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[NSFW] The Ass of the Warrior Princess: Asia Arc (Yume Kuribayashi & Dreamstreet)

Jul 23, 2023

The Ass of the Warrior Princess was originally hosted on House Eros and later Fiction Depot, running across two threads: the original, which ran from April 21, 2015 to December 31, 2019, and its second phase, subtitled Asia Arc, which ran from January 5, 2020 to September 30, 2023. The latter thread temporarily concluded last year due to/ahead of the closure of the Fiction Depot website. Below is a summary of the RP's events to the present.

The central figure of this RP is one Maya Heller, a twentysomething resident of Chanhassen, Minnesota whose longtime aspirations of becoming a 24/7 domme have recently come to fruition and beautifully so. The seeds for such goals were first planted when she watched a video portraying two women in a hardcore BDSM scenario, and after further development, she started making those goals reality through a mix of self-teaching and various one-night stands. Even in those early stages, what set Maya apart from other aspiring dommes locally was her unique biology. With a cock and balls in place of a pussy, Maya's status as a dickgirl – though she personally preferred the ring of "futanari" better – left quite the impact with those she bedded, especially those who stuck around long-term.

While local sex shop owner Elsa Kuosmanen could be considered Maya's first real sexfriend, the honor of being the first in her "slave harem" would belong to Lahatra, an immigrant girl she met while grocery shopping one evening. Lahatra hails from the Chagos islands in the Indian Ocean, only having moved to the States a year ago after being rescued at sea. Despite living much of her life in seclusion from society, Lahatra picked up on civilized behavior, local customs and even the English language at an amazingly quick rate, soon leading to her living near-independently. To Maya, who knew nothing of Lahatra's history at the time, what mattered most from their first meeting was the size and shapeliness of the girl's rear. That, combined with Lahatra's uniquely sexual means of dinner prep, led to the pair spending the night together; and with Lahatra eager to stay by her side after their first tryst, Maya soon found her first sub.

The long-term mistress/slave relationship started smoothly, and with Elsa becoming more involved with her shortly after Lahatra's first visit to her store, Perverted Proclivities or PervPro, Maya's circle of subs only started to grow. And it grew even further, to the point of being properly designated as a harem, with two simultaneous additions: Larisa Popova, a Russian college student with a strong fetish for large breasts and lactation in particular, and Yume Kuribayashi, a Japanese high school graduate whose bright and cheery personality belaid an extreme masochism that made enslaving her a heavy temptation for any dominant worth their salt. Hearing Maya's desire for a slave that could regularly worship her breasts, Elsa invited Larisa and Yume, who she was chatroom friends with, stateside so the pair could compete for a spot in the dickgirl's growing harem. Though their efforts would earn the both of them status as her newest slaves, Larisa ultimately won the right to live with Maya and Lahatra, while Yume instead moved in with Elsa and started working part-time at PervPro in the meantime.

With that, Maya's goal of attaining lifestyle dommehood and a slave harem had been reached. Lahatra, Elsa, Larisa and Yume served her eagerly, doing whatever she wished, whenever she wished, and bore no complaints in the slightest. They even had dedicated roles they played more often than not. Being the most submissive of the two, Larisa spent much of her time as Maya's pet kitty, far more than she spent as a typical sub, while Yume enthusiastically filled the role of a dairy cow, to be abused and milked to Maya's desires. Elsa and Lahatra, meanwhile, were both switches and therefore held roles with greater responsibility in the harem hierarchy. Elsa acted as Maya's maid, which was as perfect a position for a switch as it got, and Lahatra, when she wasn't embracing her own submissive side as a bull, leaned into her royal side (as much as it could be considered such) and held the title of the harem's "princess", with the attitude and the crown to match. Inspired by this more dominant status of Lahatra's, Maya took up a role herself: queen. An absolutely befitting moniker for a domme in full control, with or without a cock in her size.

All of that would have been enough for the quintet to live happily from then on… but for every goal achieved, a greater goal comes forth to take its place. In Maya's case, that greater goal would be the next logical step from where she was now: the status and reputation of a professional dominatrix. And as luck would have it, a window of opportunity would open.

Making use of the connections she made in her years peddling adult goods, Elsa arranged a meeting between Maya and one such pro domme: Wen Su, the owner and operator of a series of latex-focused BDSM clubs collectively known as the Church of Rubber. A days-long visit from the "Mistress Superior" herself, complete with interviews had between Maya and her three pets and considerable time spent with the whole quintet intimately, was enough to convince Maya that the opportunity to go pro was worth it, and when Wen offered her training for a position at her Church's flagship location in Shanghai as a guest performer, she happily took it. Before long, her onstage debut was queued up for that September, and with four months to go and little time to waste, Maya and her harem agreed to head overseas with immediacy.

However, before they could set foot in Shanghai, they had an important pit stop to make: Yume's home country of Japan. Shortly after the formation of the harem, Maya became acquainted over video-chat with two close friends of Yume from her time in Tokyo: Mizuki Mitsushima, her long-time best friend and an amateur domme in her own right, and Mizuki's mother Yuzu Mitsushima, a pro domme who recently re-entered the field in time to mentor her daughter in her field of expertise. The pair helped nurture and feed Yume's kinkiest desires to their present state, and even with a computer screen between them, Maya could tell they knew their stuff and were worth meeting face-to-face when the time came. And what better time than before her training at the Church of Rubber could properly begin!

Thus, it was decided: Maya and her girls would visit Tokyo for four days and four nights – maybe even a fifth day, if the flight to Shanghai that day left late enough – staying at the Mitsushima residence and spending time with the mother-daughter domme team up close and personal. Of the various interactions had with them, the biggest and most memorable was easily the sexy wrestling match between Lahatra and Mizuki, with the winner subjecting the loser to their fullest whims, complete with collar, for 24 hours after. Lahatra, wearing a modified version of her bull costume, ultimately won the match, despite Mizuki's best efforts for a victory on her end. Just as memorable, if only in terms of recency bias, was Maya's one-on-one engagement with Yuzu in the latter's basement dungeon immediately following the match. Though Maya was on top for much of the session, as it usually went with her, Yuzu took control for some time in turn, particularly in an instance where she "trapped" the dickgirl in a queening stool and sat on her face. Above all else, it affirmed a kinship between the two dommes that they sought to maintain well after the quintet's visit was over.

Another big event that's occurred thus far was Maya meeting Yume's family, consisting of her father Hisashi, her mother Akiko, her older sister Izami and Izami's live-in girlfriend Chizu Kanawa. The visit, which took up the first night and the subsequent morning of the trip for Maya, went over very well, even with a couple hiccups in the form of every member of the family walking in on Maya fucking Yume. (The fact that they, in addition to the Mitsushimas, received a video of Yume getting absolutely dominated by Maya and the others several months earlier may have helped in that regard.) And despite Yume's warnings to Maya not to fuck any of her family, the dickgirl managed to agree to a threesome with Izami and Chizu, the latter of the pair being the one to propose it. Thus, another item for the Tokyo trip checklist saw addition…

But perhaps the biggest event of the Tokyo stretch of the harem's overseas excursion, and the most ongoing to boot, is Maya's creation of a "global harem"; that way, she has collections of several sexual partners on tap to engage with whenever she travels to certain places on the regular. For the Japan division of said global harem, she has Yuzu in place as "manager"; that is, she's tasked with keeping an eye on and, if need be, taking good care of Maya's subjects while she's away. As for said subjects, Mizuki was the first to see inclusion, though being an automatic addition by way of her blood relation to Yuzu and her current stint as Lahatra's plaything, it wasn't exactly ceremonious. Besides her, the only other haremette Maya has in Tokyo thus far is Tsuyomi Kokujo, the owner and operator of the Harajuku-based adult goods store Sexual Supermodification/SSM, whose submissive and kinky personality, especially when in the throes of sexual congress, made her an easy add. And even then, Maya didn't plan on bringing her into the harem ahead of time; she just happened to luck into it while in Harajuku buying items for Yume's outfit as her own alternate role in the core harem: Maya's personal sexy secretary, or "sexcretary" for short. However, Maya does have full intent to add another member, this one from among Yume's local friend group, to her Tokyo harem. Though this one being a femboy, combined with Maya's inexperience with the gender, makes him an either/or case…

The second day of Maya and her core harem's visit to Tokyo is starting to wind down. After joining Yuzu in a costumed domme session of the ambush variety with some of her girls – Yume and Larisa serving as their main targets, with Lahatra and Mizuki getting some action as well, including a test of the latter's worth as part of her global harem and a recruiter of future members – Maya headed down with them for dinner. What would happen next, mundane or exciting, would no doubt set the mood for day three and what actions were bound to follow. And it's from that point where this RP, 11,810 replies in – 3,829 specifically for the Asia Arc – now continues…
"First things first, we all wake up in the morning," Yume said, pointing to an item written in the schedulekeeping journal she bought earlier in the day. Of course, it was in Japanese, but she was kind enough to translate as she went along. "We can do pretty much anything around that time, so long as we're all out the door by 10." Her index finger moved over to the next item. "At that time, we'll walk to Roppongi, where we'll be meeting up with a couple friends of mine and Mizuki's. Like with Izami-chan and Chizu-chan, you can play with them if they're up for it, but if they turn you down, I'd leave it at that." Onto the next item, estimated to take place between 11:00 and 11:30. "They'll be leading us on a sightseeing tour of Tokyo. Tokyo Tower, the Kaminarimon gate, you name it."

She then lifted the journal off the bed she had it laying on before, presenting it before her audience of one held-up as she pointed a few items down, marked as 1:30. "Some time after lunch, though, we'll split off from the group in Shinjuku. While they're checking out the JR Towers, we'll be heading over to District 7, where our "mystery femboy" lives. Well, where his dad lives, if his son's not there we can grab his new address from him. Either way, once we meet him, then comes the test to see whether you can handle a femboy in your "global harem"." Next item, 3:30. "Whether he passes or fails, he'll be joining us in our own sightseeing catch-up. If we're still in Shinjuku, we can stop in the club where my mom used to work and scope it out for our next trip out here." One line down, 5:30. "And should our courses align just right, we should meet up with Lahatra-ojou-sama, Mizuki and the rest before 6. We'll grab dinner, and after that the others might wanna split for the evening. Can't tear a guest away from their evening routine, after all! Mizuki can stick around a little longer, but she'll have to leave for her nightly run at Miss Mitsushima's club." Since the "24-hour slave" arrangement with Lahatra was set to expire at 3:30, it checked out.

"To cap things off, instead of returning to the house like I originally planned, we'll be spending the night at this hot springs inn on the west side of the prefecture. It's convenient to the trains so getting there shouldn't be a hassle, and it doesn't get a whole lot of business on weeknights, so it shouldn't be too much trouble to navigate compared to an inner city bathhouse. Not to mention it's LGBT-friendly, so your dick shouldn't raise too many questions!" She pulled her finger out of the journal and closed it up. "I should have the itinerary for the day after tomorrow all figured out once we retire for the evening, so we can start it all over again then." Setting the journal aside, she looked over at the other presence in the room. "That sound like a good plan for tomorrow, Maya-joou-sama?"

In the post-dinner hours of their second night in Tokyo, Yume had redressed into her sexcretary outfit crafted together mere hours earlier from multiple stores in Harajuku. Sitting next to her, on the bed in one of the currently-vacant upstairs rooms, was Maya, dressed in the purple zentai of a domme outfit she donned earlier that evening and all throughout dinner; with the hood down, of course, and her cock and balls behind the closed crotch zipper. While the others were busy enjoying themselves, either in conversation or erotically (maybe even both at once), Yume brought her (shemale-type) futa queen upstairs to go over what itinerary she had in mind for their third day. Safe to say, it was pretty packed, but at the same time open for any changes in course.

"If anything in that schedule's a concern, don't hesitate to let me know." She bowed in pre-emptive apology, in case she did draw some concern.
While Yume was giving her the schedule of the following day, Maya remained quiet and simply nodded every now and again to all the details that were explained to her. It was clearly a packed schedule, and it was hard for Maya to say that any of it should be dropped or pushed to another day before they would head for Shanghai. But instead, she looked at her sexcretary when she finished up and gave her a warm smile.

"It sounds... Acceptable for now. But we should be very open to having things take longer than we have scheduled so far." Maya said as she stood up from the bed and moved around so she would stand in front of the submissive girl, and crossed her arms underneath her big breasts. "You did very well coming up with this schedule, so you've pleased your Queen very much." She said before moving a few steps closer to her, standing just a few inches away from her, while looking down at her slave with a wide grin.

"I do wonder if this mysterious femboy will be worth spending time with. After all, I wonder if he show the same potential as my other slaves, or at least be as obedient as Tsuyomi was... Speaking of which, are we seeing her before we head for Shanghai?" She asked before putting her hands on her hips. "Because if we aren't, I might have to punish my little Sexcretary for not letting me see a potential member of my Harem here in Japan." She said and licked her lips playfully.
"Of course, joou-sama," Yume nodded. "I'd be more than willing to adjust the schedule as many times as necessary to account for anything and everything that could come up." She pushed her glasses back up to where they were before, partly out of confidence in her statement and partly because they shifted down to the tip of her nose mid-nod. She looked back up at Maya as the futa praised the schedule she put together, blushing and smiling wide. "Aww, why thank you~!"

Shortly after her response, though, Yume moved off of the bed and onto her knees. The way Maya approached her and looked down on her as a queen would one of her subjects, lowly enough for rough treatment but so close that she was no doubt beloved, it was as compulsive as it was instinctual. Her musings about the mystery femboy prompted Yume to glance to the side and smile softly, a silent tell of confidence in its own right, but the question about Tsuyomi, followed up by a threat that sounded more like an offer for a good time, brought her to fuller attention. Gulping once to restrain her arousal at the teasing ultimatum and its accompanying lick-lip, she responded posthaste.

"Not to worry, Maya-joou-sama, we'll definitely be seeing Tsuyomi-san before we fly out! We have all morning before we need to head to Narita, so if we don't hit up Harajuku again tomorrow, then definitely the day after, for sure! Which reminds me..." She brought her hand to her chin and glanced down and to the side in thought. "We should make arrangements for a group photo to commemorate the first branch of your global harem being set up. I wonder if everyone's schedules will be able to align..."
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