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Aᴘᴘʟᴇ ㅤ❦ㅤ || PʀᴇᴄɪᴏᴜsKɪᴛᴛᴇɴ x Kᴇɪᴛʜ Lᴏɢᴀɴ - ⁿˢᶠʷ

Keith Logan

Feb 26, 2022


[ ❦ ]

The sweeter the apple,
The harder the bite.


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"Wait, I thought you told me the party didn't start for another hour?!" The words came out decently shrill as a few of the other students were forced to cover up their ears to avoid the possibility that the decibel level might shatter eardrums. After all, due to the tone that Alessa adopted could grate like nails on a chalkboard given the right motivation and ammunition. But yet, here they were, and the music was already blaring out of the speakers, some kind of harder hitting tempo that the blond had trouble placing a name for the artist or name - but that was not important here. No, she had been explicitly promised that they would arrive with time for her to finish doing final touch ups to both hair and the makeup that to her looked half done at best.

Alessa saw fit to lift a heeled foot and drive it back down into the ground with an indignant huff to match, glaring daggers at the frame of Theodore who seemed to only back up a bit but not much else. To others of the student body, he might be looked at now as a popular guy with the social group and girlfriend to match - but when it came to Alessa, he did not possess much of a backbone to stand up to her at all. Even when at her worst, Alessa needed to simply snap her fingers, and it really ended up getting her wish just like magic. Though lately, Theodore changed and would spend hours outside of the dorm they shared and claimed that it had to do with practice and nothing else. Alessa did not buy a word of it and had said as much to him prior to their arrival which caused quite the scene between the 'happy' couple.

A pout now marred otherwise pristine features as the female was taken by the hand and led through the front door past a throng of people, some were invited while a vast majority were members of the team and part of the fraternity hosting. She could vaguely recall something being mentioned about the captain of the team itself, but Thedore could sometimes ramble on and on and it became imperative early on in their relationship to develop a means of tuning some things out. This piece of 'juicier' information being that very name. It was right on the tip of her tongue, but as Alessa struggled to bring it to light the couple continued on inside and were immediately assaulted by throbbing bass and scents that were intoxicating and primal. Sweat and alcohol, the kind of smell that never is forgotten after the first-time experience.

Lips wrapped around the rim of a cup that was handed off to her, taking a smaller sip of the contents and grimacing a bit at the potency of it. Meanwhile, from the corner of an eye Alessa noticed that her boyfriend by no means held the same kind of reservations she did and downed an entire cup and already was onto the second in record timing. 'Great, I will be the one tasked with dragging his drunk ass back later tonight.' Theodore was not the best at holding alcohol, being a lightweight but refusing to be seen as 'rude' so he took cup after cup that got offered from his fellow teammates and downing it. Raucous laughter amongst the group told the blond they were having a bit of fun at his personal expense, to get the newest addition blackout drunk and see what kind of stupid pranks they could pull before he sobered back up in the morning.

Alessa found a corner and chose to stand in it for the moment, scouring the crowd for some familiar face or at least one that she felt like even talking to. Social butterfly or not, she still needed to be in a mood to deal with certain individuals in particular, one of those taking form of Becca who managed to pass by without truly seeing her. Thank God, with the mood Alessa was in that bitch was the last person to converse with. Becca had a habit of being the campus gossip, sticking that bad nose job into instances that did not even involve her and wondering why so many chose to ignore her presence when at parties like this. A laugh brimmed up from her throat, wry and crisp at best.

"Alessa, why did you run off and leave me?!" That voice caused the hair on the back of her neck to stand on end, already knowing from the slurring nature it belonged to her boyfriend who was already sauced out of his damn mind. They had barely been at this party a total of ten whole minutes, and he chose now to get hammered. "Because Theo - I told you that I needed a few minutes to cool off. Besides, you seemed content trying to drink the entire rugby team under the table when I left." Vocals were harsh and biting, a venom laced inside that likely caused a wound here or there, but the damage could never be seen with the naked eye.

Her body draped head to toe in obvious labels, it was a catalyst to the argument when Theodore made a fuss about Alessa spending even more of his money on 'frivolous' things. From the gold earrings that adorned both ears to the red bottomed heels on dainty feet, each one held a designer's name to it and easily cost about the same as most students here might pay on a semester of tuition. She thought he could at least understand the newfound desire that she had to present the best at each function, but even now he chose to drunkenly mope and whine about it; and in public, no less!



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"No, it wasn't supposed to commence this early! But whoever is going to complain? C'mon Aly. You have spent too great a deal of time writing that book of yours. And this is not including your coursework. Put the pen aside and let loose, just for a while, will ya? I'm talking like just one additional hour of your time. Can you not do this, for me?" Theodore tried as best to contain his sneer. Complacency is cancer, they say. That was the result of four years of being in the comfort zone. They were seen as one of the great high school sweetheart couplings. But somehow, moving into college had sparked a change in not just Alessa, but Theodore as well. For better or worse? It was hard to tell, for opinions about changes are subjective. But whatever those might be, it had certainly drawn a wedge between the pair in the recent months.

Not once had
Theodore ever considered the prospects of Alessa leaving him. At least, he personally believed their squabbles were nothing more than typical arguments there were expected of couples, once the novelty of the honeymoon phase died off. Alessa had always been seen by many as the good girl with the pretty face and body, with an even more superior brain to go. The first crack in their relationship started to form, when he began parading Alessa around as if she was some kind of a trophy girlfriend, when the news of her being the cohort valedictorian first came about.

They had months earlier, planned on entering the same college. They ended up at UoC, Santa Barbara, only because Theodore could not make the cut for Yale and, needless to say, Harvard - both of which, Alessa sacrificially turned down the offers in order to join up with her boyfriend. Ever since they began their semester at Santa Barbara, that was when things started spiral down south. Santa Barbara had the notorious reputation for being a party institution. And Theodore found himself drawn to the allures of the carefree lifestyle - the jarringly cringey terminology YOLO was essentially his mantra, as with many of the like-minded peers. Birds of the same feather flock together.

By the third month of their fresher's year, he had somehow, managed to earn himself a spot amongst the cool kids - a frat consisting of the all the captains, vice-captains, and honorary senior year student athletes who had achieved something notable during their stint at Santa Barbara, and thus earned them a spot in the coveted round table. So when the gossip of a certain freshman by the name of Theodore Reese who had somehow, been seen hanging around with the boy boys lately started spreading around, it came as a bit of a surprise to many. Few could understand how he had managed to weasel his way into the inner circle. But at least one young man and his closest aides were privy to the puzzling affair.

The one man being none other than the Head of the Santa Barbara's sporting frat, who simultaneously held the role of the Captain of Santa Barbara's rugby team - Calvin Harrison. Calvin had been voted in as the Head of the sporting frat through the unanimous votes coming from across the various sporting societies, which summed up the testimonies and respect that almost all of the different influential figures had for him. Calvin was the one who inducted Theodore into the frat. Perplexing as his decision was, nobody dared to question him - nobody but his two closest pals in Joshua Stirling and Anthony Harland who he had personally roped them in to be his right and left hand man, were privy to his motivation.

His motive? Alessa Malcom.

It took three long months to materialise his first intention, to get Theodore to bring his girlfriend along to one of their socials. But he figured it had been worth the wait. His eyes gazed down onto the girl from the second floor balcony of a party mansion that the frat had rented for the weekend - she looked abso-fucking-lutely ravishing, just like what he thought of her the first time they were acquainted. Ever since then, he had this illogical need to want to find out and learn more about the girl. Images of her face and her fine, feminine demeanour, kept intruding into his mind for the ensuing weeks and months.

It was a shame she didn't look exactly thrilled to be present that evening. Joshua could be seen rounding up the boys from his team and approached the couple with two cups full of alcoholic mix, maybe three. One was handed to Alessa, and the other, to Theodore.

And when he was done? He was handed the other third. This was why Joshua and Anthony were his most trusted. They didn’t only just know his game plan - they were always able to find their own creative ways, taking on their own initiatives to achieve his objectives.

That was when he decided it was time to make a move downstairs for a little bit of a meet and greet.


"Because Theo - I told you that I needed a few minutes to cool off. Besides, you seemed content trying to drink the entire rugby team under the table when I left."

"... are you serious?" Theodore sighed, part baffled. "I've tried my damnest to satisfy your every whims and fancies." His right hand gesturing towards the various posh household labels she had donned on herself for the evening. "I've been eating potatoes for lunch and dinner just so you know, to support your newfound material appetite. Still, I'm getting the pout whenever I fell short of your expectations. And you can't even oblige me for just one night?" There was a hint of ire in his voice. "Look, just give me a moment, okay?" Theo afforded her a touch, but it was nothing more than a moment's brush against her left bicep with his palm, before he rejoined the group of lads. It was not that he didn’t love her dearly. But lately, she had been making it difficult for him to express his affection for her when she kept souring his mood with her naggy ways.

But Alessa wasn't left alone for too long. A certain prominent figure soon appeared from her periphery. He must have been close enough to eavesdrop on the couple's most recent exchange.

"Domestic woes?" That was the unmistakeable Calvin Harrison. He might be fully clothed in a dark grey v-neck along with a fresh new pair of vivid dark blue jeans, but the definition of his athletic form was put on for all to ogle through his body hugging pieces. His torso was broad, v-shaped, complementing his shirt. His chest was beefy, which put forth a majestic front with his posture ever so straight. His thighs, thick and muscular, as with his biceps. And his calves were tastefully defined as with his forearms. He certainly looked to be in tip top physical condition.

"I’ve seen this far too many times. Sometimes, all you need to do, is to give the boy a little bit of a shake up.”

“Let me help you with that, if you can bring yourself to trust me on this and follow my lead." It was also at the same time, that he gestured over to her cup mixture at hand. He had noticed her wincing earlier and struggled to take more than two mouthfuls. Cliche as it seemed, he opportunistically stepped up to the occasion to attempt playing role of a casually composed chivalrous knight. “Let me help you with that, too.”

Just as her mind began to formulate an eventual plan to begin carting Theodore back with her, another voice had come up behind her and caused Alessa to jump a little bit in the three-inch heels. "Domestic woes?" She found herself laughing before even realizing that it had happened, something about the timber in his voice provoked a response in kind and left little to question. "Well, it's hard to not have them when I am used to carting around an oversized manchild on multiple occasions. God, he knew that this would happen if he drank that much..." Alessa remarked with that same bitter attitude from moments before lingering like an aftertaste, only for it to melt away when Calvin spoke of a credible solution. All that was needed was for her to put a bit of trust in him.

"How am I able to trust you when I barely even know who you are in the first place?" Fingers reached up to push some of the blond locks that were trying to fall down and obscure the view she had on the adonis, no other moniker suited a man built like him better. Alessa found that her teeth were toying along her lower lip, some of the crimson red lipstick that adorned it coming off when she reached up to ensure that it was not bleeding. Fuck, something about Calvin's overall presence and aura brought about a change in her entire body language and personality. This was a man who actually cared to listen and sympathize with her, not like Theodore who shrugged it all off like it held absolutely no importance or value. "You know what? Alright, I'll play along for now."

Alessa handed off the drink in her hand without any debate, the liquor inside much too bitter for her tastes which tended to lean more toward the wine variety. Never really holding much of a value in straight up beer as a substance of choice. It occurred to her at that very moment just who she was speaking to, now of all times that name from before came screaming into the back of her mind. 'So... this is Calvin Harrison?' Alessa sighed internally, sure she expected the captain of the team to be handsome and built like a beast, but this just went against being remotely fair. To be forced to witness him like this when her own boyfriend could still be heard laughing and making an ass out of himself only a few feet away. "You must be Calvin, Theo mentioned you to me before but, I can admit he was brief about it at best."

Maybe this was the underlying reason for the secrecy about his 'best friend' and beloved captain, an effort to keep them away from each other due to a feeling of silent inadequacy? Not as outlandish when she thought about it, but most of it was likely to be Theodore not wanting to share the attention and spotlight. He did not tend to have much of a jealousy streak to him, even when Alessa found herself the center of attention and being fawned over by the men on campus. Instead, the reaction would come in the form of pouting and childish whining. Still very much a kid at heart even until this day. "If that's the case - I see no reason why I shouldn't oblige you."

Leaving the corner of the room and following alongside Calvin, the two wandering off to a more reserved side of the room but still allowed her to keep an eye on her boyfriend from a distance. Just because they had an argument did not mean that she was capable of leaving him alone like that, even if their views changed over the past couple of months the foundation from high school still yet remained. He had been there for Alessa when everyone else had written her off, a lanky teenage girl who he befriended and even began to actively date the summer before sophomore year. That just so happened to be the year when her own looks finally blossomed, morphing from a little girl into a buxom beauty seemingly overnight.

But while she changed and kept developing new habits and hobbies while retaining some of her old self, Theodore changed drastically and discarded the part of him from before that Alessa loved dearly. She smiled up at Calvin, keen to find out a bit more about him since they now had the chance to talk without a worry about being interrupted since everyone else either passed out on a couch, took the festivities to a vacant dorm room, or was still in the process of becoming blackout drunk. "You mentioned being able to help me before, what exactly did you mean by saying that?" Call her skeptic, but rarely did a favor come without there being some kind of strings attached to be pulled and used at a later date.

"Unless you can try and get my own boyfriend to listen to anything I say without devolving into a guilt trip or argument, I don't think there is much you could do about it. Not that I do not appreciate the concern, it seems like he has all the time in the world for his new teammates but forgets I exist half the time." Alessa tried to figure out why Calvin was able to divulge even this much from her, given that he just stood there and listened instead of uttering a single word edgewise. Men were usually not so good at listening without having an opinion to voice, or at least that was what she thought until now. "Sorry, this is a bad first impression by all accounts. Let's start the normal way first - Alessa, it's nice to finally meet you!"



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"How am I able to trust you when I barely even know who you are in the first place?"

That made the senior chuckle. It was not often that someone walked up to him and said he or she barely even know who he was. Her cluelessness had actually made her look as if she had played it really cool in the face of one of the most popular young man on the block, so much so that she left him momentarily speechless but with a grin of amusement on his face. It took her following up by saying she was willing to play along that saved him from needing to wreck his brain for a respectable response.

"You must be Calvin, Theo mentioned you to me before but, I can admit he was brief about it at best."
"If that's the case - I see no reason why I shouldn't oblige you."

"So you do know me, after all. Fancy heading to a party without actually knowing the host who invited you." Calvin teased, not so much to mock her, but in casual jest. He sure wanted to make the first impression count, by ensuring that she would leave the mansion by the end of the night with the recollection of him and their encounter, seared into her brain. "You're not obliging me, fair lady. This is solely for you. I have this thing whereby I believe girls should be treated with respect, especially one as fine as you. I like Theo as a friend. But I don't agree with the manner in which he is treating you. It lacks decorum."

"If your boyfriend isn't listening, then he isn't afraid of you. Either he doesn't care, or that you've made him feel too comfortable for him to be worried. I reckon though, he does care, a lot. He spoke a lot about you. But he had always been reluctant to bring you along for a meet and greet for a while now. I'm glad he finally did. You seem like a really nice person. Very attractive as well, if you don't mind me being honest. I think Theodore is lucky to have you."
The young captain was no short of compliment. His tone was genuine, and it didn't sound like he was saying for the sake of buttering her up. "And yes, nice to meet you, Alessa. Now. Let's go find out how much your boyfriend cares about you, shall we?"

Calvin smiled, before he gently guided her back out of the room, palm gently pressed against her lower spine, to usher her back into the open to rejoin the crowd that still managed to survive the various rounds of alcohol. He found himself on a slightly elevated step, then raised his voice to address the nearby crowed, Theodore included. He scooped a fresh bottle of beer from one of the many ice boxes scattered around the mansion, uncapped it, before he raised it in the air. "I hope you guys and girls have got your pre-drink game up and running already. For we're going to revisit the days of your former years with Seven minutes of heaven."

Immediately the crowd went wild with cheers and whistles. Almost as quickly, the guys and girls began to form an outer and inner circle respectively. It happened wordlessly, and it was clear that the crowd was no foreign to the particular gaming setup that they must have played a couple of times before. Theodore and Alessa being new to the culture, were guided individually on how the game worked. Calvin took it upon himself to be Alessa's chaperone. And naturally, he stood himself behind her.

"Calm your tits boys and girls. The night is still young by our usual standards, so we're just gonna take it chill by hosting only three rounds for a start." Joshua's voice was raised to address the ones who had offered themselves as willing tributes to the impromptu game that had always been one of the many common themes of parties of the past. As always, Joshua took it upon himself to be the executor of Calvin's ideas. There were fourteen pairs of boys and girls that spontaneously gathered. He didn't elaborate more about how the game worked. But it wasn't too difficult to pick up just through observation. Joshua placed an empty the bottle by the center of the circles, and spun it. The first time it landed on a pair, the crowd erupted in synchronous cheers, chanting as the boy whisked the blushing female away into the living hall of the mansion, and picked the adjacent washroom as their choice of rendezvous, before the door went shut.

On the next spin, the same thing happened, with whistles erupting. The second couple looked clearly much more overly enthusiastic, as they pranced towards a bedroom across the corridor beyond the living hall, specifically, into the en-suite bathroom, before they shut the door behind their backs.

Before the third spin was made, Joshua briefly looked up to Calvin, as there was a moment of telepathic commune for one split second, before he looked away. He released the bottle. Unbeknownst to the crowd, it was a controlled spin. Like a game of darts or archery, the art of spinning the bottle was in itself, a form of sport in which the skill could be refined with practice. With finesse, the tip of the bottle landed... on Calvin and Alessa.

Calvin smiled calmly. Buoyed by the chants and encourage of the crowd, he slung one arm around her waist, tugged her lissome frame into the side profile of his much more solid torso, to guide her into the mansion. Theodore, who was part of the game and had been loud all night, suddenly became subdued and didn't look all too impressed about the latest result. There was a look of mild gloom, which he tried as much to suppress it. His facial expression, in stark contrast to his initial jovial mood. That abrupt change in Theodore's demeanour all but confirmed her earlier suspicion, as to why he had tried for as long as possible to separate the two important aspects of his life, to keep a safe distance between his girlfriend from his new clique of boys. He was darn sure he would never be willing to share his first ever pillar of his life in Alessa with anyone else. He was even more anxious about how his pillar would or would not waver in the face of immense pressure resulting from the quality of male specimens that he knew deep down, he would never have stood a chance if these were the sort of guys he was up against back in high school.

"Alright boys and girls, cheerleading duties now!" Anthony was touted as the silent one. But even he had finally decided to play an active role to the charge. The remaining group soon made their ways into the mansion. Calvin went into the same room as the previous couple, and he decided to pick the generous space of the empty sliding wardrobe that took up the entirety of one side of the room. But that was not before he turned around to lock the main door shut with a teasing smile to the following crowd, with Theodore being one of those that reluctantly followed the group by the tail. The closure of the door led to a wave of groans, muffled by the sturdy wood that separated them from the eager audience that would have wanted to come closer.

Calvin held Alessa by her wrist, and tugged her towards the wardrobe. He slid it open partially, ushering her in, then stepped in soon after. The man, who was about a head taller than Alessa was, wordlessly locked his gaze down onto her. His attention undivided, staring deep down into her pupils. A few seconds later, the Captain slowly slide the door shut, until the pair found themselves in complete pitch darkness, with the heat of each others' body being the constant source of reminder that they were within each other's physical boundaries. Calvin's deep, slow breaths caressed her face at point blank range.


Alessa did not really put up much of a fight and merely followed alongside Calvin as mention of a game came into play, only for it to be announced that it would be the classic seven minutes in heaven. Her eyes widened considerably, the size just short of comical since not only did she find herself being roped into the flow of it, but behind her stood the man who for the past couple of minutes had been handing out compliments that tasted like the most decadent of candy. Apples of both cheeks flushed in a blush that honestly took over to such an extent that some of the coloring even dotted down the slope of her neck and ended along her shoulders.

The bottle was spun and each time it landed on a couple who appeared quite eager to find a quiet place to partake in the sordid acts such a game entailed. Though all that the blond could focus on in that very moment was the rapid thudding nature of her heart as it tried to beat right out of her chest, casually wondering if that same bottle would end up landing on them and lead Alessa to indulge the forbidden thoughts that came to mind when it involved Calvin and a closed off space. Temptation was hardest to ignore when left in the dark, after all such a silly game did not mean anything in the grander scheme and Theodore could not fault her for simply playing along like a good little girl.

That was, until the 'fears' became reality, and that bottle landed on her and caused Alessa to gasp out loud, knowing what it meant and from the way that Calvin was eager to grasp onto her waist and lead the pair further into the mansion and towards the room that the previous couple had occupied. Feet felt a tad heavier as they came to a stop just outside, only affording a quick glance in her boyfriend's direction and noting the unmistakable pang of fear and nervousness that stained his features. Alessa knew that he would be upset by this turn of events, but even when faced with leaving her with another man he had not attempted to even voice anything and turned tail to walk away with the rest of the group. It was this spineless nature that had recently begun to truly grate on her nerves, that he did not even have the want to object to leaving her alone with Calvin spoke volumes to his character.

Alessa felt a shiver wrack down the length of her spine as she was brought over to an extensive wardrobe, allowed to enter before the massive senior was hot on her heels. Just the feel of the heat that radiated off of him was enough to cause breath to catch in her throat, unable to recall when she had ever felt like this in her life. Calvin eyed her like a kind of vulnerable prey, a delicious morsel that he would happily sample of given the chance. The material of her dress began to caress over smooth skin, only heightening the sensitivity that caused the poor thing to become dazed and more than a little bit aroused. She could be ashamed for having such a reaction, but with a virile male standing but meager inches away from her and being able to feel the heated puffs of air as they cascaded against her face drove that voice to the back of her mind. Alessa tried to ignore the signs, clear signals to simply invite Calvin in and to hell with the consequences that came along with it.

"So, this must be what you mean by that help from earlier." Clearly Calvin had some form of plan that his frat mates had been key points in executing, what else were the possible chances that the bottle would have ended up on them so early on in the game? Not the first ones to fall victim to perceived destiny but still able to cut away while Theodore was still lucid and could see what was going on between them. The choice to turn around and walk out was there, certainly. But despite a gut instinct to put a stop to this before anything started, another became hard pressed and curious to see just where the night might end up if Alessa simply gave in and acted like a single woman for the rest of the evening. She was relatively gentle when leaning up and allowing plush lips to press to his own, gingerly attempting to toy with his bottom lip in an act that made the petite female bodily shudder. This kind of heat never presented itself with her current boyfriend, whatever sparks that had once been fizzled out months if not years ago at this point and all that the blond got left with was complacency.

"I... have never really been with anyone else. Forget about Theo for now, maybe you can show me what it is I've been missing?" Alessa mused with a kittenish smirk on delicate facial features, instantly reaching up with one hand to pull Calvin within reach once more and seal them back into a kiss that held much more intensity than the first and belatedly noting how her knees attempted to buckle once or twice due to the sensation. If just a simple kiss could invoke such a prominent response of burning desire, she had to wonder what those no doubt practiced hands of his could do if left to their own devices all night long. Alessa gasped out when the pressure became harsher, some pain blossoming when he had bitten down into her lip and tugged back. This time, her body did try to crumple onto the floor and if not for the fact of strong biceps instantly pulling her against his frame and back onto the wall behind them surely the blond would have lost complete control. Being held in such a way was a new experience to Alessa, since even though she was by no means heavy, it took quite a bit of effort to lift her up and even keep her back pressed into the wall with no room for her body to move or budge without Calvin allowing it.






"Indeed. Best idea ever, isn't it?"

Admittedly, Calvin was caught by surprise at the girl actually taking the first initiative to reach out for the kiss. She could have chosen to stay still and wait out the seven minutes, since they had already successfully managed to churn out the desired reaction from Theodore. But it seemed her boyfriend was being casted to the back of her mind at that moment in time. And she seemed to have... other intentions in mind. Calvin had intended to act first. But she drew the metaphorical first blood by pouncing onto him like they were lovers reunited, before he could even react.

"Someone is really eager, isn't she?"
He leaned in to whisper into her left ear moments after she first smooched him, while his palms began to slip down south her dress, nimbly going underneath the bottom rim, to reach out for her peachy rear. His squeezes against her ass cheeks were firm and came with strong, wilful conviction. The young man heard Alessa asking for her boyfriend to be forgotten just for that seven minutes. To him, it sounded like it was just the tip of the iceberg, and that there must be some kind of underlying relationship dissatisfaction that she was experiencing for her to be considering such a request. He wouldn't know for certain yet, whether if it was down to Theodore's inadequacies, or that Alessa had the kind of insatiable appetite that Theo could never realistically be able to satisfy. He figured, it would be good to probe with tact, to gain some insightful knowledge about any sort of cracks in her existing relationship that he could potentially use to his advantage.

"Are you missing out on... this perhaps?"
With that, the young man lunged in to plant his lips firmly against the right stretch of her neck. His suctions were firm, passionate yet unforgiving at the same time. It almost felt like he was venting some kind of rage on her, that they were actual lovers who had just got themselves into a heated argument moments earlier, but now they were on the precipice of making it up to each other through the lingering, unspoken promise of unbridled hate sex. But in actuality, it was Calvin simply being Calvin - a beastly alpha male, allowing his primitive nature to let loose and run wild. This, was how he typically expressed his fondness for his muse.

"I love it when my girl moans for me. The louder, the better."
"I love to know that my girl is truly enjoying herself. Someone as astounding as you are, deserves to be pampered 24/7, not left in the lurch, even if for a minute."

Calvin's deep, sensual whispers reverberated within the tight space they found themselves cornered in. And there was something about the place being pitch black, completely blinding them, that seemed to amplify all other senses - his voice sounded like honey, and even the slightest of his tongue grazing against her neck and her shoulders, felt doubly electrifying. It was also curious how he had blatantly assumed that she was his girl, as he took the role playing element of their seven minutes in heaven seemingly very seriously - he wanted heaven to materialise, not just for himself, but for her. And for that to happen, all preconceived notion of their identity that they had of their earthly lives were casted aside for those seven priceless minutes. In that alternate universe, she was his, and he was hers.

By the half way mark, the man began to slip his dominant hand beneath whatever lingerie that she might be donning, pulling the strap aside, with his finger pads eventually finding her womanhood. Upon arrival, he locked his hand in place, middle and ring fingers, thrusting into her sex, while his remaining digits latched and pivoted against the exterior of her tightness. Almost immediately after, he began to assault her love entrance relentlessly, stroking, rubbing, thrusting.

It was when they were approaching the final last two minutes or so, did he eventually pull his fingers away from her, just when he had gotten her seriously hot and bothered. The clinking of his belt unbuckling could be heard through the darkness, followed by the sounds of his jeans slipping down. The next moment, his large palm guided her softer, more delicate hand over to greet his member. The lack of visual did not make his member any less impressive, as just by the touch of it, she could not form a full circle grip around the base of his cock if she tried. And if she were to slip his fingers along the length of his shaft, she would need a ballpark estimate of what felt like three or three and a half of her wrapped hands, stacked on top of each other in order to cover up his entire length.

"Show me for the remaining minutes, what a girl you can be, for me."
"If Theo doesn't know how to treat you like a woman, I will."


Calvin's take on how a woman should be treated was certainly controversial. He pressed both of his hands against each side of her shoulders to force Alessa to drop down onto her knees. Barely giving her time to compose, he shoved his ginormous manhood as deep as she could possibly take him, before he began to steadily pace the deep throat. Towards the end, he even starting holding onto both her wrists to prevent her from trying to push herself away from him. Seven minutes was a limited time frame to pitch himself on what he could provide as a lover, and he wanted Alessa to soak in the full experience without hinderance.

Disruptively before long, muffled chants could be heard coming from outside the door. "Seven minutes up! Seven minutes up!" On that cue, Calvin released Alessa's head and finally pulled away from her. Despite his raw aggression throughout the seven minutes, he stuck true to the rules of the game, ending it right by the dot.

Seven minute served like no more than a teaser and trailer to hype up Alessa for the real deal, or the what could have been. Unfortunately, time was up almost as soon as it began. Before he pushed the sliding door back open, he reached in his pocket and pulled out his name card that he had always conveniently prepared for social occasions like that. He slipped it into the heart of Alessa's palm, pulled her in, then whispering on.

"You've got a taste of me, but I've yet to get a taste of your... apple."
"Here is my number. You know what to do, when you are ready to address our unfinished business." With that, he planted a kiss on her forehead, before reopening the main door to allow themselves to rejoin the crowd.

For the first time in the night, or in a while for that matter, Theodore actually took the effort to step up to Alessa out of concern, although it was curious if that concern was more so for Alessa, than because of his own anxieties. Regardless, his tone turned a little more subdued.
"You alright Aly? What happened in there? Did Calvin try to do anything funny?"

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