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[NSFW] The Ass of the Warrior Princess: Asia Arc (Yume Kuribayashi & Dreamstreet)

Though it was tough for her to respond properly with all the sensory overload she received from the royal pair, Mizuki clearly expressed her gratitude for the situation she was in via her own means. Naturally, this meant letting out longer, more receptive moans at every thrust and grope she received from the pair. Between the simple focused thrusts from Lahatra's strap-on, and Maya's slower but more rhythmic motions, coupled with ministrations around her chest and against her ear, it was hard to resist the temptations both the Queen and Princess laid out bare for her. All else she could do was thrust in a rhythm between the two forces; slower than what assaulted her pussy, but faster than what invaded her ass. But sure enough, the moans more than told how much she was enjoying herself, how appreciative she was of the attention.

Off to the side, Yume watched as the threesome continued to unfold, trying to keep her eyes open and ears peeled for any of these developments. That proved difficult, though, with the magic wand vibe both buzzing in her ears and creating sensations pinpoint enough that she had to close her eyes to handle it without going insane. Her moans echoed from around the massive ball gag filling her mouth, producing multiple trickles of drool that either ran down her chin or dripped off the ball itself. Either way, she was enjoying herself in her own way, even if it was tinged with just a tad of jealousy at being denied the same level of attention as her friend. But then again, this sort of thing turned her on enough that it was hardly an issue. She could hardly wait to be teased for this when the pair were finished, if not ignored outright as they moved on without her...

"I bet you want us to cum inside you, and let you drip our royal spunk from your slutty holes for everyone to see..."

"Ahhn~!" As soon as the words entered her ears and the thought of being left on display leaking cum from her creampied holes joined it, Mizuki moaned sharply, thrusting a little harder against the pair's members as she nodded.

"Then beg for it!" Maya said before pinching her nipples with her nails. "Beg for us to fill you up with our cum!"

And then, she let out a sharper moan at the pinch, which she was able to stifle by clenching her teeth, after a second of first letting it out. That proved beneficial in what came next, which was the first proper response she gave to Maya and Lahatra since her earlier show of gratitude.

"P-Please!! Joou-sama! Ojou-sama! Please fill this slutty subject of yours up with your seed! As much as you can spill!" She caught her breath for a moment, then looked up again, right into Lahatra's eyes, and smiling wide. "Enough to straight-up ruin me~..."

Lahatra blinked once in surprise at Mizuki's choice of wording, though her thrusting didn't so much as budge from its pace. Within seconds, she shot Mizuki a mischievous smirk of her own. "'Ruin', you say? I dunno, it's not like us to discard our cumdumps after getting what mileage we can out of them..." She rolled her eyes as she spoke, emphasizing her clear mockery of Mizuki's phrasing. "But then again, you have served me well as my slave so far tonight. 'Ruining' you is the least I could do as your Princess. Wouldn't you agree, my Queen?" She smiled sweetly at Maya, hoping she'd follow up with a sadistic tease of her own. Though knowing her as well as she did, it was less hope and more expectation.
The passionate and eager response from Mizuki pleased Maya more than anything else she could have possibly done. This girl truly was a naughty gem to the dickgirl, both as a domme but certainly also as a sub. If it wasn't for the fact that it was Yume's best friend, and that she was already working as a domme alongside her mother, she might have tried to make her become part of her harem permanently. A shame, but she knew that this wouldn't be the last time they would enjoy each others company like this. Mizuki was doing way too well to not enjoy this as much as she was.

With the response from Lahatra, Maya grinned up at the Princess before giving her a nod. "Indeed, this butt-slut has earned the right to be our ruined little cumdumpster... So let us fill her up, and make sure she'll leak cum all day long!" She said before spreading her legs a little further in order to get ready to match Lahatra's thrusting speed. It happened just a few moments later, and while she would start to truly fuck her ass again, she will still squeeze Mizuki's tits firmly, while moaning and breathing heavily against her ear once again.

"We're going to fill you up to the brim... It's gonna be two massive loads, and you got no choice but to take every single drop!" Maya whispered into her ear while her own cock started to throb. It was becoming clear that she was very close to her next climax inside her ass. "Now cum for your Queen and Princess! Squeeze our cocks and receive the cum that you're craving so badly, little cumpdumpster! Let your royal leaders ruin their little slut!"
Lahatra grinned mischievously at Maya, nodding in agreement. "Or all night long, as it were," she chimed in as an addendum before picking up her thrusts, moving just a tad faster while pushing and pulling more of her strap-on in and out of Mizuki's slit. Once back in the rhythm, she followed Maya's lead and urged Mizuki on with her own words. "That's right, and you better be grateful we're emptying everything into you! We wouldn't be able to ruin you otherwise!" She snickered sharply as she smacked Mizuki's thighs multiple times.

Mizuki was pleased with how Maya and Lahatra chose to respond to her plea, but kept her thanks quiet. Especially as voicing them soon became impossible, with the increased thrusting both the futa and her co-domme proceeded to deliver rendering her unable to legibly speak. She moaned sharply, squeezing both dicks with her inner walls as she pushed her chest up into Maya's hands, feeling every tease and engagement as intimately as she could. The moans continued well beyond that, and before long, once given the order in its entirety, she let out the biggest one yet, but not before releasing a few preliminary gasps.

"AAAAAUGGGHHHHH~!" Mizuki threw her head back, eyes glazing over as she screamed in a manner that could only be properly described as "sluttily", and as she did, her lower half went completely warm. Her juices exploded out of her pussy onto Lahatra's strap-on and thighs, splattering considerably due to how tight she squeezed with her vaginal walls, while their anal equivalents violently twitched, which was enough to indicate an orgasm from back there as well. Her body shook and tensed, all while guttural groans followed that initial moan, sending drool pouring out of her mouth along with it.

The sight and sound pleased Lahatra greatly, and within seconds of it, she let out a few moans as well. She was close to climaxing behind her fake appendage as well, though before that, she did as she had done earlier and clenched the trigger nestled within her slit with her own walls. The horsecock dildo vibrated, and soon enough, the thick fluid within started spurting out once more, this time filling Mizuki to the brim. If she was able to time it out right, Maya should've been cumming at the same time, too. As she sighed her way down from her near-climax, Lahatra opened her eyes and looked over at Maya to see how she was faring.
As Mizuki reached her hard climax, Maya would hear it just moments before she would feel it. The slutty scream from the girl was one of clear arousal and desire, which matched perfectly with the tight milking squeeze from her anal walls, which really helped push the dickgirl towards the edge. While her cock was already throbbing, this extra squeeze to it was certainly more than enough to get the satisfying ending that would fill up the girl once again.

Looking up into the eyes of Lahatra, she would give a small grin and a nod to the girl, to let her know that it was time to fill up their little slut to the brim. With her hands firmly placed on Mizuki's tits, her fingers digging into her soft breasts, she would moan loudly as she reached her peak as well. "Oh yes, here it comes! Take all of our royal seed, you slut!" She said in a commanding tone, as she would get about three more hard thrusts up against her ass before she couldn't hold back any longer.

Letting out a loud but dominant cry of pleasure, she would do one final powerful thrust to get her dick deep into Mizuki's ass, before her cock started shooting another load into her ass, which joined the one she had blasted into her during her last climax. With her cock acting as a throbbing buttplug, this was certain to trap it all inside her, and the moment she would pull out, she would surely be leaking from her gaping asshole.
Just before she let loose the next load from inside her strap-on, Lahatra nodded back to Maya, clarifying that it was indeed time to fill Mizuki up. And to both their loads, Mizuki responded favorably, letting out receptive moans as she felt the surges of warmth shoot inside and spread throughout both her holes. Both the fake semen released by her Princess, and the very real equivalent from her Queen. The former load immediately started trickling out once the spurts reduced to oozes, the first line splitting into two as it ran down both Mizuki's thigh and the shaft of Lahatra's phallus. The latter, however, had a little bit of trouble in that regard, no doubt in part the result of the seal Maya's dick made with her back door. With what little brainpower she had active after her earlier exclamations, Mizuki figured she'd be spraying the dickgirl's seed out the moment she let go.

Lahatra took a few steadying breaths before looking over to Maya with a cheerful smile. "Well then, that was a fun little double-teaming we gave this one, wouldn't you say so, my Queen?" She then glanced down at Maya's crotch as she looked to be preparing to pull out of Mizuki. "You think we should plug this slut up long-term like you did our cow?"
Maya let her fingers trail over Mizuki's breasts in a playful way while listening to Lahatra's suggestion about plugging up her cum-filled holes. However she would shake her head at the Princess, while she would caress the girl between them in a gentle way. "No she is not gonna be plugged up. I could tell that she wanted to be displayed like the cumdump she is, and have it leaking out of her holes and down her legs... And let my other slaves lick it off the floor as she walks through the house." The dickgirl would say in a playful tone as she turned her head to look at Mizuki. "Isn't that right, buttslut? You wanna be leaking our royal seed out of your slutty holes?" She asked before pinching her nipples to force a reaction out of the girl.
Mizuki slowly inhaled and exhaled as she came down from her climax, moaning softly as Maya played with her breasts. She could hear all she was suggesting to Lahatra, but didn't react to any of that herself. At least, not until Maya pinched her nipples, prompting her to yelp sharply, followed by a few rapid nods of the head.

Lahatra, meanwhile, looked right at Maya as she explained her reasoning for keeping Mizuki "unplugged", as it were, blinking occasionally. It looked as if she was stunned by Maya's suggestion, and in a way, she was. But her reasoning was solid, enough so that she couldn't help but smile at the end of it. Mizuki's sharp reaction certainly helped with that, too. "Very well. Letting her leak is a more fitting approach for this one, anyway." She reached down and patted Mizuki's right thigh. "Now the cow, on the other hand..." She turned her head and looked back at Yume.

Throughout the last minute or two of the threesome, not too much had changed with the bound and gagged sexcretary. She continued moaning into the ball stuffing her mouth, shifted around to make her cuffs rattle, and her juices were staining her outfit considerably, thanks to the continued motions of the magic wand trapped against her pussy. It was hard to tell if she'd cum already, but the exhausted and horny expression plastering her face made it clear that this position was one she was beyond content with.

"...we could plug her up with our royal seed as much as we like. Not quite to the point of bursting, but enough to make her feel just as humiliated as our cumdump buttslut here." Lahatra smacked Mizuki's thigh again, then started slowly pulling out of her, both actions prompting moans from the girl.
The suggestion on what to do with Yume that Lahatra had did peek the dickgirl Queen's interest. "So you wanna fill her up her pussy as much as her ass already is?" She asked in a playful tone while she kept on caressing Mizuki's tits, even as Lahatra began to pull out of the girl. While she would be ready for another round of fucking very soon, she still wanted to show her appreciation to her fellow domme's daughter, while she planned some ways of truly rewarding her later on.

"Now why don't you see to our little cow and figure out if she wants to stay like that for good, or if she is willing to serve us and get filled up like her friend here." She asked Lahatra as she rutted her dick around in Mizuki's ass once more time. "And see if she has better manners than this one... To think she got a Queen and a Princess to fill her up to the brim and making sure she is going to leak all of our seed... And she hasn't even thanked us yet for it!" She said and squeezed both of Mizuki's tits once more, as she was clearly still toying with her.
"As much as I can, at least. Not sure how many more loads I can get out of this monster before needing to refill." Lahatra reached down and patted the top of her strap-on, right at the base, as she continued pulling out of Mizuki. Eventually, she popped free, prompting a soft gasp from her own mouth, and another yelp from Mizuki's, followed by her juices squirting out along with some of the fake cum. Then, when Maya gave her her next marching order, Lahatra prepared herself to respond, but paused as Maya moved to grope Mizuki's tits while teasing her for being so verbally non-receptive.

Sure enough, Mizuki moaned as her tits were squeezed, gasping softly before nodding and weakly voicing a response along with it. "T-Thank you, joou-sama... Ojou-sama... I'm so happy to be of use like this..."

Once Mizuki got out what she wanted to get out - what she was commanded to get out, even - Lahatra smiled with a soft chuckle, then moved on to her own response, placing her hand over her chest and bowing her head in reverence to Maya. "Very well, my Queen, I'll see which of those options she's up for. And if she's more prompt about it than our cumslut here~." She playfully poked at Mizuki's clit with her index finger, the gentle contact making Mizuki yelp and squirt again.
Maya grinned widely as Lahatra teased Mizuki a few more times, before she would go over to Yume in order to see how she was doing. While she would do that, the dickgirl would continue to caress the girl in her grasp, while her dick still acted like a plug for the cum trapped inside of her ass. Her hands gently moving up and down along her body, while allowing her to rest up and regain some energy. At least she wasn't showing any signs of pulling out until Lahatra was ready with Yume. Even then, she would still whisper inside of her ear so the Princess and Cow wouldn't be able to hear her.

"I guess you truly have become quite the slut in the hands of the Princess... Not that it is a bad thing, you remind me a lot of Yume." She whispered in a soft tone.
Mizuki moaned softly as Maya continued groping her and rutting around inside her ass, shifting around some from both the sensitive motions and the unconscious desire to feel it more, even during this cool-down period. Glancing back at the dickgirl as she remarked on her present position, she let out a brief grin after a few more sighs. "That so? Must make perfect sense that we'd be the best of friends, then." She let out a soft laugh, and with a blink, she glanced over in Yume's direction.

At this point, Yume was all but lost in a sea of her own bliss at being teased relentlessly and forced to witness the fun the others were having and leaving her out of on purpose. It wasn't quite the subspace she was used to, but it was quite a thrilling feeling. Her demonstration of such suggested otherwise, though, as she let out a tired moan around her drool-soaked ballgag every few seconds, alternating in sync with her thigh muscles tensing around the vibrator that buzzed against her pussy for so long it practically felt numb. It was a state of real content she found herself in, and one with enough imposed tunnel-vision that she hardly noticed Lahatra approaching her from the side and squatting down to check up on her.

"Heyyy, how we doing over here?" the Princess asked, patting Yume on the back. "You enjoying getting royally cucked like the sex-hungry painslut you are?" Her other hand, meanwhile, moved over to the vibrator's handle, gripping it tight before she moved the head up and down against Yume's still-moist slit.

Yume yelped softly at the pat to her back, her cognizance returning in full to her. Just before she could get reaccustomed to it, the motions of the Hitachi prompted another moan, this one sharper and messier. Multiple spurts of drool oozed out from around her gag as she clenched her eyes shut, tensing up against the vibe as she violently came against it. Within seconds, she went weak, muffled cries trailing out as her juices similarly spurted, sending the stains in her pantyhose running down her legs.

"I'll take that as a yes~!" Lahatra cheerfully responded before switching off the wand and removing it from Yume's tights, setting it aside before moving both hands up to her breasts. "And I must say, you've been quite the cooperative little cow, sitting here and watching the Queen and I fuck your friend senseless without even trying to stop us, beg us to double-creampie you instead!" She squeezed the undersides of the girl's G-cups tight, prompting another moan and drool trail to come from her gagged mouth. "And because you've been that cooperative, we thought we'd give you a choice in how to proceed next. Either you stay like this for the rest of the night, on constant edge 'til you pass out from pure sexual overload, or..." She leaned in close, whispering into Yume's ear. "...we give you that double-creampie you're clearly aching for. My cock in your pussy, and our Queen's in your ass. Pumping away in tandem 'til every last drop of ours is inside of you. After which we'll plug you up and parade you around to show how much you love being our breeding cow, perhaps even more than the dairy cow you claim to be~."

As she spoke that last sentence, Lahatra brought her hands up to Yume's nipples, erect enough inside her shirt to be easily detectable, even when covered, and gave them a sharp pinch. Another yelp followed, the girl squirming around and playfully screaming as stains of her milk started forming against the white material. She was turned on to the point of lactating that easily; if that wasn't an indicator of what she wanted, then there was no telling what was.

"It's up to you which option you want to take, Yume. Either joining your friend as our personal cumdumpster, or staying here and adding "cuckquean" to the laundry list of roles we have for you, our versatile little slut." Lahatra kept toying with Yume's left nipple, but let go of her right, bringing her respective hand up to her mouth and slipping her thumb and a few fingers inside, grabbing the ball and slowly pulling it out. Not enough to render her no longer speechless, but enough that something halfway legible could come out, if she willed it. "Go on, tell your Princess what you want. No need to keep any secrets from little ol' me~." She softly, sultrily chuckled as she awaited the girl's response.

As the gag was pulled back, Yume slowly started catching her breath, inhaling and exhaling as she weighed her two options. Both sounded inviting in their own ways; getting the same treatment she saw Mizuki getting was hard to pass up, but at the same time, she was anxious to know what it was like to engage in cuckqueaning in the longer term. The moment the phrase entered her head, she already started imagining being fed Maya's cum out of a dog bowl, with the added humiliation of Lahatra forcing her face into it, under the pretense that it would go to waste otherwise... But she could revel in that fantasy later. Right now, she had to tell Lahatra something. And so, she went with the truth.

"I.. I was..."

"Hmm??" Lahatra blinked, grinning excitedly.

"...I was hoping... that Maya-joou-sama and I would head down soon... See Elsa, Larisa, Miss Mitsushima... and service them before turning in for the night... I'd hate to keep them waiting any longer than necessary..."

Her speech was about half-muffled by the gag's proximity, but even so, Lahatra fully understood her. Her grin faded, initially suggesting disappointment in what the girl had to say for herself. But then she let out an introspective hum, like she was seriously weighing that third option.

"I hope that's all right with you, Lahatra-ojou-sama..."

Lahatra waited a moment, closing her eyes as she let out another hum. And then...

"I guess. However, what you do wind up doing is all up to our Queen, as it always has." She raised her eyebrow and smirked teasingly. "Though something tells me you'll happily accept whatever she decrees. Nothing less from a pervert as big as you." With that, she pulled the gag out a little further...

"Hehe, you sure have tha-hnnmph!!"

...she let go, letting the ball return to Yume's mouth. As the girl's groan of surprise turned to one of slight pain, the Princess looked over at the Queen as she continued to entertain herself with Mizuki. "You won't believe this, my Queen, but our cow wants to leave. Have fun with the others before calling it quits for the night. Are you content with that, or do you think we should 'impose our will' on her?" To emphasize her point, she gently lifted Yume's head up by her throat, not so tight she restricted her airways but enough to provide her some additional excitement to follow the situation she was "trapped" in for the past several minutes.
While her fingers kept on toying with Mizuki's tits and making the girl lightly squirm in her grasp, Maya's ears and eyes would follow the interaction between Lahatra and Yume. The way the Princess handled the gagged slave was amusing to her, and it only made her lightly squeeze Mizuki's tits from time to time, as she approved the Princess's words and actions. However when she heard the response from Yume, she couldn't help but laugh at it, as she suddenly a wide and wicked grin on her face, which was still there when Lahatra turned back to address her.

"To think that she could think of the others that are waiting to see her all plugged up, even when she had been cucked like this!" She said before letting out another laugh, before she stopped caressing Mizuki. "But we can give her what she wants... Remember Princess, that we are royalty." She said before giving Lahatra a wink, before she moved around with Mizuki, so she was on top of the girl, and could finally start pulling her dick out of her cum-filled ass.

"As royalty, we should share our toys with the rest of our little kingdom... And what's better to share with them, than both a plugged up breeding cow and our leaking cumdump here?" She said before pulling her cock out, letting it exit Mizuki's ass with a slight pop, and then allowing all of her cum to leak out of her gaping hole. "Now this is surely going to have them appreciate what we share with them, as royal domme." She said before nodding over towards Yume.

"So untie the girl, and let her crawl to the living room, so she can show everyone just how much of a slutty cow she is, all plugged up and eager to serve those above her... Which is everyone!" She let out a dominant laugh while she stood up from the bed.
Throughout her mostly one-sided conversation with Yume, Lahatra occasionally peered over at Maya, fully aware that she was listening in to what she was saying, undistracted by her own back-and-forth with Mizuki moments earlier. And while failing to miss a beat when she explained Yume's ultimate response to her, she couldn't help but feel a little surprised at the dickgirl's laughing response. Given what followed, though, it made perfect sense, enough for her to grin a little herself.

"But we can give her what she wants... Remember Princess, that we are royalty."

"That we are, my Queen," she replied, moving her hand away from Yume's throat and down towards her hands, working at undoing her cuffs.

In the meantime, Mizuki, who had been occasionally moaning with each intimate caress Maya gave her, let out a louder one as she pulled out of her back door. She shifted around a little once pinned to the bed, and then gasped sharply when her joou-sama's cock popped free. The cum inside her pulsed out in a series of oozes spaced seconds apart, almost timed to her breathy panting. Above all else, the indication that she'd be coming down too, to be shown off just as Yume would, made her nervous enough to blush brightly. Not that she minded it in itself, being in sub-mode and everything, but her mother would be among the witnesses, and that gave her more pre-emptive embarrassment than she'd want to openly admit. She was lucky Maya was so embroiled in her conversation with Lahatra, otherwise she'd have teased her about it immediately.

As for Yume, looking up at Maya as she replied to her suggestion, she nodded back. Getting the go-ahead to do what she envisioned was no doubt exciting, especially in her disadvantageous position to be calling any shots of her own.

"So untie the girl, and let her crawl to the living room, so she can show everyone just how much of a slutty cow she is, all plugged up and eager to serve those above her... Which is everyone!" She let out a dominant laugh while she stood up from the bed.

"Way ahead of you, Queen." Lahatra set the cuffs she removed from Yume's wrists aside, giving her an emphatic smack to the rear shortly after. Yume yelped around her gag, still stuffed in her mouth, and moved onto all fours. "Though I think one of us should keep an eye on her as she's doing that. The others are downstairs, and I'd hate for our cow to take a tumble down the staircase and not even know until we head down ourselves."
"I'll allow for her to walk on two legs down the stairs... The breeding cow is gonna take a lot of pain from the others, rather than the stairs." Maya said and let out a soft laugh, before going back to grab the collar and leash that Yume wore before they got into the room, and went to attach it to her neck again. "Besides, I won't allow her to get far away from me... Even if she ever wanted to leave me." She said in a teasing tone while she got the collar and leash attached onto Yume.

Once it was done, she would look back over her shoulder towards Mizuki and give her a wide smile. "What about you, buttslut? You coming down to show them with a royal cumdump looks like?" She asked teasingly.
Lahatra let out a sigh of relief as Maya quickly decided on how Yume would head downstairs. "That's good to know." She then looked up at the dickgirl as she reapproached with collar and leash in hand. She must have taken them off during all the earlier commotion and didn't even notice, but she didn't let that break her kayfabe any further, as she gave the sight a sly grin. "But even then, it doesn't look like we'll be letting her go it solo, right?"

"Besides, I won't allow her to get far away from me... Even if she ever wanted to leave me."

Yume grunted softly around her gag at Maya's remark, blushing brightly as she obediently tilted her head back and exposed her neck, allowing her to fit the collar back on her. She too hardly noticed it was gone, and now that it was back on her, it was as if her submissiveness increased even further, looking up at Maya lovingly as she anticipated the first tug to get her moving again.

As for Mizuki, now hunched over with her ass in the air, leaking seed from both her holes, she looked over at Maya to respond to her invitation to join them. "I'd love to, really... Though I might make a mess heading down. Who knows how much of your cum I'll lose on the way..."

"If you're that worried about it, I'd be more than happy to carry you down," Lahatra remarked as she stood back up. "Besides, sentient as you are, it'd be unbecoming for a cumdumpster like yourself to move around on her own. Isn't that right, my Queen?" She looked at Maya with a smile, awaiting her response.
Maya was slightly surprised to hear Lahatra's suggestion to carry Mizuki down so she wouldn't leak cum all over the place. However it soon made her smile before she would turn over to the cumdump girl and grinned widely at her. "Now that is an offer almost nobody gets, to be carried by a Princess... You should be very grateful to get such an offer from royalty like her." She said while looking over at Lahatra with a proud look on her face, clearly she was approving with the initiative the girl was taking.

With her lead that was connected to Yume in her hand, and after a few moments gave it the first tug. "Now let's see if you can walk down the stairs yourself, or if you also need to be carried... Luckily your ass is plugged up, so you won't leak like our cumdump!" She said and tugged harder on the leash this time to get the girl moving towards the door, so they could head out and see to the rest of the ladies in the house.
"Mm-hmm," Lahatra nodded with crossed arms for emphasis, doing so in agreement with Maya while looking right at Mizuki. "All that being said..." She then uncrossed her arms and walked towards the bed, reaching out and grabbing Mizuki by her haunches. "...up you go!" With a firm hold on her, the princess lifted the other girl up, letting out a strained grunt or two from the amount of weight she was lifting, only to sigh in relief as she settled Mizuki on her shoulder. "Ah, there we are..." She reached up with her right hand and patted Mizuki's ass, prompting the cum emptied into her ass to trickle out a few inches.

Mizuki, meanwhile, yelped some as Lahatra grabbed her and lifted her onto her shoulder, the suddenness and disorientation proving enough to distract her from letting out even the briefest giggle at the Princess's audible struggle to lift her fifty-plus kilogram body with the expectation of ease. Once positioned over her shoulder, she settled back into relative comfort, gasping playfully at the pat to her rear. "Yeah, definitely feels nice up high like this."

"Happy to hear that..." Lahatra chuckled softly, her continued strain to keep Mizuki lifted well-subdued now, but still a little discernible.

At the first tug to her collar, Yume grunted softly, moaning affirmatively around her gag as she nodded to Maya. She looked down and blushed brightly as her plugged nature was pointed out, almost closing her eyes and shifting around in pronounced gratitude. However, the second, harsher tug put a quick stop to that, prompting a yelp around her gag as she almost lost her all-fours footing. She caught herself before falling, though, and started moving behind Maya towards the door. When it came time for the stairs, then she could worry about standing up and making it down that way...

With Yume and Maya making their way out the door, Lahatra saw fit to follow, moving forward without a word. Mizuki grunted softly at the unprompted motion, but avoided any further protest beyond that, keeping cooperative for at least the first stretch of the way.
Maya couldn't help but grin a little as she watched how Lahatra picked up Mizuki in order to carry her down. "Well she won't have any issues keeping it in, won't you cumdump?" She asked Mizuki before she would start to head out of the room with Yume at the end of her leash. "But that should do the trick. Now let's head and see to the others!" She said and walked out of the room, tugging a few times playfully on the leash to make sure that Yume would keep up after her. She made sure to not walk too fast, and allow for the girls to keep up with her with relative ease.
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