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Vice and Violence - inkybus' inevitable incident [IC]


A fiend-shaped stain upon all sapients.
Dec 27, 2019
The EU, probably
It all began with a rumbling and grinding noise, for the four survivors interred in a dark room, lit solely by one heatless eternal flame casting a soft yellow glow all around the square-shaped room.

An androgynous, soft-seeming young orc guy awoke first, feeling as though confetti were flaking off of him all around. He was naked and surrounded by what seemed to be honey-hued wax, cracking and flaking away or turning into dust at a touch. The same was happening to the three other occupants of the room: a snow pale dwarf woman with no beard, a satyr with red fur and a softening cock that was, surely, comically oversized when erect and an androgynous, crimson-eyed young man with bite marks all over his body.

At the foot of the niche hewn into the walls that they had been set into to 'sleep', covered in this strange wax, were backpacks, as well as simple undergarments, weapons and armor that fit the waking wanderers loosely, comfortably. The only other thing of note in their room was the brazier of wrought iron that had been nailed or screwed into the floor of the chamber, with the pale, magic light making it even possible to see anything in there.

As they got up, groggy from sleep, they could tell they were not in their home, wherever that was. And as they took that train of thought, they had to wonder where they were because everything looked so unfamiliar: one put in their situation might have wondered if this was a dream? But the blast of hot, sweltering air that doused them when the door to their chamber opened with a great, teeth-rattling grinding noise disproved that theory.

Then, they noticed that they did not remember their family name. Or their parents, siblings and relatives or friends and even acquaintances. They only had strange, vague memories about other relatives, ones that had a greenish hue to their skin for the orc, were pale and very beardy for the dwarf, had horns and goat legs and hooves for the satyr and lizard perhaps even draconic features for the dragonkin. But even those memories were blurry and distant and merely visual: nothing heard, or any other sense that they could percieve. Just a faint memory associated to family.

As these and their own thoughts tumbled around in their minds, they heard the clinking of metal, as though coins but much bigger and soon at the door the cause made itself known: it was a figure wearing a full set of armor and carrying a one-handed metal sword in their right and a small, circular shield in their left. It was dark, but the eyes of the stranger were somewhat visible under the visor of the helm covering their face: they widened when they saw the party, seeming surprised for a moment.
Saisen woke and felt like he had been asleep for a millennia, though it was highly unlikely that it had been that long, as no one lived that long. Even the immortals usually got bored before that. His pretty red eyes opened and found himself looking out at the world through a golden yellow colour. He heard a muted crunching sound nearby, and could partially see others appearing into his golden vision. Now, this dragonkin had never been the strongest person and he struggled a bit even against the easily crumbling wax. He broke through with a whining grunt, and once the shell was shattered, it began to break away more easily, as he wiggled that cute rump of his out into the room with the other three. He saw the other three, including a stupidly endowed satyr. A cock that size reminded him of something, but he couldn't really place what.

Thankfully, his hairdo was intact, it took hours to get those small braids done and everything put in place. His dual cocks of a respectable size, though the almost seemed like innies next to the Satyr. Before he could reach the clothing and gear in the middle of the room, the door opened revealing what might have been the most heavily armoured person Saisen had ever seen, though they couldn't actually remember anyone else or what they wore, but they just seemed like a walking tin can as opposed to a person. Magic welled up on the back of his tongue, ready to put the possible foe to sleep if needed.
Fungy scratched his head as he clambered out of the wax, stumbling as though he was drunk. "Damn that musta been some party." The satyr stopped for a moment to inspect himself. "Did I get covered in blood? Hey! Whose blood is this? Oh wait my fur is just naturally that color." He tried to shake the void out of his head, but could not shake the nothing out of his ears. He looked around trying to remember where he was, and who the people were that seemed to be trapped alongside him. "Woah this is the weirdest sex dungeon I have ever been to." He said, unable to remember any other sex dungeons he had actually been to.

Finally he noticed the armored being in the doorway. "Oh thank the gods, Can you tell me where we are right now, and who everyone is? " The short man inquired, sure the armored figure would turn out to be friendly.
There was a rustling, hissing swish punctuated by heavy thuds every few seconds as the short, shapely woman stepped out of the niche in the wall she'd been in. The waxy substance that had been coating her was flaking and breaking off as if intended to do so, and it clearly was, but the thuds were when great swathes of it that were bound together with paper white hair fell from her to the ground. It didn't hurt and in the moment, she barely noticed, but the wax had left her denuded of all hair from her feet all the way to up to her head. Her beard was gone with it as well, though the rest of the hair on her head seemed all right. Well, it looked like about a third of left eyebrow was gone too. Somehow, she knew that none of what the wax had taken was going to grow back.

The wax hadn't seemed to have the same effect on the satyr's legs or the body of the others in this room with her. Weird. But she wasn't going to judge. Three guys and her, huh? Wow, and look how they were hung! "I picked the right place" Her voice was warm and had a hint of smoke to it, while still being high and feminine. Her face was pretty, shaped as if carved by a decent and mostly sober sculptor. She'd like to describe her eyes as the red of rubies, but they were more the red of a freshly butchered steak. But an expensive one! Her skin was silken, smooth, and so pale it was almost unnatural. There were a few places that had a pinker hue; her lips (both sets), her areolae, and her nipples. Most dwarves were bottom heavy, and she was, but she was also top heavy enough that it seemed to balance out. Her slender shoulders and rounded arms were likely completely overlooked by her stupendous, large breasts; each bigger than her head and jutting out proudly as if telling gravity to square up and just try to make these bad bitches sag. Her waist narrowed but was hardly dainty or small given her baby birthing hips and thick thighs. Her ass was ample and plush; as she moved, her cheeks softly slapped together, as did her tits, so that if one listened closely it sounded like she had tiny invisible people applauding her. Her hair was differently textured than her skin, which was good because it too was that brilliant white, and it would have been hard to tell where it started otherwise. At least now while it was clean. It fell down her back over her juicy big booty, the middle of it slightly higher and more voluminous than the sides.

Where was this? Who were this big dicked guys that she'd was about to go down on? ...She wasn't even sure who she was. Ynnga...Ourglas...both?

Further musings were interrupted by the door opening and the arrival of the armored figure. As he was addressed by the red-furred satyr, she stepped up as well, giving a little wave. "Hi, there. Wow, you're doing such a good job on your patrol! Why don't you sit down and relax, you deserve a break. And we can all chat about what we're doing here. How's that sound?" She wasn't sure if this person, who or whatever they were under all that steel, was friendly or not...but maybe she get them to relax either way.
Grushik was in a complete daze as he awoke from a deep slumber. His eyes shot open as if jolted to the waking world. The young orc kept silent as he examined himself and the wax like substance on him. What is this stuff? Who put it on him? The orc tried asking himself, but nothing came to mind.

His memory blanked each time he tried remembering. Nothing. Not how he got here or anything beyond this moment can be recalled. Such as who his family was or any events in his life. It made his heart race with worry. He tried to calm him when going to his things to gear up. Or what he assumed to be his.

Grushik ignored the rambling of the others to think to himself. Someone took them here for one reason or another. He wants to know why, but figuring out the where is the priority. He points his fighting staff at the figure who walked in, expecting a fight.
As Grushik examined the strange wax-like substance around him, the piece that he had taken in the palm of his hand began to flake off. And the flakes began to crumble. And dust settled on his skin for a little bit, before it, too, became like smoke and vanished. It was a honey-like yellow-orange color, but at the rate it was dissipating, none would be left within three minutes of their waking.

The armored figure spoke, voice raspy but masculine, like a chainsmoker for a couple of decades. "Crypts under Dunhorrin. I do not know who you are."

The helm moved and the knightly figure regarded Ourglas from its darkened visor. "No need to waste your butter on me, lass. I'll stay and chat before I keep going."

Smoothly, their interlocutor turned to the side, presumably looking at someone outside in the hallway, to address them with a command, pointer-finger indicating diagonally and down to the ground. "Stay."

And with that, they entered the confines of the room and stopped at the wall next to the door, leaning against the cold, polished stone of said wall. "I am Zunn Dehr. Who are you, and what do you want to talk about?"
The naked femboy dragonkin relaxed a little as the knight said something that sounded official, but still foreign. then it struck him. "Wait a second, Crypts? Were we dead? I've never died before! I think?" He asked, his mind beginning to race with the possibilities of what that meant. He stepped into a pulled up some undergarments, each thick, scaled cheek plopping through one after the other. The knight's actions seemed to indicate something of lower intelligence out of sight beyond that door. Otherwise, it would understand more complex commands than a simple stay.

"I am Saisen, and that's about all I remember." He asked in a soft voice, but one that seemed trying to cover a rougher edge that male dragonkin often have.
"We were dead? I am glad we aren't anymore, death is so boring, and I really want to try this thing out." The satyr flicks the end of his cock. "Though I am a bit jealous of the dragonkin's dual cocks. Imagine how many holes he must pleasure in a day." The satyr laughs, undisturbed even in the face of death.
Well, wasn't he a pleasant fellow! Though wasn't he warm in all that armor? She gave him a winning smile regardless, looking about as the others spoke as well. As the people in the room talked a bit and the armored man (?) entered the room and introduced himself, the ridiculously buxom dwarf woman went to the pile of stuff that had been in front of where she'd been resting. Had they been dead? That didn't seem right for some reason. "Nice to meet you, well, all of you! And hopefully more soon! I'm curious about all your cocks, not just Saisen's!"

She found a pack of supplies; food, water, a tent, and a few other odds and ends. She paused for a moment, reading over the description of her mother. She pursed her lips and looked over her shoulder down at her own ass. Would anyone ever describe hers in such loving and glowing tones? There was also a set of leather straps and such that may have been intended as some variety of armor. She started figuring out to put it on as she looked back to Zunn Dehr. "I go by Ourglas, I think...yeah, Ourglas Figga." That wasn't her real name, she remembered that now. It was something she went by because...because? "And I really don't know why I'm here. I don't really remember...anything beyond my own name."

The dwarf woman tugged the armor on; it was a set of kneepads that fastened down around her calves as well, and a cloth drape in two sections that fell along her breasts but did nothing to really cover them up, the edge just hanging over where they curved downward, the drape fastening up under either armpit and around the neck with a leather choker. She hefted the weapon that was there; a stout iron axe. "You seem pretty surprised to see us, Zunn Dehr. What were you expecting to find? And who's your friend out in the hallway?"
Saisen turned redder than the most red thing one would normally think of, as two of the other awakening people seemed to take quite and interest in his genitals. He got the feeling that the two 7 inch long rods were no particularly impressive, though the something about the satyr made the highly intellgent Dragonkin think that he was an outlier. As in it lied out of people's bodies because it wouldn't fit. "I-I'm not sure I remember." He said embarrassed, not able to remember a single sexual encounter where he had been the one on top. He couldn't really remember any at all, but he just got the feeling that he was not usually in that position.
Saisen's query elicited a shrug from the armored person: such an action could imply that they had no idea whether or not the four waking souls had been dead before.

Ourglas introduced herself as well and Zunn Dehr answered: "Another empty room. And… not a friend, just a couple animated skeletons that carry things for me while I'm exploring."

The memory of Saisen, the dragonkin that had been named such in this world remembered, though anyone else could only guess whether or not he remained a virgin or had tons of experience. The details were blurry, however, and he was not aware of the firm numbers when it came to his bodycount.
The dwarf woman's eyebrows rose. "Skeletons? ...I guess that's got to be handy! Don't exactly have to worry about labor dispute with that kind of help, huh? No complaints either, since, you know, no lungs or lips or anything." Was that a thing she knew about? It wasn't surprising or shocking her as much as she felt like it maybe should. "Can't bang them, though, which would be a bummer."

She grunted as she hefted the pack that appeared to be hers and slid it onto her back. Heavy! "So what is this place, anyway? You expected another empty room, so have you seen anything else alive down here? And what brings you here? Sorry if I'm asking too many questions. I just...there's a lot, you know? When you wake up with no memory naked in a room with three hung strangers, I think you have to ask yourself and others a lot of things. Something clearly went wrong. Or right. Or a little bit of both?"
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