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Fx Any Monster Girl Menagerie


Any flavor you want.
Aug 24, 2024
Good evening! I'm the Ice Cream Succubus, and I'm here to present you with a number of monster-based roleplay opportunities! I hope you'll enjoy reading my thread and reaching out should something catch your fancy.

Let's get the basics out of the way before diving into the juicy bits.

What you can expect from me:
I average about 3-4 paragraphs per post, more if inspiration or necessity strikes. I write in third person only. I will make every effort to communicate with you should I want to take a story in a new direction, or introduce a story element or kink, because this work is ultimately going to be a collaborative piece between us. I roleplay primarily in DM, though can be persuaded to do threads. I do not, under any circumstances, roleplay off site. I may not be able to reply every single day, and I expect you won't be able to either. We all have lived outside of here. That said, if I'm going to be unable to respond within a week, I will let you know.

What I expect from you:
Any of the courtesies I offer as outlined above, I would like in kind. Communication is key. Feel free to ask about any kink or story element you want to introduce - worst I will say is no thanks. If you spring something weird without asking me (or worse, do it after I've made it clear I don't want that), I'll lose interest. I'm also not an ass about occasional minor grammar and spelling issues - we all make errors and typos from time to time. That said, consistently bad grammar and spelling DOES distract and take me out of the story, and it's going to be hard to stay motivated if it keeps being a problem. Finally, if you lose interest and want to leave the roleplay, that's fine! Please let me know. You can even tell me the specific reason, if you're comfortable. I rarely take things personally.
Also, of one liners. I'm not a stickler for post length, but if you give me nothing to work with, I simply can't work.

With that out of the way, let's get to the fun stuff. Keep in mind that my kinks aren't strictly necessary, but if you're able to work with them, I'll be very, very happy about it.

Kinks I Enjoy!
• Exotic anatomy and physiology: what keeps a monster from being just a human with some window dressing?
• Pairings between monsters and humans, in any gender permutation.
• Size differences
• Rough sex: leaving bruises, hickeys, stitches and scars. Choking, slapping, hair pulling, biting, rough insertions.
• Pegging and male anal insertions: the prostate is an underappreciated erogenous zone.
• Mind alteration: hallucinations, addictions, pheromonal influence, temporal distortion, changes in perceived feeling, etc
• Pleasure control/orgasm denial.
• Heat cycles
• Tentacles
• Cum, and lots of it. Cumplay, as well. Spitting it into each other's mouths, eating it out of a freshly creampied hole, etc.
• Domination, possessiveness, etc

The hardest no's!
• Scat
• All-the-way-through
• Urethra stuff
• Underage characters - this includes characters that only LOOK really young but are actually 5000 year old dragons or some other nonsense. All characters must be 18+, and preferably at least in their 20s.

If you don't see it on the list, ask! Some things I don't normally go for can be very hot, under the right circumstances.
Now we can talk about monsters.

A beautiful demon sent to seduce and corrupt the souls of mortals, ultimately to consume them or doom them to an eternity of torment. They can take many forms and utilize magic to ensure their prey has little chance to resist their charms. Sex with a succubus can be a buffet of unimaginable pleasure and pain alike...but is it worth the cost?

The Shoggoth Maid

An Eldritch being that has taken over the body of a young maid, the Shoggoth maid will serve you dutifully - whether you want her to or not. And the more she dotes upon you, the further your veil of vanity slips.


The bane of many a lonely sailor, a mermaid may lure you into a watery grave if you are fooled by her beauty. But some seadogs regale the taverns with tales of mermaids keeping human pets for other reasons...


Tall, fast, deadly, and savage, the deathclaw roams the wastelands in search of food and pleasures alike. Which one are you lucky enough to be?

• Vampire
• Goblin
• Giantess
• Amazonian
• Orc
• Reptilian
• Alien
• Lamia
• Centaur

Don't see a monster girl to your liking? Want to play a monster against a human girl of mine? Ask away!
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