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Mx Male The Astral Corner (featuring wholesomeness and metamorphilia; no other extreme kinks)


Sep 9, 2024


This post is now more comprehensive than when I first submitted it, but I still intend to continue editing it over time. Nevertheless, all the information you need in order to know whether I'm worth messaging is here. Below is a bit of a TL;DR summary about me.
  • Age: 27
  • Identity: cisgender male
  • Experience
    • Writing: 12+ years
    • Roleplay: 9+ years
    • Erotica: 6+ years
  • Post Length: ~100+ words (no maximum)
  • RP Length: short or longer
  • RP Location: on-site
  • Availability: at least a few times per week
  • Narrative Preferences
    • Genre: fantasy (high or low), slice-of-life
    • Time Period: contemporary, early modern, post-classical (i.e. Medieval), classical
    • Culture: cosmopolitan urban, historical Western European, classical Mediterranean, anything else with sufficient research (established partners only)
  • Sexual Preferences
    • Role: switch (subbing is always temporary and part of switching), dom
    • Intensity: gentle, passionate (never rough)
    • Attitude: sweet, respectful, edgy
    • Body Type: slim, slender, trim, lean, muscular (any of these apply to both my MC and yours)
    • Presentation: masculinity (both MCs; it doesn't need to be extreme)
    • Hair: head (no body or facial), fur
    • Kinks: metamorphilia (i.e. shapeshifting), therianthropophilia (i.e. furry humanoids), caressing, mild embarrassment, consent (sometimes dubious, mostly overt)
    • Prohibitions: non-consent (of any kind), violence (of any kind), cannibalism, defecation, urination, humiliation, non-trivial bondage
Fair warning: I expect you to read at least everything up to this point.

If you PM me and ask anything basic that's already covered by the above summary, I'm going to be unimpressed. If you ask to roleplay anything aside a cis or trans male character — or, worse still, if you ask me to do that — I'm going to experience any of several nouns that fall along the emotional spectrum of "anger". The tag says MxM and that's non-negotiable.

I wish it weren't necessary to specify this, yet here I am.

Having said that, if you've made it this far, you probably are fine with reading text! Pardon my caution and the sternness of my tone in the warning. I'll actually strive to accommodate you as much as possible, and if you've proven yourself to be polite and considerate, it takes repeated neglect of what I've told you for me to become aloof.

I try to be meticulous and thorough, which I hope ought to be evident by now, and I'm willing to dedicate much of my free time to a roleplay that brings both my partner and me enjoyment. I may seem a bit verbose and old-fashioned just now, but that's because I'm aiming for clarity and precision, both of which are important to me. (I possibly use far too many emoticons on Discord and do swear casually!) See this as necessary until I've built adequate trust.

This should suffice to give you a preliminary idea of what you can expect from me, but I definitely recommend finishing the post in its entirety. If you'd prefer to PM me now and finish the rest later, though, that still works.


Any roleplays we do are likely going to be either in PMs or in the appropriate subforum. I'm inclined to choose the latter, but I'm not opposed to writing in PMs. Don't ask me for my Discord handle if we don't know each other well yet, which means RPing on Discord is largely out of the question.

I've practised writing in first and third person, as well as in present and past tense, and which combination I use depends on various factors, like my mood, the purpose of the writing, the preferences of my partner (if I have one), how comfortable I feel, and so on. For roleplaying here, third person past is probably the best choice and my main preference, but that isn't set in stone.

I've done freelance content writing and editing, I have a published master's thesis, I've beta-tested several interactive novels, and I'm working on one myself, so my writing quality can essentially be considered professional. You can describe my writing style in general as eloquent and analytical. When it comes to erotic scenes, I never use "cock", "dick", "cum", or the like and will either say "penis" and "semen" or use descriptive imagery as substitutes — I alternate for variety, so you'll be seeing both. You're personally free to write as you please, but if any of what I've mentioned here bothers you, no matter how well our interests otherwise align, we probably won't enjoy roleplaying together. And that's fine! Better for you to know now than to find out later.

…Also, I can write a lot. That, err, might seem pretty obvious, but I suppose it's worth pointing out explicitly. I'm fully capable of writing shorter entries, but you can see why that goes against my usual course of action. If walls of text terrify you, flee while you can!

Ultimately, samples are the best way to give you a taste of what awaits you, so I've provided a couple below. The first sample was written recently with a partner, in third person and past tense, but I'm allowed to edit his descriptions when the scene is from my MC's perspective (it's for a long-form RP) and vice versa. It's just a short extract during sex so you get the gist of my style, but each character is using a different "magic" system, so please forgive any confusion that causes.

The second sample was written on my own, in first person and past tense, and is a few years old by now. It's a full scene that starts after a time skip; the sex is at the end, so you can just skip there after seeing what my dialogue looks like. My MC in both samples is a shapeshifter presently in his human form.

Further thought on the matter was interrupted by a tender kiss on the mouth. Tiarnach, having successfully regained his current lover’s attention, pleaded once more, “I don’t know what you did, but I need you to do it again. Make me feel you.”

Unable to make any kind of grin or smirk, Edrich simply touched his nose to Tiarnach’s and released the full intensity of his present affection and arousal as a wave into the white cervid. Tiarnach convulsed in ecstatic agony and moaned as if compressed under the aura’s weight and having the air forced from his lungs. But it was only for a moment before Edrich reduced the efflux to a gentle stream, enough only to make Tiarnach’s skin tingle to the slightest degree. Tiarnach pressed his mouth against Edrich’s and invitingly kept it open. Edrich provided a measured response, mostly sucking Tiarnach’s lower lip and only occasionally slipping his tongue inside to explore his partner’s oral cavity.

Tiarnach trembled in pleasure, yet he still possessed enough experience and presence in the moment to continue with his agenda. He used his hands to feel the contours of Edrich’s leaner torso, running them along the bumps of his abs, the hills of his pecs, and the general crests and ridges of anywhere else they happened to wander. Edrich repeatedly ran his hands through Tiarnach’s carefully styled hair, along the sides of his head, and across the shafts of his antlers. His own exploration was, of course, not limited to the posterior of only Tiarnach’s head and encompassed his entire backside.

The cervid’s hot breath against his face made Edrich caress him even more vigorously and lovingly, to which Tiarnach responded by rubbing the back of Edrich’s neck and grinding against his penis and thighs. When the blue and chartreuse of their gazes next met, Edrich felt a renewed surge of lust flow off his lover; Tiarnach adeptly pulled his t-shirt off and thus released a surge of a different kind. His scent intoxicated Edrich almost immediately, ensnaring him with the faint floral overtones and the richer woody musk. Tiarnach was clearly fully aware of his perfume’s effect, for he gazed to the side for just a second and deployed a self-satisfied smirk, as much for Edrich’s pleasure in beholding it as for his own childish enjoyment.

Lost. That was the simplest way to describe Edrich’s state of being under the visual and olfactory onslaughts. Tiarnach’s scent was supernatural in its character. It soothed Edrich like a delicate morning in spring, yet also exhilarated him like a roaring evening in autumn. Indeed, the musk declared that Edrich was to be in rut until permitted otherwise, regardless of his non-cervine species. Edrich lifted his arms and Tiarnach relieved him of the burden of his polo shirt. His partner, having chosen him, then descended with an impassioned kiss, projecting a floral massage that seeped through Edrich’s breath and into his very flesh. Kissing him was a calamity that could drive butterflies and bees to extinction, yet which transformed the barren earth into verdant soil.

Tiarnach sensed Edrich’s predicament, likely through experience and further knowledge of his own effects, as he turned his kissing became shallower and more frequent, drawing Edrich’s mind somewhat back to reality. It sufficed for Edrich to catch a glimpse into the might of Tiarnach’s desire and his newly discovered addiction to Edrich’s aura. As punishment for the man who provoked him so, who sought to sunder the altruistic scheme he had devised for the lonely Caden, Edrich reflected Tiarnach’s enchantment back onto him via a more precise discharge of aura channelled through a hand laid on Tiarnach’s chest. He gasped as the strength of his own allure, experienced through Edrich’s senses, invaded his body.

He moaned in a broken pitch and rested his forehead against Edrich’s. His boxer brief was suddenly more moist than before and Edrich felt the wetness penetrate the garment as some of Tiarnach’s semen spread against his jeans and lower belly. Edrich smiled and massaged Tiernach’s buttock as he progressed through the orgasm and finally finished.
I held my head in my hand, massaging my temples while waiting for the tea to steep. With the adrenaline rush having worn off, I was left only with utter embarrassment at my folly. I had likely just made myself the source of next week's gossip at the guild, and that wasn't even considering the innumerable ways in which Ren could make my life more miserable than it already was. I even gave him my bloody address! What was meant as a powerplay could result in years of humiliating deliveries or visits.

Three hard knocks resounded on my door. I looked up, slightly agape. No way. It had to be a coincidence. I had been home for five minutes at most, and I'd just convinced myself I was royally screwed. It couldn't be.

I exited the kitchen and walked over to the door to undo the latch. Against all odds, there he was: the cat had dragged itself in after all. Or over, as it were.

"What the fuck. You're actually here."

Ren threw his arms outwards and upwards in incredulity and exasperation. "Well, where the fuck else was I supposed to go?!"

"Get inside," I muttered, guiding him with my hand on the small of his back and closing the door behind him. I locked it properly that time and turned to stare at him. My apartment wasn't awfully big, so my reception area was technically the entry to my living area. At least he was looking at me, not inspecting his environment.

"What is your deal?" I asked, unable to reconcile reality with his presence there.

"You kissed me!"

"And you kissed me back!"

"It was a reflex!"

I leaned back and fixed him with a half-appalled stare of disbelief. "Are you serious? Was it also a reflex to use your tongue?"

He cast his eyes about wildly for a second before looking at me again and shrugging. "Yeah!"

I lifted a sceptical eyebrow and approached, stopping closer than casual interaction would allow. "Maybe I caught you by surprise the first time, but a second time can't just be a 'reflex'."

Sitting at the bar, he'd been easy to ambush, but standing, he was two centimetres taller than me. When I again reached for the back of his head, I had to pull him slightly down to me — but he came without resistance, and I saw his eyes close before I actually closed my own. He even placed one hand on my neck and the other on my waist, drawing me closer still. I kept the kiss plain that time, though his tongue probed against my lips, asking for more.

Having received my answer, I stepped back, breaking free of his embrace. He gazed at me with mild annoyance and disappointment.

I pointed at his heart. "You're a dick. To everyone, but especially to me. You take jabs at me whenever the opportunity arises. Yet you not only kissed me back, you're actually standing here, in my apartment. What the fuck is your problem? Do you have such crippling insecurity and unresolved sexual desire for me that you can only address it by pissing me off as often as possible?"

It was common knowledge that he frequently slept with women, so that last part probably wasn't true, but I couldn't remember whether he ever slept with men. But then, he… shrugged noncommittally? And he twisted his lips into a brief grimace, momentarily averting his eyes before looking back at me.

I gawked despite myself. "My gods, it's actually the case, isn't it? You dumb motherfucker. How can you be so socially inept?!"

It made no sense. He was always the picture of confidence and arrogance! If he couldn't… if he couldn't tell me how he felt, then what did that say about the nature of his feelings for me?

I stared at him, not bristling per se, but shivering a little in anger and astonishment. Ren, on the other hand, stared back with an expression that had turned neutral during the course of my realisation. His ears were neither particularly flattened nor raised, but his yellow eyes shone with alertness. I got the impression he was evaluating my response.

I looked down and rubbed my eyes with one hand. Part of me wanted nothing more than to beat him with my fists and shout at him to leave, but an even greater part of me wanted to strip him down and revel in his beauty. I deflated, though I couldn't tell whether it was just mental or whether I physically sighed too.

I looked up and grabbed his t-shirt, pulling him towards my bedroom. He protested at first, despite offering no resistance, but when he realised where I was leading him, the protests died mid-sentence. Stopping next to the bed, I manoeuvred us so that he faced away from the bed and I towards it. In the same motion, I pushed him onto the covers and took a step back.


I pulled my shoes off and tossed them aside unceremoniously, but then I looked up and saw Ren just… sitting there, leaning back and propped up by his arms. A glimmer of something — hope? excitement? — danced in his eyes, but he seemed gripped by a hesitation I hadn't seen on him before. I certainly hadn't felt it when he'd kissed me. It was as if he'd frozen while processing the reality of the moment.

I once again realised that for him to act so uncharacteristically, it must stem from a completely different side of him — one, I suspected, that nobody actually ever saw. It troubled me to wonder about the implications, but my heart was already racing. We could discuss those later.

"Undress," I repeated.

I stepped forwards and pulled his shoes off myself. He wore a shirt over his t-shirt, as he often did, but always unbuttoned; I grabbed the shirt by the collar and attempted to remove that too, prompting a hurried, "Okay, okay!" as he quickly cooperated in shrugging off the garment, which I flung away. He bent forwards to remove his socks.

Satisfied, I plucked off my socks and pulled my polo shirt over my head. The action drew Ren's gaze, and he smirked when he saw my naked torso, some of his confidence regained. A collection of the smirks he'd directed at me in the past flashed through my mind, and it struck me that all future smirks could be as hungry as his current one. He wanted me, and by Xerneas, I wanted him too.

An involuntary grin appeared on my lips. I moved closer and shooed him away, urging him to scoot up towards the pillows. I climbed onto the bed and onto *him*. He put his arms around me and drew me closer, his furry fingers sending surges of pleasure running up and down my spine as he touched my exposed skin. I ran a hand through his thick, black mane, and when I gently rubbed his left ear, a purr softly vibrated against my chest. I pressed my lips against his and sucked very gently, his lower lip brushing up and down.

His one hand spread ecstasy across my upper back, but the other crept down down towards my jeans, attempting to dive underneath the material. My waist was slender, but the belt was tied tightly, so he had no success. He rumbled in displeasure, and when my eyes fluttered open, I noticed his eyes contained a peeved glint. I smiled, thereby becoming unable to continue kissing, and rose into a kneeling position over his legs. I pulled on the bottom of his shirt, and he did an impressive sit-up without dislodging me, allowing me to pull the shirt free and toss it aside.

He dropped back down, and a small gasp escaped my lips: the light blue fur covering much of his body was thinner on his torso, and I could see his taut muscles as if they had been etched into stone. I wanted nothing more than to melt into such a sensory paradise — metaphorically, of course — but I'd put on a display of dominance so far, and Ren seemed receptive to it; I had better continue, then.

"If the belts bother you, I guess you'll have to unbuckle them," I said sweetly.

He immediately grasped the buckle, but rather than fumble with it, his dextrous fingers had it loose within seconds. I chuckled, moved off Ren, and drew the jeans off my legs, dropping them beside the bed. I would usually treat my clothing with more care, but if they had been sentient, I was sure they would understand.

Miraculously, though, Ren had pulled his own jeans off before mine even hit the floor. I felt my groin resist the cotton restraining it, but when I looked back at Ren, I noticed his bulge was making a considerable impression against his trunks. He had no interest in his own underwear, of course, and intently gazed at mine.

I smirked. "Do you perhaps want this to come off?" I pulled on the band just enough so it would snap audibly against my skin when I let go.

He stared at me like I was crazy for even asking, but when I simply waited, he swallowed; apparently, he hadn't been prepared to give a verbal answer.

"Is that a rhetorical question?"

I chuckled again and pulled the briefs off. Finally liberated, my penis grew to its full sixteen centimetres. But simply showing off was never my thing, so I moved forward just enough for it to rest against Ren's pounding bulge. He moaned, yet I paid it no further attention. Instead, I placed my hands above his trunks and felt the contours of his body, working my hands across his abs, delts, and pecs. When I reached his nipples, also erect by then, I lightly brushed my thumbs across them, sending shivers through his torso. He smiled-snarled in response, his eyes filled with passion and the hint of pleading. I laughed outright and slowly made my way back down. When I reached the bottom again, I tugged on his trunks. It caught on his already-erect penis, but once I freed it, the pink-tipped spear dropped down onto his abdomen. It rose almost instantly, lifting ever higher in pulsing steps. It looked about an inch larger than my own, but I knew that wouldn't matter soon.

I gently grasped it, provoking a gasp, and massaged the wet tip with my thumb. I then began rubbing my penis against his, and though his sudden expression spoke volumes, I knew my face would be telling a similar tale. I savoured the glorious sensation for what could have been a few seconds or a couple minutes. Ren couldn't have known the time either, as he was effectively paralysed.

Finally breaking the silence but for our ragged breathing, I choked out, "You know, I wouldn't have taken you for a sub." I grinned wickedly to drive the point across.

He groaned, but aside from tilting his head to look at me, he remained motionless. "Can we talk about that later?"

I released his penis and bent forward, slowly lowering myself onto him. Our penises slid against each other, slick with streams of bulbo-erethral fluid. Our torsos met in a continental cascade that started with smooth, abdominal hills and valleys and ended with flat, pectoral mountains. Our nipples touched, sending waves of euphoria spreading from the peaks of our worlds. I hovered just above his face, close enough that our noses touched, but far enough that our lips did not.

"If we talk about it later," I said, in a voice as soft as a whisper, but with a more guttural quality to it, "there will be no escape. Are you fine with that?"

He exhaled a hot, breathy, "Yes," almost imperceptible when accompanied by so much air.

I said no more and lowered my mouth to his. I wasn't an avid fan of deep kissing, but Ren wanted it, so I opened my mouth as well and sent my tongue darting against the palatal bump behind his teeth. His body trembled for a couple seconds, during which he put his hands on my shoulders and waist and drew me as close to him as he could, letting him tremble through me. I pushed my hands underneath him, one towards his upper back and the other reached for his buttocks.

His body was lithe and powerful, as a feline's ought to be, and though my body was slender and far less toned, Ren seemed no less satisfied. He thrust his penis upwards against mine, and mimicking its movement, his tongue also reached towards my own. I pushed spear and blade back down onto him in response. His ever-eager tongue coiled and writhed, and if his penis could too, it would have; instead, his tail lashed against my leg and wrapped around my thigh, almost grasping it.

I adopted a leisurely rhythm, which Ren copied in canon, sliding up down as I did, but always with a small delay. He gripped me as if to pull me into him, and I pushed as if to assist. Every movable part of our bodies rubbed against each other, always increasing the tension and desire. When the anticipation became unbearable, a sliver of my mind urged me to complete the ritual and prompt him to climax first.

I complied and reversed the intent of my movements: I traced his spine down the small of his back, drew my hand onto his buttock, and then pressed upwards as firmly as I could, driving his waist in the same direction. I drove my arm across his shoulder blades and pulled him closer. I twisted my legs to semi-grapple his, using my toes to act as hooks. And I ran my tongue in a circle across the front of all his teeth, afterwards plunging it into his mouth and wrestling with his own tongue.

He was helpless. Ren clung to me for dear life as his penis responded in slow, sustained bursts, sending forth a tide of semen to slicken our abs. After the second thrust, my whole body tingled, trembled, and then answered Ren's primal call. Our penises pulsed at the same time when my first burst came, and they reverberated in unison while we slid in bliss. Ren's tongue retreated into his mouth and his lips broke the embrace with mine; silence was agony, so he let out a powerful gasp to voice his euphoria.

My hand stroked his buttock, but moving a bit to the centre, it took hold of his tail at the base. He arched his back as his final burst of semen issued forth, after which he collapsed and drew huge gasps of air to fill his strained lungs. I drove my penis against his, still adding to the glistening, white sea for a few more thrusts before it also ran dry. I pressed my body, slick with semen and sweat, against his one last time, kissing his neck as if meaning to tear a hole into it. And then I too relaxed, simply lying against Ren, our gasping fading to normal breathing.


Everything past here is still "under construction"

I'm grey-ace and demisexual, so most types of extreme kinks and even rough sex is off-putting for me. I highly prefer consent between parties, but dubious consent could still work with appropriate framing; rape and mind-break don't even exist on the same dimension as the table. I can do somewhat dark for erotic RPs, but I'm going to enjoy sweet, gentle, and/or wholesome character interactions the most. Angst is also perfectly fine if it doesn't go overboard, since I believe in active communication despite being subtle and sometimes oversensitive. I can and am willing to write brash/blunt and oblivious/lackadaisical characters, though. I prefer body types that are muscular or thinner, but bara is just going to elicit a deadpan stare. I dislike facial and body hair (when it's not fur, obviously).

Now, regarding the title, metamorphilia is sexual arousal regarding shapeshifting — for me, it applies to either or both parties, but I prefer if I at least get to have my character engage in it. However, it doesn't necessarily have to be during sex, and, in fact, it doesn't have to happen at all. The MC will probably be a shapeshifter regardless, and his form would be human, furry, scalie, or even something else, depending on the context. I haven't done aliens (cf. the preference for fantasy, not sci-fi) and boring humanoids probably won't interest me. This is a more defining characteristic for me than even my bisexuality, so if you experience any kind of antipathy for this, we're unlikely to partner well. If you're indifferent, that's fine.


I don't currently have any ideas for plots, as I've long since switched sides to the camp emphasising character development. The most important thing for me in an RP is that our characters have chemistry. I'll add some sample ideas here once I get around to that.

Casual stories, where the characters randomly meet somewhere urban, rural, or in the wilderness, and only the once or habitually, are fine with me. If you want something more involved, like an adventure or intrigue or whatnot, it'd probably be best to start with something manageable, as I have too much experience with RPs fizzling out over time to immediately agree to a long-term commitment. Though I prefer character-driven stories, you can run any narrative idea past me if it doesn't contradict anything up to this point and I'll legitimately consider it. Uneven power dynamics are totally fine as long as both characters retain their dignity and mine can still retain some manner of assertiveness appropriate to the context.


[See the summary until I properly get to this section]

As for fandoms, my main one is Pokémon (the monsters themselves and mostly human OCs). I'm fully familiar with RWBY and Kingdoms of Amalur. I've also played Skyrim but would prefer to stick to OCs. Beyond these, I easily create new settings and would prefer doing that over researching a totally unfamiliar fandom. You can pitch some fandoms if you want to and I'll tell you how familiar and/or comfortable I am with those.
Last edited:
Changelog [24/09/12]
  • Altered thread title
  • Implemented sections: Introduction, Writing, Plot, and Setting
    • only Introduction and Writing are currently satisfactory
  • Included explicit warnings against not reading (especially the tag)
  • Added writing samples
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