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Fx Any ♥You WILL Click on This Thread♥ {NSFW links; mind control focused erotica}


machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
Everything felt hot, as if she were melting from the insides. A molten core of arousal pounded, the sensations perfectly matching the pulses of the machine wrapped around her eyes. The images, thoughts, ideas bombarding her consciousness were so wrapped up in the sheer arousal of it that she could barely separate the sensations. They all mixed within her, thoughts overlapping one another.

Submit. Slave. Cum. Arousal. Submit. Horny. Cum. Slave.

She knew she shouldn't be aroused, not from this, not from whatever was attacking her thoughts. The... device? Technology? SUBMIT. NO THINK. CUM. HORNY. SLAVE. SUBMIT. Thinking was proving more and more difficult. That mounting need wrapped around each thought overrode any attempts to resist or pull away. Why not just let the sensations wash over, when they felt so good? Wasn't this what she wanted?

Arousal. Submit. Slave.


Did the sensation or the thought hit her first? She didn't know, wasn't sure it mattered. The mind-melting pleasure ripped into her. Her body seized, jerked upward. Desire and want and pure joy like nothing she'd felt slammed into her, body and mental signal perfectly aligning. Her body snapped taut as the sheer force of her orgasm blew away resistance, thought, idea, anything else.


She shrieked as her hips jerked. Was she still rolling through the first orgasm? Was she on her second? Lips parted, tongue threatening to loll out. All the while the signals, the intrusive thoughts bombarded her, melding her increasingly malleable mind to do precisely what they wanted...

Hi, I'm Fate, and this is my request thread all about erotica with a strong mind control focus. Just in case the title, the opening, and all that wasn't clear and all. My goal here is to get some RPs going that have a heavy element of mind control, be it through technology, training, magic, biology or other. I particularly want to focus on the corruption, unwanted pleasure, and mental struggle elements. So a large portion of the RP should be about using the mind control to take someone initially reluctant and make them more and more willing, reshaping them. I'm up for various degrees of that, but the primary element should be more or less the same.

This idea came about as I was playing and thoroughly enjoying a RWBY erotic kinetic novel called RWBY Rise of the White Fang. On top of being surprisingly well written, with animations nearly matching the show quality, the novel/game had a strong emphasis on mind control. The creator managed to make it so that said mind control itself was incredibly appealing (it involves a visor that glows pink as its bombarding thoughts, and they use erotic sensation and feeling to deepen the brainwashing). It hit a lot of my personal kinks and I'd highly recommend it for fans of RWBY, though I'd argue it's good enough that those with a passing interest would probably like it.
Another good example of similar stories/media that are readily available and give an idea of what I like are the stories by the author Rabblelaid (who's very upfront about their process and all). Those are readily available through a quick google search, and they generally involve slowly corrupting women to various kinks and fetishes.

That's what I'm interested in writing here. Again, I want the emphasis to be on the mind control as a process, one that is probably highly erotic and linked directly to erotic activities.

Those fun details; a.k.a the stuff that is probably gonna make or break whether we play
  • PM or thread on site only; hence the placement.
    • I used to say I have a preference for thread, but honestly I'm almost exactly sitting on the fence these days; I've gotten so used to just defaulting PM that it's my default, but I would really like to have some threads around this idea.
  • MxF; FxF; FxNB; or any combination of those various letters and what they represent.
    • Some variant of this thread will be going up in both female and male sections with some variants.
    • I'm also fine with writing either the character doing the mind controlling or the one being mind controlled, or even some weird mix of the process.
  • I do require some substance to the posts, but I don't want novellas and I'm not a snob about it. Everyone's looking for their own thing, after all.
    • Seriously, if you look at this giant mass of text and don't figure that I like to write a lot...
  • I am quite accepting of kinks and love to meet my partners' preferences. Most of the ones I "insist" on are pretty easy to deal with. f-list is here.
    • My main kink is actually clothing. I like it described and like it when characters engage in sexual activity while still wearing stuff. That really extends to "ownership clothing," which in a situation like this is probably less overt stuff like collars and more like jewelry or wearing a partner's clothes.
    • Faves are things I lean into or generally want to include, but don't mandate in every RP (some of them outright contradict)
    • Yeses are things that I'm fine if they show up or will include naturally so long as my partners are okay with it
    • Maybes are things that I'd likely include in passing in a RP but wouldn't probably want a focus on.
    • Nos are pretty standard.
  • I'm flexible on how the Mind Control elements are introduced and played out, ranging from "playful use to expand kinks and horizons" to "corrupting heroine using underhanded tactics."
    • I want the mind control and pleasure to be interlinked if possible; the actual act of brainwashing/hypnotizing/mind controlling would ideally be erotic.
      • Bonus points if cumming or undergoing intense pleasure locks in more of the mind control.
    • I don't want an instant switch, or if there is an instant switch, I want to do the whole "real thoughts trapped inside" sort of thing.
      • So the girl is saying things she doesn't mean or is trapped inside, forced to watch her body doing sexy/slutty things she wouldn't normally do.
    • I'm not interested in bimbos, and not a huge fan of most body modification. I know those are both common.
    • Would love some sort of show of the process: hearts in eyes, pupils shifting more pink, traditional slave tattoo, etc.
  • Feel free to PM me for interest, but I am going to see your PM as a sort of tool to convince me to play with you. Having some more solid ideas, pairings I'd be interested in, apparent knowledge of my kinks and preferences is great.
    • I suffer from repetitive strain injuries in both my forearms. This means I sometimes absolutely have to take a break. I'm usually quite good at giving a heads up via a status, but it does mean that it can look like I'm ghosting.
    • I do not pressure partners regarding response time or availability. I work online most days, which puts me literally at a computer, but some days I sub at a public school (where writing spicy stuff is frowned upon)

The Whole Plotting Thing
*note: I'm more using these as sort of brief ideas, so that we can work out a plot; I do want to discuss some of what happened but we don't need to hit every detail

  • Interloper or guest utilizes close position to start taking over
    • i.e. Jinx "joins" the Titans so she can hypnotize Raven, Starfire, and/or Terra into being her personal pets
  • Pervert or fan gets their hands on special technology
  • Longstanding villain decides sexy mind control is the way to a lasting victory
  • Pokemon becomes interested in fucking trainers/humans
  • Newly developed power or quirk allows villain to target heroines in particular
    • i.e. young heroines in MHA universe find an opponent whose quirk is to invoke arousal or sway minds
  • Wishes gone wrong
  • Succubus/incubus uses their abilities in interesting ways
  • Alien race with pheromones invades
  • Stolen technology or power from the good guys gets in the wrong hands
  • Semi-consensual dating service goes awry
  • Hentai magic cell phone
  • Person develops "compensated dating" powers that make it so that if they offers enough money, a female must sleep with them

Possible Controllers:
These are kind of the loose order of preference; so I'm going to prefer a female over a perverted male, and both over some suave handsome guy
  • Mind Flayer
  • Ugly monster
  • Sexy villainess
  • Antihero or rival turned horny
  • Sexy Monster
  • Overweight older guy
  • Perverted fan
  • Ancient Pervert
  • Unlikely villain
  • Suave asshole villain

Faces and Girls
*I have a strong preference toward having a visual representation. I've lately been leaning toward AI art for various reasons and would strongly prefer to use that. I will consider RPs without it, but having a picture of some kind will be helpful

Canon Character Possibilities
All aged up to 18+
^means I'm just interested in the girl as a possible controller
  • Teen Titans (Starfire, Raven, Terra; Blackfire^, Jinx^)​
  • Legend of Korra (Korra, Asami)​
  • Marvel (Gwen/Spider-Gwen)​
  • DC (Supergirl, Wonder Woman; Harley Quinn^)​
  • The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Zelda)​
  • Pokémon (Marnie, Nemona, Iono, Bea)​
  • My Hero Academia (Tsuyu Asui; Toga Himiko^)​
  • Harry Potter (Hermione Granger)​

Galleries I've Made
Assume all are NSFW
**Several of these include fan characters; if there's a picture of a girl and she's not listed above, chances are I either don't know her well enough to RP her canonically or I'd rather just use the face/build for an OC

If you see this thread, it means I'm likely interested in RPing these ideas! I really want to explore erotic mind control and what all that entails!​
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