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꧁ 𝑷𝒂𝒕𝒉 𝒐𝒇 𝑺𝒆𝒍𝒇 π‘«π’†π’”π’•π’“π’–π’„π’•π’Šπ’π’ | π‘·π’“π’†π’„π’Šπ’π’–π’”π‘²π’Šπ’•π’•π’†π’ 𝒙 𝑻𝒉𝒆 π‘ͺπ’“π’π’π’Œπ’†π’… π‘²π’Šπ’π’… | π‘΅π’”π’‡π’˜ ꧂


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Adrenaline felt like a sharp surge of electricity in the air as two prolonged streaks of shadow coalesced to begin with and then broke off into two separate figures. One belonged to a demoness that was trying to remain calm given the situation, but with just who was at her heels it was difficult to do. Most of the circles of hell had heard tale of this hunter in particular, one that was both ruthless and would stop at nothing once she caught a scent. Persistence and lethality had earned her a place of begrudged respect in certain ways, while the rest wished to be the one to pierce her very heart and put an end to the plague of her existence. Many tried, but none had succeeded yet.

Piercing crimson met with ones of unrelenting jade, being forced to a dead halt when she came to a grove that led to nothing but high rising tree line that encroached on all sides. This sensation of entrapment allowed numerous tendrils of pitch black to emerge from the ground, attempting to possibly grab onto one of the hunters' legs if not entangle her body outright. This was met with the tendrils sizzling out on impact with something that created a sort of aura around her, causing the demoness to blink in sudden realization. "So... that is why we cannot harm you so easily." A simpler demon always held a bit of a stalemate when it came to a lineage similar to their own, and from the power coming off the hunter it was clear that the bloodline she possessed mimicked something akin to the satanic.

"Exactly, but you all never seem to grasp the bigger picture. Always sending more to try what the others could not achieve. It only leads to more bloodshed, well, from your kind at least." The female quipped with a confident sneer tarnishing otherwise pretty features. Demons had thought the bloodline she came from to be extinct centuries ago, wiped out due to a fear that one day they might try to overcome the balance and start going after demons on a whim or fancy. In fact, that split second of paranoia and subsequent action was what sparked the inherent deep seeded desire for revenge, fueling a bloodthirst that could only be sated with massive genocide of the demon kind. Thalia Ardor was the last of a line, all others either dying of old age or from the slice of a keen blade.

"If you keep this pace up. Someone even you cannot handle will show themselves. At this, Thalia shook her head with a sigh that escaped despite efforts to keep it silenced. Confidence could easily become a hunter's greatest ally, and also the grandest of downfalls if that became prominent and blinded one of common sense. "Doubtful, but you are allowed to have your own opinion." She clucked her tongue, clearly becoming agitated at the banter back and forth and itching for the violence. Legs shifting to lock into proper position to spring forward at a second's notice, only a subtle shift of one black boot noticeable to the naked eye.

Crimson slits narrowed with a growl, clearly not pleased at being brought to a standstill but knowing that one card still remained up her sleeve. "We will see. Hunter." Rheya outright cackled as Thalia caught onto the ploy, but was seconds too late as a spherical object slid down into an open palm and with a flick of the wrist the entire grove became engulfed in a circle of flames. This left the hunter only one course of action, and that was retreat otherwise the encroaching hellfire from all sides would consume her. Thalia became furious at this, knowing that the hunt would need to be put on hold, but taking in every possible distinction of the demoness to engrain it into her memory for their next meeting. There would be one, it was not a matter of it, but when that remained unknown.

Rheya began to brush the dirt and grime off her outfit, having used a majority of her power to remove herself from the vicinity and roughly twenty miles or so to the north. She blinked at the feel of a domineering aura that bled off and caused the air in her lungs to cease, coughing violently when it retreated and gasped out the words that signaled the start of the true plan. "She is in place, my Lord. I just hope you truly know what you are doing."
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