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Forum just for public thread requests?

I can't find this question anywhere, and I did do some searching, if this subject has been broached before I am sorry.

I am asking if it would be possible to make a front page place, like there is an on-site and off-site forum, for just Public threads?

I know they are currently included in the on-site forum, but I feel public players and PM players are far enough apart in that sense that it could be warranted to separate? Some post request threads not stipulating either when the forum supports both.

There may even be plots and things you'd be comfortable writing in public whereas some you'd like to write in private, and then you could make request threads in either forum, if you wanted to.

Not a major thing. I know you can't make a forum for every little thing, also.

Hoping to get some clarity in this, if nothing else.

Thank you!
Where the RT threads are right now, have been working well for years that I have been on here. And to be honest, splitting up Thread and PM requests I just kind of think that it would just make the forum more of a mess. They are put together under On-Site Requests because that is where they are. People wanting to write on-site know to go to there. After that you can look in everyone's RT, to see what they normally want to do. Though there is a group that I would be considered under who doesn't really care where I write. Though I have an affinity for PM's, if someone really wanted to write on the forum itself in Public I have no issue for doing that either. So at least for people like me, it would be another place to have to go look for RT. Which would just make it more complicated. Plus with people who don't care where they post, it is one more place where they would have to set up an RT which probably will have all the same stuff, as the one they would put in the private RT.

And in my experience, not everyone even thinks about putting where they might want to write in their RT. And it is usually decided on within the discussion you are having with your new writing partner together between you two. Rather then it being the main focus on the RT.

But like I said, that is just my experience.

There is also so much you can do in your own thread, that you can mark the ones public and Private. Like putting the Private ideas into a spoiler. That would work well for it, I would think.

The only other thing I can think of, though we don't tend to use the Tags in the threads for much. Is it might be easier to see if a Tag could be created to preference for PM of Threads. But that is a whole other game, that the Admins would have to comment on. BM just uses the tags for mainly the Preference you are looking for in the orientation of the character you are looking for. But I have seen other sites use it for a wider array of preferences. That are either wanted or not wanted depending on the person setting up the RT.
I see where you're coming from and that is probably why there isn't a public thread alternative already.

There is always a point to keeping things as they are, particularly for people like yourself who don't want to split their attention between more places. I myself am a bit averse to change for change's sake.

But in my limited experience of sites like these, there is usually no off-site forum, but BM decided to have those. So maybe there is a line of thinking toward more options in that regard?

I guess the equation, that both of us seem to agree on, is if the effort is worth it, even if we land on different conclusions.

To me, since you now have to go through a certain amount of hoops to see if a partner will do public threads or not, some of which you mentioned, instead of just knowing by the forum they post in, it'd be worth the effort.

Not opposed to tags, but my own experience is like yours, that people don't use them universally, and then trying to find a compatible partner still means going through the entirety of every request thread that may be vague on the subject for clues. It's fun reading some times, but it'd also be nice to know ahead of time.
Let me ask you this, if this whole thing was set up as say. And you are looking in threads Request, and you find an idea you like in there but you are not comfortable writing it in public and you would rather writing it in PM. Would you just not bother PMing this person?

This is the thing I see with this, and is why I said a lot more of where to write it decided in discussion with you and your partner. Because that person though they like threads, could be more then willing to work in PM;s for your comfort. It is just such a small piece of the whole in the end of things when discussing an idea with a partner. That I don't see why it needs its own thread. What I see if it was added, is more people not bothering to even talk to the other person because they put a good idea in thread instead of PM so they just assume the other won't want to change where they will write. Which I would hope any good and decent writing partner, would at least want to hear you out on why you are not comfortable writing on thread for the idea, or even the other way around. If they are willing to work with you or not, is up to them.

There is also the thing of, if we split it up would one be used less. While I know we have a lot of PM people, I do know that some still use threads also. And just looking over the activity in the Threads section, while there are a several stories looking like they are using it plenty. There isn't pages of people using it regularly. All of them by the bottom, there are dates going back into Aug of this year. Which tells me, yes some people are using threads but not a lot of them. So the effort to set them up, which in my understanding would be an effort to get done at all in itself. Might not be worth it, if not a lot of people are going to use it.

And the hoops you have to go through, I don't quite understand. Because instead of searching for that specifically. If you find an idea you like, then just PM the person and ask. Which should be a simple thing. It almost sounds like you are making the whole thing harder on yourself.
I'll be honest, it sounds lazy to me.

There aren't any hoops to go through to figure out if someone can do a rp in pms. You're gonna reach out to them anyway regarding a rp, why is asking if doing a rp in the pms such a hassle?
There is not currently a means to create a second prefix tab for Thread or PM, at least not with the current Admin CP. It can be coded, but eventually. It will be way down on the list of things to code, as we've got several other things to get coded that take higher priority. The prefix tab is the only viable solution for this issue, as adding yet another entire forum for Thread vs PM is not in the works. The other issue is that it won't be required, so members can still elect to not indicate if they are seeking Thread or PM, so there is no baked in solution to your search wishes.

Members are free to state within their RT title that they are seeking Thread Only or PM Only, but I know that does not exactly solve the issue for you when you are seeking one or the other and it isn't listed. You are certainly able to begin dialog with members that you feel you might be a match with, and request that they consider writing via your desired venue (Thread or PM), but do not badger them if they decline. I'd also refrain if they clearly state that they will only write via one particular venue. I list in my RT that I prefer to write via PM, but I have agreed to write via thread in the past due to a strong preference of my writing partner.
I would of course not pester someone who has clearly stated they will not write in threads. I have on occasion asked for threads if they state they prefer PMs but in my opinion sound ambivalent in their wording. Sometimes I have also missed that they only write in PMs, partially because I am too excited about their idea, or because they have referred to a request thread with a link where it was stated clearly, but I didn't click on it from the request thread I was on. I have had people try to talk me into doing PM rp's even though I clearly state I only do threads (though I have also missed to put it in once or twice when redoing my request thread). I don't like the idea that anyone would try wiggle their way in by trying to convince someone of something they've already declined.

I one hundred percent agree with the possibility of there not being enough thread people to make this viable, though. I guess that's why I put this up, hoping there'd be some kind of support from those that do use threads, but there doesn't seem to be.

I have been accurately identified as a lazy person before. This suggestion was toward effectiveness, though, if there had been a resounding mob of other thread people, which there wasn't.

Prose, thank you for the answer and explanation. I agree with you that one shouldn't badger others to write in forms they don't want, but I think one should refrain from it simply if it is stated in the RT.
Where the RT threads are right now, have been working well for years that I have been on here.
To be fair, the on/off-site separation is only a fairly recent change, and many of the arguments for/against a PM/thread separation apply to the on/off-site situation as well; the initial response to that change was pretty mixed too. Perhaps the most signifcant distinction is that people tend to be more picky about writing on/off-site than about whether they'll write in a PM or a thread, although I've never kept track of those numbers myself.
I did want to make a similar if not identical argument. Other sites simply only have female/male/other separations, but BM has those, and then off/on site as well. I guess I was suggesting that we collect all the private style request threads in one forum, and all the public in other. That'd be pretty radical, though, and I fell like people would be even more opposed to it. Thanks for the input, Siph.
I dream of a threads only area BUT even then I’m sure ppl would still ask you to break your comfort zone because they are not like the others lol

I refuse PM RP so much I feel like I get asked way too much to change my mind. NOOOOOPE!

@Siph i’m a threads only gal and I put it up on bold neon lol

Even then it’s mostly treated as a β€œchange my mind” but I am okay loving with my toss the ones that don’t listen though I can dream of a separate area. I also know i am a minority I just am much more blunt and mean if they don’t read my boundaries
Still trying to argue for this right now, seems a bit moot at this point. As you got an answer from the Admin, and it doesn't seem it is going to be happening.

As for people asking and harassing you about doing PM's, Ignore and block them. And contact the GM's regarding this. It doesn't hurt for a person to ask once, and move on. But if they are really bothering you about it. Then say something about it to the GM's, because they shouldn't be doing this.

I know it can be annoying being asked things that are clearly in your RT in bold. I have that problem myself, but I look at those people as putting up Red Flags right away which tell me I don't want to write with these people. And I tell them to move along.
EtherealElevenEmpress you are one of the foremost voices for public threads, haha.

Cassandraks, it's good that you're trying to keep this discussion effective, but arguing against us arguing for it is also moot. Right now, I feel like we threaders are just hoping to voice something. Prose did state that it can be coded, but eventually, so, maybe if there is more pull, it'll be either more possible, or come about faster?

And while there is varied acceptance for asking a partner to write in your own preferred medium when they'd stated another preference, I think it's better to always be on the safe side and not push anyone in any direction they're not comfortable with. Of course, if someone states clearly that they don't want to or will not do something, leave them be.
or come about faster
we still aren't able to recover any left conversations and that's been broken since like... june lmao

i definitely see the case for being vocal about something you want, but i wouldn't hedge my bets it would come about aaaaanytime soon tbh especially with staff basically telling you that but i'm no expert, just my two cents πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ
we still aren't able to recover any left conversations and that's been broken since like... june lmao

i definitely see the case for being vocal about something you want, but i wouldn't hedge my bets it would come about aaaaanytime soon tbh especially with staff basically telling you that but i'm no expert, just my two cents πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ
This exactly. There is a lot of background stuff you don't know about, and the ones coding and fixing things have a loooooong list of stuff not just on here, but on BM sister site to fix or code. So if this is even considered, it won't be for quite a while, as everything has slowed down even for the most basic fixes.

When Admin answers you, and tells you no. It is usually best to listen. It isn't their opinion, or them just being stubborn. It is because they are aware of what can and can't be done. And what is worth worrying about right now.
I totally hear you Coquette and Cassandradraks. I have not bet anything on this other than my hopes and dreams. And maybe a great deal of outdated bitcoin.

I did listen though, and they said this.

"It can be coded, but eventually. It will be way down on the list of things to code, as we've got several other things to get coded that take higher priority. " Which was then followed by good advice but also a caveat that it may not solve my problem to my complete satisfaction.

I think it could get higher in priority if people voice their attachment to the idea. This is by no means a very serious wish, and of course the people who work at this site will have to prioritize it correctly. And if the more important things never get solved, or more of them pop up, then justifiably this issue will have to wait indefinitely. The people who have spoken up for it actually do it with lower voices than the ones trying to end the discussion. By no means was this a complete No from the admins. And even if it was, if I had the energy, shouldn't I get to plead my case further, if I hadn't already?

I do understand that this may not be the right place to come together over something we want, I misunderstand things some times, but I also kinda feel like it might be a good place for it?
Things have to be fixed, actually be fixed not just on this site, but another as well. Wishes like this, are not even on the radar. Pushing, and trying to get this higher up on the list, is just going to more then likely get this locked.

But this will be the last I say of anything. If you want to keep pushing, even though it won't matter right now. I can't stop you. Sometimes the squeaky wheel can help, but sometimes the squeaky wheel can hinder.
I am only speaking in capacity as a user rather than an admin (As I'm on break from such duties), but I just wanted to throw my 2c here.

I believe the split between on and offsite RPs was made primarily because discord & other off site venues are becoming more and more popular and I'd even say the new 'norm' in many ways. We could very well lose members (Both old and new) to other venues that make it easier to search for RPs that can be done off the site entirely. It's not a 'perfect' move but I also don't believe that there is a 'perfect' move for that.

However, I don't think (as many) people are going to leave the site based on finding PM or thread based RPs. I also agree in that making thread only RP request forums is kind of messy. I also feel it basically is gong to necessitate the question of 'Do PM only RPers need a unique request subforum? If so/not so, why?' and really, I don't think there's a good answer for why PM RPers shouldn't have their own request subforums if thread users are getting one too. One could argue that thread writers are a minority, but this isn't exactly a minority that I foresee a heavy need to cultivate.

I will admit I even see the non sexual based request forums as a bit of a 'I don't think we really needed this' forum. On site non sexual RPs have requests dating back to July 2023 on the front page and off site has 5 request threads. Five. Did those five threads really need their own specific subforum?

However, this is something that could happen I suppose - but I must be honest and say it's highly likely to be an incredibly bottom level suggestion that could be worked on after other, more significant, issues have been resolved and the staff at the time of such a decision both see and feel a need for such a forum to be added.
we still aren't able to recover any left conversations and that's been broken since like... june lmao

i definitely see the case for being vocal about something you want, but i wouldn't hedge my bets it would come about aaaaanytime soon tbh especially with staff basically telling you that but i'm no expert, just my two cents πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

*cries in not being able to move several conversations at once to folders*
Thank you for presenting information in both directions, Revelations. It was fascinating to get some history and put it in context. It gave me tempered hope. Would it be so bold to hope one day the non sexual section could be replaced with thread only, and the now PM/THREAD section could belong solely to PM or vice verse? I wouldn't vote for this if there's an uproar for non sexual rp's though.
. Would it be so bold to hope one day the non sexual section could be replaced with thread only, and the now PM/THREAD section could belong solely to PM or vice verse?
TBH I am against a division like this. I don't want to say 'Don't hope', but I do want to say 'I probably wouldn't put this into motion personally'.
the thing that prose said was possible down the road is that a second prefix could be added β€” personally i'd rather see this happen than a whole new forum for thread / pm. for those who write on both it's just a whole other forum you have to copy / paste your thread in, and keep track of, and bump on time, etc.
i will throw in my own thoughts here (as an active member and not as a mod), as i've been roleplaying both in threads and pm - at least in the past - and i like that i can just browse through the on-site section to find potential partners. i click in on a thread i think looks promising, i read through it - i can tell pretty quickly whether or not we're a good match. now, let's say they only roleplay over pm and i would like to roleplay in threads. then i don't waste my time reading further. and then i move on to the next request thread.

if i had to limit my search for potential partners by going through one section or the other when i'm perfectly fine doing both, i think i'd get a little frustrated? in order to find the right partner, you might need to go through both sections now. and i bet many members would have their thread up in both sections, so it's basically all duplicates, save for maybe three or four threads per page. so, now you have to remember those titles/usernames from the previous section you looked through, so you don't click on them again.

don't get me wrong tho, i understand where this is coming from (as the majority prefers pm these days), but i think it could be easily solved if those preferences were clearly stated already in the title or at least very visible in the thread.

now, i don't know what is the biggest "struggle" when it comes to this, but is it:

  • reading through threads only to find out they only rp over pm or
  • receiving messages from people who wonder if you'd be interested in rping over pm
if it's the latter, i'd suggest making it even clearer in your thread (and title) that under no circumstances will you rp over pm / you only rp in threads.
if it's the former, i'd suggest doing a ctrl+f "pm"/"thread" before you even start reading, in case the information is in the middle of the post.

all in all, i think it is a good suggestion, but i think it would create more frustration/trouble for those not in need of this feature than it would actually benefit those who do.
I do think you have a better understanding than most, or at least, focus more on expressing this than most, reverie.

I mentioned before that I am lazy, and maybe this all comes from frustration of having to go through threads in the PM/THREADS section to sometimes find that they don't put that in at all. I have also seen threads that start out with something that suggests that they prefer PM, only to read it through and find among the last paragraphs that they will only do PM.

It would make my life simpler if people would just put it at the beginning of their request thread, but I don't know if that's fair to ask, since I consider "I would like to do an rp with only dragon testicles. Contact me for more information. Only advanced-lit, novel-quantity writers may apply." a fair enough request thread. So that's why I turned to this with my wish.
i can totally understand what you mean. and i agree ~ for me it's not necessarily about pm or threads, but more preferences and post frequency. i'll admit that i've pm'd members with a quick "hi, sorry, but are weekly replies out of the question for you? if it isn't, you can expect a proper request message after you've given me your reply." or something like that. hell, i've even asked people for writing samples before i've sent them a proper message, lol. but i can understand the frustration of going through an entire thread only to find out at the bottom that they don't do threads, after all. but if you're in doubt, just send them a quick message and ask!

if you consider yourself lazy for not wanting to search for the right information/read through some extra threads, imagine how lazy people are when writing their request threads. a lot of people only have their plots in them. but i think the majority has some basic information in them, so even though it might take a little longer, i think you'd have better luck finding partners just by going through the threads that look promising in the on-site section. now that you're aware of it, try a quick ctrl+f search before you start reading from the top. might save you some time (and frustration!)

also, even if you did ask people to put it in the title or on top, i don't think they would. so i'm sorry, but i think you'll just have to do it the hard way, eheh
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