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Mx Female Sweaty Koleda Belabog ZZZ [NSFW]


Mar 17, 2012

I've never really been a fan of body sweat, or musk, but there is something about the president of Belabog industries, maybe her foul temper, or the giant hammer she wields. Where I really want to do oral on her after a long day of work. I'd like to play either Wise, or Anton for the scenario, but it would be a rather simple, and short idea. Koleda and friends unwinding with a beer after a long day of construction work turns sexual when she gets too drunk.

For the record, Koleda is at least 19-20 the youngest age anyone can own a company in China is 18, and while she is often referred to as young they are usually referencing her lack of experience since she only took over Belabog industries a year or so ago From Ben who had been the administrator after her father disappeared. She is short, and i mean very short, this is explained in her official bio as a possible side effect to having grown up being exposed to hollows, but is also a reference to the crushing pressure she has been put under.

I also don't think she is sheltered or a virgin, considering that she is constantly calling out grace for being quote "single as hell." so I'd like a more slutty, forward take on president Belabog if you would.

Other kinks I'd like to include: Anal sex, having her sit on mc's face. Praise kink (I want to pet her head and call her a good girl, and watch her melt from embarrassment.) biting (Her biting mc, with those razor sharp teeth).

I would pair her with Wise or Anton, mostly because they are around the same age as her. Could be convinced to play both for the right partner or scene. I don't have plans to make this into a larger long term scene, more just a really slutty craving I have right now.​
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