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Fx Any Dark erotic peril

Sophie Jane

Sep 12, 2024
Under Construction.

I have a lot of dark weird erotic thoughts that go on in my head, they creep up then consume me when I'm at my most vulnerable, if you know what I mean;)

Erotic horror, the sort that takes over ones dreams, starts tame but leaves one totally fucked by creatures, monsters, the undead or vampires draining one's body and soul.. The mad man who thinks a girl can orgasm while watching her own death in a mirror or on the big screen. Alluring creatures that she can't resist. Ogres or monsters that end an adventure's life in that typical fashion of tossing into a pit of spikes snakes, or what ever, after being totally used. Hard vore by creatures or tentacles digesting her from the inside out. Plants or trees raping or making love..

Note, this is personal and I enjoy and make no apologies to getting off and enjoy that aspect of RP as if it were real between us.. I want to play with partners who enjoy mindfucking as much as I do..

I'm 24, but happy to play younger or against younger or older characters, cannibalistic creatures, or what ever..

Limits are for real life, in, dreams anything can happen..

Fantasy horror, not for wimps,

Any mommy-doms out there?

I might be talked into a Batgirl or super girl fantasy, otherwise I way prefer original characters and scenes..

Would love to play against femdom charecters if they have something to offer..
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