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Mononoke: Irontown's Wrath (Verse x YAMS)

Yes A MAGAslut

jive addict
Jan 1, 2021
Lands of always winter
Quick now. The alarm had already rang, making this assassination considerably more difficult, but if she hurried she'd still be able to catch that wicked woman Eboshi.

Jumping from roof to roof, her socks making nary a sound, San held her dagger in a reverse grip in her right fist while making straight for the largest building where she presumed Eboshi to be.

It was her first time actually invading irowntown so she wasn't familiar with the layout, but that wasn't a problem as long as she stayed on the roofs where she could see everything and everyone.

Her expression focused and cold underneath her white mask, the demon girl sliced the throat of one of the guards that had dared climb the roof to stop her, before pressing on and heading deeper into the town, her fur cape fluttering in the wind behind her.

One of the guards had climbed up on the roof in front of her, aiming his spear to impale her chest, but the eighteen year old wolf girl has always had quick reactions, easily sidestepping the attack and jumping along the length of the spear shaft to slice her dagger across the guard's unprotected neck.

Crimson drops sparkled in the air as the man fell backwards off the roof, San jumping over his collapsing body and nimbly landing on the next roof.
Eboshi had known her defenses would be too lax for one little girl. The holes in the net too large. It would have been another thing if the wolf girl had an army, but she didn't. She was a power in an of herself. So the industrious woman of Irontown had tried to fortify her insurances. Ikurage Hitoshi was one of these insurances. What's on equal footing with a wolf girl?

A wolf boy.

In the smaller towns on the other side of the mountain, where other wolves ate people, too, they'd brought the tradition of raising pups as their own, to defend them. They'd done the same to an urchin and made him a herder of the wolves. His were gray, a handful, and large for their kind, but nowhere near the white fourlegged gods of this mountain. Eboshi offered lodging, food and work, ontop of his guard duty, and it was better than what he was getting in the town he was from.

But he already knew what his real reward would be when he stepped inside these walls and smelled the iron forges, blazing red upon the womens bodies that worked the furnaces. Primitive places had born him, so primitive were his tastes. It wasn't hard to talk to the men in the barracks, when the women were so haughty, high off the Lady Eboshi's favoritism. The men knew the new youngling had a plan, but they didn't know the extent of it. They'd only promised him their loyalty if he could create the opportunity to take Irontown for themselves.

He'd been sleeping outside Eboshi's house, pretending to guard her as always, when Kage, the wolf closest to him, stood up and looked between the roofs with his jaws closed, but the fur on the back of his neck excited. Hitoshi didn't need more than that to know what was happening. He entered Eboshi's house. She was insulted by his barging in, but his fist quieted her. For all the reputation she'd build, she was only a woman, with a weak jaw and neck.

One of the wolves went with a piece of her trademark robe in his maw to one of the riflemen. And then Irontwon erupted in the wild hunt that would flush the wolf girl out enough that a fired iron ball would hit her mask, and have her fall down by the Lady's house, only this time, the tall Ikurage orphan, with his angular features and black hakama under his blue jacket waited. His sword of choice was half length, much more tactical then the buffoon Gonza's too long katana.
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