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Fx Any Original Characters looking for stories (Unicorn satyr character NSFW images)


Oct 29, 2014
Sorry for the dust, this thread is a work in progress.

Welcome to my character-based request thread. This is a little different from what I have done in the past as it is entirely based on original characters I have created. I have done all the art in this thread.

I am most active during the weekend. Monday through Friday, I try to post at least once a day, if not more, but I sometimes just can't get a post written out. I prefer a partner who doesn't mind a little ooc chatter to keep me engaged between having time to write, brainstorming ideas for development and interactions, or just talking in general.

My posts range from 100 to 1000. I write what feels good, so if your posts are shorter than mine, I don't mind as long as you're giving me enough to work with.

I prefer more story to smut, but am happy to try smut heavy plots.

Only play in PMs, please do not ask to play in the forums.

Message if interested.

Message me with something in mind. It doesn't need to be a full plot or a whole page. A few sentences beyond 'I want to rp' would be plenty. Maybe you have a setting or character you want to use. Give me something to work with, and we will get on fine.

Each character will have their kink list linked; if you want to try something that isn't explicitly listed as a no, feel free to ask.

Very last unicorn vibes. I am happy to play in any degree of fantasy setting, medieval, modern, low, high; it doesn't matter to me. As long as she fits into the setting in some way that makes sense.

Some little plot hooks

YC is fatally wounded. How they came to be, we can figure out. Passing out from blood loss, they are surprised to wake up the next day, alive and healing under a willow tree. Saved by a fae spirit. They're warned they will have to wait a bit longer before they can go.

YC finds themself in a black market, rumors abound that the main attraction to the auction tonight is a unicorn. Sought after for their parts. She is not quite what they were expecting to see when brought onto the stage.

More to come?
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