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Mx Male Connection - Cyberpunk Theme RP


Oct 11, 2019
//Neurolinked wired connection//
[Establishing Connection]
... connection complete.
Access code: Mundas
\\Access Granted//
The lack of feeling is both equally the most blissful experience, and the most terrifying. Akin to sleep paralysis when one awakens, only, with your face down in the pillow. That was the best way to imagine what being locked out of your own body when neurohacked. The link between the Helix Network and the augmentation attached to the neurological system of ones body becomes a gameway for a particular type of hacking. It was only theoretical, though Kaegan has his doubts, and believed some corporations and governments have attempted such, perhaps, unsuccessfully, and others seeing more success. And clearly, he was on the receiving end of that success, the worst kind. It took an unknown amount of time to simply be aware of one's self, like that of being aware one is dreaming. A lucid state of mind. In theory, he could have abd more than likely would have been stuck in this dormant state till awakened by his attacker, but luckily for Kaegan, this wasn't the first time.

Everything was dark, and so without sight it a form to feel, it takes focus to more or less, visualize yourself and take control back. Again, Kaegan was lucky, or perhaps, unfortunate enough to have experienced this before, and quickly found his form in the void of his neurolink. Next, he focused hard on sensations. Temperature, smell, taste. He could just barely make out the feeling of walking, though this faded after awhile. The idea shook him to his core if he had a form in his mind currently. To be neurohacked usually involved the hacked party being still, in a sort of rested position, as it allowed the hacker to pry into the mind for control, or details. But, moving him? How was that even possible? The focus such took? He had connected to his car, and stood atop it just barely, but to pilot a human, that was totally different. Especially while suppressing their conscious mind into the subconscious.

This attacker was definitely an AI. There wasn't any doubt about it. No human had enough neuro capacity for that. The thing was, AI's were purposefully set up with restrictions, and so this AI wasn't much different from Lore. Lore... showcase in danger. He was after Lore.

Kaegan felt a gasp, and a jolt, then constriction as he struggled for control, tearing it back as his eyes fluttered and opened. He was on his back, in bed, staring at the ceiling. Apparently his eyes had been open. To think he was seeing but just not aware wasn't comforting. Nevertheless, his body felt locked in place. A paralysis like state. It took some time but first his head moved, fingers, and the rest of his body was slowly, but surely good to go.

Kaegan had sat up, eyes darting about the room before he checked his messages, eyes widening as he saw a handful of messages from Lore and Laura, and one from Gold. That's when he noticed the tine. It was the morning, or whatever passed as such on the moon. Calling Laura, she'd answer almost immediately.

"Kaegan! You idiot, you had me worried, why didn't you answer? What were you thinking?" Kaegan groaned, and laid back, exhaling. "I got neurohacked, Laura." Immediately, Laura fell silent, so much so that after a long pause, it was Kaegan that spoke next. "Laura?"

Laura was quick to respond after him. "Are you sure? Kaegan... are you?" Her voice was a mixture of concern and fear, and how could it not be. They were both caught in the Dreamland incident.

Kaegan sighed, running a hand over his still tingly face. "I'm sure."

Laura exhaled as well, then the sound of typing could be heard. Realistically, a keyboard was archaic but Laura liked having two forms of connection, her mind, and an analog in her keyboard. "I'll connect to your neurolink and clean it to, then reestablish your firewall, but you probably should come back to Earth. Do they have hospitals up there?"

Kaegan sat up, pausing between motions go take his time. "I'm fine. But Laura, it's morning. I need to find her, Laura. I need to find Lore."

"Why?" Laura retorted with a hint of sass. "Your job is done, and she has only been giving you trouble."

"Laura." Kaegan began. "Right before I was hacked, the AI said he'd..."

"AI? You were hacked by an AI? On no." Laura interjected.

"Listen, right before, he told me his target wasn't me. It was her. Laura, his target was Lore. I told her I'd be right there, and now it's the following morning, and she's leaving... she's... going to Mars." Kaegan processed his own words, standing up rather suddenly, holding his head, but pressing on as he went for the door. Clearly, this was a different room. "Laura, I have to..."

"I know." She's sigh. "I got your back. If that bastard tries to hack you again, he has a suprise in store. I'm... in your head, and oh, you two aren't boning, okay."

"Laura! Focus. Station manafest, Mars departure, now."

"On it, take a joke. I can't actually read your mind, just feel your emotions a bit when we sync, and you're really worried, scared.... that you hurt her?"

"Less talking, Laura. I don't need a narrator." He'd say coldly. "Please. I need your help. You're the best pathfinder I know, and the only one I can trust."

Laura tapped away, bit even responding as age searched before hacking into station manafest and that's when she saw it, Lore at Artemis Station.

"Kay... she's in Artemis station, only..." As she got to it, he opened the room door to see sunlight, and the dome of Artemis city

This plot revolves around three settings, and can take any direction. NeoCortex is the main Cyberpunk city, with 7 different districts and a space port, cyberspace in a Tron like sense, and near Earth Space including the Moon and a city on it. It is characterized by it's Neon, corruption, and mega-corporate powerhouses such as Neon Industries, Star Dust Exodus Delivery Service, or Helixsoft Corporation to name a few. Similar to popular Cyberpunk 2077, there are types of people with skillsets you should know.

Gearheads are your Ripperdocs.
Pathfinders are your NetRunners.
Corporate credits are your currency, often called Corpocreds or CC(s).
Mercs are still mercs.

There's a bit more, but why spoil the fun? This is the settling, now lets plot? What kind of character do you want to play, and what is your place in the city of Neon lights?

Right, so if you're interested, I'm looking to find a partner for a detail oriented, but fun cyberpunk plot in this setting that can really go however the hell we want it to. It's our characters, our story. In the most plot sense possible, fuck around and find out. That said, things getting naughty is fine, but remember that plot is the priority here. I'm all for smut, but make it worth the while via plot please and thank you. Any questions? Feel free to ask!​
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