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A Bully Never Changes (Illicit Inqiuiry x PresciousKitten)

Aug 25, 2024
Jason Hughes did not have the best childhood in the world. He was born with pretty bad vision and had to wear extra thick glasses ever since he was young. That, coupled with a small speech impediment, made it so that he was picked on quite a bit as a child and into middle school. That all seemed to change in high school where he had his first major growth spurt, going from 4'8" to 5'11" in the span of a year. His new found height and more fashionable glasses made it so that the bullying based on his appearance seemed to stop all at once. Things were looking up for Jason. The problem was that bullies don't just pick on the kids they think are worse off than them, they also pick on any possible threat to their authority. To Luke Fields, that threat was now Jason. Luke was two years older than Jason, and despite being a very handsome senior he felt threatened by Jason because he caught a girl Luke liked laughing at one of Jason's jokes. That was really all it took to make Jason Luke's newest target.

Luke's final year of high school was about tearing Jason down, about making sure that Jason never took any girls that Luke was interested from. In hindsight people could say Jason was a target because he was a witty and good looking kid who Luke felt threatened by. Jason wouldn't be able to look at it that way, because in spite of Luke seeming like an obvious bully, his tactics worked. That girl who laughed at Jason's jokes soon was laughing at Jason whenever Luke pushed him around or made fun of him. Maybe it was because high schoolers want to be around the perceived strongest kids in the school, or they didn't want to be targets themselves, but people joined in on Luke's bullying instead of helping Jason.

This set Jason back, but he was grateful that Luke was barely able to make it to some state college where he was able to attend a private university out of state. In a new environment, Jason got his confidence back, and he began to enjoy life again. It was near the end of college that he met his future partner, Dakota Burns. She was smart, gorgeous, and just a joy to be around. The two hit it off and were soon dating. They helped each other through college, and Jason supported Dakota in her career by getting a marketing job to pay the bills while Dakota finished her education. From there, Dakota returned the favor as Jason decided to go to law school. Having experienced bullying first hand, Jason had a strong sense of justice. In law school Jason dreamed of working at a big firm that prosecuted criminals.

After he graduated, he was able to land a job at Cooperton & Fields. He did not think much of the name through the interview process, Fields was not the most uncommon name in the world, and it had been years since he encountered his bully. So when he landed the job and showed up that first day with donuts for the entire office, he was shocked to see Luke sitting behind the desk that belonged to his new boss. It didn't make sense, it made Jason freeze up at the sight of his bully now in a position of power at such a young age. The worst part was, when Luke saw Jason, there was a hint of recognition in his eyes. His bully remembered him as well.

The problem with a career as a lawyer was that it was not just for the smartest people or those with a sense of justice. Assholes could become excellent lawyers. Luke was confident as hell and able to manipulate others with ease, add in his desire to obtain money and power, and he was a natural born lawyer. While Jason tried to ignore Luke as best as he could, he found out from his coworkers that Luke had apparently become a lawyer just a year earlier than Jason. Yet in his first case he pulled some insane tactics that every said shouldn't work, only for him to win a massive case and be promoted to partner on the spot.

Luke, for his part, took notice of Jason right away. The reason he didn't say anything at first was because he wanted to look into Jason. Luke had no remaining grudge against Jason to give him reason to bully him. Instead, Luke continued to be a bully for the same reason he had always been a bully, it made his life easier. He learned early on as a partner that you didn't have to do any real work. Partners were just able to assign themselves the flashiest cases and make the new hires do all the work, then at the very end, he would take credit and the money. So after seeing that Jason did pretty damn well in law school, he called Jason into his office to let him know that he was 'kind enough to take Jason under his wing.' That would mean that for the next three weeks, he would make Jason's life a living hell. Extra work, late hours, coffee runs, everything he could think of to make his life easier and Jason's harder, he did.

Jason tried his best, but after every day of work he would crawl into bed and complain to Dakota about the day he had. Dakota would hear how Jason loved the law but hated his boss. How he wished he could quit but knew that in this profession if you couldn't make it a single year at a law firm then you couldn't find work at any other firm after that and you would be labeled a quitter. He complained that if only Luke got off his back he would have some time to breath and actually make a name for himself. Jason was not normally a complainer, but it appeared that Luke was pushing him to his very limits. That past night, when Jason thought Dakota was asleep, he even found himself crying to sleep for fear of what the next day would bring.

Luke of course, didn't notice this at all. He had made others suffer, and when other employees quit he just told himself that they were not 'tough enough' for the law. That was why he was able to head into work that day with a guilt-free conscious. He showed up at the office at 9:00 am. The 6'3" man wore a tailored black suit, even putting on a black dress shirt as if to show off he knew exaclty the kind of boss he was and didn't care about how he was perceived. He knew that most of his employees would show up at 7:30 this morning and that they would all be in their own offices or cubicles doing busy work until noon. That meant that Luke could just lay back and relax on his sofa in his large corner office and wait for an email from a friend or a woman he was dating to occupy his time as the others did his work for him.
Years, that was how long that Dakota Burns spent in a form of both business and personal stasis. It had not felt like that at first, when meeting Jason it felt like a breath of fresh air; a chance to gain a semblance of romance that until that point felt redundant or useless to someone like herself. Now, as her eyes scanned over the white marble countertop in the kitchen that the couple occupied for going on around a year now it all became somehow stale. Dakota held deep seeded forms of resentment inside of her body that were never quite brought out into the light, instead burying and allowing the emotion to fester inside until it seeped into the soul and caused parts here and there to blacken beyond recognition. Luke was perfect, a faithful and reliable partner who cared about his girlfriend's comfort and did everything in his power to make sure she remained happy and content by his side. So, why did her mind still ache for something that remained just barely out of reach?

Fingers were gentle as they attempted to remove any wrinkles that remained in the material of her red sundress with white floral pattern, today marked the beginning of a new era and it all started after the redhead was sure that Luke had gone off to work and left the woman alone to put the plan into action. Dakota would take a taxi into the inner city and go to see this man that her boyfriend remained scared of even until this day, she went with the intention of conversing with this Jason and trying to appease the man enough to cut her boyfriend some form of slack and not continue to drive him into the dirt with his words and crass attitude in the firm. She took a firm hand with things whereas Luke tended to be gentler, almost to the point of being seen as a pushover and it likely added to the reasoning for this high school bully just picking up where he had left off years ago.

'I love him dearly, but he is still so reminiscent of a child in many ways.' Dakota mused with a wry smile crossing over petal soft lips coated in a glossy pink sheen, having chosen to go with a modest face of makeup since leaving the house without it never proved to be an option since teen years. Lashes lowered over warm brown eyes as she casually walked to the corner of the street, reaching a hand up to hail down one of the multitudes of taxi cabs that were busy picking up ongoing fares. As luck would have it, the hourglass frame and beautiful appearance helped in catching the eye of one of the drivers, a middle-aged male who by all account had only stopped to aid her in order to get close enough to talk to her. His intentions could not be further from pure, but Dakota accepted it regardless and ushered into the back of the cab and shut the door and seconds later it sped off in direction of the law firm.

Heels made little to no sound as they came into contact with the wood flooring, simply grasping the handle of the door to open it and come into a separate part of the building that housed the numerous cubicles and bustling workers that were even now face down at their desks and typing away like the devil nipped at their very heels. Dakota frowned at this, perhaps this Jason would be a bit tougher to maneuver around without losing the upper hand if even his subordinates were this fearful of incurring his wrath. Determination was the only reason that saw the red-haired female stopping short of a petite secretary, likely handpicked by Jason himself if the looks and bubbly demeanor were to go by. "Hello, my name is Dakota, I was hoping I could have a word with your boss." This caused the blond to scowl a little, like even the suggestion caused a bitter taste to linger in her mouth. "I will...see if he is amiable to being disturbed."

Dakota's eyes scanned back and forth over the small waiting area, able to hear the blond conversing with someone over the phone even though the tones were a bit hushed and barely discernable above the chatter in the office just outside. The secretary cleared her throat in both a loud and obnoxious manner, clearly designed to cause the redhead to flinch a little and the smirk was enough to prove it. "It appears Mr. Hughes will see you after all, just try to be prompt - he is a busy man, after all." Dakota simply rolled both eyes in response to such mediocre tactics to try and drag her down, a strong backbone and headstrong personality made it quite difficult to get underneath her skin.

Her body remained upright and even proud after opening the door to the office, not bothering to allow Jason the opportunity to speak first and instead cut him off before he got the chance to even gather a proper thought. "I will be upfront so as to not waste your deemed precious time. I have heard plenty about you from my boyfriend, Luke. You know, the man whom you seem to be keen on making into a nervous wreck on a daily basis anymore." Dakota sighed audibly, breasts heaving in clear distaste for even having to be here at the moment but since Luke had no intentions of speaking up and 'making waves' it was once again left to her to clean up his mess.

"Look, I do not have any interest in the relationship the two of you had back in high school, but I am tired of having to hear about this pettiness you have going on. So, I came here to try and have a civil discussion; an accord that means you will back off and allow Luke a chance to breathe so that he can do his job and not end up having a nervous breakdown. What will it take for you to stop pushing and act like a decent human being to him?" Honey brown optics were sharp, like flint threatening to cut through steel and not once did her gaze falter while holding Jason's own.
Luke had his phone and computer set to send him special alerts for certain clients or people he trusted. If he heard an alert from someone he needed to respond to or someone he liked, he would answer. Otherwise, it was satisfying to hear the pings go off and know that he could ignore them and push the work onto someone else at a later point. Then came the chirp that he knew was Lisa, his secretary. She was good to look at and quite good at her job to boot. She knew Luke's preferences and his schedules, and she would not just let anyone into his office. Thankfully, there was a security camera to the top left above Lisa's desk that let his secretary take a quick picture of Dakota before sending it to Luke. When Dakota asked if she could see Luke she sent a quick message with the picture, giving her usual line in case Luke was not in the mood for this new woman.

Luke saw the picture and decided to pull out his phone to call Lisa. Lisa knew to keep her voice down and answered the questions Luke asked. "Yes, all by herself." "Yes, the one that Jason talked about." "No, pretty sure she isn't a service agent." With the details established Luke told Lisa that he would need the entire morning with this woman and that he was not to be disturbed. She nodded, heading back to tell Dakota she could enter the office. Luke had continued to lounge on his chair, and he thought about greeting Dakota when she walked in but she cut him off, a tactic to establish dominance and control. This caused Luke to smile out at the woman, a smart strategy, he would let her speak for now.

She was pissed, but she claimed she did not care about the mens' past. Luke would have paid more attention, but the way her breasts heaved with that sigh had caused him to lose focus for a moment before she told him the real reason she was here. She wanted Luke to stop, and she was going to bargain with him. Well, that caught his attention again, and she would be able to see him sit up, putting his hands on his knees before standing and saying, "What will it take, hmm, an interesting question." He bit his lower lip, concentrating on the options as he began to walk towards Dakota.

"What would it take to treat my employee better? Hmm, he hates this job but hasn't left, so that means he realizes he can't leave if he wants to keep his career in law, and you aren't going to be his sugar mama and support the little cry baby." He gave her a wicked grin, letting her know he knew he had all of the leverage at this moment. He also knew that this office was sound proof and that no one would be able to hear or see what was going on in here until the door was opened again.

So he approached her, getting close enough so that his icy blue eyes could stare directly into her brown daggers as he said, "You want me to lay off your man, you want him to have an easy work day so he doesn't whine to you?" He gave her a slight pause, letting his grin spread as if coming up with his plan on the spot and not when he first laid eyes on her. "If I am to stop exploiting my best worker, I am going to need something of equal value." He looked her over now, letting her see him take in her perfect form before saying, "I will act like a decent being to him if I get something in exchange. You, I want you Dakota. So tell me this, are you really here to make his life better, or was this just a ruse that you back out of when things don't go your way?" He would tease her as well, making her seem weak for refusing an unreasonable demand.
Dakota did not even bother to try and act as if the way that he was looking at her was surprising, because honestly it fit the bill of Luke and his personality of being a bully and apparently a womanizer. At first, the ball was in her court and to give the male credit he had not made an attempt to interrupt her during the frustration fueled rant. Now that it was over and done with, his demeanor finally came out in full force and that grin held a salacious nature that made her skin outright crawl. She did want to balk at the mention of supporting the crybaby, but that could only hold wait if it was not even partially true and that was the thing that stung the most. Jason did have a horrible tendency to whine and even could be brought to literal tears easily enough, but that sentimentality was a good part of the reason the redhead gave him the time of day to begin with. A man in touch with his own feelings was rare, but over the last year or two he had taken the emotional state to the extremes, and it became taxing instead of refreshing.

Her body jolted visibly at the mention of being the bargaining chip in all of this, and she could not deny that despite the queasiness that rested inside of her stomach at the thought of betraying Jason's trust there lingered something else that almost preened at the nature of being desirable enough to pursue with such adamant ferocity. At first, Dakota did not even give the male an inkling that she had been considering the offer at all and feigned indifference even if on the inside there was a turmoil brewing up quickly. Brown optics had softened considerably, going from razor sharp to somewhat docile in under five minutes. If this was the same kind of thing that she did to appease Jason in the bedroom anymore, perhaps the result would be just as quick and over with?

"It is not so much the whining, but that I worry about his mental state." Dakota at least attempted to add on, as if that would make considering the offer any better on her part. At first, the two seemed to be at an impasse, neither really too keen on being the one who ended up folding first because that gave up all of the power to the one left standing. It ended up being the redhead who backed off first, though. She glanced at the closed door and noted that there were plenty of locks and other measures to ensure that nothing taking place inside of this office would ever leak to the outside world. It would all remain a closely kept secret between the two adults and nothing more. "Fine." Her words were sharp at first, but the answer remained to stain her lips long after the word was uttered into the air around them. "You promise to be at least civil with him, and perhaps even give him a promotion should he actually earn it. In return, you can have me."

Honestly, Dakota mused that Luke was likely to get what value he wanted from her body and discard her like he did plenty of others. That and it would not require much effort on her own part since the only sex life she knew up until this point was lackluster at best. Jason was the model version of husband material; except he had not truly been able to get his girlfriend to orgasm once in their years together. Unlike most women her age, the lackluster bedroom did not end up being a dealbreaker when stability and trust were far more valued. Dakota took it a step further, even allowing the straps that were holding the dress up on delicate shoulders to fall and with it the material covering her breasts and all that remained was the lacey wisp of black indicating that a bra was the last barrier to fall.
Luke loved seeing the change in her expression as the reality of the situation washed over her. She stood her ground against his initial verbal assault, holding to the belief that they could talk this over like reasonable adults. Yet there was a visible change in her demeanor as he mentioned the cost for fulfilling her demand. Her gaze went from one of hardened determination to a more submissive stare, and she tried to defend her boyfriend in an off handed comment that showed him she truly cared about his well being. Yet instead of insisting that they renegotiate terms or add on conditions for him to follow, Dakota instead looked at the door to show Luke she was already considering his offer, perhaps even picturing what it would be like to be taken in an office like this.

Her acceptance came in a one word answer, and he could see her purse her lips as she reminded him that he had to at least act civil to Jason from now on. His own smile widened as she added a new term. He loved when they negotiated like this, and he gave her a coy smile as he mused over the condition, "A promotion eh, that isn't off the table." He admitted as she stepped forward, walking into the lion's den and allowing him to claim her as his new plaything.

With that one step forward he moved to meet her, taking a step forward himself and reaching out his right arm to wrap a hand around her waist and to pull her body up against his. She would feel that the much taller man was built like a brick house. His body was firm and his muscles defined, allowing her to feel his abs and pectorals pressing against her in comparison to Jason's slightly softer body. Jason was a loving man, and he truly believed in making love to his partner. Unfortunately for Dakota, that meant that sex had been restricted to their bed and a few set positions their entire relationship. Jason had his libido in check, and he would be just as comfortable cuddling with her as he was in making love with her.

Luke, on the other hand, had already began to let his hand wander up her lower back. He knew better than to go in for a kiss, so he leaned down and began to pepper the right side of her neck with soft kisses as he made his way up to her ear. Luke was an attentive lover, making sure to focus on her reactions to each kiss so that if there was a spot that created even a slightly larger reaction from her, he would pay extra attention to it, giving her additional kisses or gentle nips at the sensitive areas of her neck. His left hand moved around her as well, giving her ass a squeeze and pressing her body up against his while he gently played with her ass.

By the time he had reached her ear, Luke gave it a gentle bite. He tugged on it ever so gently and whispered into her ear, "Don't worry, this is a sound proof room, no one will hear your moans." He said it in a teasing manner, with his right hand reaching up to the center of her back by now and unclasping her bra with a swift and practiced pinch of his fingers.
The very notion that he seemed too confident of himself honestly pissed Dakota off quite a bit, mostly because a part of her was worried that he could actually be right about his sexual prowess. She felt the instinct to back away once Luke had made that stride forward and quickly enveloped her waist, ensuring that the redhead would not make it far unless he wanted it to happen. This kind of control was something that she was definitely not used to, since Jason tended to be gentle and rarely if ever was the one to initiate sex. He claimed to have some form of embarrassment about the needs of his own body, like becoming aroused by her and wanting to take advantage of it should be disgraceful. Breath catching within the confines of her throat as one or two kisses revealed erogenous zones that Dakota did not even know about until just now, only proving that by all accounts the female could be considered naive even if experienced.

It felt thrilling, like butterflies began to accumulate inside of her stomach and the wings only kept fluttering to the point of making her skin crawl. Lips parted in order to let out a few scant gasps of heated air, proving that even someone like Dakota could crumble with the help of a practiced touch. Both cheeks blazing in a blush that ranged from a dusting of pink to a scarlet hue as the arousal began to truly build up inside of her system. Fuck, it was hard to remember the last time that something like kissing had been enough to cause the crotch of her panties to become all but soaked to the touch. Soft eyes glazed over a bit as her gaze wandered down to the black lace that was falling down off of her breasts and onto the office floor, revealing a curvy upper body that honestly many men would kill to get the chance to see up close and in person, let alone have the right to touch.

She managed to maintain a sense of composure at first but given the teeth that were keen to nibble and tug gingerly along her earlobe it caused a soft moan to come out unbidden. Dakota felt a sudden wave of shame wash over her; she was not meant to be enjoying this but playing the part of a living flesh doll for Luke to have his way with to hold up her end of the bargain. Though try as she might, each caress and kiss caused that cool demeanor to crack and splinter in multiple facets, revealing a desperate and unfulfilled woman behind it all that was aching at just the knowledge that Luke could take care of it and leave her a proper mess.

'I cannot think about Jason right now...this is for his benefit!' Dakota whispered inside of her mind vehemently, trying any manner to alleviate some of the guilt that was trying to eat away at her now that her hourglass frame was revealed to Luke's gaze and the only thing that remained keeping her dignity intact was a pair of matching laced panties. How it had managed to happen without recognizing it, the red-haired beauty had no real clue. Eyelashes fluttered at the way the air brush across pert nipples, proving what she refused to say out loud and that was that her body wanted this and it did not matter who was the one to scratch that deep seeded itch.

"N-no, I can't - enjoy it." She tried to whisper out, but it came out broken by staccato pants and a whimper that honestly was a sound Dakota did not even recognize as a noise she could make. Jason had never gotten it before, just how was it that Luke of all people could reduce her to a hormonal mess that ached to be touched? "You said you wanted me, but the terms mentioned nothing about me having to like it." Dakota tried to act firm, but even he was able to see from the shivering legs and quivering thighs that his intended lover was begging for it without the need for mere words.
She did not push away as he pulled her body up against him, nor did she complain about his touch in any way. Instead, he was greeted to the sound of harsh breathes as she tried her very best to keep herself under control and to prevent him from seeing just what kind of affect he was having on her body. Yet between the sounds she was making and the darkening of her cheeks, she should know that her attempts were all but in vain. Her dress did not even attempt to hold up her bra as the lacy garment fell to the floor as if it knew neither of the people in the room wanted it on her anymore.

She tried to tell him and herself that she couldn't enjoy this. Yet the whimpers that followed and her plea that said she wasn't forced to enjoy this said otherwise. Before he would respond to her claim, Luke let go of her ass, moving his hands away from her body so that he could grip her right hip and suddenly spin her around. It was a fast and precise motion. In one moment she was facing him with her chest pressed against his, the next her ass was nuzzled perfectly against his hips, letting her feel a thick rod pressing up against her rear.

"Very true my dear," he agreed, leaning in and beginning to give her firmer and more deliberate kisses along the other side of her neck. His right hand slid up to to her left breast, giving it a firm squeeze as he pinched her hardening nipple between his two fingers over her dress. Ever so gently he began to tweak it back and forth as his left hand reached for the hem of her dress. He hiked it up, lifting her dress up and revealing her damp panties so that he could press his index and middle fingers against the already wet fabric and begin to gently stroke her lower lips without threatening to slide his fingers in yet.

"Which will make your orgasms all that much more delicious, wouldn't you agree?" He said the word. Orgasms. He was not just planning on getting himself off. He was going to make her cum again and again and again. He wanted this to be an experience she would never forget. Even though he could fuck her at any moment he was taking his time, learning her body and wanting her to be in a state where she absolutely needed him before he even considered fucking her.
Breasts heaved violently up and down with each breath, one after the other and as they continued it became obvious that it was harder and harder not to pant through parted lips to regain at least some precious oxygen. Dakota could not believe any of this, even if it was happening in real time and the ghosting fingertips gingerly grinding against soaked pantie clad folds were causing her hips to buck due to the overwhelming sensation. That was when it finally hit her, Luke had mentioned orgasms as in plural and not just one. That meant he held quite a bit of confidence in his ability to make it happen, which caused a mild cold sweat to build up along the nape of her neck and some of the droplets even trailing down exposed tan skin.

At first, all of this seemed like the perfect idea; allow the high school bully to have his fun and walk away like nothing had ever happened. Now, it looked like surviving this experience with even a little bit of her personal sanity might end up being the preferred goal. By now, fingertips would occasionally spasm along her outer thighs refusing to even so much as touch Luke just yet wondering if skin to skin contact might only make the burning fever developing burst into a full-on inferno. Dakota allowed her head to turn to the side, intent on burying her face into the side of his neck and refuse to look while those dexterous fingers were winding her body up to the point of no possible return.

She all but swooned at the feel of his cock that nestled into the small of her back and was content to linger between plump ass cheeks, even just by gauging it was not hard to tell that Luke was hung by all meanings of the word. Still, he made no moves to do anything past tracing feather light touches across the translucent lace material and send sparks of lightning travelling down her spine and pooling into heated loins. Dakota was quite eager for more than just his hands to do this to her, but Luke appeared by all intents patient and wanted to have the redhead outright squirming in orgasmic bliss before he finally sought to fuck her.

"But you never said more than once." It sounded weak even to her as the words came out, knowing that the objection held any real conviction to it and instead teeth gnashed together as both thighs began to shake violently and made it extremely difficult for the woman to even remain upright if not for Luke to keep her up. Drool began to seep out a little as the pleasure grew with each second that ticked by, by now unbeknownst to her, Dakota was actively grinding down onto those talented fingers and moaning when the sensations became too much to hold back any longer. 'Oh god, he hasn't even touched my bare pussy and already I am seconds away from cumming!'

It looked sweet in a way, to have her nestled into his chest as if afraid of the pleasure that made her heart race and toes outright curl inside of both high heels. No longer able to take it, a high-pitched squeal came out from plush lips and with it the hands that were tracing along swollen folds were drenched in a new wave of fluids that were somewhat opaque and came in copious amounts some of which ended up dripping down onto the floor below and leaving what might end up being a modest stain on expensive carpeting. "Ohh fuck, no no please stop - it feels too good!" Despite the fact that Dakota was actively in the throes of a massive orgasm, still Luke had not let up and it only made the female shudder violently in obvious overstimulation.
Her tough and restrained act was fading faster and faster with each passing second. Luke was now grinding his hips up against her ass, letting her feel just how thick his cock was even through the pants and boxers her wore to hide his size from the world. Dakota attempted another protest but this time Luke cut her off by saying, "And you never limited how many times I could make you cum." He slipped his right hand under the top of her dress, this caused her breast to pop free from the fabric, exposing her chest to the world so that he could pinch and tweak her bare nipple back and forth while he licked a slow trail back up her neck and to her ear lobe before proceeding to give this ear a bite as well.

It wasn't long after that bite that Dakota finally began to show him what she was truly like when she was lost in pleasure. She looked radiant when she drooled, and when she let out that high pitched squeal Luke pressed his hips harder up against her ass to show her how much he loved women who didn't hide their pleasure. Mere moments later she came, and Luke's grip tightened on her, his wrist holding up her thighs as he pinned her body against him while she shook and came hard. Her panties would be ruined by this point, and he knew that both his suit and carpet would need a thorough cleaning. Still, that did not stop him from holding onto her as he continued to gently roll his index finger over her clit that was still covered by her now completely soaked panties.

Luke bit down on her ear now, a slightly harder bite than before as he gave it a soft tug and said, "Good girl...that was a good orgasm." Praise and discipline were key here, and as her body began to settle down from that first taste of what he could do, Luke made sure to guide Dakota over to the sofa that was a mere few feet away. There, he lowered her body, letting her get on her hands and knees on top of the plush, black, leather sofa. Her ass was high in the air as he finally pulled his body away from hers and he yanked her panties down.

A kinder man might have helped slip them off of her, but Luke just decided to show her a taste of his strength as he tore the panties apart to get them off of her instead of try and manipulate her body further. With her sex exposed and her dress now just hanging along her stomach and hiding nothing, Luke leaned forward and gave her sex a nice and slow lick. He took his time, making sure she knew he understood she was sensitive as he reached for his own pants and began to undo his belt and zipper. After he proceeded to give her another slow and teasing lick he pulled back to ask, "So, do you think you can handle one more orgasm before I fuck you, or do you want my cock right now?"

It was a cruel question. He designed it to make her tell him she either wanted him to make her cum again, or that she wanted him to fuck her. He was no longer going to allow her to pretend she didn't want this, he was going to train her to be his woman.
Dakota felt like her brain might end up fizzling out and melting right there on the spot, no questions asked as the buzzing noises that coalesced inside of her mind built to a mighty crescendo and only began to truly taper off after a good three or four minutes. By them, she belatedly noticed that her body was being maneuvered toward the couch and positioned in such a way that Luke could see the ample peach shaped ass that looked good enough to take a healthy bite. She trailed off into a whine, wanting to be permitted to move away from that dastardly tongue and the way that it toyed along oversensitive folds and made short but sharp jabs of pleasure play like a symphony over her body. Eyes darted over to the newly discarded shred of black lace, what used to be quite a high-end pair of lingerie reduced to little more than glorified rags due to Luke's impatience and brute force.

Ears all but burned at the question of what it was she desired personally, not wishing to be asked such an intimate question but already knowing the answer deep down. Dakota wanted him to wring as many orgasms as possible from her ample frame, make the redhead burn for it and relive the memories of being handled by someone who honestly knew what they were doing when it came to pleasing a woman. At first, the room remained silent due to a bit of obstinance on her part; refusing to give him any sort of straight answer because of the shame that the woman felt for being greedy and wanting even more of what only he could give. "Sshhit, give me that paradise one more time. It's been so long..." Dakota bit into her lower lip, stifling the rest of that statement and instead lifting full hips to grind against the tongue that was even now tracing nonsense symbols across her clit and soaked folds.

She stuttered at the feel of one long lick that almost caused the poor thing to collapse down onto the sofa and remain there, only being kept upright by the hands that were there as more of a safety measure than being used to keep her captive. Dakota looked somewhat crazed as both eyes all but rolled into the back of her head, still extremely sensitive and when the tip of that tongue put enough pressure along her clit and even wiggled a bit it caused the flood gates to open up yet again. This time, it was a wonder that her own eardrums did not burst from the scream that reverberated inside of her throat and echoed off of the walls in kind. Crimson locks matted here and there with a sheen of sweat, but despite the unkempt appearance it only added to the primal nature.

"Oh yes, fuck don't stop - still cumming so hard!" She hissed it out and arms were struggling to maintain a grip on the couch below, needing to use every remaining ounce of strength her body possessed to not end up a sweaty heap of limbs that would occasionally twitch due to phantom lashes of white-hot pleasure. Instead of another simplified orgasm, it ended up being a chain of three miniatures that left the woman breathless and panting harshly by the time it was over. Her cunt oozing a steady drip of creamy fluids that were a testament to the arousal she felt in the moment, and as the slick noises became louder it only caused Dakota to grow desperate for a true man's cock.
He waited patiently for her to answer, making sure to never let her mind wander too far back to reasons possibly not accept as his tongue continued to slowly trail over her sex and against her clit until she finally hissed out a plea for him to make her cum again. Part of him loved making her break, while the other part reveled even more in the knowledge that this was by far the best experience she had seemed to have in ages. With her answer now behind her he could see her body struggling even harder to maintain its indifference.

When her upper body nearly collapsed onto the sofa his hands went to her ass, gripping it hard and holding her in place so she would not be able to slide away from his tongue before he finished her off once again. As he began to lap his tongue faster against her lower lips he was treated to an ear bursting scream, one that would even test the walls of this office. The idea that even through these walls they might be heard was absolutely thrilling, and Dakota found out that she could order this powerful man around as she gave her first command as well.

Even though he had already helped her reach her peak, when she told him to keep going he did just that, burying his face a bit deeper into her ass and letting his tongue slide past her lower lips and deep into her sex as she flooded his face and chin with her juices. Throughout all of it, Luke never pulled away. He kept lapping up that drip of creamy fluids until her sex seemed to finally calm down and her body began to relax. Only then did he let go of her hips, allowing her body to fall forward and to give her a brief moments' rest as he wiped his face clean and stood up straight to undo the rest of his pants.

She would be able to hear a thud as the heavy belt buckle and his trousers hit the floor, letting Luke step out of his pants before he reached up and grasped Dakota by the chin. She was probably tired from this many orgasms, so he helped turn her face so she could stare back at him. If she looked down she would see his erection, and while Luke did not know this, it was a good inch or two thicker and longer than what Jason was capable of.

"Now that was good, but remember, we are just getting started." He gave her a smirk, grasping his cock with one hand and her ass with the other to guide his thick member down to her waiting sex. "You are mine until your body gives out. Let me see how many orgasms you can really handle." Without asking if she was ready, Luke pushed his hips forward. He did not slam his member inside of her. Instead, he let it slowly push in. His hips began to thrust then, sliding himself in deeper and deeper and letting her adjust to his size through these slow and shallow thrusts so she would know exactly how much bigger he was before he finally bottomed out inside of her.

His hips clapped up against her ass, and his hands went to grasp the top of her hips as he began to slowly pull her into each thrust, letting her know they were just getting started.
Muscles tensed and relaxed in jerky motions as the female came down from that inescapable high, swooning all the while as the sounds of a pounding heartbeat assaulted both eardrums and drowned out anything else that tried to penetrate for a moment or two. Breasts heaving up and down with each breath as she attempted to calm the rapid-fire rhythm, only for it to be drummed up to another level after Luke pulled away momentarily and the sound of a belt buckle hitting the floor caused her to stiffen up. Oh god, that meant he had actually removed his pants and was likely half naked just a few feet away. A dreamlike quality speckled itself throughout her gaze, mind hazy and slow due to the pleasure still thrumming throughout her system even now.

Dakota did not realize she had a thing for being praised until this very moment, mostly because Jason did not really do so when it came to the inside of the bedroom. Normally, it was her that needed to inflate and fluff up his precious ego to keep the man from falling apart at the seams. Now it came to mind that only reinforcing his good traits left little room for her to receive any kind of acknowledgement, and it was not fair for him to be the only one receiving such precious attention in a committed relationship. This revelation was the straw that broke her for now, leaving Dakota to gaze up at Luke with tears welling in both eyes, but tears of joy not ones of sadness or despair.

Lips parted to release a moan that held a hunger in its depths that sounded like it had lurked there for years, waiting and wanting but never truly being fulfilled. She allowed her thighs to spread as far as her hips would allow, gasping out at the way that method would cause Luke to be buried inside to the hilt and brush up against a bundle of nerves on the inside that had the redhead curling her toes and struggling not to just lose it on the spot. Fuck, but Jason had never felt this good whenever he pushed inside of her pussy, if anything the lackluster imagination when it came to missionary or even sometimes making love with the lights off caused the redhead to grow emotionally distant long before this day. Luke just happened to be the one who put all the pieces of the puzzle into the correct position.

"Yes, fuck me just like that. Slow, but so deep that I swear I can feel you in the very back of my throat." Dakota surprised herself by becoming vocal, even encouraging Luke to go in as deep as he possibly could by grinding down into each thrust and making sure that they were able to savor the connection for a couple of seconds longer before being forced to part. Moans made up a cacophony at this point, varying greatly in tone and pitch as the female clung to her last shred of sanity so that she did not end up becoming lost to the tidal wave of pleasure and end up behaving like some craven whore. Instead, a manicured nail reached down to gently circle her clit and whimper when that small bit of pressure caused the inside of her abdomen to tighten up like a bowstring.

"C-cumming, please - go faster and make me lose my mind."
"Oh, fucking hell..." Luke tilted his head back and let out his own long and powerful groan into the empty room. She was not going to be the only one showing their appreciation for how good this felt, and as he began these slow and teasing thrusts he let out his own few groans based on how tightly her sex was already gripping him. He had planned to go fast from the very beginning, once he eased her into his size. Yet once again he showed her that despite being in control of this situation, he would listen to any command or request she gave while he was fucking her.

His hands adjusted their position on her hips, gripping the top of her ass to pull her in ever so slowly as he thrust his hips forward. It was like he was searching for that perfect position, that right angle to hit her most sensitive bundle of nerves so he could bring her over the edge as quickly as possible. Then he watched in amusement as she reached down and began to play with her own clit. At this speed, he would have easily been able to do that for her, and his right hand left her hips as if to bat her hand away and get to work when she suddenly told him she was reaching her peak.

She wanted him to go fast and his hands squeezed harder on her hips before she would suddenly feel her entire body be yanked back and her loud moan would be drowned out by his own groan and a hearty slap as his hips collided hard with her ass. Soon the sound of their bodies colliding together began to echo throughout the room. He continued to pick up speed, making her entire frame bounce as his cock began to throb inside of her.

"You are such the perfect slut!"

He could not believe he had gone this long in his life without meeting a partner like her. She could take whatever he gave her and still needed more. He wanted to break her today, to give her pleasure that would short circut her brain and see if she would be his for as long as he could have her. Maybe in the back of her mind she would remember he was not wearing a condom, but right now all Luke cared about was fucking her until she passed out. If she was not this fun he would have warned her he was getting close, asked if she was on birth control. FOr now, his instincts were telling him to breed this woman and cum inside of her regardless of the consequences.
At that moment, there was not an ounce of sense or reason that remained inside of Dakota's mind as the pleasure wrapped around her body like a comfortable blanket of warmth. Instead, all that she could feel was a euphoria that made the redhead want to do anything and everything to make sure it stayed. Fingers still dancing along her swollen clit and not stopping even when internal walls began to clamp down against Luke in a manner that almost halted his movements, being pushed further as the white-hot sensations were blinding at first but then settled into a sizzling heat that could easily become addictive.

She outright screamed and moaned when the speed caused her entire body to begin bounce back down onto him due to the gravity, fluids that were once relatively clear became opaque and a bit white as if a creamy substance was churned up instead. It just showed him how turned on Dakota was, that Jason had truly neglected his girlfriend in the worst possible way and now her body became a feral monster once it got a taste of what fucking could actually feel like. Stomach muscles jumping a little as thick thighs began to shake, clearly the thrusting brought the woman to another rough orgasm and all that she could do was lay back and take it. Hands barely able to reach down and find what little purchase they could on the material below, something in the very back of Dakota's mind trying to alert her to the notion that Luke had gone inside of her bareback without a condom.

Her eyes widened at the idea that this could easily lead to a pregnancy if she allowed Luke to continue and release inside of her womb, but a selfish desire for children overcame the knowledge that it would not be Jason's and led the female to pushing back to ensure that he was pressed all the way down to the hilt on the inside. Dakota knew it was selfish and that allowing just any other man to breed her would lead to consequences down the line, but the redhead simply could not bring herself to care about it above the notion of finally getting the baby she craved.

"Inside...please cum inside of me." Dakota managed to spit out in a breathless gasp, unaware that the words even left her head until she noticed the way that Luke even seemed a little shocked by this new revelation. That Jason's 'faithful' and beloved girlfriend could turn into a common slut and beg for his boss to breed her like one too, it seemed inconceivable to anyone that knew about the couple and their longstanding relationship. Yet here Dakota was, spreading her legs for Luke and begging profusely for him to knock her up good and proper like only a true virile alpha male could do. "Breed me like a good little slut."
Luke had been in control of himself for this entire session. He thought he was the master manipulator, the person who knew what to do and say to get others to do what he wanted. Yet in the throws of pleasure, Dakota managed to manipulate him with ease and possibly without any intention to do so. His cock was throbbing hard by this point, and when she told him she wanted him to cum inside of her he thought about teasing her further, of asking if she really wanted to take that risk.

That plan all vanished when she let out that last sentence. Those five words were words Luke had never heard anyone say to him before, and they scratched a primal itch inside of him that he didn't know he had. Dakota would be able to feel the change, how somehow those last few thrusts grew even harder and more fervent. It was proof that he had lost all control and that he was simply letting his body work on autopilot as he drilled into her with all of his strength.

In the end she would feel both of his hands grip her hips, yanking her back as far as possible to get his cock to almost press up against her cervix in order to fulfill her command. From there she would hear Luke let out a loud and shuddering moan as he filled her with his seed when he came. His body stiffened up, and that powerful thrust pressed her face deep into the cushions of the sofa. After his initial burst of seed she would feel his body start to move slowly, keeping her ass pressed completely against his hips so he could grind her ass in circles and his hips in the opposite direction to let her walls milk him for every last drop of his seed.

Here, Luke let out a long and low groan, one of pure satisfaction as his body began to relax and she would feel a few more bursts of his seed. Only when he was fully spent did he loosen his hands on her hips, actually falling forward and catching himself on the arm of his sofa so he could rest his body on top of hers without putting to much pressure on her.

"That was fucking amazing." He should have ended there, he had planned on ending there and then possibly telling her to get out of his office. Instead, he nipped at the side of her neck and said in a low and content voice. "You are mine Dakota....I need you." Claiming her was one thing, admitting he needed her brought this into brand new territory for Luke.
Dakota struggled to remain in an upright position as she could feel the way his seed began to outright pelt the inside of her womb, effectively painting the walls and ensuring that he had granted her request. But once the heat of the moment died down and the reality slowly began to seep back in again, a tinge of regret managed to push into her mind and nag at the edges of her subconscious. Despite the mild awkward nature of all of it and how it had happened, she listened to the low rumble of words that came from Luke and had to agree about that being amazing. The redhead could not remember the last time she had succumbed that hard to an orgasm, it must have easily been years at this point when it came to Jason.

As the pair remained trembling and coupled on the couch, it gave her a moment to truly reflect on all of it. How would it be possible to go back to the normal after this type of experience? Honestly, even thinking about it caused the female to pout a bit and if not for his words that broke the silence she might have been left to stew. 'I am his?' Not only that, but Luke said something about needing her. Lungs struggled to bring in a proper breath and actually giggled at the feel of teeth nipping along her neck, the sensation pleasant and exhilarating enough to leave goosebumps behind. "Well, I can say the amazing part was accurate. What exactly do you mean by the second?"

Oh, she could speculate about it until blue in the face but being his could mean any number of instances. It could simply mean as a woman to call when Luke was lonely and needed that proper fix. Dakota did not really think it meant anything remotely serious, mostly because from the stories that Jason told; Luke never was the type to settle down with one woman for too long before going on the hunt for the next. She seemed to recall numerous occasions when Jason would come home in a foul mood, and the attitude was attributed to having to deal with some prissy female who was looking for Luke and denied the chance to see him face to face.

"Really? But I was under the impression you did not believe in any kind of lasting relationship." No one would question that her even asking that question blurred an important line that any truly committed woman would not dare to tread, even if the offer was someone as handsome and doting as Luke. Dakota mused if she could actually see anything developing between the two of them, or if Luke would grow bored of this after a few trysts and call it quits before she had the chance to blink.
While Dakota might feel some regret about what she did, Luke was only reveling in the bliss of that powerful orgasm. Their bodies continued to slowly move together in a gentle and tender fashion as if their bodies had a mind of their own. It helped keep Luke's erection in a semi-hard state inside of her, and feeling her walls squeeze him with each motion made him groan out and pant slightly. The pleasure was not subsiding. He had expected to just cum inside of her, get his fill, then move on with the day. Instead, here he was with no intention of pulling away from this woman and having to explain what the pleasure had made him say.

He might have called other women 'his slut' or 'his girl' when he was fucking them, but he never called someone his like this. It felt so right at the time that he did not question it, but now that their pleasure was subsiding and their brains were kicking back into gear she had some reasonable questions to ask him. What did he mean that he needed her, did he even know it himself? As he pondered that question she reminded him of his reputation that even Jason was aware of with how many women entered and left his office.

That is when the answer finally came to him, and Luke began to place soft kisses along her back and exposed shoulder, something he normally avoided after sex unless he wanted to go again right away. "I mean that if I had a woman like you in my life, I don't think I wouldn't need to go looking for another partner again. I haven't felt like that..." he was going to say in ages, but honestly, had he ever felt like that, like he did with her now? He thought he was only after the carnal and physical pleasures of sex, and yet here he was just wanting this woman beneath him to feel safe and desired underneath him.

"Ever," was how he finished that sentence. He had never felt like this before, and it was odd to feel this way about someone he barely knew. "I want more of this, I want more of you." This was no longer a demand. It was him exposing himself and giving her the opportunity to reject him. Bullies rarely did this and he feared rejection more than he would like to admit, but he took the risk anyways.
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