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Venser The Sojourner

Dec 21, 2022
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There are some rules that I've come with for ERP that I regard almost to a fault. I thought I'd list them for posterity's sake.

❢  I will do my best to respond within 24 hours.
This is rule number one, and I follow it fairly religiously; the only exceptions come when I'm exhausted, and at those times I do inform my partners.

❷  I don't ghost, ever, for any reason.
If the roleplay isn't working for me, then I'll tell my partner - some accept that and some don't, but either way, I don't simply drop the story because I am not feeling it; I talk about it with my partner first.

❸  I always do my best to listen to my partner.
That might even mean keeping track of their likes and dislikes as well as pertinent facts related to the RP somewhere else, just to stay organized; I've been known to create servers in Discord in order to track all my stuff this way. Along with that, if they saw something the'd like to change or alter, then I'm all for it.

❹  I don't force any OOc conversations.
Some people like constant OOC communication with me, and some don't; usually, I tend to keep it on the down low and not bother my partners unless there is something that I wish to ask or talk about. Either way, I've never really bothered anyone at all and to those few who've left the conversation with me for whatever reason - no worries.

❺  I prefer discussion when it's warranted but also welcome such when it's not.
I've always attempted to be easy to communicate with and hopefully come across that way, honestly, I'm not too sure if I've succeeded but I do wish to keep trying to get better.
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Writing Samples:

When he had first deigned to openly challenge her, obviously playing fully into her soaring high from the three different drugs in her system as well as her obvious sense of pride, Ronan had not expected that she'd be so accomodating and, in fact, exceptionally gifted at the act of sucking him off. Yet he had to admit that Sienna surprised him greatly. She'd taken to the task with great gusto, so much so that he was entirely her meal.

And boy, did she ever fucking devour him, fully and completely. Ronan's own sounds of bliss became almost one long groan, each of her tongue strokes and her vaunted suction making it almost difficult to see, so much sweat poured down his features as a result. The worst part was that she knew, definitively, that she had him entirely within her grip, just as she had taken nearly his entire monstrous length within her mouth. Defeat never felt so good.

Even though he did openly inform her of his impending orgasm, she didn't case any of her rampant motions even for a second. Slurp. Slurp. Slurp. That rang out like an echo around the room, crashing into his ears - probably it was still the lingering cocaine, which he now wished he had more of. Maybe he'd have to get some but he wasn't able to really leave her even for a second - it had nothing at all to do with her potential to still attempt an escape, with had faded away with the time spent here. No, it was simply because he didn't want to do so.

"Fucking hell," he called out, once the initial blast of seed fired off, straight into the depths of her amazingly snug throat. Not only that, but the sheer vision of the astonishingly attractive femme with her fantastic tits out and wearing his own seed with smug pride was unbelievably hot. Shit. Even after his release, his thickness didn't cease all that much, and started rising right away, faced with the look of her. Again, she managed to surprise him; for all her bluster and routine egotism, she had none when it came to satisfying her man in the moment.

Ronan was, of course, currently that very male.

He grasped the base of his spent manhood and wanted nothing more then to slide it back between those cum-smeared lips and do it all over again. Ronan could easily get used to her blowing him whenever she felt like it, and his natural dominance dictated that he would also enjoy the more forceful kind of facefuck, even if she might shy away from that. Based on what he had just seen, though, he didn't think so. She wanted it too badly.

Unfortunately, Sienna made it a point to very much let the lingerings strands of semen drop onto her finger in order to taste him even more, making damn sure that he witnessed all of it, every single last drop being swallowed up as she'd promised. What was he to say to her? The elements of control that he prided himself on definitely had fallen by the wayside when it came to sexual prowess; despite how sexy she still sat there in front of his very eyes, he was forced to admit that she'd 'won', in this contest of their immovable wills. "You definitely showed me that you do know how to give head. And yes, I'm the one who lost," he readily stated, holding up his hands in mock surrender.

"You did, and you are," he agreed, cautiously observing how she'd react now. The heroin was definitely still active in her system, affecting her in ways that she might not even know. On top of the coke and the little bit of weed, she had plenty remaining to keep her good and buzzed. Ronan? He was high as a kite and likely not to drop even if she did - which also was extremely unlikely. As she stood and replaced her top, he matched by tucking away his receding shaft away, reluctantly at that. Then she posed the question to which he had a pretty thorough and involved answer - should she wish to find out.

Considering that a big part of him didn't even want her to leave regardless, he to give the answer in such a way that she might possibly be tempted to find out. "I'm an expert at it," he confidently responded.

Reaching out to carefully take hold of her trembling legs, he plopped her unceremoniously back down onto the couch, hands caressing her lower half, nearing her covered slit with bold movements. "Mmm. You sure about that?" His pointer finger reached out and found the front of her soaked panties, dragging along the outline of her pussy lips to taunt her. "Well, I suppose if you don't want to see...that's too bad. I really was looking forward to tasting you there," he said quietly, gently prodding her slickened cunt over the fabric the entire time.

"But fine then, darling. I'd not want to force you to experience such radiant bliss, oh no."
Aphodel found it funny that Evelyn didn't quite understand his comment; he would have thought that implication was fairly obvious, but the confusion on her face registered it all quite differently. However, he didn't bother to correct her; she'd find out exactly he meant by 'working it off' when next he was balls deep inside of her tight little pussy, making her mewl like a kitten punch drunk entirely on cock. That would be the most fun outcome of his comment indeed.

As far as stating that his punishment of her was his 'duty', he didn't once think that it was anything but. She was his spouse, and that wasn't going to change at all, not for anyone or anything. So, if she was going to be the one in need of some corrective measures, then he was going to be the one that gave her that discipline. She'd do well to remember that, if he was that gifted at it.

Thankfully, even as he took the time to give her the rundown of the steam room, and all the complicated amenities that he had in store there, he could feel that she was more than prepared for what was to come. Already he could tell that the girl was practically salivating to get a taste of his big, thick dick. He had been lucky enough to marry into a virgin, then broken that maidenhead rather willfully; however, her actual craving to take his fat cock deep within her mouth was a huge turn-on on for him and did wonders to ease his spirit, such as it was. She appeared so eager, and he was glad of it, not having to wonder at all about just what it was that had led to this moment. Maybe in the future he could even see her performing some tasks just to get a bit of punishment going once more. The vast possibilities were endless.

Even when directly faced with what he had in store for the femme, she didn't seem to tremble all that much. While the fear in her eyes was evident, it didn't stop her from staying right where she was, on her knees, just like a good girl should be. Excellent. Aphodel was in charge of the paddle as well as of her actions, and if he said that she had to jump up and bark like a dog instead, he'd ensure very much that this was what was going to happen. However, he wasn't so cruel as all that. Her means to recieving this beating had been well-documented and, as he'd remind her fully, she'd even agreed to it in principle first. And while he had not promised that she wouldn't feel any pain, it would still be in the form of teaching her to accept him entirely, and all that he offered her.

Once he had gotten fully nude, with his manhood pointing outward, he saw that her eyeline had changed into a look of growing arousal instead. "You're welcome, my Queen," he told her, resplendent in his nudity for all to see. Aphodel had never been shy of being nude at all, and that was what motivated him to stand right in front of her with that paddle menacingly, indicated that he was about ready to strike as soon as they had begun. All the while, his stiff member rested upon her lower lip tauntingly, and he knew that she was thanking him for much more then just listening to her. That delicious treat that he was going to feed the femme was right on the cusp of being devoured.

"Mmm," he let loose a frenzied growl, the paddle lightly upon the jutting curve of her ass. So it was that they were to begin, and she opted fotr a simple kiss to start. "Taste it, yes, just like that," he told her, watching closely, the sight of her exploring his mammoth dick so easily attractive. From that very first kiss, he could tell that she meant her apologies, too. "You are sorry indeed. I forgive you, my Queen," he said with a guttural roar that was the beginning of his lengthy blowjob, as well as his punishing strikes that were yet to come. It seemed to him that Evelyn could hardly wait, so eager was she to set it right.

"Good girl, such a good girl you are for me. I know you want to be good. This is what you do deserve, and for that, ahh f-fuck, I am sorry as well." So saying, he lost himself entirely in the feeling of his large meaty rod being swallowed up - just the tip, but it was enough. Then, when she told him with that nod of her head that she was prepared to take those strokes of the rod, he reared one back, a single large paw resting on the back of her head to keep her steady as he struck. It would be a slow set of hits to her rump, but likely enough that she'd be forced to pay attention to them.

"Count after me," he told her, while she worked her way up and down his massive cock. As he witnessed her slip his dick into her pretty mouth, that's when the first strike landed, right on her left ass cheek. "One," he barked out, pumping more of his shaft into her maw, allowing himself to feel her sucking on his saber. "Mmm. That's so good. Lick those big balls too," he told her, while he raised his hand back to give her another strike as well, as soon as she was recovered well enough from the inital one. "Two," he mouthed out, taking his pleasures from her wet lips, and then he let her suck him off for a bit, not wanting to speed up the process too much.
Frankly, as far as Aphodel was concerned, he'd claimed Kallie as his own prize, and he wasn't about to let her forget that, not even for a moment. It was one thing to go on fucking her endlessly and as ruthlessly as he liked - that was their agreement, after all, so he couldn't even say that it wasn't warranted to think like that. So he knew he'd be deep inside of her once more, and soon if he was able to engineer it so. However, the male was far more concerned with her own perception of the events which had transpired, very much intrigued to hear her thoughts and what she'd have to say. He guessed that she was impossibly ready for more as well.

Making said deal, then, had been the best bargain that he'd ever anticipated.

He did continue to fuck her, the furious nature of his strength and will constantly apparent from his complete command over her form, such that she had little choice but to cave completely due to his sheer force. Not a single bit of her was in any way able to escape from him, thanks to the solid hold that he had within her locks, keeping her entirely poised to take every single inch of his driving, aggressive dick into her womb as if she couldn't resist him. Then again, maybe that part was the truth; certainly she'd not shown an ability to do so.

It was just safer to keep himself from smearing her depths with his aroused cock, just because he didn't want to assume so much. Foolishly, Aphodel should have asked about it in the first place, but he was too caught up in the moment to do so. Even afterwards, once he'd taken his leave of her wet pussy and found that she was able to stand, if only just, the male nodded at her words and went to go fetch a towel right away, heading into the restroom to retrieve it. Then he brought it back out and wiped her down himself, taking a fair bit of time to ensure that there was not a trace of him left.

Then it was the just the two of them, and he laid the towel out onto the couch before replying to her, with regard to her work schedule. "Mmm. Me neither. If I still chose to come by and see you at the bar, then, you'd accept it, hmm?" He pushed up against her, skin on skin, hands reaching up to the swell of her bare breasts teasingly, squeezing each in turn. "Maybe take a break and see what you can do in my car?" He wasn't quite serious, but she didn't know that, and he was very much enamored with the idea of messing with her if he could. However, instead of letting it linger too much, he did step once away from her, giving the femme air once more, eyes wandering up and then down once. Just once.

"I don't think I will, never knows. Otherwise, tell me when you're off tomorrow - I think in the evening, yes? - and we can arrange another...liason. Discreetly. At my place this time, if it suits you. I'll give you the address. Thoughts? What do you say to that?"
This time, Aphodel thought that perhaps Lavinia had gone too far - but also not nearly fair enough. Anal sex was going to be a hell of a journey no matter how he went about achieving that, fucking her ass harshly, and well, he couldn't say that the idea didn't appeal to him greatly. Not only that, but there was the simple fact that he knew no matter what that she wasn't going to be able to imagine the serious amount of pressure that she would, in fact, feel. He wanted to simply destroy her rear, and to that end, he made his own slim knowledge of the act known in full, straight off.

"I can...mitigate the pain. Should I?" It was a rhetorical question, more or less; he'd not do her a disservice by taking out the pain that she would endure, and then went on to state that fact openly. "There are ways to ease it, for me, since I am...not human. But I would be a fool to do so. You need to feel it. To learn what it really feels like, that impossible level of pleasure that you gain from the taking all of the copious pain first." Yes, she was merely asking, and they were good questions, but he didn't quite provide the right answers.

Still, he did do his best to ease what was to follow, to lessen and dull the enormity of sensations which she would feel. Her puckered anus was begging to be gaped out fully by the male, and so he already had in mind just what he was going to do to get her there. Prepping her fully wasn't nearly enough, yet he did his best to be thorough. "Brace yourself," he added plainly, to his other verbal statements, getting her ready for the anal penetration. She was entirely at his mercy and he so appreciated that she'd come to trust him.

Whether that was still to be the case when he did enter her rested fully on how he set about it, how he managed to make this the least painful for the woman.

Then it all broke free, and lose, and he was in there.

"Shh, shh shh shh," he stated out, making it that much more simple for her. The lube had allowed him to enter inside, but he wasn't thrusting - not yet - not until she had managed to take the full size of him and her anal muscles were so obviously ready. So while she was saying all sorts of things and clearly both dreading as well as relishing the pain, he allowed his huge cock to fit, deeply, keeping her held entirely around those hips alone.

Then, he felt it, that break that told him she was good and ready.

Despite her attempts to take it all and also flee from the feeling, there was nothing else left for him aside from those immense initial thrusts. Slam. Slam. Slam. He went slow and steady, but the inexorable feeling of the sheer power that pervaded him. Slam. Slam. Slam. He picked up speed, moving in a rhythm, holding her tightly, unable to give her even an inch of freedom. He didn't think that she would seek it, though; already the girl was caught within the throes of her peaking ecstasy, and he knew full well what she would say, when she found the words to speak again.

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More Samples:

Michael did his best to dress himself, still whistling a bit, the tune one that he'd heard in the radio. He'd have to go talk to Feng and find out what the man's plan was with regard to Jinx, again fully unaware that they had just finished their explosive and unexpected greeting in the most obvious way there could be. Fundamentally, he wanted to treat her right, not as if she had been one of Feng's girls whom he had gone after deliberately. No, this one was special and not simply the kind of woman that he was able to be with for only a few moments of time, and be pleased with that. Instead, the male definitely had several ideas as to where to take her on a date. Properly, at that.

Where it to happen that they ended up as a trio, he could live that what. He wasn't exactly sure that Feng wouldn't have an issue with any of that personally; from what he understood, in the past, there had been two times in which he'd been in a threesome and those had apparently gone quite well. Jinx was of a different sort, or so he thought, but in the end they'd just have to discuss it thoroughly and then see. Besides, he was jumping too far ahead, such that it wasn't quite right to think about now at least. They'd have to get together first, and he wasn't planning on rushing that at all.

Feng was still utterly lost within Jinx's fervent physicality, such that he didn't even want her to leave him, not for a second. He would have guaranteed that she'd be spending the night there - that is, if there wasn't a third roommate around to likely spoil the fun. Already, the ideas came to him for their next encounter, and then the one after that - all specifics that he would have outlined to her, designed to keep Michael far from the truth of the matter as they could. If he knew what they had done, he'd freak out; Feng was absolutely sure about that. So they simply had to keep this to themselves and perhaps even act as if the 'conversation' between them hadn't gone well at all. That wasn't going to be easy, not in the slightest.

He strongly needed a shower and figured that he'd be the one to proposition her for it, though he had alarm bells going off in his head that they'd just end up fucking each other again. Jinx, naked, scrubbing him down, rubbing on his fat cock? Fuck, even thinking about it was liable to get him hard once more, quick. She was far too sexy to make it even remotely likely that he'd muster up just enough self-control to keep himself in check, but then again, he didn't really care all that much either. Now that the beast within his bones had been awakened, he had a virulent hunger for her, and there was likely not anything that could keep him apart from the female that he was aware of. Feng had made a real mess of things this time but he knew damn well that anyone else wouldn't have had the same effect that he did.

Not only that, but those words! They called to him. "Fucking hell," he said back, boldly taking that little pussy for what it was worth. Even when he'd been smashing her venomously, spending all of his energy and his reservers in order to clear her out, the young man had been fully aware that she was equally needy as he was, and wanted that possession of her to be entirely valid. In a way, by saying those exact terms and spelling it out, she was allowing him to claim her as his, and he even vocalized that fact. "I own this pussy, it's all mine," he stated bluntly, slamming back into her as she rushed to meet him as well, both of them colliding so fast right in the middle. She completed his movements without him even forcing it at all, and he figured that it was always going to be this way. All of it added up to them banging it out, no half-heated business or false orgasms here. Every single bit of their collisions was fully earned. He knew that, as did she.

It got to the point that as they were finishing up, he thought about Michael, and then envisioned that the other male would come in. Already he could hear footsteps, as if that meant that he was going to hop in at any minute. Feng tended to keep his door locked, but hadn't done so this time out, as they never got a chance; his kiss had changed all of that. Shit shit shit. Not only that, but then there was the matter of Jinx in here, at the very least topless, having just held onto his prick and even starting to play around with the thick wood. 'I think that you know how to fuck my pussy just right," She'd just gone and said to him. Holy fuck was that hot as hell. "Take a deep breath. Right. Don't need to say a thing. Uh huh. Listen, hide under the covers a bit. Trust me on this. I don't want him to see you but I do think he's gonna knock. I can feel it. I'll open the door just a tad, and then tell him off. Got it?"

So he stood up, reluctantly letting her hand go, quickly tossing on a pair of boxers as she presumably did as he asked. Right before the dreaded knock did come, he glanced in her direction; if she didn't move, then they'd be fine, as one one could see the girl at all. Perfect. Knock knock knock. Right on schedule, thought Feng bitterly, though he figured he might as well just this over with. Opening the door at a crack, he peeked out, seemingly bleary, hoping against hope that the other male didn't smell the sweet scent of sex in the air. "What is it?" Thankfully, Michael didn't appear to notice a thing, thank god. "Look man, I know you want to sleep, it's late, but I just wanted to see how you're doing. Jinx is pretty great, right? Just don't antagonize her too much, that's what I'm getting at," Michael told him, holding up his hands in mock defeat. If you only knew, Feng allowed himself to think, but he merely nodded. "We'll see." That was about as noncommital as he could put it. "Anything else?"

MIchael knew when he was beaten; it all appeared so awkward to him that he didn't know what else to say. "Ah. Well then. Do your thing. I'm going to ask her out tomorrow, just so you know. That's cool with you?" Even if it wasn't, Fend had to say it was. "Yeah. Cool. We're all good. You do what you want. Are we done here?" Sighing, Michael nodded in the affirmative. "Uh, yeah. We're done. Have a good night, man. Sleep well," Michael told him, before wandering off and retiring.

Phew. Feng waited till MIchael was out of his sight, then unfulred the covers, seeing Jinx crouched as if making herself small. "You did great. He didn't suspect a thing." As for the rest of their night together..."Say, what you think about taking a shower together? It'd be a good chance to get to know you bettter. Properly. I think I already know bits of you pretty well, though. What do you say, hmm?"​
While Mercy tried to pay him for her portion of the groceries, this time he he wasn't sure if he was going to accept. Somehow, he always thought it odd when the woman that he was with wanted to contribute; it was entirely unnecessary yet also quite appreciated. Mercy likely was not going to take no for an answer from him, and so he pocketed the bills in the end with a small smile, not wanting to debate it.

"Sure. No problem at all," he noted, so that she wouldn't feel ill at ease with her decision. Amir could hear the trepidation in her voice, and he knew that it was the modern era and she was an independent woman who made enough to take care of her share. Far be it then for him to impede her self-sufficiency in any way. Besides, it was a sweet thought, and he couldn't ask for better.

"I think that it's just fine. You don't always have to, and it won't matter to me either way," he explained, in case she was worried about it becoming a habit.

"I don't need to pay for everything, though. But also I like taking care of you and may spoil you often enough with some little ideas of mine," he winked at her, "so keep that in mind."

Regarding her inclusion into the shopping trip, he nodded and saw that they had everything they needed, though he wised to check with her first. "We sure will. All set then? If so we can get out of here and go to the pharmacy that you use, then eat. I'm starting to get hungry," he noted, "so think about where we should go, and we'll head to checkout and be off."
Asking the girl to quit sucking his dick for a moment wasn't exactly what Robert wished to do; she had been doing such a terrific job that his fat cock was soaked with spittle all the way through already. However, he could see that she registered visible confusion on her face until he told her next what he wanted her to do. Robert definitely had different ideas in mind, and this was a way to push them onto her, examine what worked and what didn't, and moreso invoke the immense power that the male had over her young, supple body. His own source of pleasure tended to be through her own suffering and stress, knowing that she had little choice but to comply. However, now, he was certainly pushing the limit of just what he was prepared to do with her. Robert really wanted and needed more.

The male watched carefully as Corinne worked to comply with his wishes, regardless of whether or not she felt that it was warranted at all. Already, she trembled fully under the weight of his machinations, and he knew that she was thinking deeply about what he was going to do with her. Robert had told her that he wasn't going to touch her; the issue with doing it now was going to be whether or not she was accepting of that enough to allow him to do so in the first place. Then there was the inclination to come back ot him; if he went and pushed her too far, right next to the edge, then what would stop him from going even further? Still, all of this swirled within his mind as she made her way onto the desk, very much shaking the entire time. Fear gripped her, fear that he would be quick to exploit. Moreover, though, he noted her terror mentally, turning it over as a form of behavior that might have been too much for her to bare. Still, she was going to bare it anyway; he'd see to that himself.

Once she was finished, he took his time, making sure that she hadn't touched the PC on the corner of the desk either, the one with the camera in it. That meant that everything he was going to do would be captured on film for posterity, not to be dealt with again for a good while. He was free to enact whatever he wished, and the problem of actually caressing her body worried her greatly, as if he wasn't able to tell. Heh. Already Robert could see that Corinne had little chance of being relatively pure in the acts that were going to follow.

He didn't put his thick cock away either, nor did it recede in length as he stood up and walked around. The underwear was simply and grey, as she certainly wasn't trying to excite him at all, and he knew it. "Well, I did say I wouldn't but...things change. You know that, as well as being aware of what I have already on film that might help prompt that exact change," he stated bluntly, walking over to stand near her head, her form fully on display for him. Touch her? Oh, yes, he was going to do exactly that; however, perhaps not right away. Robert's swift hands danced just above her form, as if to say that he was quite prepared to really get down and dirty with her sexy frame.

While she was coming up with new ways to use her own social responsibilities as a way to elude him, he stood there, observing, and his large manhood rested right along her face rather tauntingly. "I want to try this," he said as he slipped into her mouth, quickly but not too deep, relishing how it sounded to hear her gargle and choke all over his big dick. Then, he pulled out, again tapping his shaft right onto those puffy cheeks, before leaving his mammoth member right at her wet lips this time. "Go on, try to slurp on it, upside down. IF I do touch you, it'll be to steady me only," the male stated, looking at her with full-blown lust right in his very eyes.
The food was really terrific, as good as Mark remembered from the last time that they ordered it; and he also felt like the sushi was exacty the right amount of eating that they needed to do for what was to come. Beth, of course, had no idea about what that might be.

Mark, however, definitely did.

After dinner, since Beth was still naked, Mark first told her that he'd be right back, and then went to his master bedroom for a moment. Going into his own private bathroom, he stared into the mirror, looking at the man that he had become and the man that he was going to be. What have I become? I'm filthy. Dirty. Far too prurient in the eyes of God. And I'm about to...

...but what he was about to do, he didn't say.

After sighing, he put on a brave face and a smile, and came out, taking his own seat beside Beth. Flipping on the channel, the male turned to some random show - looked like Hell's Kitchen - and then grasped Beth by her waist, placing her on his lap.

"Alright, Beth. You've been doing so good with your practice sessions. Making me proud," the male said, his voice cracking a bit. Quickly he recovered, and then thought for a moment. "Tell me then, so far, what have you learned? I'd like to hear it." The phrase had often been said in his Bible lessons to the girl in their past, and this was no different - just a very different kind of lesson.
For his part, Marcus understood that Eleanor was entirely under his thumb, in a way that he quite liked and would have preferred to keep as the baseline for which he operated. He of course had no earthly idea that he was going to have to replace her in the coming days; somehow, that possibility seemed remote to him and he strove strongly to avoid even thinking about it.

He did catch how her expression changed as he spoke to her plainly, her own subtle fears perhaps playing into the task at hand. Marcus did not stop gazing at her all throughout the very process of the girl applying her best efforts to taste him fully regardless of her own emotions on the matter.

While he understood the complex set of emotions that she must have felt while blowing him so fervently, he also understood that she was the type who wanted to do her absolute best, no matter what. Therefore, the male was fully prepared to give her that warm release that she so craved, that she was working so hard to get from him, that her tongue sought out all of his cum and made every single effort to derive his seed into her waiting maw - or elsewhere, as might have decided to give her a proper facial. There were many points that she had given her all during this blowjob, and he was all set to reward her with the craving for his semen that she had stirring up within her soul. It was going to be something special.

The other thing that he'd noticed was that she always got so eager to finish him off, and the male was certainly happy to have that emotion register, even as much as he'd pushed her up to her very limits but telling the young lady to strip down to her bra and panties. She had been shy to do so, probably because of those marks that fully adorned her body, which spoke of so much more than he was used to from the femme. Personally, Marcus had never expected anything like that crop up, but he was just fine with it and didn't think that it took away from the image which she had strived to maintain in front of him for so long. Sure, that alone indicated that she had many secrets which she clearly kept to herself, yet the male hadn't exactly asked for the full rundown on any of that. It was her own mystery.

Truly, it seemed to Marcus that Eleanor did whatever she could to avoid giving into her own desires as she sucked him off. He found that highly interesting, and wondered if it was because she was trying to avoid showing that she was so genuinely aroused? He wasn't sure, but he tried merely to focus on what she was doing to him rather than the effect that he had on her - it had already been readily apparent anyway. The music's subtle notes as well as her own sexy moans while she had his fat cock down into her throat made it so much harder to consider pretty much anything else; Marcus had little depth of thought for her own plight. If she wanted to be masking exactly how all of it combined to make her feel, then he had nothing more to do with that either. It was quite evident that her wetness seeped for him, though; the scent was intoxicating.

She did pull off with a soft pop for a minute, and he understood why; she'd been choking herself out with his cock down her throat so much that she needed a proper break. Marcus allowed it, as the woman would return to her ministrations without him needing to say a single word; he merely let the music soothe his soul, and was well aware that it was the perfect compliment to this craziness. His son still slept, blissfully unaware of what was going on here, and that was just fine by Marcus. He wanted Richard to keep resting.

The tenor of her servicing changed completely when he told her what he was about to do, not really leaving it up to chance at all. Marcus seized control of the situation and grasped her by her ponytail - very conveniently at that - and began to pressure her down as far as she could take his big dick. He let those groans and grunts escape more freely as a result, and this was his preferred pace, aggressive and very much in charge as always. The spittle flew from out of the corners of her plundered lips as he repeatedly drove his stiffness into her mouth with far more force then she originally expected. "Ah, fuck, yes," he said with a soft low guttural growl once more, the sound becoming far more obvious as a result of his machinations. He'd not really done it this way in the past all that much and he could see that she looked right at him as if practically begging the male to ease his movements, though he did not at all.

This was the ideal for him, her on her knees before the male taking the very base of his thick cock all the way down. Deeply, he penetrated her within her maw over and over, relentless, unyielding with every single motion that he made. Even the jazz seemed to pick up the pace as he began to pace his wild thrusts so that he got into the groove. Marcus was not at all cognizant about what he was doing to Eleanor exactly; this was all about him and his own pleasure, which he took from her lovely maw and relished how it sounded as he facefucked her so heatedly. Every single second that he got closer to his imminent orgasm, the male felt like he was going to burst all over the place.

Or all over her face.

Clearly, she wasn't handling it all that well, from what he could tell. Eleanor still took the pounding as effectively as possible, even if she had that panic lingering within her orbs because of his remarkably pressing pace, and how he was able to continuously spear her small maw with his large cock routinely. "Goddamn, that's it, choke on that dick," he said to her as if it was an order; though it wasn't, the amount of command that his deep tone carried left little doubt that he felt like she had been given no recourse but to follow those deep thrusts.

Whether or not it was all too much, he really didn't know; however, pretty soon the male did pull free out of the depths of her tight throat and finally did erupt, right onto her features. Even if he had been wanting to cum inside of Eleanor's sopping wet mouth, there was little chance that he'd have been able to stop himself from giving into his inclnations and painting her face white. It was the thrill of the act itself that made him want to do it, and that was the most rewarding part of all of it. Only then did he let himself retract, fully spent.

But it wasn't for long. As she went and taunted him by those swallows, as well as the additional tastes of his creamy seed that she took on, he knew that he wasn't exactly finished with her just yet. By all accounts, as he'd given her a blast like this before a few times, she did tend to like it, well enough that she had those extra glossy features wrapped up in a smile. However, he needed more, much more. As Richard still slumbered, Marcus rose up off the chair and stood, his receding member still out, and then picked her up with a single strong pull from his hand.

He moved one step forward. "Are you now?" Another step was taken. "You don't want to stay and let me take care of you, too?" One more step and he was pressed up right against her, the head of his enormous dick right between her legs, her heat very palpable. "$500 this time, and I can make you feel damn good. Don't think I don't know how," he said as a warning, a sly smile on his lips. Those fingers on his right hand traced along her bosom, at the edges of her bra, then traveling down; he didn't touch her down below yet, though.

"Tell me you don't want me to fuck your brains out properly," he whispered into her ear, both palms poised to grab onto her pert ass and squeeze. "Go on and say it if you must, but we both know...if you so wish it, that's exactly what I'm going to do to you."
While Kellen was well aware of his little girl's athletic activities, he still had not quite accepted the fact of just how deliciously delightful those slim curves of her could really be. Curtis happened to be a big fan of that and had often asked her - teasingly - about going for a swim with him or even challenging her to a race at times. At always, Sophie wasn't at all shy to keep those matters open and even seemed to encourage that kind of talk, as far as Kellen could tell. Actually, there was a lot about his daughter's tendencies that he didn't know about, such as that short but very effective touch upon Curtis' upper thight, before she did pull it back. "Mmm. I wonder exactly how much you like it," he said rather brazenly, slipping his own palms other her thighs as well - if onyl for a moment.

But it was a moment that did register for Kellen, who had been watching closely. Hmm.

Carter, of course, tended to be the one that happened to enjoy when Sophie was taking care of her 'uncles' right in his own lap, and he never failed to spring wood as a result. She didn't mind at all, though, and once or twice he'd even seen her bite her lip as he whispered the most depraved, filthy things into her ear, riling her up and constantly testing the waters out with his overactive hands. It didn't take long before he found the young lady going to sit upon him once more, and his palms slid right around her waist, a warning bell for her father but more like a sign of things to come as far as the male himself went. "Hey there, cutie. I kept my lap nice and warm for you," he rumbled out, before his hand went up to her ear in order to block off exactly what he said next, which had to do with her 'bouncing' and him "grinding right back'. She knew damn well what she was doing to him - to them, really.

However, Kellen wasn't all that concerned about any of that, as it was normal. More than anything, he seriously wanted her to get into the game and up the stakes as he'd suggested, otherwise all three other males would have been collecting his debt and running him into the ground. It was the very first time that he'd even mentioned anything like that at all, but he had little choice. Her bra would take the place of about 50 bucks worth of chips, and that meant that he could keep on playing without spending his own hard earned cash as well - provided that she opted to play along. That look that was shared between them came off as nothing more than a fervent plea on his part.

As she was debating the relative merits of such a request, Jamal chose to pipe up, as if doing his best to sell her on the idea. "Look, your Daddy needs the help, and well, we'd love to see what you're like with those funbags a little more free, you feel me?" As for what they were going to do with it, both Carter and Curtis laughed at the question, and Jamal joined in as well. "Come on, Sophie, you know us. If you play nice, we'll give it right back - that is, if we win the damn thing anyway. Isn't that right, Kellen?"

Slowly, as if gulping down the response that was on the tip of his tongue, Kellen just nodded, too afraid to say anything else. Thank god, she was actually going to do it. They all watched as the pink number came off the femme, and they were greeted by the sight of her perky nipples very obviously diamond hard, which the other males let out a low whistle toward. Damn, was she ever sexy! Then, without another word, they ponied up the cards, ready to play.

While Kellen had triple nines going into the river, the final card to come up, he was beat out by Jamal, who hit Kings and Jacks over the rest of the face-up cards. Fuck. "I win. Hmm, maybe we can work out a deal for the bra later," he winked over at Sophie, lust evident in his tone. Carter merely clutched her a little tighter, extremely excited. as he still didn't want to give out any of his remaining cash, the desperate Kellen made the call to ask her for a bit more, if he could.

"N-nice job, honey, thank you," the male said with a heavy sigh. "Could you...I mean...for the next hand, how about putting in your panties instead? I know it's a lot, I know that," he quickly told her, "'d be a great way to help your old man out. What do you say?"
Who should it be but Mina downstairs, nursing the single wound that he had witnessed her receive? Of course it was her; it could only be her. Vincent readily admitted out loud openly that he had been gazing at Mina and perhaps wishing that she was okay, that she was doing just fine, that their own wild tryst hadn't caused any of the parameters which governed their success to be broken at all. Then, it so happened that he was right there, flying to her side, expressing his concerns and letting her know firmly that he was there to help. Was there any worry in her own voids as a result of his actions? If so, he didn't see it at all, and without thinking placed her soft fingertips into his own wet maw, suckling freely. To anyone else, he would have never breached the bounds of decorum in this way. For her? It was merely the very least that he could do, and he did feel pleasantly enough that she appreciated it all the same. Hence the male had done what he set out to do.

Whether the girl herself recalled the manner in which they'd conducted their last visatation or not, he knew full well that there was no stopping them this time, if things went the other direction. She was simply far too compelling, and not even he could find a way to really make that disappear, even if he shut his deepset eyes and closed his mercurial mind off to the very possibilities present, just in her in presence. In fact, he was reminded of the idea that he wished to do it again. And again, and again...

"You're...far too kind to say that. I...missed you too," he allowed himself to say, voice cracking a little with the strain of emotions swirling around his mind, and becoming so very active as a result. He took her head relaxing against his shoulder easily, as if it was meant to be there - and despite the fact of his willful construction which was known to nobody else, he couldn't help but feel like it truly was. Vincenzo comforted the woman by running his hands along the small of her back lightly, then stroking the muscles up and down, allowing himself to truly feel her once more.

As for where he had been, he wasn't exactly sure what to say to that. Vincent had different duties to attend to, mostly related to his own father's state of affairs and managing them, as well as how he conducted himself as the head of a vast household. One of the specific rules that had been instuted in order to protect him was that no one should come up and see him during the day, while he was busy taking care of father's memoirs, or legal contracts with his lawyer, Mr. Sable, in tow. "I've been...busy enough. I'm sorry that I didn't come and see you though." He nodded at her statement, not quiet realizing what she was about to do. "I was quiet, yes." The kiss, though, registered alarm bells within his own mind, though it wasn't out of concern; it was out of need. "I can definitely be quiet because of you. Are you going to make me...but what are you doing?"

He was completely caught off-guard by her next action, not at all expecting that she would so readily reach out to his trousers and unbutton them easily, as if they were her own bottoms. The belt slid off and soon, she had taken out his large, protuding member, while he nervously looked around - though of course no one was there, just the two of them. "No, you'll want to keep quiet too," he said softly, the eroticism of the moment very much evident. "Go on, then. Silence yourself. Quiet down with that big dick in your pretty mouth," he said with a groan, pressing forward, guiding his bulbous tip right up to her tender lips, almost tauntingly.

They simply couldn't resist each other and if this was the way that it would be, then he wasn't about to stop it whatsoever.
Draken was looking forward to taking Suzume's holes again. He wondered exactly how good she was at sucking dick, for instance, which he'd be happy to find out. Already he could still feel the grip of her ass muscles holding onto his enormous dick, pulling him in while he fucked her brains out. It was a great way to introduce himself to a new member of the party at the very least, and hence he was excited to see what else he could come up in terms of how he used all the girls in his employ.

Granted, in Etoria there was no paricular preventing if it a male felt like he wanted to fuck.

Reining that in, Draken really did want to find this Marabella and then go from there. The women all had good suggestions, and one of the best was in using the resources of the Guild itself. That was one of the best ideas that anyone had yet. He rewarding Caroline for saying so by fondling her breast for a moment, the right one, and teasing her nipples as he thought about what it was that he was going to do. "Alright. I'll go ask and see if they know something. Hopefully there is a lead that we can follow up on and at least figure out where she would be."

Reluctantly, he did step away from Caroline and go into the main section of the Guild, finding what looked like the 'help desk' of sorts.

There were two women there and one of them was busy getting plowed over a table by a very burly looking male; the other smiled and welcomed him, ignoring the activity beside her.

It was weird since Draken didn't have the girl's last name, only "Marabella" to go on, but he gave it nonetheless. Thankfully, the girl knew to whom he was referring; apparently the girl was popular enough here, and they were able to come up with the address. It wasn't that far, just over three blocks to the left. Thanking them, he went back and informed the ladies.

"She's not far. Here's the address," he handed the small piece of paper to Giselle, and pointed off in the distance, where they could walk if needed. "Let's go."
Domination in all forms, BDSM, spanking, dirty talk, romance, hair pulling, biting and nibbling, teasing and rubbing, grinding and secret sexual situations like under a desk; fingering, spanking, slapping, receiving oral - especially long, sloppy enthusiastic blowjobs with lots of back and forth between characters; facefucking, deepthroat, cunnilingus, teasing each part of the pussy, strict commands and control, choking, knotting, shower sex, pinning, forced or watched/mutual masturbation, kissing and foreplay, all manner of toys and instruments, whips and paddles, degradation, anal, anal training/virginity, risky sex or the threat of being caught, filming or photographing in the scene, cucking, cheating, monster and tentacles, ageplay (PLAY only; you must be 18+), non-con, dub-con, forced, cum-in-mouth and swallowing, cumplay/smearing, soft facials, bukkake, humiliation, DDlg, blackmail, corruption, breeding, creampies, light bloodplay with small cuts, etc. I mean aside from the limits, I'm down for it and am flexible to adjust. Not all of thse will apply to all RPs anyway so if you are unsure just ask.

Scat, vore, gore, diaper play/infantilism, carrying to term/pregnancy sex, stupid or unrealistic characters, overly cutesy bullshit or a lack of competent English. Vore is more of a negotiable/maybe depending on the story.


β€…β€…β€…A P H O D E L, D E M O Nβ€…β€…β€…
More Samples:

When he was in the middle of his own work, the demon didn't much bother with frivolities in any sense of the word; he was entirely focused on business and that meant to the highest degree. Therefore, he wasn't exactly hitting on the ladies at the bar or anything of the sort; his dancing feet were not on this time, and he didn't much care to imbibe either. There would be plenty of time to celebrate later, after he had completed his task in the first place. Until then, he merely had to do his best in order to keep the angel occupied, and then slip away with her when she least expected it. How, then, was he to set about performing such an action/ There were many different possibilities that emerged as potential opportunities to pursue.

The first was that, because she was dressed in such a way as to want to blend into her environment well, he paid close attention to what she appeared and how he could use that to his own advantage. The girl wore a tight-fitting black dress that cut off high enough to be especially appealing; her blonde locks were very nicely styled and all of that glistening jewelry did a lot to attract the eye, and not necessarily toward her generous breasts. Mmm. He did like the actual form that she had chosen also; it was not at all what he might have intended for himself as Aphodel was no stranger to taking the appearance of a male or female whenever he had a task to complete; in this case, it was merely that he might have picked something less obviously attractive, but he was not her. No, rather the male wished to understand just what she was trying to accomplish in the first place, since he only had the barest details available to him and the vaunted dark lord was not usually the kind that wished to share.

Surely, Satan wouldn't want such a creature unless she was valuable to him. That meant, as far as Aphodel was concerned, she was also then going to be of value to him. Again he observed her very closely, keeping himself more or less in the shadows and hidden away, though that didn't stop him for catching glimpses of her here and there as the night wore on and the heat of the atmosphere grew around them. It was the most exciting part of the evening, when they began their dancing after midnight, with hands groping and grabbing and various other actions very much keeping them highly invested in each other's bodies. The real question was - how the hell was he going to get her away from it all? How was he going to be able to even take her? While he didn't want to start a war in the midst of a human bar, very much apparent and not at all able to be hidden, Aphodel also presumed that if she suspected just who he was and what he had come to do, then she'd raise the alarm bells herself, loudly and vociferously.

As she was at the end of the bar, relatively far away from the dance floor himself, the formations of a plan began to form in Aphodel's mind; while he wasn't quite sure if any of his machinations would indeed work, he did feel like he had to try. On his person, he had a handkerchief that had been coated in chloroform, a powerful sedative that could knock one out in seconds. At the same time, it wasn't likely to work unless he could find a quiet corner first - say, near the restrooms for example. Then, there was the syringe with an extremely quick and effective painless drug that brought on sleep instantly; while that couold be concealed, it wasn't quite so easy to be able to spring into her out in the open either. No matter what, he'd have to find a way to keep the female relatively interested and even possibly pursuing him if he could. Amir had the look about him that genereally tended to work well towards any sort of success; he was handsome and Aphodel inhabited him as very suave. With the fantastic pheromones that he could generate at pretty much any time, it was usually only a matter of moments in which he could act with impunity, isolate and then take down the angels whom he tended to work against. In this case, however, he had the most simple idea of all to start with - talk, simply talk and pick her brain. There was not doubt at all that he was more than capable of doing all that, at least, and so he had made up his mind.

Stepping forward, then, he followed her as she moved away, nearer to the doors for an...entrance of some sort, or so he managed to suss out - and then walked straight to where she was and, thankfully, the chair next to her was uninhabited; Aphodel say down and ordered a Bloody Mary from the bar - his own little private joke of a drink, and not necessarily the type suited for dancing - and then turned toward the woman, putting on an air of ease and comfort, chill and very much conducive to conversation. That was when he released his pheromones, directing the stream of them toward the girl herself.

"Nice evening out for some time in the club, isn't it?" Aphodel started with a small smile, a run through of his dark hair with those hands, and a glance that merely hinted at the smoldering sexuality beneath. "I'm Amir by the way, nice to meet you. I was kinda waiting on my date to arrive but well, It seems like she stood me up," he began, shrugging and once more flashing that killer grin at her. He had been told that when he was in human form, his smiles could be disarming; if anyone needed the charm, then, it would be the girl herself. So he let those words surround them both, even above the steady din of the throbbing music, before sipping once and then gazing at the girl fully. "So, what's your name, if you don't mind me asking? And what brings you The Lion's Den? It's always a great time, that's for sure," he mentoined as he looked around, waving his hands wide, "but there are much better places to hang out, I'd say for sure." That was a hint that maybe, just maybe, he knew a thing or two about such places, but he wasn't going to tell her so right off the bat.

First, he wanted to see just how she reacted to his presence - or if she even felt his actual presence at all, or merely fell victim to that delicious appeal that seemed to waft over him.
In truth, Amir's strategic manipulation of Likola's slowly-building trust within his was two-fold; the first phase was simply appearing to be much more sympathetic then he actually was. Did he legitmately care about the fact that she was so completely exhausted that she could barely keep up with the pace of what all was going on around her, as if they were in a swirl of different events all happening at the same time? Well, yes, because he wished her to understand that he was a benevolent, merciful Sir indeed.

However, the other half of it was that he was instilling the same level of ceasing their activities as a method of her comprehended his pervese sense of kindness, and not going all that far. While that wasn't quite a factor as he had particular enjoyed her tongue willingly slathering up his thick shaft, he still wasn't willing to get her to those lofty heights just yet.

Poor girl. She really was done, and he could tell from the weight within his arms as he led her to bed. She could barely stay awake any longer and even if he did violate her further, he was going to maintain a patient air. The male had hit her with a carefully targeted dart, taking her way and stolen her from her home forever, but there was so much more that he could do with the female when she was more altert, and the drugs were finally out of her system. So he was in the flesh, sorely craving even more debauchery but smartly willing to allow her this peace.

"It's fine, no worries," he said briefly, Whether he would in fact give her breakfast or not largely depending on his mood, though he was not quite so ruthless as to starve her entirely. Still, Amir vaguely had the notion of making her earn it. Heh. Saying nothing, he merely nodded, allowing her to curl, hands free of any of the rope still. Her reward for being so good to him - or so he'd let her think, while she was resting. Amir considered sliding up into her warm pussy and using her like a cock sleeve while she slept, but he wasn't about to do that now. Later, once he'd fucked her properly, then that would be an option.

For the moment, he had his own bed in his office, and was able to get a video feed of this room within there. As he stepped out, he whispered to the woman. "Sweet dreams, Likola. Tomorrow your journey begins anew." Then he locked the door, checking that his keycard was the only way to access it, and left her there to slumber as he went inside his own makeshift bedroom as well.
While the girl did at least try to do her best, The Man In Black knew full well that it wasn't quite going to be the ideal for making her feel this way as much as he could. Still, he was determined to have his fun first.

To that end, he quite enjoyed fucking her face like this, treating her if she was a common whore in all of Westeros, adn then allowing the female to feel the exactly how hard she had made him.

When he did finally push into her throat fully, he heard the gag reflex break through; excellent. That allowed the male to fully enjoy ramming his fat cock down her throat intensely, and he could tell that she loved it.

While he didn't exactly want to push her so much that she was forced to throw up, she did manage to retch right onto his thick cockmeat due to the intensity of the pressure that she must have been feeling.

Ah, he wasn't making it easy for her to breathe at all, and therefore he wasn't really paying too much attention to what she managed to force down into the very depths of her throat no matter what. It was merely a question of keeping the femme pliant enough to keep accepting his shaft, as she had little choice.

However, even with the fact that he did lay out his cockmeat for her to suck on directly, the male understood that it was a herculean task at best.

Ah, the sounds that she made while choking on him were glorious, as it was difficult to find the air for her to breathe in the first place, if nothing else. It was merely a matter of rending her unable to do anything but swallow his member down all the way.

If she was unable to breath, then he'd have a miracle.

Even when he did actually give her a break so that she was forced to breathe onto his big dick in the first place, the male knew that it was going to be a tough task for her to feel what exactly she did to him, and how she made it easy to keep his dick making her gag.

While it was kind of gross that she decided that she was going to retch once more, she surprised him by the level of vomit that spilled out all over the floor. He would need a minute before he raped her pussy, but the male was absolutely willing to do just that, as soon as time would allow. There was nothing at all to prevent him from doing so; it was just a matter of time.

It was the funniest plight that she had to deal with at all due to how she was totally under the spell of his desires, and what he wished from her. He still had the knife out and was ready to use it as well.

All the male how to do know was wait till he was able to get erect once more, and then he'd have even more fun with the femme - to the very end, as it were.
Amir had found the exact sort of girl as his personal assistant that he really needed, truth be told. He'd often fantasized about this exact scenario, though never had he actually imagined that it would come to pass as it had. Her simple mistakes could have been made by anyone, really; that it enabled him to enact his blackmail and then lay out his own plan was the real victory.

Even though she had been made aware of what was about to happen, Charlie didn't flinch as he expelled his jism into her warm maw, repeatedly spraying every shot of cream right into her hot mouth. She was left a mess as a result; his copious cumshot rendered her unable to do anything more then take as much as she could down the hatch, to the very back of her throat. It was a lot, yes, but Amir thought that the traces which remained only made her look prettier, in his opinion.

What he did not expect was her to go back in after his sensitive head and clean up every trace of what lingered around his tip, as well as the length of his gargantuan shaft. "Good girl, very good," he proffered once more, quick to praise right away. This had been a learning experience for both of them, in all actuality, and Amir had the entire weekend to process what he had been shown. Charlie had performed quite well, passing his early 'test' with flying colors.

The male wasn't sure what to think really of the expression on her face once she'd finished. Nodding at her obedience, he thought about tucking his receding manhood away, but decided to just leave it out instead. He was damn curious if her eyes would follow his member at all. "Nice work. Genuinely. I'm impressed. And to think, as far as I know, that was your first time," he noted, reminding her of that fact. "I will send you the onboarding paperwork over the weekend. Review it, sign digitally and send it all back so I can get you processed by Monday morning. You start at 8:00 AM sharp. Be ready." Amir stroked himself lightly, observing Charlie's breathless manner carefully.

"I'd advise you to perhaps study up during your two days off. Make sure you wear a hairtie or band," he tossed in, as it was probably a smart idea. "And...dress nice. Professional. Congratulations," he finished in a low rumble, not a trace of sarcasm in his tone. "When you're ready, you may go. See you Monday morning."

Throughout the entire close of their meeting, Amir never put his cock away, not even for a moment.
Up this close to her, it dawned on Zuko how much they had all changed so definitively over the years. When he had been chasing after Aang, full of rage and fury, Katara had never much interested him; he had his eyes elsewhere, absolutely. She also had been...what was the word...perhaps a bit...slight? Maybe that him assigning his old thoughts on her stature as compared to the then Prince of the Fire Nation, yet that wasn't at all fair - certainly now. His stark, fierce gold orbs did inadvertantly roam over her frame; he had been so stupid. It was so clear how frankly attractive she really was. If anything Katara always had a deep glow about her that shined through, and he was seeing that currently.

Trying to calm himself and control both his mind and his own urges, Zuko took a deep breath and exhaled slow, a bit miffed that he had foolishly come out here in the formal outfit of his nation. At least he didn't have to wear that stupid hat; he really did hate it so much, more then ever when Aang took to knocking it off his head and then bolting away quickly on a ball of air right after he was crowned in front of all.

Annoying, the Aang. Sometimes at least.

Zuko had no idea what the girl was thinking at all; his own thoughts drifted to different aspects of his journey, and how his personality had shifted from the male that he used to be. His uncle, Iroh, had been the one to raise him and shape him up, not is father ironically enough, the great Firelord Ozai. That man had all but tossed him out, after scarring his face forever in that cruel Agni Kai. Weirdly, when Zuko had directly faced his father during The Day of the Black Sun, it hadn't triggered all that much in him to depart. He was done with his immediate family, and yet...he felt nothing at all, in a way. But what had made him realize how many mistakes he'd made was bowing at Iroh's feet, apologizing, letting the older mentor know that he had grown.

Coming back to the present, Zuko focused his thoughts inward to Aang, and his relationship with Katara. They had seemed so perfect for each other, hadn't they? Him and Mai tended to squabble a lot, biting back with her sharp sarcasm and is own caustic wit at times, but he did still believe that she had always loved him.

Sounds like a plan. What was it about that particular sentence that caught his breath? Zuko looked at Katara much more closely. It didn't appear that she had said it without thinking; that meant that perhaps she had the idea of a future hug already in her mind. Or, more. Physical contact was one of the things that Zuko did like most about being in a relationship, and missing it was getting rather old, rather fast.

"Thank you. It's okay. We just, uh, weren't fully compatible. She's so much different then I imagined, and I'd been attracted to her when young too. Azula used to tease me about it," he admitted heavily, recalling how both his sister and Ty Lee made it a point to emphasize that attraction. "We are still friends, and still social, despite her sometimes griping about the past. So it's for the best." That also meant there was not an obstacle in their path for the forseeable future. Hmm.

When she came to be even closer to him, he felt the powerful beat of his heat escalate. Zuko's own palms felt sweaty, due to their previous touch. She had the effect of making him fully aware of their proximity, and how much he sorely wanted it to be as near as possible. Her sharp blues met his own voids, and he nearly had to look away, as there was such intensity in the gaze.

"I agree," he began, letting her know that he felt the same. "After I joined you all, my task was just to help Aang conquer firebending and defeat my father. Yet, I learned so much about all of you. If you remember, I even took little side trips with each of you in turn, and it taught me so much. With you, I just saw a side of you I'd never seen before. I have to admit, you were so fiery then," he stated, almost in a sense of awe. Zuko would never forget that mission as long as he lived - and even still, after all that, Katara had let the man who'd killed her own mother go, as he was already broken and wasted.

Zuko squeezed his hand over Katara's as she talked about him specifically. Again, he had that sense that there was a lot more unsaid here. She had missed him, of all people? He remembered how enraged she'd been when he came back, even when everyone else was quick to accept him into the fold. This was a completely different woman. He rubbed his large thumb along the back of her hand gently.

"Well, clearly we both had our own experiences that didn't pan out, even if we have a lot of love for them both still," he stated, turning so that he was facing her head-on. "I...missed you too. A lot. And after Mai was gone it made me think about you, of all people." A blush came over his face, but he didn't drop his gaze; instead, Zuko even leaned in a little closer. "It was clear to me that I, perhaps, longed to see you again. Is that too much to say? If so, I'm sorry, but I came here to be honest," he said bluntly, boldly. "You just...have that kind of pull on me, Katara. I can't describe it any other way."
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