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if you had to pick one universe to stay in for a day, which would it be and why?


Sep 15, 2024
post name kinda explains itself, but to note: you cant make any big changes to the place but otherwise you can do whatever else you can think of.

whether that is finding whatever you wanted, looking to meet some people there or even going out of your way to make chaos. you would have to do something
I’ll move with the British spies since they are more trustworthy,

Somewhat funny too.

I’ll go looking to meet more of them.
That's a really hard choice. Some of my favourite settings, like Cyberpunk, the odds of surviving a day could definitely be higher. I'm leaning towards this though.

Monster Hunter is another setting that I bet just looks stunning. So long as I can avoid the monsters I think that'd be kind of cool.
The problem with a lot of the universes I enjoy is that in all likelihood I would be a commoner and have horrible chances of survival. (Claymore, Berserk, Fist of the North Star, Devilman, and Violence Jack, just to name a few).

So I think I'll have to go with one of my favorite childhood anime; Dragon Ball Z. Think about it;
1. Training always yields significantly greater results than it does in real life, and even a few days of training are enough to teach flight to a literal child if you know the way.
2. Ki, magic, flight, wish-granting orbs, animal people, aliens, all very much real and tangible things.
3. An entire universe to explore.
4. Even if you do hit a bump in your training, there's some magical being that can unlock your potential for the 11th time (Gohan) and let you pass that block.
5. All in-universe religions worship an actual, existing, benevolent deity, or are a cult to a literal demon, with no in-between.
6. You don't really need to wonder what you should do with your life, because everyone who isn't actively training to be a better fighter is pushed to the background.
7. Even if you can't make it as a fighter and get killed in some earth-shattering apocalyptic event, Goku and crew will wish you back with some type of dragon balls or one of the deities will pull a rewind, or some other asspull to ensure Earth continues to exist and be populated.
8. Capsule tech means you can carry anything, from a sword to a house, in a capsule the size of a big lighter.
9. Everyone in THE MULTIVERSE speaks the same "common" language, bar a few native languages they only use among themselves.
10. Even if you do nothing about it, eventually every truly evil person will have their ass-kicked by the strongest person in the universe.
11. If you DO decide to become a villain yourself, you have a 2/3 chance of being picked up to join team good guys, complete with a redemption arc, even if you DO die as part of the fight.
12. Everyone is either attractive and healthy, sage and elderly, or a gag character not meant to be taken seriously. There's no in-between. People are easy to figure out at a glance.
13. The tech level overall, even ignoring capsules, is pretty great. Ships that can casually fly to other star systems and galaxies, cars that hover above ground, androids so detailed you can't tell them apart from real people at a glance, prosthetics that are legitimately better than the real thing, phones, radios, gps's, and walkie talkies that let you communicate from several planets away and never pick up interference?
14. Physics are muted down when it comes to lethality, cartoon style. You can sit in lava and that'll just shoot you up twenty feet with a briefly flaming butt, your clothes only singeing if showing your butt would prove comedic at the time. Falling from space is not lethal, even if you got blown up beforehand, getting shot if you've ever done as much as a push-up on screen is non-lethal... it's pretty safe overall.
15. The world is under a single government with the world leader being a king who is a blue dog. There's no wars between countries, and unless a big villain is showing up for an arc; it's actually very peaceful.
16. Dinosaurs still exist, most of them are friendly and even those who aren't are tameable.
17. Again, though it was glossed over, there's magical wish granting orbs that can basically get you whatever you want if you're willing to go through the trouble of looking for them, and often people who have them will just give them to you for being nice.
18. People age extremely slowly. Particularly saiyans, of course, but people in general.
19. Pregnancies always occur off-screen and come with a built-in time-skip to having the child be there.
20. Fruits, vegetables, animals, grain, and everything else edible grows to ridiculous sizes even if you don't know what you're doing, so food isn't exactly scarce.
Remnant, the Star Trek Universe, or the Star Wars Universe. I feel both of those have the best options for me to thrive in. I also feel I know enough about them to manage and to perhaps interact with the characters in said Universe. Oh and for those who don't know Remnant is from RWBY created by Monty Oum.
Let's be honest, 99.9999% of the time when you're engaging in this question, you have to be realistic and know that whatever place you go to, you're some basic schmuck trying to survive.

Stardew Valley.

Oh no, my grandfather left me a delipidated farm for me to fix up, make a living, have a dog, in a quaint town full of single women my age that I wouldn't have the social graces enough to talk to in the first place? I don't have to worry about Pappa Nurghle wanting to give whatever Hive World I end up in a friendly hug? Or being transported to some Isekai world where my ass would no doubtly end up getting murked by a bunch of goblins? Sign me the fuck up.
One day is an awfully short time, even for the least-liked universe.
But if I were offered such a choice, I probably wouldn't waste any time thinking and would choose the Mass Effect universe right away.

I'd love to see the Citadel, Nos Astra, take a stroll on the surface of Ontarom (and possibly lose all my credits), and experience a mass relay jump.

If I had more than one day - and a death wish - I'd place myself on Noveria, where the Normandy crew could recruit me.
I'd intercept Shepard on his/her way to Rafael Vargas and offer my assistance in bullshitting that corpo rep. In ME2, I could replace Jacob, and I even have an idea for my loyalty mission, so the story would only benefit from it. 😉
Gor, for a day. Either I'd hate it or I'd like it way too much, and either way that's a dish best tasted briefly. Longer-term? Mass Effect, for certain.
Monster Hunter setting. I don't want to actually hunt, just give me one of those Palico cooked meals and I'll be a very happy camper.
I'll take The Culture, would be a nice time and an interesting place to visit. Could also probably cheat at the time limit there.
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