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Mx Female Surta's search thread for enticing adventures


Oct 5, 2023
Greetings! I think it is time to try my hand at a proper search threat, but I am still relatively new to the formatting here, so bear with me.

About me:

I am a 34yo German, drawn into the rabbit hole that is online erp during the pandemic, but with almost 20years of roleplaying behind me. Most of that was ttrpg's, and I only really dug my teeth into writing when in person events became problematic.
Besides pen and paper rpgs, I've enjoyed all kinds of fantasy and sci-fi books, pc games, miniature, card and boardgames. And I've dabbled in comics and anime, though the least of these. So I have a pretty wide range of themes I am familiar with and always interested in finding new ones!

Roleplaying and plots

I do love me a good story to think my teeth in and explore characters, much more than a pure smut fest. I feel the relationships and context enhance the scenes, though that doesn't mean everything needs gravitas and there can't be some light hearted fun.
I've never been too concerned about specific pairings, and even if the muse strikes me, I built a setting more than a script to explore, and I love to work with my partner to come up with something we both enjoy. So, while I will add some ideas down the line, I consider them always jumping off points for a discussion. But overall I am drawn more to thrilling adventures that keep the rp moving forward, rather than Slice of Life.

Kinks and Limits

Someday I'll get around and make a F-List, which seems to be the preferred way to communicate kinks around here, but I am not too keen on those. While they offer a guide at a glance, I feel these things are never that clear cut. I tend to play things by ear given any specific scene, and am open to discuss pretty much anything besides the couple hard limits I have. I am always trying to keep things fun for both of us, so don't be afraid to bring up something!

To offer at least in glimpse in my usual preferences I often enjoy themes with public and group play, supernatural elements, being dominant, general bdsm or corruption.
My limits are scat, diapers, musk, sexual and torture, trauma and anything underage.

Now, a little teaser to give you a taste of my writing style and give you a taste of the setting, though nothing here is final. I will add to this with more ideas as time goes on!

Forests have always held a special place in my mind. Not the bright, bird song filled cultivated parks one takes a Sunday's stroll in.
But the deep woods, where noise seems to be swallowed by thick moss and a thick carpet of leaves that cover the ground. Where the canopy above blocks off the sun, and leave you in a twilight labyrinth of twisting paths. Pillars of bark, each one too big to embrace, have stood there for centuries, a subtle reminder of the fleetingness of human lives. Mist hangs in the air, and the somber rustling of leaves fill the air with an eerie music that might hide the soft steps of a lurking hunter in the fathomless shadows.

There are plenty of stories in folklore of things in these lands that are not to be messed with. To warn wanderers to leave the beaten trail and follow the light and music too far. Prowling beasts, ancient beings, spirits all but alien to the mortal mind are supposed to linger there.
If this struck a chord, I'd love to come up with a story here. From a traveler disregarding warnings and find themselves in peril? Or a chance encounter of a mortal and a woodland spirit? Maybe a desperate soul seeking out the old ways to beseech them for aid, where all else had failed? I feel there is so much to explore here, witches, fae, lurking monsters, rituals and pacts!
The building alone was massive, a towering granite monument to the power of the Guild. Its façade covered in delicate stonework depicting triumphs and achievements off the many heroes that the guild had called their home.
Stepping into its interior, one was greeted by music, the warmth of a fireplace and the laughter of the adventurers that were boasting of their latest exploits and feats. The audience was a wild mix of all walks of life and races.
The Guild was home to countless heroes that protected the common folk from the vast dangers of the wilds beyond. The world was full of perils, from raiding goblin tribes to tyrannical dragons. Many a young child dreamed of becoming one of their esteemed members. Everyone could ask to sign the contract, be they lowly farmer, thieves, or noble knight. Even some of the monstrous races got the chance to prove themselves. Each chapter master was free to accept any, and once they were in the folds of the guild, all they had to do, was honor the rules and complete contracts.

Or frankly, any kind of heroic adventure setup in that vein. Undoubtedly owned to my extensive ttrpg experience, I do love myself a good fantasy adventure! It's what I would consider soul food, and I am as happy to work with an established setting (but preferably original characters) as I am with coming up with a new world of our own!
I don't mind picking up the mantle of a GM or work as equals, and going out with a pair or a group of brave heroes to explore the many wonders of the world, battle some ancient evil and unlike most dnd tables, don't fade to black once things get spicy! If anything in the vast vein of high fantasy calls to you, I'd love to exchange some ideas to come up with a compelling plot!
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