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From Heiress to Sex Slave... (Ryanmo97 and sparklemuffin)


May 18, 2010
Travis Stewart
Age: 45
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 195 lbs.

Travis Stewart had been stalking his prey for several weeks. Over a year ago, Travis was forced out as CEO of his company because of a hostile takeover by a rival company owned by Nathan Hamilton. Sure, he made a lot of money out of the deal but that was beside the point. That company had been in his family for years, someone had to pay.

Travis learned that Nathan l had a daughter, Katherine, that he loved more than life itself. She had just turned 18. So, he deiced to kidnap her and hold her for ransom. She was out shopping. He looked around and saw there wasn’t many people around. He came up behind her and shoved something in her her back, “Don’t scream, Princess… because if you do I’m shoot you… now walk…
ATJ 1.jpg Katherine Hamilton had a perfect little life that any girl would envy. She may not have been a princess but she was the next best thing: Rich. Or at least her Father was, which was the next best thing -- and she had a hefty trust fund waiting for her when she was older. Until then she lived on Daddy's dime and his purse was plentiful when it came to his only daughter.

Today she was shopping on his Black card -- it was her eighteenth birthday, and she'd a new outfit for the party. All the socialites would be there! Kat didn't know many of them, but it was important to be seen and to mingle. And to impress! Which was the only reason she was out so early, up with the sunrise and waiting for the stores to open. First dibs on the latest stock, and the funds to afford them. Everyday was like her birthday -- but today it was!

Kat had gotten a boba-tea and slurped casually as she waited for stores to open, when without warning a man was behind her! She felt something against her back -- it hurt! Her boba hit the ground, spilling tea and tapioca beads all over the sidewalk. It took effort not to scream! And she didn't like his tone of voice at all...

"I... I have money!" Katherine lied. What she had was plastic. "Please... Just let me go..." She took a reluctant step where the man was guiding her. Then another... What the hell else was she supposed to do!?
"Shut up..." He ordered. He walked her down the street and then down an alleyway, where an SUV was waiting. He forced her into the back and then tied her arms and legs together. Then he gagged her and blindfolded her. Finally, he covered her with a blanket and closed the back. He left her purse and shopping bags behind, as he got in the drivers seat and drove away.

It was an hour drive from where he took her to his cabin deep in the mountains. It wasn't a just a regular cabin. It was a modern two-story cabin with a porch all around the first floor. But, she wouldn't see any of that. When he got to the cabin he took her out of the back of the SUV and carried her downstairs to the basement. He set her in a chair. He first untied her legs and then tied time to the chair. He then untied her arms and tied them to the chair. He then headed upstairs to call her dad to get the ransom.
Kat was too terrified to struggle. She knew better... She had been told time and again to scream, kick, run! And never, ever let someone take her to a second location. But with what felt like a gun pressed against her back, what was she supposed to do? Struggle and get shot!? Katherine was wining and nearly hyperventilating by the time he had her bound, gagged, and blindfolded...

An hour's drive was a long time to contemplate her fate. Kat's imagination ran wild -- where was he taking her? And why? Did he even know who she was! Who her Father was! Was that the point...?

Fear left her trembling and her blindfold damp with tears when the SUV stopped. She jumped when touched; tried to struggle, and shrieked as well as the gag allowed -- but it turned to whimpers and sobs as she was man-handled and brought downstairs. While being tied to the chair she had the presence of mind not to struggle against her keeper.

Almost immediately after, she was left alone. Katherine bit at her gag, She rubbed the cloth against her shoulder; pressed against it with her tongue. It was her priority to get that gag out of her mouth and away from her lips -- and it wouldn't hurt if she could get the blindfold off, too.
Travis then took out a burner phone and called Kat's dad. He put a cloth over the bottom to help muffle it a bit. When Nathan answered the phone, Travis said, "Hello Mr. Hamilton. I have your precious daughter, Katherine, If you want her back you'll have to pay $10,000,000 to a Swiss Bank Account." he smiled.

But Travis was shocked at what he heard Nathan say to him, "Keep her." then he hung up.

Travis was dumbfounded. He couldn't believe it. He was expecting Nathan to negotiated. Now he was stuck with the woman in his basement. He sat there and started to think. Kat was now all his to do with as he pleased. Then he got an idea. He grabbed a pair of scissors and headed back downstairs. He went up to her and removed her gag and her blindfold. She could see there was nothing else in the room. "So... Kat... I have some bad news for you... You see I called Daddy and asked him for a ransom... Do you know what he said... He said, 'Keep her' So... I guess we are stuck with each other."
Kat went still when she heard her captor on the stairs. Her nerves were on edge, but she felt some relief when the gag and blindfold were removed. There wasn't much to look at, though. Her lipstick smeared, her mascara trailed down her cheeks, Kat looked at her captor incredulously as he spun his story.

"What?" She shook her head. "Umm, no you didn't, because he'd never say that!" She protested, clearly not believing him at all.

"I... I don't know what's really going on here, but I want to go home now. If this is a joke, or I'm being Punk'd or whatever, it's not funny anymore... Just untie me now, please..?"
Travis nodded, “I’m afraid he did, sweetie… my original plan was I was was I was going to just kidnap you and get a bunch of money from your daddy and then left you go… But, since daddy doesn’t want you anymore, that makes you mine… so, here is what is going to happen… I’m going to untie you and then you are going take off all your clothes… those clothes belong to a rich person… then, I will show you to your new room. Understand?”
Katherine shook her head emphatically. " No! Absolutely...just... NO!" Despite her protests, she was trembling. Breathing heavily, with a look in her eye like a trapped animal. "He wouldn't..." She kept repeating. The panic in her eyes intensified; and she looked ready to bolt the moment her bonds were removed! Kat was in shock over the concept of her Father's betrayal, the idea that he wouldn't want her anymore -- would tell a kidnapper to keep her!

And on her birthday...
Travis walked around Katherine as she protested. He thought for a moment about how he wanted to proceed. He thought, "Okay... if you don't believe me... let's call up dear old dad again and you can plead your case to him," He was sure that her dad was going to let her go once he heard he pleading. But, if he still said to keep her, he would continue with his plans. He dialed the phone, put it on speaker and and held it up to Katherine's face and they waited for her father to answer.
The phone rang several times before the call connected, even then there was a long silence before Nathan said a word. "Is there a reason you called back?" The man asked.

"Daddy? Daddy! Help me...there's this man, and he, he..."

Nathan snorted. "You weren't bluffing, you really do have her. I'm so sorry, Kit-Kat... I wasn't bluffing either. Keep her. And I'm blocking your number."

There was a soft click as the call disconnected. The screen went black, and Katherine Hamilton stared in disbelief at the device. "...w-what?" She asked blankly, in shock. "...why? W-what did I do wrong..?"
Travis was surprised that Katherine’s father still didn’t want her back. He put the phone in his pocket. “I like I told you before, he doesn’t want you back… Daddy has cut you off… you have nothing… so now you are all mine…” he walk around her. “Now, you have a choice, I can untie you and you can strip or…” he took out his scissors, “I can do it for you…”
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Katherine looked somewhere between shocked and distraught as the man -- whom she 'belonged' to -- kept talking. She got the gist of what he said but showed little reaction; until he produced a pair of scissors. Kat leaned away from the blade, instinctively terrified...

"N-no..!" She yelped. "I... I'll undress. Just...put those away!"
Travis smiled, "Very good..." He walked up to her and untied her arms and legs from the chair. "Oh... and just so you know... If you have any thoughts about running... we are deep in the woods. There is nobody around for miles. Now, take off all your clothes and your jewelry..." he stood there and waited for her to strip
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