't include them, i'm happy either way so long as we mesh well.

i do have some personal pet peeves, though. one of which was already mentioned. font text colour. if it's too bright, or blends in too much with the forum's background, it irks the ever livin' crap out of me. my second pet peeve would be overuse-age of pictures. like, anything above 5 to a post seems a bit much for me; i start losing interest in the writing and i just get lost in the gifs, and i feel like it really takes my attention away from the actual content i'm here for: writing. for request threads that obviously doesn't apply the same way, but for a post? i just think it's too much sometimes.

for the most part, i try and do things that my partner is comfortable with when it comes to our collaboration. i love aesthetically pleasing posts, but i'm not about to scare off a potentially really good writer just because they wanna keep things simple!
What make a thread unreadable to me? Easy.

=The tiny font, i know it’s an aesthetic, but it’s painful to read,

=Walls of texts, i usually feel unmotivated and i cannot read that much informations, it can have a lot of uncessary details that could be easily resumed by fewer words,

Someone being casual get more attention from me, the direct, the better.
There is a few things that personally bother me but I also come from a background of design, typesetting, Etc. So I'm maybe a little more critical to things just because of what I was taught.

That being said the points that will make me not read a thread are
1. Too many font color
2. Unreadable font colors
3. Way too small font size

If someone legit makes it (physically) hard for me to read their writing, I won't bother. Besides that, I have a pet peeve with people not even bothering to use uppercase "I" for well, the word I and start of sentences. The English language already makes it rather easy with what all has to be uppercase, it just comes over as lazy.
My two biggest turn offs for threads are walls of text and lots of colors. In regards to the colors I'm not sure why, but I think it might have something to do with my ADD. Bright colors always draw my attention (for example, I work in a warehouse where safety vests are mandatory, and if I see a coworker out of the corner of my eye, I'm compelled to look), and having lots of color is basically a bunch of different flags saying "Look at me! Look at me!" all at the same time.
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