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The clash of Angel and the Devil [ hellsangel x SnakeOfSeduction ]


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May 12, 2021
Canada, West Coast
A classic battlefield between the heavenly army and the army of darkness. These opposing sides had long clashed together in their bid for dominance over each other, spanning between generations of Angels and Demons. Neither side able to overpower the other as heaven had their angelic heroes as much as their demonic Lords to form a stalemate balance. However a devious and newly promoted Demon Lord hatched a plan, one that would give himself what he desired, and perhaps be a key to breaking the stalemate.

Hathor was the new demon lord given the West flank of the conflict. He himself enjoyed being close to the battle and at the command tent of his army. He recently saw the rise of an Archangel who dared to always foil his plans wherever he fought, always pushing his army back with her angels when he pushed hard in one direction or the other. How he admired her beauty and strength, that he wanted her for himself. But just how to get her?

The answer was obvious. He used himself as bait, and prepared a magic trap just for her. He began a big frontal assault with his army, committing most of his reserves and main army to attack through the front. He purposely left his right flank understrength but not enough for a breakthrough with a large group of angels, but instead leaving gaps small enough for a certain sneak attack directly at him. He made it seem like it was his hubris to leave an opening at him and not that it was an obvious trap where he sat on his own makeshift throne chair overlooking the battle. Hathor now waited for his soon to be pet to come take the bait to attack him directly. Should she make it directly at him, a magic circle shall activate around him, monster tentacles to trap his hostile attacker, and his own set of slave shackles ready for her.
The battlefield was where an Archangel belonged, heading the fight against the demonic forces, and that was where Nova found herself. She'd been a normal Angel before she'd been sent off to fight, but her prowess in battle had quickly led to her rising in the ranks, and now she had the six wings of an Archangel to show for it, stretched out in their three pairs as she swung her sword and erased the lesser demons from existence, her flock behind her, ready to take her orders.

She would not let this Demon Lord win, and so far her plans were working, keeping his forces from spreading and causing a larger threat to the angelic army. She'd been fighting for a while when she noticed it. His forces were not evenly divided, and his right flank seemed weaker than the others. Her feathers ruffled at their good fortune, knowing such an advantage could turn the tide of this battle, and perhaps even the war if they were lucky enough. It seemed like it would never end, after all.

A flick of her lower wing told her second in command to take her place, and they swapped without a single misstep. Nova moved across the battlefield carefully, using holy energy to keep herself concealed from the eyes of the lesser demons. She made her way around, watching, realising he wasn't going to notice his mistake. He was too proud, too certain of his victory to even step off his throne, and it would be his downfall. She stepped closer from the side, wings tucked as she lunged forward with her blade, ready to end him now and finish this.

But her blade didn't even brush his skin. A step too far, and the floor glowed with unholy magic, as tentacles surged up, grasping at her limbs and twisting her wrist, forcing her to drop her sword. They pulled at her, pushing her down onto her knees, arms outstretched under their slippery grasps, despite how she thrashed to get free.
It was a wonderfully sprung trap, watching Nova dive head long towards him in her righteous fury and heavenly flight only to then be captured and restrained by his tentacle trap. "Well well, it's nice of you to visit, Nova. I didn't realize you were sooooo excited to come see me this badly," Hathor said as he strided off his throne chair and walked up to the trapped archangel. Her defiant look only served to excite his demonic blood as the tentacles were as hardy as they were elastic while holding Nova up in the air.

He would quite enjoy any verbal insults she threw at him as they were enemies but he was enamored at the sight of his beautiful prize. What demons can really say they have captured an angel alive for their desires, much less an Archangel? The tentacles slowly lowered Nova down to her knees shortly, making her truly being stood over by Hathors domineering tall stance. He held out some braces and a choker, a sinister evil aura emanating from the slave items. "With this, you're going to be precious sex pet from now on," he said as he claimed Nova as his captured prize. He gleefully slapped the wrist braces on her arms one at a time, her holy energies suppressed each time, before he then finally wrapped the slave choker around her neck. Whatever great holy powers she accumulated in service to the heavens she gained, it was all suppressed and he made Nova no more than a helpless woman.

He snapped his fingers and the tentacles released its hold on her legs and arms. With her powers gone and only having her wings on her back as a symbol of her Archangel status, he had nothing to fear from Nova now. His hands reached over and clutched her holy Bra armor, pulling down hard that shattered the metal cup of her bra, her fabric tearing with a loud rip, her melon like tits made to flail in the air. It was now a predator playing with his food as he would enjoy either the chase from Nova, or enjoy how she may try to pitifully fight back.

Her tone was stern, cold toward her enemy as he proudly strutted toward her, clearly pleased with himself. She squirmed, thrashed, tried to get free, but could get no traction in order to escape this position. The tight hold they had on her, and his advancement toward her, didn't stop her from trying to fight them. She was an Archangel, she wasn't about to just submit to her captor. She would never be so pathetic as to bow to a demon.

"Let me go now, beast, or my flock will strike you down where you stand." She demanded, low and warning as her knees brushed the floor, the tentacles setting her down and forcing her to look up toward her enemy just to stare him defiantly in the eye. Her feathers ruffled as he held up a set of ominous items. They radiated darkness, in the same way their owner did, and she stared at him in disbelief at the words that came from his lips, "I will never be your slave, and you shall never touch me!" She retorted, trying to get away even as he slapped the braces on her wrists. She could feel her power waning as they clamped into place, and she shuddered fully as the collar itself clasped around her throat, cutting her off entirely from heavens light. She felt cold without it, weak and useless in the hold of his tentacles, despite her continued attempts to try. But she was making even less progress now than she had been before.

She needn't have tried however, as he snapped his fingers and the tentacles let go. She dropped properly onto her knees, wings flaring now that they had been released, and stumbled up onto her feet as best she could, only to be halted as his fingers grabbed at her armour and yanked. Her breasts bounced as the metal holding them in place shattered, leaving her bare, and she stumbled away from him, one of her three sets of wings curling around her shoulders to hide her naked skin away.

"Get away from me, demon!"
Hathor merely stood there like as he watched Nova try to vainly hide her exposed and bouncing tits with one of her white angelic wings while she stumbled away from him like a newborn foal across the camp ground. He only walked slowly after her, ,his footsteps making the ground beneath her shake from his unholy weight and strength. His large thick arms reached out, grabbing Nova by her long beautiful violet hair to yank her back into his evil hold. He clutched both of her tits from behind, his grip being harsh and tight as he squeezed and fondled them as if expecting her virgin tits to be full of milk.

"mmm, what a nice feel your tits have. Blessed is your body born just for my hold," Hathor said in a rather blasphemous tone. His hands gripped tightly to try to make Nova cry out, her nipples made to protrude out more prominently as he manhandled her breasts for his own pleasure at the expense of her pain. He let her retort quite angrily back as she was already physically powerless to resist him.

"hmmm, it's not the same if I enjoy your body all by myself," he said. He whistled over to one of his warrior demons. "Bring me the communication Orb,' he said as he had quite the evil plan in mind when he finally captured her. As the demon came back over with a large crystal ball, Hathor grabbed Nova to lift her up in the air, having her face the orb in her top naked glory, her legs held wide as he grasped her thighs possessively while he held her from behind. THe crystal ball glowed purple to show the battlefield that she came from, the battle lines still at a stalemate. THe crystal was projecting what was seen in front of the ball and sending a wide magic screen over the battlefield.

"BEHOLD" Hathor bellowed his voice that the fighting stopped on the field and everyone looked up at the wide screen, the angels gasping to see their Archangel leader Nova captured in the demons hands and in such a shameful manner, while the demons all cheered and jeered at the sight. "One of your Heaven's precious daughters is in my hands. So much power but still so weak," Hathor mocked and his demon tail reached down between their legs and used his tip to grasp on to Nova's lower leotard and panties, tearing both off violently and loudly to expose her precious maidenhood for everyone to see. His meaty heavy demon cock then sprung out between her legs where he held her up in the air.

"Watch as I turn your Battle Angel into my woman. She is mine forever, tainted in my power," Hathor roared out as he pressed his thick hot demon cock up against Nova's unprepared pussy lips. Just the girth alone seems much wider than the tight puckered lips of her pussy, making it a mystery if her body could even take such an immense monster. Hathor wanted the thrill of letting this sinful act and overwhelming size to sink in to her, to feel if Nova would struggle and beg. He let it seem to play out a bit longer like playing with his food (Nova) before he plunged his cock up into her pussy. Hathor had the time and strength, his thick girth pressing and kissing up against her tight pussy lips as it slowly pried apart her womanly defenses, making her tight muscles of her pussy spread apart to accomodate his thick size slowly. "Grunt Grunt," came Hathors deep grunts as his fucked his cock slowly up into her pussy, battling her tight muscles to inevitably ram through her virginity, his thick cock bulging all along her belly to show how big he was inside her more smaller body.
Nova truly knew she was powerless against him. Even her legs felt weak beneath her now that she was cut off from Heaven's light, and she stumbled as she tried to get away from him, tried to return to her flock where someone could take these stupid restraints off of her! But she wasn't stupid. She knew he'd grab her, knew she wouldn't be getting far, but she was not about to just roll over and give him what he wanted. No, if he wanted to... to take her, then he'd have to be prepared to fight her for it. Even when she'd lose, she wouldn't be making it easy on him, of that she was sure.

It didn't stop her from gasping as he yanked her back by her soft violet hair, into his strong arms. She squirmed, stamping on his feet and clawing at his arms, but there was nothing she could do to make him move, as he grabbed her breasts. She shuddered, wincing in pain as he manhandled her delicate tits, and she knew he wanted her to cry, to let him hear her pain, but she clenched her jaw and bore it, only letting out enough air to snarl at him, "Get your hands off me you filth!" She demanded, her own hands trying to pry him off.

She had no idea what he meant even as he called for his orb. Was he going to, Heaven forbid, share her? She paled just thinking about it, but then she realised just what the orb was for and she realised that perhaps this was worse. Her flock would fold if they saw her hurting and weak, so she grit her teeth, steeled her gaze, and shut down her expressions, refusing to look weak before them as he manhandled her into the air, keeping her legs lewdly spread. She kicked, trying to get her legs free, but his hold was steel, and her power was that of a mere butterfly in comparison.

Shame welled in her belly as she heard the gasps of her flock, and the cheering of the enemy. She thrashed as she felt his tail, or what she assumed to be his tail, tearing off what remained of her clothing, leaving her bare to the air and vulnerable, dressed only with the cuffs and the collar. A shameful position, her feathers ruffled up, trapped against his chest as her wings were. The lower two were spread under his arms, dangling, but the other four were uncomfortably trapped, and he didn't seem at all bothered by it.

There was no way she could resist tensing when she felt his shaft pressing to her. For a moment her head tilted down, eyes catching what was about to ram into her, and her breath caught in terror. She clenched her jaw hard, trying to hide it, knowing what he was about to do would cause her immense agony, and would ruin her. He seemed to be waiting, and she was squirming hard, trying to get free and at the same time trying not to show her fear, knowing she was the star of his show.

And then he thrust, and her face twisted in utter agony as he shoved himself into her with no preparation or care. She could feel him pressing against her insides, distending her belly with his length and girth, and she found she couldn't even kick her legs for the huge cock that laid between them now, splitting her apart. A unwilling cry of pain and shame broke through her throat, her insides trembling around him at the intrusion. His thrusts certainly didn't help as she struggled weakly and cried out in pain the deeper he got, and when he cracked through her virginity a few things happened. She shuddered, toes curling and breath catching with a cry, and the tips of her wings jolted. Her main set of wings, the largest, spread from their previously trapped positions as something like burning shuddered through them, and her once pure white flight feathers darkened to pitch black. With her purity destroyed, so was part of her power.
IT was like the battlefield had been forgotten and the show of Hathor raping his new sex slave of an Archangel had become the new show. The demons felt their spirits high and cheered loudly, sneering at Nova amongst the crying gasps of Nova's angelic flock who are in shock and despair to see their prized leader treated so low by their enemy. Nova was his star as he pumped slow but hard up into her tight virgin pussy. Her insides would never be the same again as he scraped her inner walls with his thick girth, her tits made to bounce with each thrust he pushed inside her. His cock began to glisten not only from her womanly juices, but the stain of her virginity coated his thick length as if he was anointed and blessed by her.

"Congratulations, you're a woman now, and my fuck toy," Hathor said in his evil tone, gloating over her pain as he began to pound her harder with more strength, forcing his way deeper towards the tight nethers that had never been touched before. There was no gentleness to be given, his roughness and uncaring thrusts being the only show her pussy will ever know as her belly kept making thick bulges to show just how deep and dominating his thick penis was conquering her body. Her cries and grunts filled the air around their place, loudly ampllified and echoed on the battlefield as Nova's cries of pain and sex was made very apparent.

"You're enjoying the feel of a man, aren't you? You're a whore deep down beneath your pretty armor," Hathor said to purposely insult her. He wanted to see her fighting spirit as it delights him to see her fight a losing battle. He pushed Nova forward to a doggy style, fucking her hard and deep with the sounds of their skin slapping each other being very loud, her tits made to hand freely to the side and downwards to let the heavy pair jiggle and shake to the demons delight. Her leg was raised high in the air, letting the orb show off just how ravaging and deep his thick cock was plowing her pussy. His cock kept plowing and drilling deep down, hitting against Nova's cervix and kissing the head against her untouched womb lips. Hitting such deepness seemed to drive his demonic lust wild, his hips starting to speed up as he fucked and pounded her pussy, his arm that held her leg up in the air moved his hand over to her pussy lips where his thick heavy fingers touched and kneaded down on top of her clitoris nub. It was a double team attack on her pained yet sensitive pussy, to make her feel the forbidden pleasure of lust instead of love.
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