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Vice and Violence - inkybus' inevitable incident [CHARACTERS]


A fiend-shaped stain upon all sapients.
Dec 27, 2019
The EU, probably
This is the thread to write and edit character sheets in.

Here is an example character sheet:

Dunn Lil'Shank the sneaky Gobbo
Birthsign: Tri'Qi (+1 Moxie)
Smarts +2 ~ Brawn +1 ~ Moxie +0 ~ Hotness -1
LIFE 9/9

He appears to be missing half his teeth and also a chunk of his left ear to what looks like a beak of some kind. Despite that, his ears are still long and floppy and his skin a healthy sandy hue.

Weapon: Axe (bronze)(1d8+2)
Armor: Medium (1d6)

Jade: 100

  • Backpack
    • bedroll
    • coloured chalk (box)
    • file (metal)
    • food x4
    • fishing rod
    • hand carved bong
    • handcuffs
    • loincloth of a Rimnori elf
    • tent
    • tin of worms
    • water x4

And below is the code.

[SIZE=6][B]Dunn Lil'Shank the sneaky Gobbo[/B][/SIZE]
[I]Birthsign[/I]: Tri'Qi (+1 Moxie)
[I]Smarts[/I] +2 ~ [I]Brawn[/I] +1 ~ [I]Moxie[/I] +0 ~ [I]Hotness[/I] -1
[I]LIFE[/I] 9/9

He appears to be missing half his teeth and also a chunk of his left ear to what looks like a beak of some kind. Despite that, his ears are still long and floppy and his skin a healthy sandy hue.

[I]Weapon[/I]: Axe (bronze)(1d8+2)
[I]Armor[/I]: Medium (1d6)

[I]Jade[/I]: 100

[*]coloured chalk (box)
[*]file (metal)
[*]food x4
[*]fishing rod
[*]hand carved bong
[*]loincloth of a Rimnori elf
[*]tin of worms
[*]water x4
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Ourglas Figga the Thicc Dwarf Babe
Birthsign: Ran'di (Sex is always considered Great or better)
Smarts +1 ~ Brawn -2 ~ Moxie +1 ~ Hotness +1
LIFE 11/11
- I'm so pale I get chased by vampire hunters
- I think centaurs are very attractive

Weapon: Iron Ave (1d8)
Armor: Light (1d4)

Jade: 30

  • Backpack
    • bedroll
    • a longleopard gutstring violin
    • a famous warrior's autobiography (Biggo Dickins: Hittin' It In All Kinds Of Ways
    • food x4
    • a note describing her mother (loving detail about her butt)
    • a treenut butter and jelly sandwich
    • a former lover's favorite tunic (worn as a cape)
    • a note from a former teacher saying "See me" (never did find out what Mr. Longe wanted...)
    • tent
    • water x4

Last edited: 30 minutes ago​
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Fungy the Satyr Conqueror
Birthsign: Sais'i (Two light spells)
Smarts +2 ~ Brawn -1 ~ Moxie +0 ~ Hotness 0
LIFE 9/9

My mother was a giant, my fur is red. My cock is longer than my torso, I forget things when it gets hard.

Weapon: Sword (stone)(1d8+1)
Armor: Full (1d8)
[l]Spells[/l]: (2 per day) Heal, Charm

Jade: 70

  • Backpack
    • bedroll
    • Magnifying glass
    • A pack of bubblegum
    • food x4
    • A chit for a free beer at a local brothel
    • A half empty bottle of banana daiquiri
    • 5 poison darts
    • A snare trap
    • tent
    • water x4
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Saisen, Quetzlan Dracolithian
Birthsign: Sais'i (2 Light Spells)
Smarts +4 ~ Brawn -2 ~ Moxie -2 ~ Hotness +1
LIFE 4/4
Trait 1) I had sex with a Dragon on a dare. Great Guy
Trait 2) I'm covered in bite marks from a very fun previous lover.

Weapon: Staff (Glass, Ribbed) (1d4+3)
Armor: Light (d4)

Spells Known: Group Heal, Sleep

Spell Uses: 3

Jade: 10

  • Backpack
    • bedroll
    • food x4
    • water x4
    • A large tin of chocolate chip cookies
    • A stripper's pasties
    • A snare trap
    • A half empty bottle of banana daquiri
    • A pot of Phallungus fungus
    • A pirate's red bandana
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Grushik, Pole Orc
Birthsign: For'ai (+3 LIFE each level)
Smarts -2 ~ Brawn +3 ~ Moxie +2 ~ Hotness -2
LIFE 7/7

1. I once punched a giant clear off the side of a mountain.

2. I survived the last cascade that destroyed the last human city.

Weapon: Staff (Steel)(1d4+3)
Armor: Light (1d4)

Jade: 20

  • Backpack
    • bedroll
    • hammer and nails
    • The Pelt of a Coxox
    • food x4
    • a crowbar
    • 4 servings of dairygirl milk (+1 Brawn)
    • 4 vials of antidote
    • A small faded painting
    • water x4
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