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Mx Female The World of Avalon - Fantasy-steampunk adventure (world-building inside)


Oct 21, 2023
Hello! Welcome to my new thread. This one is specifically dedicated to building a deep and involved world that is a mix of classic fantasy and semi-steampunk. Initially this world's beginnings were a part of an arranged marriage plot, and I keep coming back to how interesting the world is so I'd like to do more RPs set in the same world, perhaps even with a similar plot. Below, I describe the world's basics and leave open some areas where we can discuss details so that anyone who wants to talk things over will likely have a slightly different version of the world than anyone else (assuming anyone actually wants to discuss it at all).

Having said that, this thread is VERY MUCH A WORK IN PROGRESS.

You'll notice I don't have any specific plots listed quite yet, and that's because I am open to a variety of plot ideas for this, with or without adult content, though any character I play will have their private kinks and obsessions. However, those things might not ever come up in our story, or if they do only rarely, or perhaps they might play a central role! It's up to us to discuss things and see where it goes.

My preference right now is to play a male character from "House 2" below, but I could also play a lady in a F/F pairing for any house if the idea is good. NPCs obviously will come in a lot.

As for me as a partner - I reply with as much detail as the scene merits, which could be anywhere from 2 paragraphs to 7 or 8 depending on what's going on. I am comfortable playing many NPC's and also capable of coming up with ideas on a whim, so if we want to not give names to every house, for example, then we can simply come up with them whenever/if they become relevant.

As far as kinks and limits go, my main kink is bondage, especially really tight, longer term bondage (aka, over a weekend or something). My preference is for casual teasing, but I also enjoy body worship, particular of female features like breasts and ass.

I generally need to really get into the RP for sex scenes to happen. I rarely enjoy them or find them exciting, so I stick with the teasing for a while first. I don't like lewd dirty talk at all, and bathroom activities stay in the bathroom. For more specific limits you can visit my general thread here.

As I said, originally the world was made on the fly for an arranged marriage idea, but if you read about the world below and your mind goes somewhere with it I'd love to hear any idea you might have.

On to the world as it stands at present!


The world of Avalon (name is negotiable) is a mix of fantasy and steam-punk settings that draws a lot of inspiration from Jim Butcher’s Cinder Spires series. Most of the world has a kind of medieval fantasy mystique, but there are more steampunk elements and machines, and some more primitive guns.

Magic: There is magic in the world, but genuine magic is very rare. What is not as rare are crystals that possess properties that can manipulate the world in certain ways. For example, crystals of a certain sort can manipulate gravity and help an airship float above ground. Other crystals are used for electricity to power engines or light homes. Still others might be used as a heat source, etc. In this world, almost everyone can manipulate crystals in a minimal way - everyone can drive a horseless carriage, for example - but some (perhaps even most) people have a specific attunement to the crystals so that they can do more with a specific type of crystal than everyone else. The type of crystal and how they are identified are negotiable, as is the process by which attunement is discovered.

Generally, crystals are used in weapons to fire bursts of energy, and as armor that shields against other crystal energy to a degree. With one exception (see House 2 below).

There are those who can manipulate crystals more fully, and this is basically the rare ‘magic’ in the world. Wizards and sorceresses wield staggering power that interacts with crystals in ways that even the attuned could not comprehend - in a sort of psychic connection with the crystals themselves. Such people are often a bit crazy, and are universally very dangerous (though they aren’t all villains or unstable - just a bit nutty in the head). Most realms have one or two that they employ simply as a countermeasure to other wizardry types because crystalline weapons will hardly work against such foes.

Politics: The world of Avalon is separated by hierarchy of houses with the nobility each having a ‘house’ under which their family resides and are granted a voice. Noble houses are arranged according to their social power and status, which works differently in each realm. One thing that is the same across realms, however, is that there is a singular Great House that essentially runs the realm (think Game of Thrones - the house on the throne is the Great House who makes most decisions with the somewhat democratic support of the lower houses in court). The house’s first born always inherits, regardless of gender, though at the time at which our story begins, thus far no two great houses have ever had their firstborn’s wed without one of them abdicating. Such a thing would mean two realms merge into one, and none have been so bold (so far).

Each Realm is well known for something, typically some sort of export that gives them economic leverage and also supports their defense against other realms. Over the centuries the desires and needs for specific goods have essentially stabilized the world’s political structure so that there are rarely wars and disagreements between realms plays out in small skirmish battles that rarely escalate to full scale war because everyone has a common interest in everyone else’s survival.

The number of realms and what they are known for is negotiable, but there should be at least five, and two that are essential, I think.

Great House 1 (name up to us): This house is situated on a realm where 75-90% of the crystals are mined and refined. As such, they are extremely wealthy and wield a great deal of international power, as all the other realms rely on them for their ‘good’ crystals (perhaps with 1 exception depending on the story - an antagonist realm with their own small crystal supply? Who knows). I envision this house as being highly sophisticated and aristocratic, very obsessed with appearances and etiquette. They often leave outdoor activities to the lower houses and tend to value financial acumen and the management of ‘business’ more than acquiring skills that require the use of one’s hands and one’s strength. I also envision them as having stunning good looks that are the result of good genes and good selection in arrangements of political marriages for their first born.

Great House 2 (name up to us): This house has long been known for their blacksmithing, but just in the last century they have made the discovery that will change the realms forever - gunpowder. This discovery changed everything because projectiles that are flung at high speeds without crystal energy are not blocked by conventional crystalline shielding. Hence, this great house controls the secret to defeating crystal weapons with weapons of their own. Naturally the airship navies of every realm are eager to get their hands on gunpowder cannons, and so this house is nearly as powerful and well off as House 1. I envision this house as generally more woodsman, rough-around-the-edges types. Everyone hunts and fishes, and they enjoy their fests and more fur-lined clothing than silks and fancy colors of typical aristocracy. They are not barbarians like some of the other Great Houses see them, but they are generally more capable in terms of working knowledge of mechanics and metal work as well as tracking, archery, and obviously marksmanship with rifles and pistols (if we decide they have them).
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